What did he buy with his first Friends paycheck?

Attached: DAVID-SCHWIMMER.jpg (768x768, 104K)

A cold meal

A hot car


A car meal

A dradle

Imagine Ross dropping that cheescake on his cock and Monica and Rachel eating it off him

A neat guy

a rent boy to fuck in the ass

He should have bought a LeFort III maxillary osteotomy

Attached: lefort3 maxilla.png (1366x765, 698K)

Spaghetti for Easy company.

a bigger penis

You're fucking weird.

He's a famous millionaire, at that point looks are irrelevant

Is this a new meme?

criminally underrated post

If I remember correctly, it was Rachel, Chandler and Joey that ate the cheesecake.


A bag of gentile foreskins

5 ugly prostitutes
He likes ugly prostitutes because then he doesn't have to feel bad about how he degrades them

it certainly wasn't a tolerable personality

donated it to the idf

Never noticed how similar he looks to Adam Driver.

A kit-kat

feed and seed

he unironically looks worse in this you dolt

Noodles with ketchup*

Some toys for his son Adam Driver.

A can of peaches.

A bone

Stocks, he knew all along that his career was doomed outside this show, very few people can live off playing themselves on TV - especially if you are unlikeable.

A walk-man and laugh track cassette


I thought he was already on a break


Imagine not knowing how actors get paid, or how syndication works, and posting on a fucking TV board

He ate all the other friends

a TV

The rest of the cast's flesh

Its just long face and receded chin look.

Not everyone is a kiddie-diddler interested in the mechanics of Hollywood.

Another sandwich.

Box sets of tranny porn

Attached: 22DF3977-FA27-4FAE-BC19-0D12C453B9BC.jpg (224x423, 17K)

>anyone interested on TV and Hollywood stuff is a pedo.
Everything makes a lot more sense now. That would explain all the CP on this godforsaken board.

Salty milk and sand

Both jews.

Why does he seem to have more class than any of the other friends?
I think he's the only one who outright said another series or film would be retarded because the characters arcs are all over and there's nothing left to tell.

Your apartment building. Then he immediately raised the rent.

>LeFort III
>not LeChad II

Attached: Le Chad II.jpg (684x944, 171K)


A sandwich

>your children will be also chinlets

bowling ball set

This anomaly has nothing to do with genes.

her gonial angle is still too shitty

a hot hair gel

A weekend pass

Some leather pants and some talcum powder.

>breathe normally through nose
>still chinlet
sure buddy

Being a child is thinking Joey is the best friend, adulthood is realizing Ross was the best friend all along

Schwimmer was by far the most gifted comedian out of the Six. A lot of praise goes to Matthew Perry, but i feel that was only because he was fed the best lines. Schwimmer had great physical comedy, plus his timing was perfect.

Look everyone, Ross is doing his ''watching tv'' bit

Attached: tvbit.jpg (480x360, 18K)

It's literally a phenotype issue. Any prolonged sinusitis can fuck you up. You go to a doctor and the first shit he asks if you have medical records of you visiting otolaryngologist.