
>portrayed by an Israeli
What did they mean by this?

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (1275x1500, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>played by an israeli
>mistaken for an arab
The only thing relevant about him is thathe can't act and his character is a bitch

Budget contraints

Sorry, they wanted a white actor.

he's the smartest of the bunch

sandnogs arr rook same just like gooks, that fag could be a paki or some other goatfucker

People from southern France can look like him

Everyone around the Mediterranean has a swarthy look

arabs, jews, turks, and meds (mediterraneans) all have common ancestry because of the roman, byzantine and islamic empires
its how the "italians aren't white" meme started since they basically look like arabs

It was a different time

>your brain on american education

>mfw the Boys were the most uninteresting part of the show

he's right though

Homelander and Butcher were the best characters.

So. The average french person

There are no ethnically French actors left after the influx of immigrants. They had to improvise. Luckily there is literally impossible to distinguish a French man from a Middle-Eastern one.

It was literally just a month ago

Comics were unironically better

Unironically what 100% native southern French people look like

Looks kinda french
There are israelis in france

Popclaw was hot as fuck, I'll never forgive niggers for killing her

That’s correct though thanks to thousands of years of trade and migration across the Mediterranean basically all along the coast people look quite similar. Greeks, Italians, corsicans and Sardinians, people from Spain and North Africa and turkey and Lebanon and isreal

They all look like the actor who plays Frenchie

Allah willing,not for much longer

100% accurate Southern French (or Mediterranean for that matter) look, we're mixed af with Jews, Egyptians, Arabs and whoever the fuck wanted to pass by this lands (pretty much everyone).

Main problem is he can't speak french correctly and you get it the first time he opens his mouth. At least it's not as disastrous as Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker dubbing.

Except southern frenchs don't look like middle easterns.

>100% accurate
>can't even pronounce French properly
fuck off

He was so good yet Yea Forums just want to make it about race. Lmao thanks lads

Because he thought of shoving a bomb up tranny's bum?

Are there even white people left in France?

What show is this ?

you're whalecum

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Funny thing is, the man in OP's pic is considered white in France. Imagine your country getting BLACKED so much.

The Boys

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reminder that France isnt' Paris, and vice versa

He could look french he they went for "french jew"

I kept thinking maybe he was trying to be québécois, and I don't even speak French

I’ve known two people from France, one from Bordeaux and one from Lyon and they were both pretty white. The one form Lyon was also half Spanish but very white. The Bordeaux one was also half American but, green eyes chad face but grossly hairy. Both very white

not with that nose and not that dark

There are white people, but France is basically owned by jews and they like to show arabs and blacks on TV as a red herring.

Except he doesn't even curse like a Québécois either lol. On certain instance, like charcutier (Butcher), it felt like he was trying to pronounce it how an anglo-saxon would. Kudos to him, he tried, it wasn't perfect but it was far better than the bullshit you usually have for french accent.


absolute brainlet

sure bud

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Popclaw best waifu, fucking drugged negro, I hate him

Looks like a Syrian refugee

this is your brain in america, ladies and gentlemen

>half Spanish but very white

I get so sick of this. Fortunately for you my English vocabulary is very limited.


Spain Spanish are white and European

>portrayed by a lunatic
better now

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they cast him on his acting skills and not for an agenda, i think that's what they meant for everyone in this show because it's based

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He doesn't look native French, but he easily looks like a second/third generation Algerian descendant that you could cords on the street in any major French city. Though they'd be a lot less civil than he is

True, you'd be hard pressed to find someone this white and French. Could've just cast Idris Elba

fuck off the show is great.

lol arent french supposed to be black?

Butcher was such an unlikable cunt though, and felt especially hammy even compared to his comic book incarnation.

You wouldn't even traduce butcher by "charcutier" in french but rather by "boucher". The charcutier is the guy that makes sausages lmao.

he looks like the driver from those french taxi movies

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holy fuck look at this retard

no he doesn't.

>100% accurate Southern French (or Mediterranean for that matter) look,
>100% accurate Southern French look
And he's right, that's a pretty generic Mediterranean rim look. Wouldn't look out of place anywhere from Alexandria to Marseilles.

Imagine thinking he's wrong

I guess behind this idiotic sentece there is a brainless amerimutt or some british tard who really think the Mediterranean which is only a sea (the largest sea in the world, which divides 3 continents) is a race. Some of the populations you have listed like Corsicans and in particular sardinians, are the most genetically isolated people in Europe.

i have a french friend and he's jewish
i hate jews btw

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>portrayed by a new zealander
Wow it's erasure

>Idris Elba
Yea Forums really needs to let go of that old loser
there's a new sherif in town

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why does he remind me of Yoshi from Mario games ?
his face looks so soft and smooth

black don't crack nigguh
also he's a chubby little poof

Wasn't he basically a mercenary terrorist?

Isn't his origin story full of obvious lies which suggest that he's not in fact a French, just a former FFL mercenary?

They meant, correctly, that the French are a swarthy looking populace not unlike the Jews. Real whiteness starts above the Rhine.

real autism too


Where did attractive frenchies like Alain Delon go?

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i don't have ti anymore but there's a map of furries in europe and the difference between med and kraut countries is light and day
they're fucked in the head, i think it's because they don't have a healthy relationship with pleasure, they're so repressed it festers and erupts into disgusting shit
pissing is very common in german porn for example

He's right. North Italians and Norman French look a little germanic but a lot of meds are swarthy as the OP image

I really like his jacket but I bet it would look autistic irl

>billy butcher is just a butthurt cuck incel
>homelander is the ultimate chad

it might me because of their awful weather too
and shitty food
there's just nothing good there
even their language is a nightmare

The French gave up their country.

Attached: 350px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1994-036-09A,_Paris,_Parade_auf_der_Champs_Elysée.jpg (350x220, 31K)

a month ago was a different time

Looks french-alegrian to me

Not surprising

When we first meet Frenchie the first thing he brings up is debts owed to him by the butcher

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>Except southern frenchs don't look like middle easterns
you're right, they ARE middle eastern

>French character
>speaks in perfect English but swears in French
thank god we dub most our films, I wouldn't have been able to withstand that cringe growing up

imagine looking like that

Arabs DO NOT look like Italians.

What about scicilians ?

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