Any kinos about robots?

Any kinos about robots?

Attached: 1494831507847.webm (852x480, 2.81M)

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Yes, I would like to know more.


Bicentennial man
Pacific Rim
Robot Jox
I Robot

Replicants in 20 years flat mark my fucking words

Why is it pissing itself?

>Funkytown starts playing

Attached: 1559073296669.jpg (639x621, 58K)

Ex Machina. I liked it.

Attached: ex machina-6.webm (720x300, 1.79M)

Attached: can you.gif (400x170, 634K)

They ain't doing that shit anyway. Roasties on suicide watch.

no piss bottles on hand, or hands for that matter
very shameful planning on behalf of the robot


extremely based and incredibly redpilled

The skinless robot newborn is even more terrifying.

The Machine (2013). A 10/10 soundtrack attached to a 6/10 film.

Attached: The Machine.webm (960x540, 2.39M)

You just know that SJW's can't wait until we start talking about AI rights so they can take to the streets for the next big social movement, I'd like to thank Ex Machina for being the rational antithesis to their fantasy.

holy illiteracy batman. being this dumb should be illegal.

Wow, triggered much?

>woman admit that they are good for nothing but cooking and cleaning
I highly suspect this is satire.

yea op what is this from

Test. Anyone else keep getting connection errors?


yea op what is this from


Love, Death and Robots on Netflix is probably the greatest robot kink ever

horny and lonely

the government built a robot that can experience agony

This reminds me of that real live video of that guy that had his hands cut off and his face peeled off and he was wriggling around in blood and someone was sticking him with a knife and he bit down on the knife and wouldn't let it go.

there was a clip i got on limewire where a guy blew his hands and face off with a firework and he kept trying to touch his face with his hands and then he'd realize and visibly shudder
every 30 seconds or so

the sounds he made
never saw that clip anywhere else again

Love Death and Robots on Netflix is robot kino
This was a good PSA about fireworks. It made me go looking for more PSAs like it.

Jesus I've never seen this video but I want to cry from the description.
Only humans can be inhuman.

Is there any films with non humanoid robots?
90% go the easy way with painted humans/ generic androids. I want something alien and exotic like the insect machines from the matrix or that monolith thing from interstellar
Help me sate my robot fetish, lads


Is this funkytown


People are scarier than monsters

>Only niggers and spics can be that inhumane

I have seen it. Someone made the same comment about this clip in a different thread. It's truly one of the most horrible things I've ever seen.

It's a synthetic cadaver, or syndaver for short. supposed to be used to train med students

based and asimovpilled

even the stuff on their website is creepy as fuck

I want to show you something.

See the pistons on the leg. Those are pneumatic actuators and would never go in anything more interesting than an assembly line machine. This "cadaver" is not a robot and is just a prop for a movie or haunted house or something. For it to be a robot it would require electrical actuators not pneumatic ones. ( or maybe some new future tech actuator like future-hydro-statics or some shit)


I've seen snippets of it and I officially decided to nope out of ever watching stuff like that again.

What's going on

>within eight years we'll be capable of compacting i7s and multi-TB SSDs into components the size of dimes
>Boston Dynamics will finally make its walkers move organically
>within twelve years, the ratio of volume/mass to capacity/potential in batteries will be like shrinking car batteries to smartphone size
>chemists/material engineers develop a synthetic sponge tissue that can expand/contract with hydraulic force in response to electric current
>by sixteen, procedural programming and algorithms and shit make rudimentary adaptive AI possible
>chatbots can now outsmart more than just the simpleminded and elderly
>2031, Gen 1 Synths covered in fleshlight silicone, warm to the touch as they distribute their CPU's heat through an artificial circulatory system

>within eight years we'll be capable of compacting i7s and multi-TB SSDs into components the size of dimes
>Boston Dynamics will finally make its walkers move organically
>within twelve years, the ratio of volume/mass to capacity/potential in batteries will be like shrinking car batteries to smartphone size
>chemists/material engineers develop a synthetic sponge tissue that can expand/contract with hydraulic force in response to electric current
>by sixteen, procedural programming and algorithms and shit make rudimentary adaptive AI possible
>chatbots can now outsmart more than just the simpleminded and elderly
>2031, Gen 1 Synths covered in fleshlight silicone, warm to the touch as they distribute their CPU's heat through an artificial circulatory system

>by sixteen, procedural programming and algorithms and shit make rudimentary adaptive AI possible
You were doing fine up until this point.

I like you user, thanks

God I hope so. Then I can finally have sex.

holy based

Can someone edit the blade runner music from the sea wall over this


>Funkytown starts playing



>6/10 film

>Sweet Child of Mine starts playing

did it piss and shit itself?

Fuck me, Im glad im not the only one who's mind went to cartel shenanigans



Didn't know Tool released a new music video with their album today

This guy gets it

Where can I find it?

>Cutie Lotz

Get out

Why don’t you guys cute baldness first before you make bold predictions about the future kek

Bicentennial Man

fucking masterpiece i swear to god
also AI was pretty good I thought

>suddenly those things matter to women
Like pottery.

>ah, but men are triggered about it, not me

>rational antithesis to their fantasy.
did we watch the same movie?


Terminator: Dark Fate

>funkytown starts playing

My dick's probably already half as sensitive as it used to be. All this shit will come way too late, at least some neet in the future won't have to suffer.

Its AI was based on the collected posts of the last ten years of Yea Forums.

replicants aren't robots




Can a nigger?

replicants are robots

we're hitting based levels that shouldn't even be possible


>you'll are