ITT: your favorite movie of all time

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you just posted it

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I did not care for fight club

Barry Lyndon

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Enter the Dragon

Why is it cut into a gay pink block of soap?

The 25th hour


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Why not?

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Nostalgia is a powerful force.

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Hello, brother.

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Fight Club

probably have to be a nihilist to like it. not the 'wicked sense of humor'-kind, the 'languish in your own filth because you've no motivation or drive to do anything'-kind. the guy for whom getting punched in the face is a welcome break from their omnipresent tinnitus of mind-numbing apathy


Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith.

Not because its good but its a movie i could have literally run in the background 24/7 and not get tired of it. Must be because of John Williams score for the most part

Blade runner 2049 (I havent seen the first one)

Tarantino's best movie

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Or is that River's Edge? (one of my personal favorites)

Wow look at this edge lord over here *tips fedora*

Reminds me of my childhood and it’s the only coming of age story where the nerd guy actually acts and looks like a nerd

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