Can anyone explain this film? Is it a femcel thing?

Can anyone explain this film? Is it a femcel thing?

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i cant understand why sjw didnt trash this movie. its literally "women fell in love with the monster because he is beautiful inside" thrope like in beauty and the beast, and they usually hate that

Female sexuality is extremely feral. They need to shut their brains off almost completely to orgasm. Also the whole underwater experience is illustrative of the pleasure of being dominated, held down.

She fucked a fish but she would not fuck me

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sally hawkins is a cute.

That white woman fucking a fish man was an allegory for the civil rights movement or some shit.

sjws don't hate beauty and the beast

they love that shit because it makes the woman a completely blameless central character who has all the power and no responsibility

what they hate is sleeping beauty because rape

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I'm a degenerate and thought I was gonna love this movie but I was actually kind of disturbed instead.

Abe sapien hellboy stealth prequel

It was kind of boring desu

Women would literally fuck fish chads than incels of their own species.

Literally every white man in the movie is portrayed as a bad person execept the gay neighbour and he’s portrayed as a pathetic pussy.

I loved the movie,but i always loved the "Beauty and the Beast" trope and Del Toro's work.

It's a race-mixing thing. All the white males are presented as evil, and the woman chooses a fish-man because he is a symbol of another race. Just like in Lovecraft's stories the fishmen were symbolizing racial pollution. Of course the only other human character that's presented as good is a hideous sheboon ape.

They are promoting the Dagon cult.
How degenerate!

The ending ripped off The Matrix.


It was garbage, can't believe it won 4 Oscars. The academy is a joke.


Wtf look at that bitches shoulder

A bloo bloo