Comedy is dea-

comedy is dea-

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>comedians are literally doing sam hydes stand up baby bit now unironically

Comedy is dead.

Is Simon:
A. More than
B. Less than
C. Equally

As comedically pathetic as that one bitch who halfway through her stand up boldly announced she would stop telling jokes and instead talk about how she was raped

go to bed sam, you faggot.

where's the bloody jokes?



Less than Nanette, at least Nanette had a point, though it wasnt really a comedy special.

Amstell's set is just mediocre comedy mixed in with a whole lot of humble bragging about his new relationship and apparently his many drug trips in south america which cured his depression. Classic new age bullshit that nobody cares about and used to be cool like 15 years ago.


Is this ''''male'''' version of Nanette?
>muh le woe is me
>wipes his nose into his new Apple iPhone 9ss
>fucks off into his Californian condo


>Privately educated gay jew vegan who has been making millions off the BBC doing unfunny shit for years

Oh colour me surprised that the media finds this cretin to be the funniest thing ever.

He's a pedo. He talked about joining las vegas gangbangs with his bf when I saw him live.
Sasha Baren Cohen exposed that they are filled with underage boy pussy, really sad. He was also not funny and cucked by his support act who was funnier with the same material, all about being gay and ethnic.

>Amstell was born in Gants Hill, Redbridge, east London in 1979, to David and Tina (née Leventhal) Amstell. He was brought up in a Jewish family, and he was the eldest of four children.

Simon Amstell on Never Mind The Buzzcocks was fucking amazing.

Simon Amstell on Never Mind The Buzzcocks was fucking amazing.

wish he was back on the NMTB desu


I liked when he used to shit on celebs on Buzzcocks, and made that guy walk off

b..but this is his material from like 2011

he needs to do more interviews ala popworld



Of course they are, liberals arent capable of creating comedy.

Did you guys know there's a pokemon that's just a set of keys

Name 1 famous conservative comedian ever in the history of the world



the famous Muslim, Dave Chapelle :^)

Steven Crowder

steven "based" crowder

Anyone who ever said anything funny before 2010-ish is a de facto alt right neo nazi today

Oh we can't lose Preston!

Sam Hyde

Norm MacDonald

I prefer Mark Lamarr.

>Name 1 famous conservative comedian ever in the history of the world

ill do you one better, the entire cast of the blue collar comedy tour. they dominated comedy central for years but you wouldnt know that because youre a faggot zoomer

Posting jews should be a bannable offense.

Dennis Miller

Posting jews should be a bannable offense.

His stand-up is good, sorry it's not fucking zingers every two seconds or whatever baby material you're longing for

I'm honestly not surprised that comedy is dead in the US given the current cultural climate. How can an emotionally fragile generation possibly be capable of making fun of themselves when they're all too busy throwing pity parties for each other.

He's quite funny to be fair

One glimpse at his picture and you know exactly what his routine is.

Sam Kinison

Sam Kinison


Tim Allen

Trey Parker

gookmoot spilled dog soup on the soup cans and strings holding this piece of shit together again, I see

Amstell was only funny on nevermind the buzzcocks.

holy shit

Jews need to be gassed. Gay jews need to be gassed twice.

Virgin Pokemon keys vs the Chad but the breakfast

too jewish

Simon is a geniunely good comedian though, even though he self-sabotages with a huge amount of new age bullshit inserted in his comedy (his "I'm so sad & pathetic" rutines are actually played for laughs though, they aren't bad).

Simon is a geniunely good comedian though, even though he self-sabotages with a huge amount of new age bullshit inserted in his comedy (his "I'm so sad & pathetic" rutines are actually played for laughs though, they aren't bad).

Simon is a geniunely good comedian though, even though he self-sabotages with a huge amount of new age bullshit inserted in his comedy (his "I'm so sad & pathetic" rutines are actually played for laughs though, they aren't bad).

Not to mention his run on Never Mind the Buzzcocks is amazing.

Adam Carolla

Simon is a geniunely good comedian though, even though he self-sabotages with a huge amount of new age bullshit inserted in his comedy (his "I'm so sad & pathetic" rutines are actually played for laughs though, they aren't bad).

Not to mention his run on Never Mind the Buzzcocks is amazing.


>Amy Winehouse episode is now banned from TV

I miss post-classic Buzzcocks, but I guess Cat's does Countdown and Taskmaster will do.


>Amy Winehouse episode is now banned

What a great episode.

>hoaoarny and loanly posting IRL


>British """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

I don't have an opinion on Simon Amstell, he's so disgusting to look at I've never let my TV rest on his goblin-like face long enough to hear any of his comedy. Maybe if he did a radio show.

That one episode of his series where he took the piss out of The Landmark Forum was funny as hell if you've met some of those people.

>Why don’t you do a duet with Katie Melua
>I’d rather get cat aids

Holy shit I thought he'd fallen off the face of the Earth

steven "based" crowder


I'm surprised by how closely my situation corresponds to yours, although in my case it had more to do with what an unbelievably irritating voice he has.


Is "special" when used to denote a one-time stand-up comedy performance a new term?

I'm not too familiar with comedy these days due it generally being infested by smug irritating people, so the use of "special" in this regard might just be something that's always been used, and I've just missed it or ignored it until now.

If not, and it's a term that's been conjured solely for the purpose of modern streaming entertainment, then I feel I must stress that I greatly detest it. In fact, even if it's a term that's been in use since the dawn of comedic stand-up, then I still hate it, because there is nothing fucking SPECIAL about bald sweaty Joe Rogan's next "comedy" fucking eructation. Honestly, they should start calling them "Mundanes" instead.

Simon Amstell was great on Nevermind the Buzzcocks, but his stand up is the drizzling shits. Sometimes being funny on one format doesn't translate to others

Bernard Manning

>everyone in my life told me to go to college because it would be free money and a successful career and I listened because I was just a kid, now I'm wageslaving away with gigatons of debt because all the people in my life were apparently liars and nobody's hiring unless you've got a dozen years of experience on the job plus are a certified astronaut and other crazy bullshit
>ha ha ha this is never going to get better ha ha ha just fuck my shit up forever lmao
Why are boomers and media outlets such useful idiots?

Surgically transplant a funny bone instead of chopping off your dick next time you go to the hospital tranny.

Amstell's run on NMTB is the funniest shit I've ever seen on television. Kinda sad that he's so unfunny outside of it.

I image that sounded more clever in your head

Actually by the left's fault, everybody who ever said something about a women, non-white, transgender or gay guy is now alt-righ or nazi
So everybody before 2000 are all right wing apparently.

His buzzcocks stuff was great, but even then his stand ups were pretty shit, can't imagine how worse it became since then.

Guys, I'm actually gay. I'm a genuine fucking faggot on Yea Forums.

Well, I'll be damned. They do exist

Yeah, so? Half of this board is gay. Unless you think all those homo posts in every Spider-Man thread are just being ironic

Remember the episode with Lee Ryan and his "idiot persona"? jesus christ that was brutal...

dont take this the wrong way but I really cant stand those queers


That's interesting, I watched the first 20 minutes of his special and bailed. Didn't laugh at all. I think the only reason they like him is he's gay

it existed before streaming. i think its origin is because instead of having a 5, 10 or 15 minute slot on a show featuring multiple comics, the comic got a special program which just featured them solo, usually for an hour with ad breaks, or not if it was on HBO. in the 90s i can remember that a comic would have Specials and it was a big deal for them, it meant they were in the top tier of comics. i suppose once dvds came along, they just focused on dvds from a tour. now though, a stand up special is cheap TV, because you can charge the audience to attend, and it is easy produce. that's why netflix will give a special to anyone: it is cheap catalogue filler that people will watch just because they have seen the person on some panel show etc.

and this is why they will never be able to cancel Dave Chappelle , because they attempt to pin up talentless unfunny shits like this instead

nobody will agree to it, that's why he had to leave popworld, agents literally stop booking their talent on the show because he mogged them so hard.


it's a very american term, most club comics were used to doing 5-15 minute slots, when they got the bump to a 30min-1hr show for recording on tv/video it was 'special'. compared to the uk comedy circuit where working a new half hour to hour long show is standard practice building up to the edinburgh festival in the summer, then scrapping it and having a new show for the next year. americans made a big deal about louis ck and bill burr scrapping their hour shows after they recorded them and starting on a new hour from scratch every year, like it was some revelation of how to work comedy, when over here everyone's like...yeah, that's what you do. I guess it's a scale thing too, with the size of america you could tour a stupid amount of time on one set going to places that haven't seen you, but you'd hit all the clubs around the uk a lot faster so you'd be forced to freshen up.

That is always weird when the supporting act ends up so much better than the headliner.


Fuck off Yvgeny. Go squat in some other thread and collect your shitposting rubles from papa putin.

Pretty much, the US is large enough that you get these guys touring for ages using the same old material.