Yikes! Looks like Kakarot is cancelled

Yikes! Looks like Kakarot is cancelled

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>doesnt watch anime in english
unironically kys incel faggot

oh i do watch anime in english
but the dragon ball z dub and super is fucking garbage
original db is a good dub but z is just pure shit

welp I guess no Goku in Smash

>woman voices goku
z dub is literally the only way to watch it you dumb fuck

i can practically smell these posts

desu i hope he doesnt get replaced. as much of an asshole this guy is in real life i grew up with the dub and simply cannot switch. the ending for dbz budokai is what really kept me attached to the dubbed version.

>Sean "Monotone Superman" Schemmel
nah lol

>i can practically smell these posts

Attached: 1566802291796.png (1000x800, 157K)

>likes listening to a literal grandma voice a male character in his 40s

toel should fucking drop that godawful shithole funimation and get the guys from big green dub to do english dubs from now on

That's p funny

Have you ever heard an interview with Sean? The man is literally autistic.

Story for those who don't have twitter? Did Schemmel call someone a nigger or something?

worse, he said fag

just him joking around in the booth calling gohan a faggot during the era where it was fine to do so
but apparently people cant be forgiven for past actions because the modern day witch hunters and lynch mobs kill careers and lives for past actions that have no effect in a new era
you have to be squeaky clean nowadays to be exempt from this, and i can guarantee you that 90% of hollywood is dirty as shit

To be fair Sean was part of the mob going after Vic, so if something comes of this, then it's really just these people eating their own.

This was very cringy, and unnecessary. Who is he targeting with this shit?

No one. Just goofing around in the outtakes making fun of Gohan's outfit.

the lynch mobs on twitter
sjw hellholes that use discord to communicate and search through archives and old posts to look for incriminating shit just so they can get a few hundred likes and retweets on a post they make
all that just for a little self entitlement


kill all twitter users

t. faggot

Here's where I would respond with dilate or reddit, but dude, shock humor is so shit that only a child would find this funny. This is why I asked the question, how does he even benefit from this?
But as pointed out, he just want's his 5 minutes of fame (infamy in this case). Absolutely pathetic btw.

English Goku isn't enough to justify the rest of the shitty English cast. Japan does everything better besides Goku and even then it's debateable since Goku in English doesn't sound THAT good.

>all those shitty dubs

unironically the only dub worth watching is the latinamerican spanish dub

dub goku is one of the only good dub voices in all of japanimemation. sucks his careers over and gokus gonna sound weird as shit in the 20 dbz products that come out a year

I really don't think this is recent. Sean's a huge SJew who's too milquetoast for even DBZ Abridged.

Super dub was awful and I blame team fourstar

DB has been in a flatspin since the end of Z, so in the end i dont think it really matters

Dragon Ball dub ran concurrently with the Cell and Buu Sagas and was dubbed by the same people. It's the same fucking quality dub, stop being a contrarian faggot.

Kai and Super dubs are both among the best English localizations, and in Super's case it's the only thing that makes it watchable.

Listen how he does Goku now. He absolutely captures Goku's dumb naive bumpkin side.

As far as I'm aware, he and the TFS faggots are barely even cordial with each other. They're legit buds with Sabat, Eric Vale, and Sonny Strait. Sabat has even cameoed in DBZA, but they never even talk about doing public shit with Schemmel.

why does Goku hate gay people?

>Listen how he does Goku now. He absolutely captures Goku's dumb naive bumpkin side
One of my favorite Goku moments in Super is when he pretends Hercule's punch is powerful enough to launch him out of the arena.

he shouldn't be forgiven cause he threw vic under the bus you fucking retard it's poetic justice

corny redditors

Ocean Dub Goku would have never been this intolerant.

Well shit. Gonna miss this dude.

Remember before last years Kamehacon where he tried to get Peter Kelamis kicked off the guest list because he wanted to be the only Goku voice there? Even Kirby Morrow did a panel where he describes Schemmel saying some shit to him about being the true Goku. I’ve met Sean a couple times at conventions and there’s a reason why he doesn’t allow recording in his panels. Dude’s an abrasive dick. You just immediately get that vibe from him when he talks. If you’re there with a bunch of Goku shit and get all hyped to meet him then he’s cool. But other than that I can tell he’s a dick that no one wants to be around. Contrast that with Vic Mignogna who was great in both interactions I had with him. I just love the hypocrisy finally getting exposed over at Funimation. I don’t give a fuck about what he said in this clip cause it’s obvious that he’s just fucking around. But to the audience they’re pandering too, it looks fucking horrible. Same with Sabat’s “autistic” comment.

he was a fucking cunt over #kickvic so fuck him the fucking numale bitch

how the fuck are they going to get rid of a guy whos been goku since 1996?

>Watches things in any language other than original
You either 1. Can't read fast enough (you're a retard) or 2. are a filthy monolinguist (you're retarded too)


no i just dont want to listen to a faggot language you autistic fuck, go back to fucking your pillow and being a disapointment to your worthless parents

t. monolinguist

Been here since '04, newfriend

Jesus you're a retard. The word sheep gets thrown around a lot but you are a literal sheep.


Who would win a fight? Goku or Brad Pitt?

If saying faggot is a crime, lock me up twelve million times, faggots

Fuck off back to Yea Forums
Real Yea Forums posters know to watch anything in its directors intended format.

the whole """"culture"""" of scouring someone's entire work/social media to find the most damning thing possible regardless of whether it was actually more socially acceptable at the time
that said he apparently threw vic under the bus so guess he deserved it shows, hows easily these people turn on each other

Dragon Ball is an exception though. JP Goku's voice sounds like an 80 year old woman.

goku would fuck him up

>muh grandma goku
Neck yourself, imbred trailer trash. You deserve Funimation’s shitty rewrites.

JP Goku sounds like a retarded hick, it fits better

>sounds like
She is an 80 year old woman

Nozawa sounds barely different from how she sounded 25 years ago. The problem has never been that Japanese Goku is voided by a woman, the problem is the multitude of fans who grew up watching an objectively inferior product with corny joke rewrites, a different soundtrack, and names that were changed for no good reason. So when you hear “grandma Goku” you go “WTF GOKU SHOULD SOUND MANLY” even though from the very beginning of the franchise (which most of the western fan base didn’t watch first) Goku always sounded like a weird hick!

the whole """"culture"""" of scouring someone's entire work/social media to find the most damning thing possible regardless of whether it was actually more socially acceptable at the time
that said he apparently threw vic under the bus so guess he deserved it shows, hows easily these people turn on each other
also why does he deactivate his twitter? it's such a fucking minor thing, just write a statement with your publicist saying you're sorry if you offended anyone, it's not like he called someone a nigger, all these people saying "i knew there was something wrong about him!" would piss me the fuck off if it were me

>Goku always sounded like a weird hick!
This defense of using female va's past puberty of the character is completely retarded, japan can make some quality animation but they also make really weird and stupid choices sometimes, but weebs will defend it to the death because SUPERIOR NIPPON VOICE WORK, FOLDED A MIRRION TIMES.

That's a good moment for Goku. Probably one of the best he gets in Super, but that really isn't saying a lot.

>Goku always sounded like a weird hick!
This defense of using female va's past puberty of a male character is completely retarded, japan can make some quality animation but they also make really weird and stupid choices sometimes, but weebs will defend it to the death because SUPERIOR NIPPON VOICE WORK, FOLDED A MIRRION TIMES.


>y-y-y-you just like it more because she's Japanese
Die mutt, grandma is infinitely better than some kike trying to make him sound like superman

Brad Pitt obvi. Didn't you watch OUATIH?

Are you a gook? How can you say they "sound better" when you don't understand the language?

He is basically just a Japanese version of him though. Well not entirely, but only in back story and notoriety, and you’re one to talk calling others mutts. Only third world mutts still watch DBZ

Gohan is objectively a fag

Because they actually fit the fucking characters. Western actors subconsciously bring their own shitty cultural views into their performance, aided by the dub writers’ butchering of
the script. Male dub actors American, breathing shitty irony and condescension into ever line. While female dub actors sound like the roastie land whales they are and can’t bring a fraction of the cuteness and innocence to their performances that their Japanese counterparts do.

Yeah, it’s weeaboo as fuck, and yeah it’s autistic. But nigger, if you’re going to be watching cartoons from Japan you better cope with the fact that the characters are Japanese and are meant to sound and act a specific way.

Because they actually fit the fucking characters. Western actors subconsciously bring their own shitty cultural views into their performance, aided by the dub writers’ butchering of
the script. Male dub actors American, breathing shitty irony and condescension into ever line. While female dub actors sound like the roastie land whales they are and can’t bring a fraction of the cuteness and innocence to their performances that their Japanese counterparts do.

Yeah it’s weeaboo as fuck, and yeah it’s autistic. But nigger, if you’re going to be watching cartoons from Japan you better cope with the fact that the characters are Japanese and are meant to sound and act a specific way.


Literally nothing you said was even factual in the slightest. Look if you like the nip voice actors better, that’s fine but try to act less of an elitist and less of a fag when you do it.
>cuteness and innocence

wrong board

#1 You have no idea what "objectivity" is
#2 You're the stupidest person in this thread so far. Fuck off.

>dubs are always inferior to the original Japanese performa-


>Looks like

Good enough for me, let's go into overwrought hysterics like !

Because Vic is a creep and tries to molest women. It isn't comparable at all incel


t.retarded mutt

Rent free

Welp. Time to lawyer up like Vic did.

Dragon Ball is proof that dubfags are just as insufferable as subfags


Hiro put Yea Forums on comfymode

>granny goku
Yeah no

dare i say... based????????????

Nah man Nozawa definitely does not have the waku waku like she used to. She killed it as Black though, since it was much more relaxed. Still, the overall consistency of her performance is very impressive for someone her age. Most old people don't have that kind of energy. Whenever I think about the time to replace Goku's Japanese voice, I never think that it'd be with a male actor.

Nick Rekieta is on stream now and is alluding that he has a clip of Goku saying the word nigger, the mad man! He's going to play it midnight central time less than an hour.



is this like an outtake?
I assume from a dbz dub from the nineties?

if you get angry at people for doing transgressive humour purely to colleagues that would've have been more or less acceptable at that time, you truly are such a fucking loser

>voluntarily listening to Goku’s grandma voice

Fuck you

yeah captcha is fucked up for me too, half the time i submit my post and it says there's an error then it shows up in the thread anyway like 5min later

Just watch 30 minutes we are going to hear Goku say nigger finally


Ocean dub wins again baby



It's cool, he's got an N-word pass.

>tfw both dubfags and subfags have to be tryhards
Sub and OG American dub are both supreme and are different enough where they have their own tones and both are great. Stop crying like little fucking bitches about everything in every fucking thread or discussion related to Dragon Ball.

Botan is hot


Love Yu Yu too and the problem is not as bad but that also suffers from "why does it start so slow?" and "show is trash after Dark Tournament" every single time.

Like why the fuck do people want to reiterate widely held opinions that are spouted nonstop all the time?

does posting work yet

I watched the Super dub for the first time yesterday and the voices for Dyspo and Belmond irk me. They sound too ebonic for an anime. Like nigga if you’re gonna be a VA for an anime at least try to sound like you aren’t a ghetto thug,

Well that was something.

I knew it was bullshit.

>Like why the fuck do people want to reiterate widely held opinions that are spouted nonstop all the time?
Because they haven't actually watched the show and formed their own opinion. lol. Chapter Black was kino. I don't know what people are smoking.

This Vic saga has been a wild ride

I do think Dark Tournament was the peak but I really liked it all the way through, and also think it got off to a strong start.

One of my favorite pieces of yaoi pornograpy to masturbate to is an image of adult Goku fucking his own biological son, adult Gohan, up his ass. The two are creaming together, both perfectly muscular, and in an art style much better than the naive hard forms of Akira Toriyama (Szadek). Goku has an evil smirk on his face as he completes his sin inside his own son's ass, and Gohan has a panicked but not distressed look: "Dad, NO! Your dick is too big in my ASS!"

>Chapter Black was kino
Really jumps the shark with the final confrontation.
>Sensui has several personalities but you only meet three, one of which has a gun for a hand
>also he's S class
>and he has this faggy armor
>and Yusuke is a demon and is S class too
>and they have this out of place DBZ fight
>and it doesn't even fucking matter because he's dying of aids anyway lol

Yeah, I liked when they implied Sensui was weaker but far more experienced. The final battle was stupid

> dragonball after z

wtf actually?

Daily reminder that Vic is innocent until proven guilty in a court of Law, and at no point in the history of mankind has ANYONE presented credible, actionable evidence AGAINST Vic.

that doesn't apply to a single thing about the OP as every single reference is of Z

>Firing Goku's voice actor at this point
Do you guys think they'll do it?

I thought the same thing when Schemmel took over for the Ocean dub guy, but you get used to it.

>maybe if I say Vic molests people enough, people will believe me
Switch up your tactics, Funimation

Brad Pitt, Goku is Asian

Hiw long ago did he faggot up?

DB Peaked at the end of the Frieza saga anyway. Super is shit, anything they come up with in the future will be shit. It doesn't matter what they do.

>Sean being an asshole IRL

Is there videos/news of this?



He got the Ocean Dub Goku VA kicked out of a con because he was the "only Goku"
Sean is a massive cunt IRL

Fuckin' nice

Yes, you fucking retarded faggot, children being voiced by women is common practice in cartoons from all over the world.

Congrats on getting the reference, fucking retard

There's more evidence that the earth is flat than there is that Vic diddled people.
Go have sex retard.


He's also a huge SJW who helped destroy a colleague career over alleged groping,
Even kicking people out of conferences if they're dressed up as an anime character he finds offensive.
So yes Ree, fuck this hypocrite.

all dubs are shit tier

Go choke on more nip dick cocksucker

Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza and Goku make it worth it

Does that mean we'll get Ian James back?


Attached: 430A4E0F-30A9-4F09-B9B5-F8A1175ECC89.png (753x960, 29K)

I wish I could see your face tomorrow

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Ian doesn’t want to do anime anymore or some shit. Probably just gonna be Kirby Morrow. Although I’d be down for Peter Kelamis.

Peter Kelamis > Ian Corlett > Sean Schemmel > Kirby Morrow > Steve Blum > a literal pile of shit > ATATATATATATA

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Clearly they need to hire Neflix to redub it and cast a transgender non-binary demisexual as Goku.

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Here's the best rank, objectively seen.
Tommy Morgenstern > The Rest

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 14K)

I’ve really taken to Peter Kelamis as Goku recently. Sounds closest to Masako Nozawa.

Sure, but a man being voiced by an elderly woman is retarded, especially an ultra muscular man

People didnt give Vic the benefit of the doubt, and now these faggots who ruined his career are getting fucked hard


Attached: Im the man.jpg (684x608, 57K)

Sabat, Rial, Soye and any other faggot ass dub VAs

Attached: Oh nonono.gif (225x350, 2.82M)

Why do Sean and Monica Rial hate Vic?

What if what happened to Vic happened to Sean and Sabat?

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>What if what happened to Vic happened to Sean and Sabat?
Then it would be poetic justice

when's the clip of goku saying "nigger" going to drop?


Reminder that only the Japanese and Team FourStar versions are the best versions of Dragon Ball.

>Beerus and Trunks v.a's are legit tho

Why are the old DBZ cast such douche bags?

Fuck off, Monica Rial.


Sean is a wannabe edgelord who hides behind a persona of being a SJW.
Sabat is a dick but honestly imo he's not that big of a problem.
Rial is a attention whore who also happens to be a slut as well.

Also add Chris Ayres to the list of good DBZ actors. That dude is legitimately one of the nicest people in real life.


All this tells me is Team Four Star should have tried to recruit the actual Goku VA

>Team FourStar

I see you're a man of true culture as well

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Hey look at these faggot ass posts
You guys are fags

Ocean Dub you stupid bitch

Ehh Goku and Vegeta sound good but I hate Frieza's va for it, nothing beats Ayres


Attached: when_the_soy_hits.webm (374x500, 2.99M)

God they better not end Funi's contract because of this shit. The voices are iconic now.

that would be fucking awesome
fuck Funimation


Vic didnt want to fuck her

I really hope someone got fired for this blunder