So was it really just one autistic fucknut that was spamming sneed the whole time?

So was it really just one autistic fucknut that was spamming sneed the whole time?

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It was me.

It's Discord-coordinated shitposting.

Attached: sneedpostingdiscord.jpg (1508x3108, 594K)

I am Sneedposter

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it was sneed


I sneedpost every day and I don't even know what discord is. Some kind of hookup app?

I knew it

S n e e d

Formerly AIM

Started that way.
Then a few people joined in to force the meme.

knew it

I do sneedpost too, but there must be some kind of coordinated forces that shitpost every simpsons thread. Ffs they used to make 200+ replies thread.


link to sneedcord?

Here I am, the Sneedposter yours truly. Got a problem with that bub? Say it to my face bitch.

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alexis texas has a nice ass but it's probably really smelly

It was one faggot who tried forcing the meme and when that didn't work he recruited a bunch of brain dead discord trannies to convince them all that they'd be cool as fuck for starting the next big meme. That's why it gets spammed even though nobody likes it, forcing memes doesn't work, just look at how many corporate entities have tried and failed miserably at it.

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No, I am Sneedposter


>I do sneedpost too, but there must be some kind of coordinated forces that shitpost every simpsons thread. Ffs they used to make 200+ replies thread.
Nah, you're just a newfag.

the three categories of sneedposter

Patient Zero: original sneedposter, autistic underage with a pathological hatred of the simpsons, despises any discussion of the beloved animated series and sneedposts to spite them

Discord Spammer: desperately wants to be part of something bigger, has chosen the only group that will take him, sneedposts to affirm his feeling of social belonging.

actual retarded people: reddit transplants who mindlessly ape any visible pattern of posting in order to acclimate to board culture, sneedposts to blend in.

>all these sneeds ITT and yet they have no power
Is it finally over?

Formerly multiple autistic fucknuts

There's only two kinds of people in this world: those who post sneed and those who don't

a structure can only grow so large before it collapses under its own weight, many sneedposters no longer feel as though they are "punching upwards" with the meme becoming more and more mainstream

yeah pretty much

Every Simpsons thread now has the feel of being posted by either Sneedposters themselves for the sole purpose of Sneedposting in, or by people attempting to bait Sneedposters.

the jig is up pal, we've all seen the screenshots of your super sekret club, it's time to move on to greener pastures.

>Anybody seen Chucky?
>Anybody know why he closed his sucky fucko?

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formerly Bane

>simpson's jokes you don't get threads
>simpsons hate eternal general
Simpsons fags have always been cancer and they brought this on themselves, it's just unfortunate that their retarded cancer now has to be everyone elses problem.

I am sneed poster

Attached: mcsneed.png (634x596, 361K)

need for sneed

>they still haven't discovered the sneed matrix server (formerly xmpp server)

Dilate sweeties

sneedposting is perpetrated solely by zoomers who either don't watch simpsons or only watch new episodes and resent discussion of the old episodes because they don't get the jokes.


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cope /pol/


I post SNEED because I like to
I've never even seen an episode of Simpsons (too old and gay even when I was a kid)


Someone once told me that sneed was a way to dismiss boring simpsons thread that usually rehearsed the same convo everytime. It is the most logical explanation for me and I do understand it. Don't know if it's true tho