Just finished the whole series any thoughts?
Twin peaks
lolrandom XD so genius
Truly the Finnegans Wake of Cinema
You just finished this masterpiece and you ask us for thoughts instead of sharing your own? Truly a pleb, try harder user.
Would you let me fuck you like Leland fucked laura
Just wanted to see some theories or at least memes but since you want an opinion here it goes.
Season 1 is the tightest and kept me watching not because of the weird things but the characters since they were so likeable.
Season 2 completely derails after Leland is revealed as the killer and only picks up after the amazing season finale.
The movie starts as an interesting detective thriller but I really didn't gave a fuck about the second part in twin peaks since everything being shown was already talked about in the 2 seasons. (Extra points for the David Bowie cameo)
The return is by far the most lynchian of all the seasons and I was interested in where the old characters were in their life and although that's amazing it drags for way to long and I didn't give a shit about the new characters (Unless you count Dougie who was an absolute Chad)
I stilled loved the show and believed it was worth watching
See, solid opinion and post. If you had accompanied your thread opener with this you'd have a bristling thread full of life. Do this next time and I'm sure you'll have a blast, this board's full of kino peaks lovers.
Aaaahhhhh mister Jefferies deee shit is in me pants
it's kino
>it drags for way to long and I didn't give a shit about the new characters
The shit is so damn random, yet still watchable.
You're right I'm new in Yea Forums so I dont know how to really start threads since everyone only posts brad pitt and sneed memes. I'll try again next time but thanks
it was very lynchian
Can't even remember his name. The best thing he did was get punched and the electrocuted by coopers doppelganger
Welcome aboard friend, you're in good company.
ngl lads i teared up at this scene
Who was the most attractive woman in the series? For me it’s a tie between the assistant to the old evil guy (she was also an admiral or something in Starship Troopers) and the redhead agent who joins the Blue Rose in season 3.
S1 Audrey or Shelly.
I watched The Return twice and I can barely remember most of it. It was lame.
>I really didn't gave a fuck about the second part in twin peaks since everything being shown was already talked about in the 2 seasons
the 2nd half of fwwm is the best part, pleb
David Lynch is the Grinch.
Lynch was barely involved in season 2, he did the first few episodes and then the finale, so that's why you only liked those. He didn't want to reveal the killer but the studio forced him.
imo season 2 feels like someone who doesn't really get Lynch's work trying to replicate his style.
>Rewatching this for the first time after having another dream about saving my best friend from suicide like I promised him by not wearing headphones the night he called me like I told him to and I didn’t hear because I was playing rdr2 with headphones on
>twin peaks
more like twin sleeps
did you know that i fucking hate twin peaks
Cooper getting fucked over again at the end of S3 was pretty fucked up, though.
every time