Why did Japanese entertainment captivate so many young white boys in America?
Why did Japanese entertainment captivate so many young white boys in America?
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The American gaming industry was mostly killed off by flops like ET. The Nips had little competition.
retarded friendless weeaboos who think that being born in another country would have led to them to have a happy fulfilling life where they didn't have autism
here's the thing: you would still have ended up a creepy outcast no matter what
Because its not American
>no forced political message
>made to be fun
>still puts in effort
it used to be good, however they started ramping up the weeb incel cringe in recent years
how many japanese movies are there really?
I'd rather be a hikikomori than a NEET
japanese stuff was more colorful and imaginative, american shit had become very milquetoast around the mid-late '90s, it wasn't until they noticed that japanese media was getting popular and started aping it that american stuff started getting good again.
>Why did Japanese entertainment captivate so many young white boys in America?
Lots of bright colors. Sexy girls. Better artwork.
Because kids entertainment in Japan often has adult themes that appeal to young boys. They don't sugar coat shit or tip toe around things like western media.
It's also creative and fun.
i remember getting ff3 for my birthday from my grandma at random. before that it had been all platformers or beat em ups. ff3 changed how i looked at video games
The grass is always greener on the other side. I bet there are tons of Japenese people wishing to be American because it looks so cool in the movies.
>Rachid Lotf
fuck, this guy's art is so awful
>consume. nostalgia. consume. nostalgia.
That TV looks more like it's from the early 00s rather than the mid 90s.
It genuinely must suck being a kid nowadays. The media/entertainment landscape for them is literally just Fortnite, capeshit, friend simulator ecelebs, and terrible sequels/remakes of all the properties in that image.
But that's actually true though. In a homogeneous society free of outside, external influences, you would have flourished to the full capacity of your potential, instead of beaten down & forced to squander your gifts to the lowest common denominator of society and culture.
Japanese entertainment is unlike anything else in the world. An entire culture has spawned around it, because it's perfectly designed to be the escape from everyday life so many of us want.
For me, the artwork was otherworldly at the time and way higher quality. You could tell the artists gave a shit beyond the jokes.
You might be surprised to learn how many young, black weebs there are in America.
yup, our culture is even more fucked than the Japanese
thank god the real answer appeared with quads before all the faggots started shitting their faggot shit onto the board
Japanese comics had/have extremely "cinematic" and fluid layout and pacing, on top of world class art that could depict anything with both realism or cartoonyness, and varied themes way more mature and serious than anything from popular Western animation. The industry was large, the country was and still is unique in terms of culture, history and development, and the japanese are very industrious and strong at adapting. They even had weaboos back in the 19th century with japonisme. Plus this was all assisted by the exoticism factor when anime wasn't mainstream yet in the US, if you see something like akira when it was released without knowing anything of animation but Disney, and then on top of that hear the country it was made in has a whole industry of this stuff, you'd probably lose your fucking mind
Thank the gods for these digits
>he thinks japanese people are somehow devoid of political issues
you are one dumbass motherfucker. you and every other pasty fuck who spouts dumb shit like this
It's nice of that white boy to invite that little negro over.
Americans in general are low IQ, unironic, mutts whose entire lives revolve around mindless media consumption.
Exactly what you would expect from a shithole owned by Jews and lacking in any real history or culture outside of "muh slavery".
Shut up racist. Back to /pol/.
based and jappilled
Because it's not jewish
>What in the goddamn---
Weeaboids deserve to get caned, unironic Nippon supporters should have their nails removed and nail beds salted.
Because the games were better than American ones back then.
Shigeru Miyamoto was an industrial designer and reinvented the videogame medium by drawing his videogames precisely on millimiter paper and adding complex systems of game rules through evolutive power up. It had a huge influence over the videogames japanese industry and made japanese videogames more complex and more precise to play than western videogames.
These days this influence is over and the role of game designer has become secondary in a videogame development since megacorps like Sony or Microsoft took over the market and standardized game design to focus more on the writing and the mise-en-scene to modernize the media and make it more mature than just toys.
This is serious projection kys sperg
Because western media dropped off a fucking cliff. We no longer have R rated films because they don't make enough money, instead all entertainment is completely infantile.
It says a lot when Japan can produce better capeshit with toy ads like Kamen Rider than the entire west can manage, because the PG-13 rating requires zero violence or any themes that could be considered "too much" for kids.
I wish we could go back to the days where western entertainment was good, but identity politics have killed any sense of fun.
Imagine being this triggered at Japan on an anime image board.
white piggu go home.
white piggu go home.
>young white boys
have you missed all the shonen-obsessed blacks? gtfo
>rich white kid with a black friend
The black kid is the rich one
So you don't believe in nurture, only nature?
Honestly, I really don't give a shit about blacks and what they like.
In fairness most Japanese political themes go right over foreigners heads because they don't give a shit about Japanese politics
>here's the thing
>we wuz weebs
>In a homogeneous society free of outside, external influences
>Something like 70% of the Yakuza is ethnically Korean
Nice homogeneous society lol
I, for one, support this.
because based Go Nagai fought the Japanese PTA so there could be big tits in children's comic books alongside big violence.
because it doesn't shit down the mouth of people who have hopes and dreams
Yellow fever is a mental illness
>Japanese entertainment
Because it is far more respectful of the western culture and slightly lesss subverted than the (((western entertainment))) is.
What a fantastic and iconic image for what it meant to be young in the 90s. It sums it up so well.
>it doesn't shit down the mouth of people who have hopes and dreams
evangelion is an uplifting story about a cast of broken characters coming to terms with themselves and their relationships with others so this isn't really a contradiction
>lowest common denominator of society
you mean useless neets like you?
if you actually think about his post I'm pretty sure he has the right stuff
It wasn't just white boys, it was fucking EVERYBODY.
buddy thats a hardcore nerds room that is not normal unless your parents shit money on stuff you barely use.
The room has so many items to encapsulate that decade. Anyone who lived during that time as a child should be able to find a few items that they can relate to have owned.
Checked and True.
the gameboy didn't have a back light, this artist annoys me, why jam so much shit in? It dilutes it. And why does this kid have a fucking 808?
ah yes, unlike the glorious Nippon which is completely devoid of any and all racial issues throughout its' history
I can't believe japan isn't actually like sonic the hedgehog.
haha ebin strawman my man!
hab an updoot
hold on a sec I need to adjust my cowboy hat.
that tv is a 32" flat screen crt from around 2002, If it was the 90s they would have a busted up tv set from the 80s that used to be in the living room or picked up cheap or stolen from work
I had a sony pvm from 86 my dad pulled out from the skip and i had to use a vcr with a tuner to watch tv
I always loved that tv because it had a better picture than everyone else's even though it seemed old at the time
pics not mine but its the tv, wonder if someone rescued it when we moved
Ah silly me. How could I miss all those profound political statements from Mario
Eva is dumb pretentious nonsense that finds its full release of expression in pornographic parody.
Literally nobody is playing a Gameboy in either the op or your picture
If you're going to complain about something nobody cares about at the very least you could not be a complete retard about it
there's one on the ground, bottom centre glowing like a motherfucker. Try to observe more and be less reactionary you stupid mutt.
You need to watch the live action movie to get a proper context.