What is Hugh Grants best movie

What is Hugh Grants best movie

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Is he saying that people in the UK need to learn how to speak properly?

No question.

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damn this looks good. Does he kill some roasties?

If those soldiers saw modern London they'd switch trenches sides.

Kind of.

>when you realise the masses still think WW2 was about freedom or democracy

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>world war one
>fighting for freedom

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Notting Hill


>the freedoms
what freedoms is brexit violating?

Did someone say Morkino?

Your moms

What future does he really think is going to exist when your entire country is overrun by 80 IQ muslims lmao

>ww1 was about defending birtish democracy!!!
lmao anglos. thanks for ruining europe btw

The freedom of a minority to overrule the will of a majority. It's high level democracy. You wouldn't get it, and are probably a racist.


What freedoms?

(((The eternal Anglo)))

>bojo is a turk
Quite surprised to be honest with you lads

it really does continue to shock me
but then only his class believes that. so they can sleep easier as they sell it away

you're a multi-millionaire hughie, with a public school/cambridge upbringing that i'm sure your kids got to enjoy too.

having a toff pandering tory wanker like boris in power is probably going to make your insanely priviledged childrens' lives even easier.

>fell for the rich people are always benefited by the "right" meme

Maybe they fought in the Armenian Genocide and were fighting for freedom from Armenians

>Bang on about the world wars
>Want to handover all power to Germany

Remainers seen like brainlets

>remainers desperately want to suck german cock
>brexiters desperately want to suck american cock
what happened with the proud anglo race lmao

ww2 completely neutered the UK, they have never recovered their power.

Most of us would probably be happy to live in a mud puddle and eat nothing but parsnips if it would make them go away, to be honest. Only Tory arseholes are waffling on about "muh commonwealth" and "global Britain".

he don't have a loiscense to tweet that hate post

the empire died in 1947

>be rich and support the right
>be rich and support the left

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The one where he fucks a tranny.

I mean, those things are both true.

wtf I love Hugh Grant now

LOL at this public schoolboy trying to tough talk on the internet

his granddad fought two world wars... so europe could be united under germany?

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So did he. Long time.

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Fucking lol. Embarrassing

What is this disgusting faggot on about screaming about ww2?

Doesn't a majority support a second referendum?

everyone knows world war two was fought for secure transgender rights and muslims under german hegemony. did you even go to college?

I had a hearty kek

>Elizabeth Hurley at home
>better fuck a tranny

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>the wealthy and privileged taking it upon themselves to speak for everyone else
They are so fucking brave. G*d bless these righteous warriors of light and truth.

to his credit, thats the iconic hugh-grant-face he has in his mugshot

the freedom to enslave and genocide white people

Wow thanks anglos!
