can a film like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade be made today?
Can a film like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade be made today?
Sure, as long as you didn't need any funding from Hollywood.
Could they? Yeah.
Will they? Nope.
There would be no fucking end of bitching from alt-rightards, these are the same people who were shocked and offended when the new wolfenstein was centered around killing nazis, which is literally the core premise of the entire series since its conception.
>shocked and offended when the new wolfenstein was centered around killing nazis
Nigger what? Literally no one was shocked or offended about that
I mean, you're allowed to believe that if you want, but it's not true.
Big straw-man for a big retard
yeah but the marketing would play up the beating up nazis part, Henry Jones would probably make a snide remark about Hitler towards one of the dudes in the tank that would be aimed at trump
yes, bad films are still released weekly
No, the nazis were only reacting to western provocation and it was all really the white Americans fault.
>Beating a Nazi
polcels gonna freak!
Hitler declared war on the US first.
Are u retarded?
but indiana is also the bad guy because he goes to the other peoples places and steals their ancient artifacts
The problem with having the nazis as villains in modernity is the """problematic""" nature of portraying the good guys as just white freedom-loving americans. Now you have to portray some modern progressive values as the counter to the nazis. Be it an interracial relationship, a transgender or queer character, a woman doing something uncharacteristic for the age. Look at Wolfenstein, Overlord or any contemporary media where the nazis are the villains. It can't be anything close to glorifying the "old ways" as we've progressed past that. In a way, the "old ways" will be portrayed as just as bad as the nazis. It now has to promote the modern values. Why it has to do that is another thing.
You're allowed to be a retard of you want
No. Capeshit killed adventure movies like this. After massive flops like The Mummy or Tomb Raider don't expect Hollywood pumping millions into them. There are rumours about Uncharted movie but pre-production is already troubled.
Nazis were the real victims of antifa jones
>The Mummy or Tomb Raider
both unoriginal trash. We already had a series of The Mummy movies, no one asked for a reboot. No one wanted another Lara Croft movie with some skinny bitch instead of Angelina. Indiana Jones was an original property when it came out and it was actually good. There are no movies like that even attempted nowadays, shitty reboots flopping is not an excuse
I watched /pol/tards cry and cry about how killing Nazis was wrong and then about how the game insulted Hitler.
Nazis and communists both need to be put down
>people who were shocked and offended when the new wolfenstein was centered around killing nazis
Where the fuck do you live ?
Just have him fight a mercenary group looking for supernatural artifacts like the Russians and Nazis did
>the same people who were shocked and offended when the new wolfenstein was centered around killing nazis
sauce on that my man
"what can be asserted with out evidence can be dismissed without evidence"
Still when Hollywood producers see these movies not profitable, they wont greenlight more. I haven't seen Tomb Raider yet but The Mummy was kinda original for an adventure movie (maybe too orignal for it's own loss) as it wasn't really a remake, more like a different story, in a different timeline too, just unfortunate enough to use the same title as 5 previous films. The problem is, people don't really like new and original movies. Take a look at highest grossing movies - more than half are sequels or parts of long running franchises.
Who is gonna put them down, little soiboy? You? Kek, just drink your soilent, listen to your corporate masters like the good little sheep that you are and leave these complicated matters to your betters
I really want to see these ideas from the movies being brought up in books or something else
>a more in dept look on how Indiana Jones started working for the government
>Is the government trying to study, use, or just preserve whatever supernatural artifact Indy brings
>If God, pagan gods, and inter dimensional beings are real what else could be real
You can go on YouTube and still find comments against it on the trailers
post a screenie then
What books are good to read if I want a bit more lore with Indy
Hitler declared war on America shortly after pearl harbour despite it not being a requirement in its treaty with Japan
Not sure about Indy himself but the character is based on Allan Quatermain from Haggard's adventure books.
I'm really interested in adventure stories having to find Christian related artifacts thank you very much
I love how leftist know they bad they look and have to make up stories about “muh alt right”.
Yeah but America was making weapons for the allies before that.
Not that guy but I found some on Yea Forums. They're probably angry that you can't copulate without conversation.
Only if the hero has the gay.
nah not really
alt-rightist would claim it was being politicized by making nazis the bad guys
not enough negroes
no strong wahmen
not enough antisemistic nazis
I don't think so
Honestly really bothers me that nearly all the Germans in this movie are Heer infantry and not SS like it should be, also the fact that they wear swastika arm bands is pretty ridiculous since those were only ever worn with parade uniforms by actual (as in like part of the actual political party) nazis, not random infantry grunts.
holy shit dude YOUTUBE COMMENTS
I know you zoomers cant believe it but there was a time before random internet comments were a story. There will ALWAYS be some retard on one side you can point to and claim everyone on his side is like that. Enough, this cycle of information is driving you mad
Only If Jones was a nigger
>when the new wolfenstein was centered around killing nazis
Absolute lie. People hate the game because the writing is so bad you rather side with the nazis and the marketing drew parallels to MAGA
Hi shlomo. Did you pick up your holocaust survivor paycheck today?
I've seen 0 """nazis""" complain about Indy beating up nazis, but I've seen many sjws whining about the racism and sexism of the films.
Yes, but alt-cuck /pol/ frequents would have bitched about it for months.
"jokes on them. I was only pretending to be retarded"
The scene in The Last Crusade where Indy meets Hitler and all that happens is that Hitler signs his fathers diary just wouldn't happen these days - at the very least you'd have to have another scene where Indy goes on a rant about ill the encounter made him and how if he didnt need the book he'd destroy it and how hes tainted etc etc. Where as in TLC, it just... happens. Because it a man, signing a book.
I have seen plenty. When there is opportunity for professional victimhood there is /pol/ faggots crying. If not indy then its about antifa. Pathetic