Is this really happening...

Is this really happening? A sequel to the cult classic The Dark Crystal being released in 2019 with real puppets and practical effects and also receiving overwhelming critical acclaim? What did we finally do to deserve this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a prequel so they can have the Skeksis in it. But other than that yes.

>what did we do to deserve this
be able to afford 15 bucks a month? please stop acting like billion dollar corporations are doing you a favor when they take your money for a product.

>Practical effects
>Trailer looks like a videogame
Some vintage puppets here and there overwhelmed by usual overuse of CGI environments and action scenes. Pass.

The number of "nerd cred" actors in the cast has me even more worried than the footage

Come on man, you know it's gonna be absolutely stuffed with and ruined by FUCKDRUMPF AND FUCK WHITEY!!!! bullshit

>Come on man, you know it's gonna be absolutely stuffed with and ruined by FUCKDRUMPF AND FUCK WHITEY!!!! bullshit
The fact it's even called "Age of Resistance" is a reference to the whole "#RESIST" hashtag. It's so thinly veiled that it's laughable desu.

>age of resistance

Leftist propaganda incoming.

But we already know everyone dies in the end, so why bother watching it?

i cant tell if you are retarded or not, but its from the dark crystal comic book from 2005

you can tell someone is retarded when they use "leftist"
it's a calculated subversion to make being left or liberal sound more evil

More idiots ruining perfectly good stories by jamming in incompatible personal notes which will be meaningless in a fee years. The whole deal with the Garthim was that nobody could fight them. The totalitarian power of the Skekses was what made them scary.

This movie is a secret garden. I love its atmosphere. A comfy dream.

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Glorious exposition, comrade. You can just tell that this guy hasn't read Feuerbach and isn't qualified to distinguish Marxism from Marxism-Leninism.

How the hell are they going to do Aughra? I mean, how is Aughra not a mammy?


It's shit like this, that makes people think you're insane.

Nope. No sequel is happening.

It's a prequel that seems to take place just before, and during, the period of wars and slaughter that came of the Skeksis learning that a Gelfling would one day be their undoing. Which of course only happens because they wiped out the Gelflings, causing the two Gelflings of the Dark Crystal timeline movie to have a motivation to do the things they did. Without the Gelfling slaughter, there's no motivation. They were rulers and warlords, certainly, but not really any worse, or better, than any other Warlord rulers in actual history.

>Implying leftist aren't evil

It's full of CGI, fuck off.

do you really believe that people with different politics are "evil"?

>my family and friends who believe in different sports team-tier political groups are "le evil" because they don't want to hang those dirty niggers and suck off billionaires

You can be a conservative, but don't pretend you're not on the dark side. Leftists aren't the ones destroying the environment and climate just to make money while hating everyone who is different from them. Conservatives are cartoon villains and should just embrace their role.

Why not? They don't think the way I do and I'm a good guy.

you're either a complete brainlet or no older than 13 if you don't have the mental faculties to empathize with people who think differently than you. Shit.


Leftism is single handedly responsible for the largest ecological disaster in human history, Chernobyl. So miss me with that gay shit comrade.

You know this is a prequel right? Gelflings are gonna get BTFO

They're only using CG for the handful of full-body shots they would have used a midget in a costume for in the 80s. Everything else is all traditional puppetry work or using greenscreen bunraku techniques to remove performers and give the puppets a freer range of movement.

>in denial


Chernobyl was a local disaster, it's utterly insignificant compared to large-scale deforestation, plastic-filled oceans and greenhouse gas emissions caused by conservative policies letting greedy corporations do as they please.

Chernobyl was a local disaster, it's utterly insignificant compared to large-scale deforestation, plastic-filled oceans and greenhouse gas emissions caused by conservative policies letting greedy corporations do as they please.

>Statist Communism is literally every left-leaning position in the world
You're actually retarded, mate.

Chernobyl was a local disaster, it's utterly insignificant compared to large-scale deforestation, plastic-filled oceans and greenhouse gas emissions caused by conservative policies letting greedy corporations do as they please.

the Holodomor and the Vendee and the Khmer Rouge did that already

jim's dead and this will be nothing but woke progressive propaganda
it kills me inside because the dark crystal is my favorite movie and it'll be retroactively ruined through this shallow disrespectful nostalgia bait money grab

>being so brainwashed that you can't even watch a puppet movie for babies without having a fit

Not true. That was the sequel that they gave up on making.
There are a series of young reader books that are a companion series to this series, but this story is a prequel.

it's only 8.99 a month

Chernobyl was a local disaster, it's utterly insignificant compared to large-scale deforestation, plastic-filled oceans and greenhouse gas emissions caused by conservative policies letting greedy corporations do as they please.

Oh it's happening.

the comics from 2005 were prequels you fucking faggot.

its really pathetic you need to falseflag people you dont like

>I don't know what falseflag even means
Please explain to me how screeching about "da libruh propegandeer wahh wahh" isn't acting like a brainwashed baby? Enlighten me, big brain.

why didn't Obama do something then? why is it solely conservatives fault? like why didn't he do something about mass shootings, why does he cry on twitter for trump to do something. if he believes the oceans are fucked why did he just buy a 15,000,000 dollar mansion on Martha's vineyard coast right up against the ocean.
face it you can blame conservatives all you want, but the left does absolutely nothing to stop earth changes because it's completely out of our control and admitting that or even trying to fight it would destroy their illusion

>Local disaster

it means youre a samefag and you need to stop shitting up the thread with /pol/ garbage

it means youre a samefag.
stop posting /pol/ garbage

>Ads use the threat of social isolation
>Great care is taken to maintain the impression that a brand is popular and growing in popularity, and that people who [consume the product] are popular.
>ads are placed in alternative media with "hip" credibility
>often using stealth marketing techniques to avoid triggering reactance.


Downloading now. It any good? At least good looking?

Why are you pretending you give a fuck about dark crystal as an adult

>The original flopped because it wasn’t for babies

As an outsider, I've always found it curious, that the state's with the uber-rich (NY, cali) always vote Democrat , as do the whitest states in the north east/north west. While poorer states with more minorities tend to go red?

The voice acting is fantastic, watched episode 1. It's weirdly like game of thrones but the characters are so innocent when it gets dark it's brutal haha

It also gets frustrating when no one will Dreamfast with Rian, I get the plot point of it but it really makes you want to yell at them to trust him.

>also receiving overwhelming critical acclaim
Why do you care so much about this? Make up your own mind.

Since when can Podlings speak English?

It's frustrating but it draws into the >muh oath and how much of a hold the Skekchads have on them

Hup is based but why does he sound Italian to me? Haha

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Imagine making a Jim Henson movie with CGI puppets lol

So it's out.
What did we think?

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The Skeksis are the Republicans and Gelflings are the democrats

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So has anyone complained that all the Gelflings are white yet? Few of them are voiced by blacks but none of the puppets have been black so far.

Honestly it's not bad, not as good as the movie but it's pretty fun. I'm about halfway through and my biggest issues so far are completely unnecessary re-used dialogue from the movie that doesn't make sense in context and serves no purpose other than to remind us of things we remember (pretty much all prequels do this) and a few hamfisted attempts at satire/social comentary. The worst is when one of the Skeksis just says "SAD!" at a gelfling. Gee I wonder who that's supposed to be. Also when Aughra starts going on about "the resistance" and "the spark that lights the fire" I wanted to shoot myself. Has any other generation been as desperate for a dragon to slay than this one? The constant complaining and virtue signaling. Every single piece of media being about "the resistance". It really is quite pathetic.

As soon as Hup came on screen I thought "And now here comes an Italian to save the day."

Hup is by boy though, he's great.

See, I dunno if they have the balls to go full Spartacus with this. They've already mentioned multiple different fates and even changing the future. Do you really think Netflix would introduce all these characters and then just kill them all off? I have a terrible feeling in my gut they are going to make the original movie an alternate future.

It'd be the worst thing ever but this is Netflix we are talking about.

To me it makes me think of colonial rule desu, even Austro-Hungarian incest Habsburgs and the people's they subjugated in Central Europe

I never saw the first movie, so the re-used dialogue and nostalgia harvesting segments were lost on me.

>when Aughra starts going on about "the resistance"
I haven't got to this scene yet, but so far any social commentary or cringe dialogue I put it down to being for the kids, you know, like every movie with "muh hope will save us" tropes.

If anything, the female leadership of the World is a redpill. They don't seem very competent and are entirely brainwashed to being nothing more than vassals.

As far as I know it's a prequel, but not a 'direct' contiguous prequel, so there'll probably be a happy ending. I would totally love a grim ending though. Like the sinking of Numenor in the second age of Lord of the Rings.

Overall the World and music is comfy as fuck.


>conservatives are the DARK SIDE
did you ever think that maybe you have a comic book understanding of things, and that’s why you see it that way?


>While poorer states with more minorities tend to go red?
That's mostly a meme these days. Minorities don't vote Red.

>alt-history is "actual history"
Just stop already.



>literal billionaire lobbyist groups spend ridiculous amounts of money to not only spread disinformation on climate science, but to actively silence and destroy climate research
>the only motivation anyone can even fathom, is that it fucks with the profit margins of big oil and gas companies to the point where they get so scared, they need to claw into government administrations and buy off Presidents
>this isn't cartoonishly evil at all!

Amazing how just the word “resistance” triggers Yea Forums now.

I’ll be watching it, though it’s a shame that having watched the more already spoils that the Gelflings get obliterated. My guess is that it’ll end in the reveal that the series’ heroes hook up and give birth to the movie’s protagonists

Goddam puppets this movie looks faggy


Goddammit phone

Came to point this.

Maybe you should watch the fucking show then?

Been in production since 2014. Take your meds, cultist.

Google Bhopal, you cum guzzling reactionary faggot

690,000 Americans (a conservative figure) died from nuclear testing between 1951 to 1973.

This isn't scary enough. They fucked up.

Why wins the Trial by Stone anyway? The one who breaks the biggest chunks, or the one who gives the rock the final strike?

agreed, that's why i just call those faggots democrats.

recently got a TPB subscription, sweet deal, first 2 months are free (the others are too)

Outsider as well, but view it this way, Dems represent the professional nouveau riche, so typically elements of wall street, tech, Hollywood etc.
Republicans represent landed elite and old money, so landowners, big energy, arms manufacturing, old banks, Waltons, old Media so News Corp etc.

Different sides of capital with different objectives and goals and often in competition with eachother. You also see this battle in how like, tax avoidance of big energy or mainstream media is never brought up, but there is huge attacks on google and Amazon, it's the old landed/media elite attacking the new rich tech elite.
What matters though is both parties are largely for capital, both are neoliberal economically and give almost zero shits about the average guy. Normal people vote Republican frankly over largely retarded social views (abortion) or lack of education, people vote Democrat because they can't see anything better.
This is why as an outsider, at least Bernie is a breath of fresh air as both sides of the mainstream seem to despise him and he seems to be only looking out for the little guy. If I was in the US I would vote in a heartbeat for Bernie.

So is it good? Has anyone watched it yet?

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What do we think? I'm driving so I can't watch rn.

The richest lobbyists are conservative though, retard.

Whoever makes the biggest ringing by smacking the stone

When will this "Hollywood is important" meme die already?

It's pretty good. The voice actors and puppetry are especially great.

>it's good
>so you know Yea Forums will hate it
I'm just waiting for the majority of underage ameristani posters to get back from class to watch the first episode tonight and then say it sucks or /pol/ post about muh resistance.

I've watched half of it and I don't understand why you're all trying to force political bs into it. It has zero politics or political correctness crap in it. It's just good old fantasy kino

The funny thing about The Dark Crystal is that the Skeksis, Gelflings etc are canonically tiny. The Garthim are about the size of very large dung beetles, and the Gellfings about the size of mice. If a human being were to land on the planet of the Dark Crystal he'd be able to push the Skeksis tower right over - it's about the size of a termite mound.

The fuck are you on about?


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>the cult classic The Dark Crystal
Never heard of it. Don't care

80's book, pic related.

the dark crystal is tiny, that's what I'm on about

Only halfway through episode 5 but so far it's extremely solid, every single scene is fucking gorgeous and is a testament to fact practical effects are still viable in this modern day, hell the CGI too shows that when you blend them in for when each part is right you can get some truly amazing scenes.

I’m am extremely impressed with what they’ve done to bring Thra to life.

When it works, gets their stride right I mean - and it frequently does, it doesn’t look like puppetry, CGI or costumes. It looks real. Or maybe that’s just my 5 year old brick of a television talking.


I'm honestly really liking the Skeksis as villains here, you definitely have more reasonable ones like the Chamberlain who urges for moderation on sacrificing the Gelflings and can throw up at least a basic defense of his actions when confronted by Rian as compared to the general who just wants to kill em all, to ones that are at least capable of showing some decency like Scroll Keeper finding a kindred spirit in Brea's love of books and the Ritual-Master being displeased with General's lack of social grace as he eats the symbol of one of the Gelfling clans in their faces.

GET THE ACTUAL FUCK OUT OF HERE! This entire thread and in fact this entire topic of discussion whenever it’s made has been entoxicated with all these low thinking snark comments about an unrelated matter of politics. You are seeing phantoms. This is a fucking politics thread now. The off topic low hanging fruit bait comments are more (you) heavy than the OP This shit has *nothing* and I do mean **NOTHING** to do with politics. Sit your sperging, and full on thread ruining asses down and take a dozen aphrodisiac shots to mellow your dipshit brains out so you can watch the show about butterfly winged hobbits & four armed vulture super villains living on a pyramid shaped planet without breaking out into the shakes like the rest of us.

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>that peeper beetle scene
I'm pretty sure that would give me nightmares for weeks if I watched it as a child.

I just started watching it what the FUCK
The Skeksis aren't from another world, they were the evil half of an ancient race that split itself in two after tampering with the Crystal

user, did you ever watch The Dark Crystal...?

>The Skeksis aren't from another world, they were the evil half of an ancient race that split itself in two after tampering with the Crystal
yes, that is correct. Are you retarded?

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listen idiots
in The Dark Crystal movie, at thend end it's revealed the Skeksis and Ancients are two halves of a race of beings that accidentally split themselves into an evil race and a good race by tampering with the Crystal. The voiceover of this shitshow is telling me the Skeksis have come from another world. As Skeksis. This is not correct

I think in one of the comics it says that the ancients traveled to thrah via the Crystal but couldn't travel back
>The urSkeks were a race of creatures not native to Thra, characterised by their tall, luminescent appearance, psychic abilities, and collectivist society. A group of non-conformist urSkeks, known as Fallen urSkeks, were banished from their homeworld to Thra during the planet's first Great Conjunction. After nine hundred and ninety-nine and one trine of attempting to reform themselves, and influence the cultural development of Thra's sentient races, the urSkeks sought to purify themselves through the power of the Great Crystal during the second Great Conjunction. In so doing, each of the Fallen urSkeks inadvertently divided themselves into two separate beings; the violent, materialistic Skeksis, and the gentle, contemplative urRu.

>The urSkeks were a race of creatures not native to Thra
>Not native the Thra
Read motherfucker read.

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the 30 year old movie states this explicitly

Because, in the grand scheme of things Obama was still pretty conservative, you could describe him as moderate/liberal right-wing. Yes he was more socially liberal, but he was still very committed to free market capitalism

It's practical.

why is this shit an hour per ep
why does netflix fuck everything it touches

Honestly, I dunno if conservatives are just getting more neurotic as time goes on or if they've always been like this.

Just watched the first episode. Someone that's neck-deep in YouTube politics could equally interpret the story being about
or about

What does a fantasy puppet film have to do with current politics? Is Yea Forums Gay? Come on people

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>If anything, the female leadership of the World is a redpill.

Wait, what? Is that what they're doing? Sounds silly, but it's worth noting that the supreme race that split in two were universally male. Aughra was also both genders before the Great Conjunction burned her masculine half (and her eye) out, it's why she still retains a beard.

Please don't be full of SJW shit
Please don't be full of SJW shit
Please don't be full of SJW shit
Please Please Please Please


Just watch the goddamn show about elves fighting evil birds, holy shit! Forget about Twitter and Reddit for a couple of hours.


>oh no a movie for children is being ruined!

Literally this no one can prove that deforestation is bad for the (((environment))) whatnkind of retard do you have to be to think that losing trees will ruin the enviorment, cities exist and we can live just fine, and the world is covered in 70 percent water according to (((geologists))) so we will never run out of water it’s all so stupid


user stop letting this shit control your life.

>no one can prove that deforestation is bad for the (((environment)))
>it's all just a (((((jewish conspiracy)))))
the fucking absolute big brain on you, holy shit. By the way Einstein, we can't literally drink almost 80 percent of the water present on earth without processing it.

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Exactly, the Skeksis did not arrive from another planet, the UrSkeks did Why is this so hard for you dweebs to understand? The new show explicitly states the SKEKSIS arrived from another world. They didn't. They arrived as UrSkeks and the Skeksis were created later. The show depicts them as being the wrinkled vulture creatures right from the start even before breaking the crystal. you fuckwits

You’re a retard water doesn’t come free to process that takes money so of course you can’t drink it but we will never run out it’s all bullshit to pay (((them))) for alarmist hysteria about the environment somehow getting damaged

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>you're a retard
>it's all just Jewish tricks
go back to /pol/ you stupid faggot.

Best show of 2019.

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>Bill Gates

Try again, faggot.

inb4 what are some kinos for public humiliation


>muh Rothshilds and Soros meme
>muh moobie makers are important
are you pretending to be a dumb /pol/nigger or something?

>almost 90 percent of these people have nothing to directly do with Hollywood in any meaningful capacity

Can you just talk about The Dark Crystal without having a complete spergfit, user?

It looks visually great.
Its a slow burn kind of fantasy just like the original film, so you have to be in the right mood. First episode especially.

Fuck its gorgeous though.

...and the emmy goes to Anya Taylor-Joy for Brea in TDC: AoR

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I like it so far. It legitimately feels like a labor of love, something they wanted to do for a very long time.

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Just finished it, didn't knew it was a prequel until the references to the original plot started to appear. 10/10

>original plot
You mean 'we're all fucking fucked and are gonna die'?

The gore and on screen stabbing/killing was unexpected, it really feels like an 80s movie.

>thinks the right is the one "buying off presidents" and "clawing into government administrations"
have you been living in a cave for the past two decades? The right has had zero influence in anything of importance for a while now, and everything has gone to shit as a result. The climate change thing might be a problem in the US, but is mostly an apolitical issue in the rest of the world.
The left has consistently fucked over everyone it's gotten involved with in recent times. The world's most feminist places are now having rape epidemics because of glorious "tolerant" leftist policies. The world's most socialist places are always the most unequal. The left is either grossly incompetent, or actively evil - due to how they seem to use their chokehold on every big corporation and media outlet to silence people who complain about their decisions or brand them wrongthinkers - read: HERETICS - and destroying their lives in the process, I`m pretty sure evil it is.
Judging by how you think the rightwing is raysis, I can tell they brainwashed you too.
"Conservatives" are a mess too and just another wing of the same shitbird. They're nothing but the left's controlled opposition.

>Amazing how just the word “resistance” triggers Yea Forums now.
There you go misrepresenting the facts like all your miserable kind.

>The right has had zero influence in anything of importance for a while now
I sometimes forget that people like you are legitimately insane persons.

why do you choose THIS thread to start /pol/ seething?

Yoda was best girl, waifu material.

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>the Right doesn't exist because I can't really accept that conservative groups are equally at fault, so I'll pretend they are "controlled opposition" of some Alex Jones-tier boogeyman
That will be a yikes from me, dog.

Only Americans enjoy this creepy puppet trash.

Ah, yes from the company that brought us this.

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>trumpenprole crying about the title when there is literally zero politics in the show whatsoever

it's generic, milquetoast good vs evil fantasy. go change your diaps.

Jim Henson company had nothing to do with that, pretty sure.


>didn't knew it was a prequel

HOW? It couldn't be a sequel if the Skeksis were still a thing!

I really hope this starts a practical effect renaissance.

How's the tie-in video game?

It was directed by Brian Henson, and everyone involved was from the Jim Henson Company. They just didnt credit jhc because its a family friendly company

Dark Crystal is overrated. No puppet related thing has yet to top this show.

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I thought it was either a reboot or remake.

you have any sort of sauce for that?

The Hunter is a 10/10 character


>The film was first announced in 2008 by The Jim Henson Company, the production studio of Muppets creator Jim Henson. Various actors, including Cameron Diaz, Katherine Heigl and Jamie Foxx, were approached to star before McCarthy signed on in May 2017. Filming began in Los Angeles that September, and involved the use of over 120 puppets. The Happytime Murders was the first film released by Henson Alternative, a banner of The Jim Henson Company that specializes in adult-oriented content.

No. He. Is. NOT.


Says the retard who asks someone else to provide proof over who the director of a movie was

Hey Netflix. What happened to this?

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Do you have a one word insult to counter this one as its literally Brian Henson talking about how they made the movie

This show's art style reminds me of FF9.

>black man puppeteering one of the slaves

yikes, netflix


Maybe they didn't want to spoil the plot of the movie?

no pretense of telling a story here?


>The show depicts them as being the wrinkled vulture creatures right from the start even before breaking the crystal.

Did you not pay attention to the puppet show episode?

Anyone watch it? Did they turn Geilfling society into a matriarchy as I predicted?

It's always been matriarchal, stupid.

At least you can't brownwash a fucking puppet.

Of course it will still be jammed with sjw anti-white stuff, but that's just standard setting now.

Was that in Jim's original notes and lore?

Watch the original movie.

Was it kino?

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It was never matriarchal. Or you were referring to their wings?

Yes. It. Was.

>that pic

Fuck, I was just thinking a few days ago of a "what if" crossover with starwars if Luke discovered Thra.

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There was nothing to suggest that in the original movie. Jen and Kira were the only ones left alive.

>crying about muh matriarchy

The matriarchal society gets destroyed. Seems like a reason you chuds should watch it.

I'm up to Ep. 8 and the Hunter is lit.

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I speak for myself, it doesn't bother me as long as it feels natural and not forced for the sake of it.

It's in A.C.H. Smith's novelization of the movie which Henson himself considered canon, faggot.

Fuck off for a second /tvpol/ and appreciate art for once in your uncultured life.

I was just asking a question, why are you so hateful? I plan to watch the show tonight.

>with real puppets and practical effects
KEK. Trailer looked about 99% CG. Try again, dickhead.

Seen it about 20 times. There is nothing in the original to suggest a matriarchal society, dumbshit. Quite the opposite, really.

Everyone is just on edge after talking down to the politics squad & their threadwrecking talks of FUCKING SJW WHYMINS & JEWFLIX without having anything but trailers to go off for months now.

Guys let's chill and discuss how gelfling girls are built for human cock.

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It was literally made by the Henson company, directed by Henson's son. They had a sub studio of Henson Studios that's for adult type movies like this.

Coping this hard.

Henson didn't write the movie, David Odell did. Henson wasn't a writer, he was a performer and director. The Dark Crystal was a team effort, between Henson, Oz, Odell, and the art of Brian Froud.

White puppets bad

>I haven't watched it

Fraggle Rock movie fucking when?

It's been in development hell forever. Probably never get made, sadly. It was announced 13 years ago, and there hasn't been anything announced in 4 years.

What is Frank Oz feeling at this exact moment?

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When Henson presented the original Dark Crystal to the suits, none of them got it. They just stood up and quietly walked out of the screening room. Hollywood is not only rutting in established franchises, it wants to treat everything like it was Star Wars.

Amazing retort, you sure showed him. That ad hominem really made me change my mind!
Ditto, and an ironic or possibly unironic Poe's Law "yikes" meme.

Protip: He didn't even mention Obama pulled a Nixon and it got swept under a rug. If a Republican did the same thing as Obama, we'd have something bigger than the bullshit Mueller garbage.

>the old landed/media elite attacking the new rich tech elite.
How about the new rich tech elite are literally buying up every opposition?
Intangible items can be more monopolized than tangible items - because anyone can prospect or buy equity, but you can't buy digital intangible properties without a huge capital nowadays.

Jim stated that the women in the world of the dark Crystal are the most crucial to the story when making it. Don't normally defend this kind of stuff but it did come out of his mouth almost 40 years ago. Can't complain that the show runs with that idea too

>not involved with Hollywood
Can you prove him wrong or provide other examples?
Go look at statistics for donation to party or charities amongst the employees of the most valued tech companies out there.
Go ahead, I'll (and that other poster you replied to) will probably wait.

PS: Trump's donations were majority independents, whereas Hilldog had numerous huge PACs and tech companies donate to her.
I imagine you don't remember the 60m+ donation to the Obama campaign in 2008 from Netflix chairs, eh?

True, but the idea for it was started by him. He and his daughter were trapped in New York during a snow storm. He got out a pen and starting jotting down notes at a hotel lobby.

I knew no one could hate on this. Holy shit this show is fucking amazing.


I'll probably start it tomorrow. I also feel like rewatching the movie beforehand, it's been a bunch of years

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What I find funny is that you couldn't help yourself from shitposting, and you still can't help but be hyped like a little soifag.

Why do I need to retort something so fucking retarded as "Republicans haven't been in control in decades"? Did you fall for muh deep state Alex Jones cuckoldry? Fuck off you underage faggot. You aren't smart.

I watched the first episode, I'm good so far. I was waiting for them to destroy this, like they have everything else, but so far, so good. I was worried because Froud wasn't involved, but it's faithful to his style.

I'm not doing this /pol/shit with you and your debunked arguments everyone's heard a million times now. Nobody cares.

The whole Froud family was involved on the project.

Were they? He's not credited. That's good to hear - and that's why it looks good, if Brian was consulting/working on it. Glad to be wrong about that.

>now we're talking about tech companies, not Hollywood
your all-encompassing boogeyman is everywhere you look, huh?

>>not involved with Hollywood
He has some stock in streaming services, that's all I can even think about. Christ, you people are so fucking lost it's insane.

Soul overload. I can't take more than one episode, I would be spoiling myself.


This show is crafted as fuck

Did they even have a fucking budget? Holy shit.

Yup, lost my stiff and had to re-lube every time some bullshit cgi came up

yep, I'm thinking it's kino lads

Watched some of the first episode really late last night. The sets and puppets are fucking amazing. It was almost hard for my brain to process because it's rare to see high quality shit like that.

Yeah, this is one of the few shows I'm actually going to sit down and watch. I rarely do that these days.

Netflix would make so much fucking money if they made the good shows come out on a weekly basis. But don't show them this.


>Go in expecting Drumpf
>End up with global pedophile elite
It's fanfiction-tier, but I'll give it a few more episodes.

10 minutes in and I have been dissapointed by the use of CG and the fact that they dont mention yet the Skeksis are only one half of the creatures that came to thra. That and they havent mentions the split of the Skeksis and the others. I knew I would be disappointed, and as I watch and type theirs a bit of feminism going on already.

you're the biggest virgin in the entire world

Wow you are butt hurt easily. fuckin nostalgia faggots.

This makes no sense when the supreme beings are ALL MALE.

>carefully and lovingly crafts show entirely out of puppets, a love letter to Jim Henson and his legacy
>they used CG here and there, fucking gay and disappointing LOL *watches Joker trailer*

UrSkeks come from a white, luminescent world of white male superiority. Clearly they are a metaphor for the patriarchy.

based coping strawmancel

Hey, this shit is fucking good; and this opinion makes me based.

people in this thread are literally saying that.

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>there's a Skeksis with BLUMPFF hair and orange skin

ITT: leftypol going REEE you're a ____ and thinking every person replying to them is the same person.

You people really need to fucking read something that isn't garbage mainstream spoonfed garbage. God forbid if you actually watch commie bullshit like TYT.

>people like this exist

how appalling

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Dare I say it? Could they be #ourbirds?

Be honest, would you?

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she's a literal inch tall and underage. Your dick would crush her before you were carted off to Skeksis jail.

I would for the cavenog Deet and her voice actress Nathalie Emmanuel.

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Did we ever find out if that was a legit female or a trap?

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wrong, retard

You overestimate my dick

No, but we did find out:

>There were already two seasons planned before Netflix axed the show
>Rose was written as a rapist at one point, but Colleen had a problem with consent jokes
>A since deleted test pilot was shot at McConnell's home to get a feel on how the format would work

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That man jaw tells you all you need to know.

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Like that would stop the incels.

you people see trannies everywhere.

Well considering that Netflix couldn't even make a sequel to a 90s cartoon (Rockos Modern Life) without turning the whole thing into some retarded leftist propaganda about trans people, can you blame people for being skeptical about everything else?

>Rockos Modern Life on Netflix was leftist propaganda because a frog cartoon was a tranny, despite the joke being that frogs are multisexed
You're a ridiculous person that nobody in real life takes seriously. I hope you come to terms with that.

Is this real life? or is just fantasy?

ah the ol' "everything I don't like is propaganda" meme argument.

> realist

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The Rocko movie was completed in 2017 and Netflix merely bought the streaming rights. Blame the creator for that one.

>I didn't watch the show
>climate change is about fuck drumpf now
Again, you're just obsessed. Look at your fucking life where you can't even watch a puppet show.

explain why it personally offends you that a minor character from a rebooted Rocko movie on fucking Netflix, is somehow an affront to your sensibilities to the point where you have to actively complain about it? I really don't understand how someone like you gets this bootyblasted by media like this. Most normal people see things they dislike and shrug it off "oh, okay. Whatever, I didn't like it". Not you though, you need to come here and cry about it for hours and hours as if a tranny cartoon frog raped your parents and is something I need to be up in arms about.

I'd say to have sex, but it's too late.


But I can't shake the feeling this should have a been a full blown movie instead

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> you know, the reviewer watched the series.

Mayhap you need to dilate, Miss?

nah it benefits from episode format.

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why do you give a shit about the opinions of literal whos? Christ, if the message is about climate change than I didn't see it, or it doesn't take away from the main story. Maybe you should fucking watch it and stop acting like a pissbaby bitch?

>"this seems like there's an agenda"
>turns out it apparently does
>"y-you're just obsessed. d-drumpf amirite?"

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>there is an agenda because the personal blog written by a nobody said so!
yes, your'e obsessed. It's always obsession. You don't have rational beliefs.

Its. So. Good. Its so good, how did they make this happen? How did it all actually work? The world, the sets, the characters, the story, the acting, everything worked. There's so much detail and care in every puppet, there's so much life in the little details all around, the characters are more memorable and fleshed out then the original, there's actual stakes and our main characters are in danger, every tribe has its own little functioning system and feels distinct. How did this actually manage to work? I'm not going to pretend Netflix is giving us some great boon from above for us pitiful mortals, but in all honesty if they fucked it up I would have just shrugged, gone "Of course, its fucking netflix", and moved on, but they didn't. Its not just good, its legitimately great and seamless with the original. Before they burn away all goodwill with The Witcher, I'm gonna say bravo, they knocked this one right out of the park.

Everyone involved with this should be damn proud of themselves.

how the fuck are they making these conclusions?

>the personal blog written by a nobody

> IO9 and THR, Miss.

>dad's smile and optimism - gone


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That's a battalion of manpower. We could have invaded Greenland with that.

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those are all literal who webzines nobody reads.

>if the message is about climate change than I didn't see it

> I can't follow a kid's puppet movie, but pay heed to my opinions all!

I accept your concession then, retard. Go relax, take a nap if you need it.

> those are all literal who webzines nobody reads.

> The Hollywood Reporter

Aren't you just so silly?

>Chamberlain looks and acts just like the Chamberlain from the original 1982 film
>But he's totally Mitch McConnell, guys!

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Lies!! it´s about gender identity, sexual orientation and racism!

Is this like, a hobby you have? Acting like you're a retard straight out of tumblr? Or are you an actual retard?

The Hollywood Reporter is a blogsite, nobody fucking reads it. What is with this hill you're dying on?

>10 episodes

I thought today was only the first one then the next one comes out next week?

So is the argument that Henson's message about climate change (which you could even argue was present in the original film, with the corruption of the environment and Jim being a conservationist) is now bad because you can't handle even a nuanced message about it in current year? What a baby you are.

>original movie
>amazing practical effects, a very calm, almost dream-like atmosphere, everyone talks and acts like they're right out of an old, otherwordly fairy tale
>Age of Resistance
>BBBRRRAAAAPPP epic loud music throughout the entire trailer, one over the top action sequence after the other, CGI out the ass where only the main characters are actual puppets, everyone constantly screaming, also climate change for some reason

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You're the one having a fit about a tranny cartoon frog, user.

Climate change isn't real and if it was it's not caused by humans and if it was then the indians and africans pollute more than the rest of t

Nah, Netflix drops them all at once.

Along with Variety, The Hollywood Reporter is the newspaper of record in the entertainment industry, you sad idiot.

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>user got killed while dropping truthbombs about climate change

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>no u
stellar comeback

>Obama was pretty conservative
But the right are the ones that are extreme and moving away from the center more and more...

Well on the bright side when did leftist extremism ever hurt anyone?

>being so brainwashed that you can't even make a puppet movie for babies without shoehorning politics in

>Bill gates
>nothing to do with Hollywood

They don't? I'm not sure what your argument is.

Nobody literally reads any of those except for maybe Variety. Why are you so bootyblasted at this?

Because your anus will be expanded

Oh, did this guy make the show?

I fucking hate this faggot.

No, just your typical blue checkmark journalist with terrible opinions.

user again, you're the one who brought up the cartoon tranny frog...

>a mild and very tame enviornmental message that Jim shared in the original Dark Crystal almost 4 decades ago, is "shoehorning"
go neck yourself for being such a useless NPC reactionary.

>Climate change isn't real

Its the only thing they think about. Its like that dude who yelled out Trump when Chapelle asked him who he was doing an impression of. The impression had nothing in common with Trump but it was negative so he defaulted to his scapegoat for everything negative in the world.

Attached: Trump and Russian spies conspire to assasinate political dissident Moose and Squirrel,.jpg (480x535, 44K)

Why do you care what these literal nobodies think about politics? Why have their opinions saved in folders for? Why all this energy? The blog writer for The Hollywood Reporter didn't write the scripts, didn't produce the show.

I don't.

Why do you think I'm the same guy who posted that Hollywood reporter article?

> The Hollywood Reporter, entertainment media's flagship outlet, saw record-breaking audience growth in 2017, with 21.5 million unique monthly visitors to its website

If you don't know anything -- even the basics -- about the media industry, this may not be the / for you.

>> The Hollywood Reporter, entertainment media's flagship outlet
>>saw "record breaking audience" growth, source: my asshole
lol nobody reads webzine media in the throngs they used to, how old are you zoomer?

>If you don't know anything -- even the basics -- about the media industry, this may not be the / for you.
None of you know anything about the media industry at all, you think it's all a "leftist" cabal of Marxist Jews trying to destroy you with trannies and "muh propegandeer" because a puppet show for literal tardlings has a message about conservation.

You're mentally ill, friendo.

The Dark Crystal is my favorite movie of all time and your post made me slightly less afraid of pressing the Play button on this show.

more eco destruction happened in socialist countries

imagine being brainwashed by leftist cult terms that mean nothing

Was my dads favorite movie. Its pretty good. My literal only complaint so far is augrah's planetarium thing is not a full mechanical mechanism and its cgi but they had alot more on their plate than that one establishing shot. The original was probably dismantled or so rusted it isnt functional. Also that level of engineering doesnt exist in spades like it did in the 80s-90s because they had to make due with what they had back then and now we have more bodies in cinima fx instead of cinema engineering. It was a cost effective choice

>cult terms that mean nothing

Leftism is an actual term with real meaning.
Reactionary completely lost it's original meaning and is used by socialists/marxists to mean anyone against their retarded bootlicking ideology.

>Leftism is an actual term with real meaning.
kek, you could have fooled me, you think every liberal/progressive/leftist/communist are all the same person who believe the same boogeyman thing.
>only Marxists and other memes listed (here) would call me a reactionary
Maybe you are one though? Is that not an option? Self-reflection is the sign of maturity, user.