This was fucking stupid

This was fucking stupid

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Yep but it was a lot of fun.

it's totally possible

i thought the machine gun in the trunk was kind of stupid, Breaking Bad is a bit of a silly show though so it's ok

There are people who have survived worse (unfortunately)
Imagine botching a shotgun suicide and having to live without a face.

I don't understand why people react like this. Can you explain yourself? What the fuck is wrong?

Haven't you seen the footage of the African guy who diddled with the electrical closet and got one half of his torso blown off and cooked? He just acted like a regular drunk.

why is his skull metal?

Back when this was posted everywhere, I thought you guys were shitting on some Terminator series because of that.

it's possible though

What? You don’t think a shock wave and resulting shrapnel can remove all the flesh and muscle from one side of the face, remove the eye, yet be gentle enough to not destroy bone or cause a loss of consciousness? What are you some kinda fag?

Survive maybe. Walk around straight after? No.

You don't take trauma like that to the skull and remain conscious.

Is the shotgun gonna scoop out you eye cavity but leave the bone unharmed?

I remember when Breaking Bad was still going and this got posted in the general when it leaked and literally nobody believed it until the episode happened and everyone lost their shit in the BB general.

Golden era Yea Forums

I was in Afghanistan and saw someone get blown back by an IED, got up, was missing half of his head and one eye (and fingers from his hand). He got up very quickly, took a massive breath and started just aimlessly walking forward and everyone immediately ran to his help, he even tried talking before finally collapsing. So I would definitely say this is possible at least to some extent.

>Survive maybe. Walk around straight after? No.
Why not? You guys have a 5-year-old's understanding of how the human body works.

A man once had his entire face devoured by a bear, the cold ensured he didn't bleed out. The man walked back to his village, with nothing but a hole where his face was. A hole with a tongue sticking out.

But you can't believe someone lost an eye and skin off his face because of an explosion and was able to walk?

It does happen.

theres videos on bestgore that prove you wrong faggot

I can buy that but did the person have an intact skull? How is it possible for a blast to scoop out an eye but leave bone?

>Survive maybe. Walk around straight after? No.

read some accounts from wars, lad. This kind of things happen.

I was a navy seal and I cut Osama's head off with a knife, he jumped around trying to bite my ankles for like 5 minutes, shit was hilarious. You never know what the body is capable of.

I didn't browse Yea Forums around then, only Yea Forums, was Yea Forums extremely contrarian about Breaking Bad back then?

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>You don't take trauma like that to the skull and remain conscious.

>who is Phineas Gage
>who is any number of people with major brain traumas

You have a cartoon-like understanding of the body. You are American.

>How is it possible for a blast to scoop out an eye but leave bone

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Yeah because nobody ever exaggerates anything ever.

Is that the new Two Face?

I remember some fucker posted a picture of walter white and said you are now reading this in walter white's voice Jane dies on the next episode and sure enough Jane died in the next episode.

I don't remember, but everyone was meme'ing and having fun in the BB general as far as I can remember

>I fucked Ted

And shit like pic related was being unironically posted all the time, I can imagine everyone would scream "Go back to ledddit" if this happened now.

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>Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos!

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Breaking Bad sucked so bad and it was because Cranston can't act. He's an illiterate hack who struggled to read cue cards and that slow stuttering every idiot mistook for DEEP SMART DRAMA acting

It was stupid alright but not as stupid as wasting even a second of your time watching the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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based but bluepilled

>Gets into business with crazy guy
>decide he's too crazy and they want out
>decide to kill him
>repeat every season

Had it happened any other way, you wouldn't remember until this day

>back in the day we loved eating peaches, but now those exact same peaches are considered to be "rotten" and "no longer fit for consumption"

That's fucked up

That cliche has been a mainstay of the organized crime genre for more than a century

You've watched too many movies

I saw this image before watching Breaking Bad and I thought that Gus was a cyborg the entire time when I did watch the show


Why did he straighten his tie, bro? Did he think he wasn’t going to die?

>I thought that Gus was a cyborg

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Well why did they make him look like a fucking Terminator in this scene

>I watched enough episodes of House, I know what I'm talking about

two face - one is straight and other is gay.

>Adrenaline doesn't exist

Could they have picked an uglier woman?

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I've seen video of a guy who put a shotgun under his chin and ended up in the hospital. he didn't have much of a face and I'm sure he lost some of his skull but his tongue was moving around and I'm pretty sure he was totally conscious.

Yeah but your mom wasn't available

Missing half of his head AND missing an eye???!!! Impossible!

It was the single most intense moment of television ever, before or since. The music as he approaches the room, the realisation that this really is it for him and Walt won. The whole scene in Hector’s room, the scream, the explosion and then the WHAAATT THE FUUUCK HE’S ALIVE HOLY FU.... OHHHHHHH SHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT.

TV has never been as good since. Season 5 was dogshit.

The gun in the trunk was fucking based

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I like making up stories on the internet too

Not really, since BrBa didn't blow up in popularity until around season 4 so it was just pure love for the show

Gayest post I've seen in quite some time.

>hank realizing walt is heisenberg on the shitter
>machine gun in the trunk
>walter indirectly causing a plane crash

lmao and people call this show good

big yikes

oh fuck

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it's possible but it's still a stupid plan, walt couldn't have known he'd be able to park exactly in that spot and happen to get every single neonazi in the compound.

what if they immediately took him out back to shoot him? what if they didn't bring jesse to the club house but brought walt to his cage? what if walt wasn't allowed to park inside? what if there were members of the gang outside, was a sickly old walter and a malnourished jesse supposed to take on the hardened, armed criminals that survived?

Are you the same guy who's still wondering when did Jesse ever kill a dog when he made his confession? And thinks that one quote from Mike was "Jesse's Jane" and not "Jesse James?"

pic unrelated I assume?

I agree that they went overboard with the plane, but the rest of those scenes are perfectly fine for anyone that's not a raging autist

What's the point of this thread?

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It's a TV show retard. Stop being such a fucking autist, asking all these questions doesn't make you seem as smart as you think

>what if walt wasn't allowed to park inside?
this. he's a chemist and could've easily rigged the car with explosives. those guys are brainlets for letting him drive in.


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>durrrr he thinks 5 seconds about the media he consumes so he must arrogantly think he's being smart hurrrr

>those guys are brainlets
of course, they're neonazis

a lot of things are
the show really just felt like another "don't take/sell drugs kids" cringe PSA

they were able to deduce where walter's money was though
walter is also retarded for burying it all in a single hole


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breaking bad wasnt popular until it was put on netflix. thats when contrarians came out of the woodwork.

Says who? You? Fucking faggot

>everyone is either a flawless brilliant thinker or a brainlet, there's no inbetween

You got a link to this video?

shock is a hell of a drug

Do you just sit infront of the tv and not react like an autist? I’m not saying spaz out like that guy but do you have any emotions?

Imagine surviving a botched shotgun suicide and THEN deciding you want to live. I mean now you've got even more reason

Yeah, casting a bimbo as the wife of a middle aged high school teacher would've been much more realistic.


Based “based” poster

>I never experienced it so it's impossible to run across someone on the internet who has

BB was pretty okay, great few episodes here and there

Based. You need to branch out into other threads with this

Are you daft? Skulls are made of bone. A very hard and sturdy structure. Eyes are almost entirely soft tissue except for the lens. Throw a firecracker at a cherry, then at a rock and tell me what happens.

It was a prequel to Walking Dead

come on, suspend your disbelief. i always thought of breaking bad as gta if it was a tv show. yeah its ridiculous but its fun

This was an interesting thread

And your mom gives interesting head.

this, what if he didnt hit EVERY single nazi? Seems like most likely a bunch would end up surviving/no even being in that one particular room.

it's a symbolism innit

>calling others idiots
>not understanding key differences between a shock wave and an iron bar piercing a non vital part of the brain
You had one example dipshit and then added
>countless others
in as an additional citation. If there countless why did you only list one? What a retard you are. The guy you listed basically had an unplanned lobotomy idiot. People tended to survive those.

You retards should go to /gif/ and watch the gore threads. People post shit worse than this. Let alone stuff thats out there in worse parts of the internet.

yeah it was retarded. Did he bleed out in a second or what? It clearly didn't affect his brain or any vital organs. The creators probably never seen liveleak videos of people walking around without a face after a shotgun blast.

If this isn't fake, what happened to the guy after?
I mean it's easy to guess but miracles happen



Not him but the imagine of Gus face blown off leaked literally a week before the finale, everyone here saw it and predicted what was going to happen since the episode was literally called Face off and Walt had been trying to kill Gus for half the season.

it was one of those omg reddit moments

Not necessarily, when you get a bad injury like that you are delirious and adrenaline kicks it making you temporarily immune to pain. He was probably in a near death stupor and passed out due to blood loss and died on the floor.

There have been people completely conscious through crazier stuff

lol nah

season 1 and 2 are the only worthwhile parts of this show. as it goes on the writets felt the need to make it dumber and dumber because of the largee audience. the plane scene is a laughable way to try to show the effect walter has on the world, and by god if season 5 isn't awful. the writers ran out of villains so just had to haphazardly throw in some new ones. they even admitted they didnt know what they were going to do with the machine gun when they filmed it. walt's plan with the machine gun is so laughably dumb. show worked better as a dark comedy early on than trying to be all serious business

This scene was foreshadowed by Walt when he's explaining to Jessie how in World War 1 the Gustav gun was pounded by bombs and it didn't make a scratch but a single man with some thermite could destroy it.

Fucking kino.



it made me drop the show. I still haven't seen season 5.

now this is gonna be a BIG FUCKING YIKES FROM ME PAL

>comparing bone to metal

His will and the strength of his resolve was such that he was going to die on his feet looking sharp like a man no matter what

the plane crash was worse

The thing that freaked me out the most about this shot was the mechanisms or whatever in his eye socket moving around

yup saw it in nam. trust me

Oh shit, was that the one where you can see his exposed ribs and breathing lung? fucking brutal.

This is so fucking fake lmao. How the fuck would he move one side of his body if half his brain is gone? Boomers get strokes every day and can't lift their arm to pop another fentanyl

Fuck you. She is the best mommy in the business.

Americans cant even stand in line for fast food, they gotta use the drive through

>i randomly believe people on Yea Forums

face =/= brain

Who the fuck cares about the movie? I have zero desire to find out what happened to Jesse

The bomb was down in the wheelchair. It should have at least blown off one leg if the explosion did that much damage to the head

I think it'll be cool

I think it'll be cool

don't know what to expect to be honest, we'll see.

I think it won't be cool

Thank you for your service.

I know where you're from. Go back.

From what I remember there are no other bodies visible in the room meaning everyone except Gus got vaporised for some reason.

Brainlet tier criticism as usual.
Season 5 isn’t bad. You are just regurgitating random opinions on this board because you’re too dumb to form original opinion

>Chickens walk around with their head of
>Los Pollos Hermanos boss walks around with half of his head gone


Fake and gay

The concussive force of the blast alone would have just killed him (turning his insides into mush).

she looks like a Kimberly Kane

retard alert

And then the taliban all clapped

Remember when this image leaked months before the episode? None of us believed it was real since it looked too insane for the BB universe


And then the taliban all clapped

I can confirm I was the IED

>his optic nerve wiggles around as his eye moves
Freaky as fuck.
It's about plausible as Harvey Dent surviving while having half his face completely burned away, then being able to take off the bandages and not die from the trauma or have a massive infection within hours.

This kinda

The hate this actress received. She played a cunt bitch so well she received death threats. There was a FB page made years ago called I Hate Skyler White. I imagine she had to be put on meds after the show was over.


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Yes you do. The point was be was turning away and running anyway so only half of him was hit. He was running on adrenaline abd muscle memory. Fuck you people are stupid.

The explosion was absorbed by Hector, retard. That's why his body was shredded. The force was diminished, literally every aspect of this is realistic and this thread is some gay "how could a tower fall INTO IT'S OWN FOOTPRINT?" shit.