what is it about these characters?
What is it about these characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
society abandoned them
so they abandoned society
They're cool, 14 year olds like cool characters, so obviously now they're seen as childish and cringey.
Their common thing is they're just like me
One of those does not belong. V isn't an anti-hero like the rest.
Where is Uchiha Madara?
Tell me then: what is the next sane step after nihilism?
Notice that I said sane and not logical, I'm not afraid to go back to the bluepill if it's necessary.
anti-social outsider characters who are (or feel) opposed to or misunderstood by the larger culture, and who are therefore appealing to people who see themselves as outsiders forgotten/wronged by those around them
The joker is an anti hero, so is Tyler Durden. They see society oppressing young males and encourage them to RISE UP against the Chads and Stacies
true, Nietzschean nihilism: free from despair and the weight of the past, unencumbered, possessing the Will to Power to shape himself, to overcome the Last Man, to become the Overman
so leftists actually think V was the bad guy? Not even trying to hide that they are the real fascists.
>get in line with the authorities, bigots!
>you: are a low-t faggot with glasses and a beret
V is an antihero. It's just the backdrop that makes him appear at all heroic. Every word Suttler says about him is true. He *is* a terrorist. He *is* an anarchist. It's just that what he's rebelling against is even worse than him.
yah yep I'm drunk anyway may as well put on v for vendetta
btw I'm going to skip that boring ass prison sequence with evey
No you fucking idiot. The people who typically reply to her, angry that she made fun of Jordan, have V, brad pitt, joker and clockwork avatars.
God it's true that conservitards can't read subtext. So many jokes literally go flying over your single digit iq brains.
What is it about Jordan Peterson?
Like, I don't understand the love OR the hate for the guy. A lot of the people who seem to love him don't seem to really follow his advice. And those who hate him seem to form their opinion of him based entirely on those people rather than what he actually says.
>We're putting together a team. You in?
Very good point. As much as he fails to be a hero, the society around him is even worse.
You see... that is an overused meme
I hate to admit it, but I was the first user to post a pic of myself wearing a V / Guy Fawkes mask. Actually, even worse, I was a namefag back then.
Namefag or not, you're based as fuck.
Has V really gone full circle?
This but unironically.
>all those characters represent marxist anarchy
Damn, they really got us bros.
What fucking subtext? What fucking joke?
Her picture is failing at communicating a clear message, and you say its the fault of the recipient?
You are the fucking idiot.
>it's a normalfags finally catch up to what Yea Forums has been since for almost a decade
these are the male equivalent of Ramona Flowers
change my mind
Well, Alex is 15 years old in a Clockwork Orange.
in the comic book he is far worse than an anti hero
thread reminder that V is an actual faggot lmfao
Bullshit. He'd have plowed the fuck out of Evey if the fire hadn't burned his dick off.
>He saw Arthur Joker
>And felt so empowered
>By a movie made in Hollywood
>It's sad to think she was once someone's son
>Like a lamb to the slaughter
Serious question, what do these people like?
>My replies: Quotes Harry Potter
Can we please add Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver, Bill Foster from Falling Down, and Howard Beale from Network to this list?
V never abandoned society
he did. he abandoned both society and his humanity. that's why the girl needs to be the one to destroy parlament; cause he feels that as someone outside of society, he doesn't have the right to do so on his own.
Oh, but he did. His entire being is a rejection of the society he's immersed in and tearing it down in hopes of a better or at least freer one.
White boys are attracted to edgy societal outcast characters like this because white boys on average tend to be the least conformist demographic. Numales tend to exhibit a lot of feminine traits including societal conformity, so they resent characters like this and the more "edgy" white boys who take after them.
damn you're really stupid
I don’t get this approach, you have two generations of nihilistic, disaffected, angry people, and you decide to just poke the bear? Why?
>Alex DeLarge
>Any sort of hero
V was only shilled by trendy “fuck the system” anarchist kids in my high school. They really believed that our government behaved the way it did in the movie. The others aren’t looked up to as heroes the same way, in my experience. Certainly not the Clockwork Orange character.
Pic related. Women and low-test men have a big problem with Joker, to the point where it seems personal.
right, it's just a retelling (as mentioned in the film) of monte cristo, which is why it's the best capeshit film there is likely to be, especially since thor shockingly didn't earnestly bother to ape hamlet.
>if you disagree with me you look like this
is there a lower form of debate?
And he shouldn't be. He had no point beyond nihilism and pointless violence. Without exception, all the others believe in something.
>horrible drawn avatar shit
>V was only shilled by trendy “fuck the system” anarchist kids in my high school.
The same who will now shill Joker lmao
This is what is expected out of whites in general
>only group to make and bring up
>expected to work and pay taxes and prop up people who hate, insult and destroy you while jew parasites subvert you since they make nothing and can only contaminate
ITT: incels
That one faggot named Sean, someone should reply, "But that's a perfectly acceptable excuse for brown people, amirite?"
V and Tyler literally do what they do for the benefit of everyone else
>low-test men
unlike yourself right?
>Women and low-test men
0.01% of women who spend all their time on twitter, and the men who do the same to chase them, do.
if you actually go outside most women are enticed by how ~DAMAGED~ he is and most of the dudes fawning over it here are low test themselves. like be honest if most Yea Forums users get their hormone levels checked, what do you think we'd learn lol
A world can't be full of gods.
just scrolling down through Petersons subscribers i cant find a single one of these characters used as an avatar.
Just seems like this only happens in that guys head.
>can't even reply right
Go back
>tfw there's literally only one movie I think is kind of okay in that whole list
Dude, any time you want to get broken down like a shotgun, you just name a time and place.
White people live in a mostly polite boring bureaucratic society do they gravitate towards charismatic anarchist archetypes. Bill Murray is also a very mild version of this as well.
They live in a society
it's the fault of the recipient of information if they are too stupid to comprehend it, yes.
i think he meant anti-anti-hero
Do you think having characters like this in media is a way to keep people from actually becoming like them? As in seeing them struggle against their problems scratches the everyman's itch to do the same?
That's a pretty good observation.
post height and jaw
There's definitely a cathartic element. Hannibal Lecter is another great example.
its moon right?
6'2". Atavistic.
more like an obvious one
the worrying corollary is that everyone is drived toward chaos, it's like the human nature
>Wow great stuff, I totally agree. Down with Peterson.
imagine the smell
Fuck Jordung Peterstein
whats wrong with those characters?
euromutts are strange "people"
Why not?
Dudes a mediocre professor arguing for some mild self improvement tips and tips for men. Don't get why people like him so much, but if he helps them out fair enough. Also don't get why people hate him so much either, ain't like he's ever advocated violence or some shit.
I've had mine checked a handful of times. It's been low due to some extra weight and it's been high due to fucking your sister
the fact a character as milquetoast as jp generates the amount of hate he does is a good example of how we live in a society
bros I just turned on v for vendetta and to be honest I'm feeling pretty radical right now
>collectivism identity bad
>except jews theyre hella based
I wonder why
You are the one who cant read context fucking retard..
>Twitter tard doesnt like Peterson
>People who disagree with her (they like Peterson) have anti establishment avatars
>protip: shes implying they are le alt right incel boogey man characters
>she implies V is a negative influence on white men
>V literally is anti fascist establishment
>shes admitting to be an establishment boot licker and that the opposite is bad
Women aren't attracted to damaged men, that's a lie. Women are attracted to hot men, regardless of damage.
Why is that guy wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?
This. Art boys are so fucking pathetic
wash your penis
Who is the one bottom right?
the zoomer king
Pedo Mars
It’s weird how the same people who make jokes and memes about living in a society or whatever are the same people who will complain about all the rampant transphobia/misogyny/racism going on in society.
>Why doesn't some random professor with some self help tips start ranting about killing kikes and the DOTR
Same reason /pol/'s greatest accomplishment is getting one guy to shoot up a synagogue.
All of them are emotionally weak in some way, and cope by going insane instead of having the balls to just change their lives. V isn't really part of it.
>calls out identity in everyone but jews
>has a whole page dedicated to praising them
Nice strawman you schizo child mutilating kike
The real V's first act was destroying parliament.
protip: shes implyin you shouldn't idolize a terrorist/psycho/douche/crazy clown even if it looks all edgy and badass. Doesn't mean that V is the bad guy in the story.
The joke btw is that all these characters are white males angry with society, aka gamers, not that they are bad people.
Fucking lol, not in this day and age.
It’s also why white people like the idea of the sassy black Women that yells about a long lines.
They all speak to the disenfranchised.
V is fed up with the broken government and goes all out to destroy
Tyler is fed up with society and wants to see it burn
DK Joker is fed up with morality and wants to show how shallow we are
Alex is fed up with rules and wants to live like a beast.
Nobody care you /pol/tard
He was cringe, bro.
Wait until Doom comes on screen.
>autistic incel Europoor mad at Chad; literally his motivation
>powered by autistic rage
>surrounded by robots because he can't into people
>lusts after mommygfs
>spends all day acting as if he's performing on stage
>canonically trolls other characters with fake emails
>pimpslaps Hos
>called niggers subhumans
>Christian Orthodox
>called Captain Marvel a cow and a whore
>hangs out with Santa Claus
>hates AmeriMutts
>dresses in green
Name someone who's more /ourguy/ than him.
these works of fiction are often what makes young whites self aware for the first time
of course they latch on to it
is jordan peterson actually good?
seen some guys watching his lectures he looks very smart
>Me and Brad Pitt, we’re one in the same
Top:all brown subhumans
also it seems like you've dropped the whole mutt thing
did you realize how racist it was?
Americans are not white
he's pretty surface level at times. i never found him to be very interesting whenever he talks about modern politics but he's got a great voice. he's inoffensive too so i have no idea why people go apeshit over him, some treat him like a god and others think he's a turbonazi. he's just a guy caught in the middle of autistic warfare, i guess.
teachers are the real heroes
White children are mostly sickly frail creatures who would not survive without the intervention of modern medicine. Have you ever met a black kid with asthma? Have you ever seen a Latino kid that needed a strict gluten free diet? Has any Asian kid in history ever needed to carry an epi-pen at all times in case he got too close to a bumblebee and died spontaneously?
What is it about being against national socialism that makes people fat
Permanent Marker, he is some kind of riddler
I work in a hospital and the amount of black patients with sickle cell that come in is unreal.
Americans are not white tho
Uh, yes?
he's G*rman
Legalized gang.
Scammers of grieving old people.
Sterilizing mice for their "experiments".
Invading poor countries to steal oil.
Yeah, true fucking heroes.
Those aren’t real Nazis
Evola's man of tradition. He has the perfect critique of Nietzschean nihilism in Ride the Tiger.
Evola is a retard and Nietzche is not a nihilist
Go have actual real life experiences instead of searching for the next autism to worship.
>lol who cares nerd just watch more Talmud vision
Kill yourself
edgy gay nerd power fantasy
Joker always gets BTFO; he's the opposite of a Stu. Which is probably why he's a good character.
>muh both sides durrr
>very fine people
Ghetto joker
Fight club?
He first got attention by vocally opposing that canadian law project that would get you jailed if you misgendered trannies. He doesn't even hate the trannies, he was just against the dangerous prospect that is giving the government the power to dictate how you talk.
People who who wanted to force the law project tried to burn him with the "he hate the trannies" generalization, and the dumb lefties repeated this like parrots without looking at the guy's opinions because they are unironically NPCs. The funny thing is: With all that attention on him people started to look on his lectures, and opinions, and realized his discourse reverberate very well with normies, aimless specially young men, and he got a cult following because of it. The reason to why he got so many followers is because the things he say are pretty level headed, something strangely hard to find nowadays. The attention and status he got was the result of a failed witch hunt attempt.
The people who hate his guts and think he is a nazi are just the ones that heard others say he is "le evil alt right leader", people with no opinions of their own, who provably aren't even aware of the tranny law thing. They just heard and repeat like parrots.
For the love of god, can we please stop having twitter screencap threads?
the joker is literally a villain you fuck
Top five incels heroes
5.Light Yagami
They are too based for this society.
Art Guy
>have to watch all of this shit to become a fedora
How do you guys do it?
What's wrong with Jordan Peterson?
V is a fucking tranny
Lil Peep
That's not nihilism you cunt, that's what Nietsche hoped would come after nihilism. Nietsche wasn't a fucking nihilist.
Add Eren Jaeger to this please thanks
Nietzche wasn't a nihilist and he considered nihilism to be humanities biggest problem to overcome for the next 2 centuries.
is that Kramer the nigger guy?
V is the only anti-hero depicted
>implying marvel won't dilute him and make him bland and shit like they've done to every other character
What's the best film to get to know the joker?
for tyler durden its retards taking a character that exists to make fun of them and dont notice it so they take it at face value and love it. Its the same reason why people love trevor in GTA V its them as they wish they could be.
The rest are simple theyre anti establishment losers who felt left behind by society so they fought it. This is perfect for misfits because they lack the balls to do anything about it
my biopic
wash your penis user
Jewish playboy who likes to pull the right to the middle/left. (While making millions of dollars) To destroy the dangerous right, as the left is totally fine. TOTALLY INDEPENDENT BRAINSTRONG PHILOSOPHER OF THE 2000th CENTURY. DO NOT TRY TO DISCUSS THIS TOTAL AND UTTER TRUTH, (((HE))) IS THE (BRIGHT>> MIND) OF THE CENTURY.
psychological and emotional abuse is still abuse they are the ones radicalizing vulnerable at risk people
GG Allin
your mom
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
They're too based for Peterson brainlets to understand
t. iffy nigga
>epic fail guy
How I've missed you
They're too based for Peterson brainlets to understand
The blue pill was the red pill all along.
leftists 10 years ago
leftists now
They are the power.
>Burger King had a gay burger! That means the world isn't ran by apathetic capitalists!
Why do you incels come here
They had a what?
I'm not up to date on incel lingo.
>muh capitalists
Poor little brainwashed goyim
literally the only people i ever hear talking about the joker are the "gamers amirite fellow chapo trap house listerners" people
why are they so obsessed with the joker and the idea that some video game playing alt-right nazi boogeyman that they've constructed in their head is such a massive joker fan? i honestly don't get it
literally the only people i ever hear talking about the joker are the "gamers amirite fellow chapo trap house listerners" crowd
why are they so obsessed with the joker and the idea that some video game playing alt-right nazi boogeyman that they've constructed in their head is such a massive joker fan? i really don't get it
literally the only people i ever hear talking about the joker are the "gamers amirite fellow chapo trap house listerners" crowd
why are they so obsessed with the joker and the idea that some video game playing alt-right nazi boogeyman that they've constructed in their head is such a massive joker fan?
pretty telling what kind of person made that when all the examples of real life heroes are people of color
we get the point
They're expert projectionists. They'll complain about entitlement when the only people I've ever heard making "I deserve" statements are women or one of their pet demographics. The same with unironic "we live in a society" type moaning, always women and fags.
Yea Forums is bugging out
Yea Forums is bugging out
Juden Peterstein
yes its interesting that people feel that way and there is nothing you can do about it isn’t it?
holy shit I can't even post a thread this is so bad.
Is cloudflare not hosting Yea Forums any more?
both are wrong, it was mental illness all along
I haven't been there
fucking BASED
based if true
Tyler Durden isn't an antihero either
Gangweed is at it again, I see
>He first got attention by vocally opposing that canadian law project that would get you jailed if you misgendered trannies
Strangely enough that law passed and nobody has been arrested due to it.
that's the most german looking person I've ever seen
Joker/gangw33d memes dominated Yea Forums for months you fucking newfag
raided by r/gamingcirclejerk
>two psychopaths, a commie and an anti-fascist
What did he mean by this?
Because society keeps gamers down by associating them with kid's comic characters like the joker when we're really more like Rorschach.
They're hated by weak men and men that overtly value social approval above all else. Fags, as we used to call them.
Oy vey our armed cattle risk their lives for the chosen, goy, shut the fuck up and respect them
They're either fat or noodle arms
why does JP make pathetic women so angry?
It's not fair that people use non-arguments against guys like Jordan Peterson just because they don't like what they're hearing. I don't know what there is to gain from attaching significance to your views when you need the whole picture to figure things out
They're hated by weak men and men that overtly value social approval above all else.
none and i mean none of characters remotely relate to jordan peterson
stoicism. Not because you believe in it, but because you realize that you gain nothing by subjecting yourself to a life of despair over your lack of control. Even if there is no meaning, you got to witness something so incredibly complex that it permitted you to both exist and question your existence. The insanity that you're partaking in one of the most important points of history after so much was spent to get us to where we are and you have the opportunity to learn anything you'd like and do anything you can logically come up with if you truly believe in it enough. The fact that anything good happens at all is not something to take advantage of. We are the luckiest people alive and could do so much progress as long as we believe in a common goal.
>Alex DeLarge
He's the protagonist, but clearly also a villain.
He's a villain in every depiction of him ever for the last 60 years.
>Tyler Durden
Villain throughout the film, but is also both the protagonist and antagonist, as well as the hero. A unique case.
The only anti-hero on the list.
They have nothing in common besides being outcasts of society.
Once you realize that you have no choice but to accept this hell of a world, suicide not only starts to look like a viable option, it is the only option.
After nihilism, only death awaits you. There is nothing left to live for, except "seeing whats next". Once you understand that everything that is happening next is just repetition of previous suffering, even "seeing whats next" becomes torture the older you get.
Forgot your hope - whatever you do, it doesn't matter. Just stop trying to make sense out of anything and die.
why do socially retarded outcasts gravitate towards characters who rebel against society? i guess we'll never know.
Are they seriously suggesting Pitt's character was an incel?
He was an anarchist chad.
Why do leftists get so buttmad over Jordan Peterson? lmao
That's some ugly nigger; and I watch of lot of Blacked.com content.
Literally nobody values you
Just an hero already no one would care
>nobody has been arrested due to it.
Nietsche proposed that the solution to Nihilism was for everyone to create their own values. But Jung came along right after him with the proposition that humans have their own nature inbuilt, and that what he was proposing wasn't really possible. So Jung's answer to Nihilism is to go back into the past and revive some of the traditions and religious stories that speak to truly humans.
In a purely scientific sense, Jung was saying that people have evolved to look for certain meanings and stories. Our brain is hard wired for these behaviors to a certain degree, and you can't ever really get away from them. It's best to reincorporate them into your life, that's how you find meaning, since meaning is essentially finding what you are designed by evolution to do. Look at archetypal stories like the Hero's Journey as an example.
Nietsche proposed that the solution to Nihilism was for everyone to create their own values. But Jung came along right after him with the proposition that humans have their own nature inbuilt, and that what he was proposing wasn't really possible. So Jung's answer to Nihilism is to go back into the past and revive some of the traditions and religious stories that speak truly to humans.
In a purely scientific sense, Jung was saying that people have evolved to look for certain meanings and stories. Our brain is hard wired for these behaviors to a certain degree, and you can't ever really get away from them. It's best to reincorporate them into your life, that's how you find meaning, since meaning is essentially finding what you are designed by evolution to do. Look at archetypal stories like the Hero's Journey as an example.
he is pretty good on his feet and calm, and so is quite good a calmly takeing down sjw reee types in public
His Maps of Meaning lectures are actually really interesting.
It's really a testament to how tribal and retarded people can get when it comes to politics with some of the comments that are thrown at him. Kinda funny.
Delarge is a literal psychopathic asshole
Post pics
he explicitly calls out "SJWs" so they hate him. not hard to understand.
If this post goes through, I'm also going to fuck your sister today.
Don't think about it too hard. It's an attempt to demonize the man and his audience.
So I'm not the only one
Amridumbs don't take the situation seriously enough.
He's a popular, otuspoken conservative on youtube with academic credentials. It's not really anything special about him, it's just how easy it is to bring some people into soul-crushing cognitive dissonance.
Modern lefties have a LOT of their self esteem hinging on "we're the better educated, younger, smarter etc.", basically looking to politics to validate themselves. A less politically loaded equivalent of this would be everyone who follows those IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCE facebooks that constantly shit out low quality insults about flat earthers, anti vaxx ant whatnot. Every noticed how it's never the smart people that are super enthusiastic about this and sharing all the SCIENCE memes? It's always dumbos trying to go "look ma, I'm supporting the Smart Thing".
But for the political ones it's much easier to have their source of self-esteem challenged, because all it takes is a guy with a PhD saying "I don't agree with you on your progressive issues". So they lash out when that happens because it really threatens their view of themselves. Now they can only look down on some 1% conspiratards and not 50% republican voters. The Yea Forums equivalent of this is seeing a succesful furry.
And then fans flock to Peterson just cause he owned teh libs.
300, Clerks, Big Lebowski, Shaun of the Dead, Scott Pilgrim, LOTR, Pacific Rim, Cabin... I'll stop there. You cannot explain to me why some of these are fedoracore.
No idiot, the Joker is shilled by incels not trendy kids and hipster girls.
The Christpill.
Nihilism is the bluepill for people who can't get their head around the idea that the universe is more than just what they can gather from their brain and 5 senses. Both the sane and logical step from nihilism is anywhere that isn't nihilism.
Says the baret wearing cartoon named "art guy" lmao have we found the new fedora core?
The list was obviously made by a contrarian but Big Lebowski is probably the most fedoracore movie in history. Ever seen its fanbase?
The real Christpill or just the
>“I’m pretending to be Christian to win internet points but I don’t actually go to Church or read the Bible or follow the Ten Commandments, I just post Pepe with Jesus and call Christianity based and called anyone who calls me out on it a fedora”
/pol/ Christians who laugh at drowned children lack the self awareness to realize they will burn in hell
>Where is Uchiha Madara?
Mr. Weakness disgusts me lumped with the "my feefees were hurt" crew.
Is posting fixed yet
>>“I’m pretending to be Christian to win internet points but I don’t actually go to Church or read the Bible or follow the Ten Commandments, I just post Pepe with Jesus and call Christianity based and called anyone who calls me out on it a fedora” pill?
sounds like a brown pill to me
He's a moderate leftie
He is more of a grifter like the flavor of the month tim pool and the other dozens before him.
they're incels
What makes you think he's a fraud?
He has only apologized once in his grifter career and that was when he called mgtows weasel (he was right) but had to "apologize" the moment he realized they were most of his fanbase.
so I can say any incoherent mish mash of words and if you fail to understand it, it's because you're stupid?
It takes two to communicate retards, the person giving out the message can be at fault too.
Who is Jordan Peterson please contextualize the character for me
This but literally the opposite of what he said
God I hoped this site will finally die. :(
Your critique of scientists is pretty fucking lame.
Update 4chanX
The internet fucking sucks, these snobby white kids have no identity other than making fun of each other and pretending they aren't as pathetic. You see this shit from /pol/ to any other leftist community. He's giving everyone his fancy nicknames and inventing new stereotypes.
>LOL so true, these souyboys do this and they happen to have the opposite views as me
>This, so much this. These macho tech bros do this and they happen to have the opposite views as me
Yeah, I'm thinking fedoracore is kino
But that's not the V being discussed ITT
shit, i own half these
guess its time to an hero
He's a plant. He's also a collector of Soviet art and propaganda.
Hes alright kinda like the physiologist version of a self improvement thing. His biblical interpretations were the thing I liked most and he stopped doing them because he does all this other more boring shit now.
He is in the terrible movie. Which is all anyone knows when it comes to V for Vendetta.
V for Vendetta is easily better than TDK and Fight Club
He's right about exactly one thing- Men are also harmed by gender roles and society treats men like disposable garbage, all while enforcing the idea they should be brutish, disgusting adult children that don't clean themselves because it's seen as feminine. He wrote self help books about not being a gross sperg. The problem is he thinks all of this is the fault of marxist liberal arts professors, not overly abusive conservative mothers/fathers, because he's retarded outside of his very specific field of study.
How come the right can't bantz like this? this is solid gold.
>Don't get why people like him so much, but if he helps them out fair enough
Because men Also don't get why people hate him so much either
Because he's the worst kind of pedantic retard on any other subject, and does the Ben Shapiro 'own the libz' song and dance.
Sasuke and Light actually had pussy thrown at them, so they're not trucels.
>I was the first user to post a pic of myself wearing a V / Guy Fawkes mask
well thanks for ruining Yea Forums, you eternal newfaggot
look man it's fairly straightforward, you just didn't get it. Just fucking admit it already, nobody cares (you included)
This is just nu-Ghostbusters outrage marketing aimed at the dissident right types. How you idiots don't see this is beyond me.
>Light Yagami
>Had pussy thrown at him
Citation needed.
women are attracted to confidence, that's mostly it, and yeah, hot guys are usually pretty confident, but It's definitely not nearly as much about physical appearance as some guys seem to think.
I blame corporate marketing for that, and vise versa with women thinking men only care about looks.
>fascist cop
>baby murdering goon of the neoconservatives
Yep, they're heroes allright
no one cares leftard
>The problem is he thinks all of this is the fault of marxist liberal arts professors, not overly abusive conservative mothers/fathers,
Why not both?
>even worse than him.
But he isn't bad at all.
>/pol/ Christians who laugh at drowned children lack the self awareness to realize they will burn in hell
wow, good thing you posted proofs for that otherwise I wouldn't have believed you ;)
it literally says in the picture bud
it's actually caring about a struggle between three ideologies that died half a century ago that makes people fat
New Star Wars movies and Harry Potter.
Fuck I hate people who ruin their laptops with stickers.
Come on anons, you c-can do it! D-don't let the thread die now!
It's easier to pretend everyone who wrongthinks must come from a specific underground subculture than it is to acknowledge pretty much everyone is either learning the truth or sticking to insane denial
Which one of these 4 guys would be the leader ?