A happy ending is always more satisfying than an ending where the crazy evil bitch ex wife wins, don't you agree?

A happy ending is always more satisfying than an ending where the crazy evil bitch ex wife wins, don't you agree?

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No one cares about your divorce and pathetic life, user

i hate this disgusting creep's face
i don't give a shit whether he did anything, I just want twitter to keep cancelling him so I never have to see this goblin ever again

post your face

>having personal problems
>"I know, how about I air all of my dirty laundry for the internet to see? What could possibly go wrong with that? The internet loves some drama!"
>lose millions of subs
>everyone agrees that you're an asshole
>you're now jobless and unable to get work anywhere due to having no actual life skills outside of videogames
Its like the whole DrDisrespectmywife shit, and every other retard who does it.
None of them ever learn, and I fucking laugh every time

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based & checked

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he unjusted himself

whoa he wide

widers in the chat

because they think they are real celeb

He didn't air it out. He said he was getting divorced and please respect their privacy.

Then his wife started lying about him cheating (she wanted to be poly before he started fucking another woman) and then two degenerate mentally ill faggots (double oxymoron, I know) lied about him being a pedo.

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6'6 about 225 lbs

I don't post my disgusting face online for people to see
that's my point

Literally none of what you mentioned applied here you fucking retard.

so why was he never charged and jailed for sending nudes to kids and asking for them in return? did he get away with it because he was a jew? he looks like a kike.

one of the people he never talked to. the "kid" had no logs and never had any proof of contact.

the other person lied about being over 18. and that person sent the nudes, not vice versa.

legit thought im on Yea Forums for a second
did the mod there ban your ass and you come here?

imagine being this insecure

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Probably because it was a lie and those "kids" not only didn't press charges but deleted all mentions of the accusations. Makes you think

Open relationships are not real. If your girlfriend/wife ever asks you to be in an open relationship, show her the fucking door immediately. It never ends up working out and its always about her wanting to fuck another dude. Only cucks agree to such bullshit terms. Move on, find a better woman who loves you and not some other gay faggot fuck.

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>lied about him being a pedo.

detected the discord tranny. he literally sent nudes to minors and asked for some back. look at the dude he is a kike pedo

Attached: discord tranny!.jpg (1000x850, 112K)

I am beginning to think we are not as sophisticated as we think and the future is shitposting AI.

[citation needed]
protip: the tweets were deleted because they were lies

also discord trannies were the ones making the accusations, you dumb fuck

>it was a lie and those "kids" not only didn't press charges but deleted all mentions of the accusations

resetera and other trannies literally bullied them to stop. his fans sent the victims death threats.
>defending pedo jews


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decent 3rd world squat tho

Has there been any updates on that? I'd like to know what happened after

Anyone got the reddit post where some girl asks her boyfriend for an open relationship while she goes on vacation only for her to fail in getting laid and he plows their neighbor while she's gone? That one always cracks me up.

Or the one where a wife does it and her husband immediately starts boning teen trannies.

Cool story bro, too bad he has evidence of the contrary. If only you watched his video instead of being a faggot

Except those "kids" were literally trannies, why would resetera not defend them?

someone post the holly bikini pic pls

Why does Yea Forums suddenly support literal tranny subhumans over this guy?

discord trannies are invading