The Incel Canon

Any more additions to the Incel/FA/robot/whatever canon?

Attached: topsters2 (3).png (924x1743, 1.17M)

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Half of those aren't even incel you, you fucking cunt. FUCK OFF.

Welcome To the Dollhouse is kino

add capeshit and star wars, incels and manbabies love these

>Charlie Brown is an incel now

Attached: 1563580366863.jpg (722x682, 240K)

No incels in them I'm afraid.

I keep shilling this shit you fucks. The main character here is incredibly easy to project as if you are an incel. I've tested this myself.
I've been debating considering evangelion this way
>shinji is 14, below the average age of virginity loss for boys, 16
>if they actually fucked is debatable, but him and asuka had some sort of sexual interest in each other
lmao right? he's a little kid.

Attached: four nights of a dreamer.jpg (752x1000, 59K)

>incel canon
Why are the marketers pretending the script didn't leak?

Shinji is king of the mentalcels and Charlie is proto incel prime

He's an incel in the script.

Based Bresson bro


They're both going in.


I'm incel and never watched any of those

Most guys I know that are also incels like normal stuff.

alot of normal stuff with romance is hard to watch, and it's always great to have a character you can relate to on certain issues. we are just looking for such characters for this issue, which tends to require them to be an incel, or at least implied to be so.

How come Her isn’t there? That’s incel incarnate

most sex scenes are pointless, only one I can think of with purpose is the one in 21 Grams

yeah we all perceive and internalize art differently

yeah we all perceive art differently

Wait how is eva incel Shinji literally turns down sex

Willard and He Was a Quiet Man

Man who sleeps is peak inceldom

OP is a faggot


i swear people like you are worse than any kike on this planet
just give me your adress so I can end it.

Is The Double any good?

Yeah its pretty kino

Surprised Her isn't on there.

Main character has been married

It's ambiguous whether or not that was Misato's intention or whether Shinji saw it that way. Even if you interpret it as a come-on Shinji was in a state of profound grief at the time, poor little nigga probably couldn't even get it up.