tick tock roasties
tick tock
Tick tock roasties
now post a lolidoll and i'm sold
>It looks like a roastie
Disgusting. It could be anything why an old cowtit hag
Bounces like rubber instead of skin, tissue, and fat
OP's biological failure and white women's preference for dogs is the reason why the white race is doomed to extinction
got more videos? for some reason these super sophisticated sex dolls get me diamonds because they make me fantasize about a future where i will finally not be alone ;_:
bros give it to me straight: are there going to ge sexbots in the next 30 years?
the real thing is always better and it wont be for another 50yrs at least hopefully before sexbots are human like
who gives a shit lol
>noo people of my skin color will be gone!
I'll be dead
so they simultaneously reject incels but want incels to pursue them in vain anyway?
>grown men playing with dolls
How will women ever recover?
men are still gonna be lonely and want companionship
>who gives a shit lol
(You) and the majority of 4channel apparently
This, instead of redskined fit Oni tomboy GF, or pure hobbit or foxy goblin or sleek dranei, they make roast with tits.
Fuck you.
once menopause is around the corner they'll settle for anything
>look roasties, soon i'll have someone who looks like a roastie but lets me fuck her
So, your only problem is that you want to get laid?These are the virtuous millennials i've heard about?
You are little more than animals.
All men and women born between 1985 and 2000 need to be put in collars and used as work slaves, it's the only use that we can get out of them.
I mean I was thinking more on the lines of tite 9 yo cunny
post webm of guy playing bongos on over 40lbs of pussy and ass
I jacked off twice yesterday while browsing AliExpress sexdolls.
It's a pretty infrequent fap but I love it.
Also they're getting cheaper I might buy a head soon
We have AI
I need that soft and comfy pillows
It mostly just depends on how fast AI research progresses. Probably we can get AI that pass the turing test and can be lewd in 20 years
Sexdolls already exist, they will drop in price dramatically within the next 5 years
she cute, please the aliexpress source, I need this head
That would be big no no, only chosen people can fuck cunny, goim can fuck 40yo bbc cumbags.
Looks like Alissa P mixed with Pimenova
These dolls are meant for incels, and the female equivalent of the failure that incels are, are roasties.
They are both beings incapable of understanding love and affection, they are ruled by their primal instincts and nothing more, and are incapable of being responsable, and when asked what they have made out of their life, they try to live through the glories of others.
Not worth the price. My hand and imagination work fine.
Nope only /pol/cels care about saving MUH RACE
Fuck jews. They will be gone and meaningless in 50 years their time is over. Thank the gods
tick tock
I'm a 38 year old male and I've seen my share of fat tits bouncing in porn
These are too bouncy
Its "catdoll" but the "realistic silicone heads" dont have a mouth opening so what's the fucking point.
Aliexpress has uncanny ones that look like Jolie and Olivia Wilde though
does its mouth open or is it for Ed Kemper role play?
The idea of a sexbot is good but what's the point of these bigass dolls? They don't move, aren't warm, and you can't really hide it anywhere. Plus humping it would be super inconvenient. You gotta wheel out this huge doll, set it up in a good position. Then you spend 3 minutes fucking it, cum, and have to spend another hour cleaning it and deodorizing it and storing it away. Idk I just don't see the appeal. An onahole is 1/100 the cost, 1/100 the work, and feels literally just as good.
I'm neither an incel nor a woman.
As such, it's my duty to mock the bottom of the barrel of society, since both groups will kill themselves in their 40s.
Looking forward to that.
>looks like Alissa P
You may be onto something
Yes. The idea of a man being content without pursuing women angers and frightens women. I also think some have a fetish for cucking men, so when sleeping with a Chad she just met, knowing in the back of her mind how some pitiful incel orbiter who would chop of his foot for a kiss isn't having sex with her makes her all the hornier.
Well sure why not, I just dont get why they dont wanna tap in to sexual fantasy market.
I can find slut with big bags for 200$ but there is no 4ft tall green minx I can pump till my balls shrink.
They're fun to cuddle with and buy clothes for :3
>you spend 3 minutes fucking it,
Top pleb, I do 2 hour sessions with my homemade fleshlight.
But you are correct about the cheap ones being just as good, if not better.
>candy girl
I knew it. I have the eyes my friend
>They will be gone and meaningless in 50 years their time is over.
Great numbers, but unless we will rout and destroy them they will rule this earth like they did for last 300 years.
How quickly do those wear out?
>storing her away
>not having her sit on the couch so you can watch kjino together
I don't understand. You have a product that is targeted towards lonely (whether by choice or not) perverted individuals, and you choose to make your toy look like a regular human woman?
These companies are fucking dumb. Furries have thousands of dollars in expendable cash. Literally just fucking make furry sex dolls of this quality and watch your profits increase ten times over.
The Chinese and brown hordes dont care about them. Whites influence will either wane or die depending on what we do and if we start defending ourselves. Either way their vector of control is gone. Their numbers dwindle, the nations propping up their garbage little "nation" power goes away. With it, so do they.
Why do they keep advancing in titty and pusy technology when they should be trying to do an AI with simulated emotions like blade runner' JOI.
Their lack of vision is disappointing.
Another jew thread.
Haha tick tock roasties ;) I've got a fuckdoll that can't produce any white children ;)
based Mr. Goldstein
did you cut your hands off too? you fucking degenerate
>~1200$ custom head
Not gonna lie, I'm extremely tempted to submit by ex-gf or my dead oneitis
Yeah... that doesn’t look very high quality
They do have some loli models but they cant import them to NA or canada because of the moralfags and thought police.
fuck you i'm gonna adopt my fuckdoll and i will pump all of the white children into her
>the people who buy companion dolls were totally going to have kids
>Also they're getting cheaper I might buy a head soon
Alright i'm calling the cops
The skin looks terrible but it's a pretty damn good facial recreation
really need to find one that can accurately and realistically duplicate someone's face.
found one that had some pornstars, but face wise they look nothing like them. example is there's a 'little lupe' one and it looks nothing like her.
No nigger, I'm talking purely from an economic standpoint. Supply and demand.
There are a LOT of horny furries with huge wads of expendable cash. This is prime sex doll market. These people pay thousands to have their character appear in the corner of a drawn gangbang session. They spend thousands getting plushies and suits made. THIS. IS. THE. MARKET.
> tfw have a date on Saturday
> conducting basic oppo research on the mark with reverse image searches
> find her lesbian pink cupid profile
> she turns out to be an art bitch with similar interests to mine only gay af
wat do?
>Yea Forums
Chinese are on the leash for last 100 years, read about opium wars, than look at how many big time jews marry assian cunts, they are preparing infiltrators for next generation so the real asians wont see who is on top.
Brown arent problem, USA is fucking up south america for over 80 years now, after that it will be chinks who do that, same with middle east.
Also they prosper now and multiply, look how many big families jew have, especialy more ortodox ones. They wont be gone just by themselves.
You retard, furries have other furries to yiff around with - they don't need dolls
>He thinks being a furry automatically gives you social superpowers to engage in public sex romps
No, I can guarantee most are NEETs living in their little bubbles. These people put Bad Dragon on the map paying hundreds for fucking animal dildos.
Which television and /or film is this?
here's your Joi bro
You already know that (((they))) will oppose this because achieving this level of realism in sex dolls will literally end depression and sexual frustration in men, thereby negating the power imbalance caused by roasties holding sway over males through the virtue of their pussies and creating a generation of Chads that are free from their subconcious desire of trying to access fuckholes via appeasement politics, Chads that can make decisions based on the best outcomes, while women will be forced to revert to more traditional roles on account of their monopoly over sex being completely shattered.
>browns aren't a real problem
The US will be Brazil in 40 years
There does exist a kino this feel
No user. That's only your fetish.
he's truly a voice of a generation
no nigger she looks like she's going to cut my dick in my sleep
>redskined fit Oni tomboy GF
Holy shit based taste
how much more can one humiliate himself?
all this shit goes to customs and people will laugh about you
it's the only thing keeping me from ordering one of these things - gonna have to wait until there's a european seller
They need to work on the face that thing looks hideous otherwise 10/10
t. Roastie
yes and? Jews will move to asia and repeat the proces of destroing host nation. Chinks will keep US of Brazil in perpetual shitstorm like Burgers did with actual Brazil. History is a circle, never ending, just spining.
Current sexbots are way too expensive but in the near future the price will decrease also vr implementation will make br2049 feel closer to us. I know some nip incels must be working full time for this to happen. We gotta have faith in them.
just have a wank
Lmao implying roasties browse fucking Yea Forums
imagine needing to clean it and make your own sandwich after
better start doing extra chores so you'll have enough money for one
>t. sex-crazed cumbrain
Society will colapse if a successful sexbot ever is created
Ty fellow high human. We are torch in the dark.
Robert negotiated with Hiro that we can have one (1) sexdoll thread in the catolog at all times. He had to give up his position as manager of the kinoplex, but he did it for us
soft skin
tight abs
Theres literally nothing wrong with wanting an artificial companion, and i'll never understand why people are so aggressively against it
She'll never get pregnant, you'll never get an STD, she'll never cheat on you, and you'll always have someone to talk to and vent emotionally.
>B-but muh white race/population decline
People who buy these dolls are voluntarily taking themselves out of the gene pool. Whats so bad about that? There will always be chads for roasties to fuck, so why get mad?
Feels like the whole controversy is literally women who are upset that men have a way to be happy without them.
Jesus fuck is she retarded.
I dont think the Chinese will succumb like whites did. There is some subversion but for one not having the abrahamic religion be so prominent will help
First, this Second, have sex
It’s not prominent, that’s the problem
Our salvation is at hand brethren
I'm so fucking triggered right now her profile has all the artsy directors and authors that I've never even read she's gonna walk all over my small brain
>there are people in this thread who haven't taken the silicone gf pill
Explain yourself.
>sex robots strangling humans
hello, my new fetish