1999 was a different time man.

Attached: 630A2CE9-C36D-44FC-8270-9AFCCA1FAD76.png (1334x750, 3.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: OLD KID ANNY.png (554x554, 388K)

I literally watched this from my recommended yesterday holy shit

A whiter time.

People actually had personalities back then, and weren't conversing through their phones 90% of the time. God i miss the late 90's and early 00's

Those are the oldest looking high schoolers I have ever seen.

weird that this is just now hitting the recommended feed I spent a night watching a bunch of old high school videos like this a year or two ago there pretty comfy

No shit. Where do you think OP watched it?

I'm also nostalgic for the late 90s, but I think the one thing that's gotten better is women's hair styles.

I was 8 then. America before the internet popularity is a distant memory now.

If this video from 1993 was anything to go by, hairstyles haven't changed all that much.
But women's formal fashion on the whole has gotten a lot less sexier.

Attached: sdfsdfsfsdf.jpg (691x486, 85K)

I'm claiming Furby

Attached: ^frog3.jpg (396x385, 31K)

I have a hard time believing NYC was that white in 1993.

Barely any blacks. My god.

why do they all look like age 25-30 ?

am I crazy?

THAT is how we are meant to live.

The world literally ended in 2007.

Why do american teenagers look so old?

Youth worship movement hadn't begun.
Young adults still aspired to look mature/middle-aged.
I'm talking out of my ass but that's my best guess.

I don't remember these building from my visit to NY last year

Attached: what.png (1210x888, 1.2M)

Growth hormones in the food

It turns out all those tv shows and movies about high school were accurate all along.

i was 12 when that video was made and even though i'm 32 now, they still look older than me lol

>that girl at 7:20
D-do you think she's available?

>Best bud Mike
Mikes are always the best bros

Does YouTube soundtrack kino counts?

same, are we living in a simulation?

yea they look older than me even though i'm 22

She's probably obese with 4 kids now

>She's probably obese with 4 kids now
Damn. My neetbux will only spread to two rugrats


Attached: Pierce-Brosnan.jpg (877x1200, 222K)

It's weird how normies all follow trends and act the same and it creates these decade-based zeitgeists.

What compels them to be like that? Why did I never give a shit, is it autism? I was never "with it", but it seems like EVERY normie follows along, it's so bizarre to me

>that one guy has a basic tribal tattoo high on his arm so it's covered by any shirt and they make a big deal about it, and he acts like a badass for it
>no one else has any
>now every faggot and thot has multiple tryhard super visible tattoos as standard, many of them of videogames and other inane shit
I want to go back

Yeah no. People were the same pieces of shit then as they were now. We just didn't have social media like we do now.

Is it true high schoolers in the 90s would beat you up over nothing?

>Those are the oldest looking high schoolers I have ever seen.
All the birth control chemicals in the water supply cause extended neoteny.

Attached: 1418099320129.gif (301x250, 1.31M)

>world ended in 2007
Post the meme picture so we can shred you bullshit nostalgia to pieces

Girls all had qt perms back then rather than Pocahontas look they saw aped from their favourite Kardashian.

People walking around midtown Manhattan during Rush Hour tend to be white

>tfw no tattoos

Feels good, now I get to be the special one for NOT having tattoos

The country (and western world) has gotten browner at an extremely rapid rate

just the fuckin way she goes.

what does it feel like to be the ultra popular super loveable nice guy in highschool?

There's definitely something in the fact that people age slower now. The 20-30 something actors in films from classic hollywood all look and sounds mid-40s by the standards of today. Maybe it's just that we live more sheltered lives (were NEETs even a thing in the 90s?).

You post the "meme picture". If I had one I would post it.
Nothing good has happened since 2007.

im jealous, i grew up in a darkie neighborhood, and it was scary and dangerous.

generations look younger and younger because we are selecting baby like traits in sexual partners

Look at this picture, they are all tanned

Most people aren't tanned these days, and if you watch media from the 90s even the nerds had tans. People simply went outside way more and they never wore sunscreen or used moisturizer(the men at least)

The sun ages you like fuck

Attached: 0_columbine-Photograph.jpg (810x539, 137K)


There's a lot of kids with non tanned complexions in there.

>Doug Jones argued that human evolution's trend toward neoteny may have been caused by sexual selection in human evolution for neotenous facial traits in women by men with the resulting neoteny in male faces being a "by-product" of sexual selection for neotenous female faces.[22]

So basically people are looking younger because men are all secretly pedos?

this one is probably my favorite. its like right out of a movie