Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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women can get away with being chinlets, men can't

Because you didnt MEW

Yeah nah, I have taste and wouldn't even talk to her

its a meme

she needs to chew on some rubber

Anyone else think she still looks cute?

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its really not.

>hmm, yes i voted for Trump, how could you tell?

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Can happen for a variety of reasons. Could be arthritis, mouth-breathing, thumb-sucking, lack of hard food.

Yes. her after pic actually isn't an improvement desu


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how can people live with this and dont kill themselves?

say it with me:

Is it?

bone graft facial reconstruction surgery

some fucking loser is going to wife her and have disgusting chinless children yuck

What is allowed? Looking American?

Also genes especially if your relatives have one too

Reminder that the most handsome man alive is a chinlet.

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>bone graft facial reconstruction surgery
he is well past his thirties, what's the point of surgery when he has missed the best years of his life looking like an abomination?

Look, I like her alot, she's a sweet gal and tons of fun....but she's a mouthbreather

why must every woman who has this jawline also the most beautiful blue eyes and soft curly natural blonde hair.
it's not fair, bros

We are fallen, corrupted beings, user.

God is just

You can be a (minor) chinlet and still be good looking, for instance I lack a strong chin but get hit upon by multiple women when I frequent bars outside college(Im 6'2" so that may be a factor)

Shes only going to make more chinlets, none of them should procreate

but his jaw is quite big

>(minor) chinlet

He's not a chinlet, he just has a neck pouch.

Taylor Swift?

Is that a femcel?

No such thing cabrone

How do I get rid of it?

You sure about that?

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Stop being a fat fuck.

What are you doing on Yea Forums other than wasting your own life? You got a fucked up face or something?

I'd fuck it
unlike you

Men will fuck literally anything. The women in your pic could land dozens of men id=f she so desired.

Never let your son mouthbreathe and he’ll get a jawline like this

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So Chad Pitt is a fat fuck?

I refuse to believe there are man out that could have sex with this without copious amount of Viagra.

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The only thing that can render a man incel is short height (below 5'7) or having a very poor undereye support.

Chinlets will just be ugly, but with enough effort can get a girl.

Men can grow beards, women cant.

For the last time mewing is for developing the maxila not the jaw

you need to expand your imagination there, home slice.

That orc opens a dating app and has a row of 50 chads ready to fuck her in less than 30 mins.

If you don't believe me make a fake profile with her pic and gather various chads on certain spot where you can see them coming together.

You could've picked a better example cause I'd probably fuck her brains out, after a couple drinks ofcourse. And so would a hundred others, its just how nature works.

>there are people who believe this

Women can see through beards, while being a chinlet won't make you an incel it will be clear you are not attractive.

Growing a beard to hide your small chin will result in you looking like this

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The effects of mouthbreathing are well known. Breathe through your nose and you’ll have a jawline like the chad on the left

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It's true, I didn't mouthbreath as a child and I have an acceptable jawline.

Most orthodontist accept it as a fact, people that negate it are mostly women that want ugly beta orbiters to compensate for their bad looks by being submissive cuck providers.

Christ Angelina is such a fucking goblin.

400 IQ

He looks like he has a hot sauce collection at home...

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what kind of rationale is this? normal people can have a normal life and browse Yea Forums among other sites whenever they want

Too late for that. I have that neanderthal features.

>It's true, I didn't mouthbreath as a child and I have an acceptable jawline.
Great proof, with your sample size of 1. I was a mouthbreather for almost a decade due to sinus issues, and my jawline is perfect.

>most handsome man alive
Cavill, Cruise, Lachowski, Gandy, O'Pry all mog him into oblivion

>have sleep apnea as a little kid
>have nasal polyps as an adult
>have to use nasal spray every night or else I can't breathe
>wake up twice a night to pee because I'm constantly drinking water for my dry mouth
>movie star chin
Fuck, if I hadn't been born with breathing problems I'd have a Neanderthal-tier chin that could crack rocks.

Maybe now that he's old, but they cant hold a candle to Fight Club era Pitt, he was literally Hitler's vision of his supposed Masterrace.

Not only do you look like shit aesthetically, but your brain is rotten from the inside out too.

How does breathing through your mouth affect your jaw / chin?

would you rather have it be like pic related

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Brad Pitt isn't handsome, he just has a big jaw and good eyearea. And he's like 5'10.

>Neanderthal-tier chin that could crack rocks

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Mrs Lee, please let go. It's just a dumb film, Mr Pitt never fought your father.

Nice cope, chinlet.

He's saying he looks good.

Cruise mogged him hard in Interview with a vampire. Leo was also better looking in his prime. Old actors like Delon had way better facial aesthetics. Don't get me wrong, prime Brad was a 9/10 in his prime but certaimly not the most handsome actor let alone man in the entire world

It's the other way around, I'm incel because of height and have a normal jawline.

What the hell is undereye support and do I have it

Are you asian? No way you are white and below 5'7.

You're an incel either because you're butthurt ugly or because you do not leave your house. I've seen plenty of manlets, even shorter than their gfs go out with hot chicks

if you have dark circles under the eyes - you have poor support.


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whats the diffrence ?

>jew hair
>big sloppy tits
Oh right that's why I married my wife

There's nothing worng with this guy physically, it's the image associated with him that is.
Anyway you believe in the numale meme, you're not salvageable

I have a well made chin and I'm still hideous af

>chin of a god
>slim jaw line
>baggy eyes
>full head of hair
>slim build
Idk what to make of this, am I chad or incel? I'm a categorical thinker, I don't like gradients

Beyond the fact that this isn't a thing, a woman who looks like this is de facto off my interest altogether.

Not even for a one-night-stand, even if she begged, or paid.

If you raised your standards, you'd automatically be more valuable. Stupid incels.

>am I chad or incel?
that depends on your character, not looks

My chin sticks out further than my nose.

grow a chin

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when did George Lucas shave his head?

then post pic
not him but where I live 5'7 is shorter than most women below 30, I'm 5'11 and most women are as tall or almost as tall as me

>low body fat
>defined facial features
That's all this is all about, dumb fucks.

it's hard to do it (not physically, I mean actually going through with it) and even if you absolutely detest living you don't want to risk the few good things in your life


and kek at all the 2/10 sharp knees chads saying they wouldn't date her you incel fags would jack off to her for years if this bitch gave you so much as a wink

No, Chico has almost perfect undereye support and has dark circles below. Poor undereye support is a result of a recessed upper maxilla (the bone that connects the browridge with the proper maxilla and the maxilla with the zygomatic bones, in other word, the frontal and zygomatic processes of the maxilla).

When you have bad undereye support there are two folds in your midface, the first ones are below the eyes and the others from nose to corners of mouth. The area above and below these lines are recessed and the area inbetween is loose skin.

Attached: undereyesupport.jpg (272x204, 50K)

pls do it

That's impossible. Even in the Balkans which has the highest average height ratio women are not that tall

Emilia Clarke/fat chick thread?

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>tfw I have everything you described
I had braces when I was a kid but it barely made any difference


A Chad is defined by his bone structure, personality is a meme created on reddit.

It's you! The hero of Kvatch!

A common side effect of Fetal Alcohol syndrome. If you look like this and your parents weren't chinlets then your mom probably drank while you were pregnant.


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>A Chad is defined by his bone structure
you're talking about attractive autist

5'11 is 1.80m, right? I mean it certainly look this way besides asian women I guess, in HS almost all the girls were as tall as me.

how could you tell??

Where do you live?

braces ruin your face

I grew up eating only meat (since 4 years old or so), I'm a bit stronger than average but much shorter.

I don't know but looking back I certainly wouldn't have bothered with it for such a shitty result

>women as tall as me
Pourquoi tu mens

Then it's not a Chad, it's a NT or an hypernormie.

If a 5'5 guy roids and acts dominant he won't be a Chad. And if a Chad spends all his day playing korean videogames and eating junk food he won't be less of a Chad.

Height is entirely determined by your genetics, not what you eat. You happened to fall on some shitty ones. My father is 188 which is like 6'2 and i'm 178 which is 5'10. My sister is like 6'0 and my brother is 5'8 or something

Men absolutely can. Jeremy Meeks is a chinlet. It's all about front profile and anything else is a cope. That's why all these autists on /fit/posting their godlike side profiles in jaw threads are still KHHV.

The important thing is that you tried.

I'm 5'11 and I pretty much never see girls as tall as me. If I do they're white girls and I've never had a girl call me short or reference my height in a negative way.

usually you can spot chinlet from front profile


The national average in France is like 5'4 or 160 cm. Even if your town has some discrepancy i don't see how it could be that big

Yeah I forgot to say I live in Paris, so no southern manlets around here

Unless you're massively fucked and need double jaw surgery, not really.
That's from a normalfag perspective, not a lookism autist going over chin reflections under various lighting conditions with a fine toothed comb

>Michael B. Jordan
that's a chinlet
you can have a receding chin (a little bit) and still look good in the front

Pitt mogs him in height + jaw, tom has a fucked up nose
>prime Leo
if you’re into twinks
i’d put them on the same level

you must live in Asia
that must be some old data then, average for (I guess white) men my age must be around 6'1

So do I and women are not taller than me faggot who is 5'8, so again, pourquoi tu mens, traite moi encore une fois de manlet ça va pas bien se passer


It counts indian refugees that are like 5'0 or elderly women.

Average height for women in my country is like 5'6 (168cm) and I'm from south america, in france it has to be much taller

>not a manlet
bien sur

are you american or asian?
i constalty get mogged at 6'1 by women

At this level it is personal preferences but Delon mogs Pitt out of this world

Chinlet is used by people here to mean anything that falls behind the Riedel line. I'm not saying I agree, I just don't think being a chinlet aesthetically or physically affects you much unless you're medically required jaw-surgery tier.

>literally one doctor who claims all this shit
>not corroborated by anyone else
>obviously snake oil to sell his dental appliances
>hook line and sinker

>that must be some old data then
No, it's not and i have a hard time understanding why you would lie about this shit. Genetically humans are not predisposed to be that tall, especially women.

Btw, Frogland is a nation of manlets. You had me laughib with that 6'1 shit

Every truth is fought at first user.

Is that Riedel line that important?

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Why not?

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I don't know what it counts. It may count niggers that bump the average as well

how do you come to this conclusion? do you go outside?

>tfw have the same tier chin
its been a good run

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