Would women in film be portrayed more accurately if there were more female directors?

Women’s true nature is often concealed in film, I wonder if this is because it’s men doing the directing and scriptwriting? Do you think women’s portrayal in film would be closer to their actual, real world behavior if women were directing the movies and writing the scripts?

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What are some films that show off the true nature of women?

>I've only slept with, like, 5 other people, don't call me a whore
>I'm still a good pure girl boyz ;^)
The absolute state of women.

Reminder that if she isn't willing to sleep with you right away, you're a fucking cuck for trying.

Chad can get her within 1 hour, and there's your dumb ass taking her to restaurants and shit

It's true, people know right away if they want to fuck - there's a primal electricity that occurs when their eyes meet.

You are retarded beyond words. Get help, seek therapy.

>had 5 sex partners
>supposed all relationships

dating someone for 2 weeks isnt a relationship. 5 sex parters for a man or woman at 24 is disgusting. ive had 2 and im 29. i had multiyear relationships with both.

I find women to be usually dull, tiresome Mary Sue cunts in film, especially when written by libtards and women.

>You are retarded beyond words. Get help, seek therapy.

Translation: I am disappointed at the prospect of non-chad men valuing their time and money and not spending it on me when the system is rigged in my favor. I was fully enjoying the dual sexual strategy women had established and the idea of this gravy train ending is horrifying to me.

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Reminder that people that write shit like this are incels that want to make sure others are as miserable as they are
have sex

Well, pretty much. Depends on the scenario you meet in, but you really shouldn't try very hard at all, it's just wasted effort.

i would say 2 dates is the absolute maximum you can go without fucking. 1 hour to fuck is possible but definitely not standard even for your average whore.

Let's play roastie bingo

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>Get help, seek therapy

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Women literally decide within 15 seconds if they'll fuck a dude, it's scientifically proven

>reading fiction on reddit

t. Beta whiteknight

Just because you are a fag doesn't mean the rest are, too.

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Nah, just an ex-incel who is fucking tired of seeing you idiots pussy out of a lifetime of happiness because you're too fucking weak to succeed.

Why would I let virgins tell me how sex works? Instead of reading your 'scientific' bullshit online, go experience for yourself.

>but you really shouldn't try very hard at all
But you kind of want to try
A woman who gives it up right off the bat is bad news because it's like paying a lot of money to join a free club. You WANT her to be difficult to sleep with because that means chances are not many other men have gotten in.

The issue is women are two-faced about it and will escort a chad right into their cunt without any effort from him, but for average guys they want all of that effort to be put into them.

Most social media posts where women bitch about men not putting effort into them is because they're giving it up to chad then act surprised when he isn't willing to work for something she gave him for free



What you define as happiness is really just a coping mechanism born out of desperation

Big cringe & yikes

Why does the most autistic website on the internet constantly talk about normalfag life and larp as chads?

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Not everyone is a loser like you pal and some are just making basic observations. Stop projecting and being so self righteous

I only go for it specifically if I detect signs that she might be insane.

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>even just from seeing the back of his head
lmao how can you see this and not be blackpilled
she literally calculated his warrior skull proportions within microseconds of seeing just the back of his head, before she even saw his face, before he even said a single word she was already getting pussy tingles. Betas have to take girls on dates for weeks and spend money and walk on thin ice for a crumb of pussy. and this nigga got her with the BACK of his FUCKING HEAD.

You're thinking about it too much. I used to think that way, it was very cringe and I was very unhappy. I am sorry you feel that way.

Who do you think you are fooling?
It's all millennial autismos in here.


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i would bite the bullet for her

>it waas very cringe


Imagine unironically speaking like this.

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>le internet is for virgins
It's not 2004 anymore dear

it hurts so much

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>there's a primal electricity that occurs when their eyes meet
Yeah, but that's not enough if one of you 1) has an insufferable personality, or 2) is socially awkward.

>you need to be a world class 5 star chef to recognize a burger and how it tastes

>You WANT her to be difficult to sleep with because that means chances are not many other men have gotten in.
Not really, I just assume she's wasting my time and then go Patrick Swayze on that ho

>uuuuuh everyone's fucking, so like it's okay if I do it too
Women literally are cows. Herd mentality.

Does being a gangbanging violent criminal fall under the banner of having an “insufferable personality”?

Valley of the dolls
Eyes Wide Shut
The Piano
Flickorna (the girls)
A Woman Under Influence
Three (Survival Island)
Mean Girls
House of Flying Daggers
Woman in the Dunes

>You WANT her to be difficult to sleep with because that means chances are not many other men have gotten in.
There's a reddit story about a girl withholding her virginity from a guy for two years before he finally has enough and calls it quits and she ends up fucking another guy after three days.

I started following her on insta, she's a damn fine woman but her pictures are super doctored and always at a certain angle. I peeked at her boyfriend's page and she does not look as good when she's not in control of the posting. Shame

too much nerd signalling

How about the one where the woman goes on some business or school retreat or something and fucks some guy she meets there despite never having had sex with her long term boyfriend?

Oh come on 5 isnt that many



This, incels and manlets coping hard in this thread.

many such cases!

every time...
i really want to give up because i'm a fucking manlet and can't seem to lose any fat no matter how much exercise or diet i do but my instincts will never go away...

Sleepaway Camp

Just kill yourself desu


I think women would be portrayed more realistically in film if they made more Friday the 13th movies.

>statistics show that there is a correlation between premarital sexual partners and divorce rates
>Pursue virgin waifu for best relationship

Denying gratification doesnt mean the gratification will never come you negrobrained fool

can i eat whetever i want in those 8 hours?

>retards actually think that spark is what makes a relationship last
Look up the honeymoon effect

Don't listen to the cumbrains, they're not exactly human.

so women are attracted to criminals?

>just wait 10 years for gratification dude, trust me

(EDIT: FUCK what I said, I AM a hoe and I AM proud. I AM the kind of girl to do one night stands NOW.)
Roastie damage control in full effect.
>u go gurl!
>woo shake dat booty gurl!

Well dont binge to the point of illness, and drink lots of water

What's the point of trying in the 21st century? Women can cycle through 300 guys in a few minutes thanks to dating apps. Non-Chads like me LITERALLY have no chance, cant even get my looksmatch thanks to social media.

>can't seem to lose any fat no matter how much exercise or diet
That is literally impossible. Stop "dieting" and start fasting.
If you have a bike, start using it every day; if not, get one ASAP.

>um, yes she refuses to fuck me, yes I think that's a good thing, what are you some kind of incel?

You weren't getting anything with that kind of attitude anyway don't kid yourself

wisdom right here. women making you wait are usually not worth the effort. why would you spend money and time on a 7 when you can fuck a 6 without the least bit of effort?

its shown that its about 3 years to exit the "romance stage" and enter the "normalcy stage". False dichotomy btfo, you can deny gratification without being a simpleton. If you arent marrying your girl 3 years in your fucked anyway.

>All the incels here immediately attack the woman
The man in this story did exactly the same thing

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Jesus Christ, that chick might be one in a million. She is the female version of me.

Don't give up man. Women are absolutely fucked and theyre even more fucked with all this jewish programming (or whoever you want to blame), but they are not all bad. I am fat and short and look like a caveman half the time, but I've got a gf that acts like she walked out of the 50's. Its so refreshing compared to normal lineup of slags I see around. If I can do it, you can too man. I know its hypocritical to say this, but don't listen to any of the other faggots on here. They just want to validate their own misery. They are weak pussies, all of them.

>Sure I've fucked guys because we had that spark, but you're special :) This slow burn thing we've got going will mean that well have a GREAT relationship that'll last a long time. Until then, no, we won't have sex, but all those dudes I fucked within hours of meeting them don't mean anything, they will never know the REAl me like you will :)
Stop roastie.

>She is the female version of me.

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she ugly?

>dieting makes you a cuck
>self control makes you a cuck
>avoiding debt makes you a cuck
This is your brain on porn and negrofication

when she's done with the chads its your turn incel

Are you a 30 year old scene kid with BPD?

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If you are dating a chick and not fucking you aren’t really dating.

But the man isn't posting about it on the internet, wanting feedback.

None of those have anything to do with your girlfriend refusing to fuck you, you fucking retard. Holy shit.

i don't know, user
i can't talk to woman at all if i don't know them (i don't know any woman) and women don't talk to me either
it doesn't help that i'm studying computer engineering and it's filled with fat weebs and no girls in classes...

Wrong, social media wasnt as prevalent in highschool and I had gfs, but now nothing.
I'd rather blow my brains out than be with a roasty

You want a woman that makes everyone, even Chad, wait. I'm 30 and have known hundreds if not thousands of women, and can count the genuinely good ones on one hand (all religious and/ or raised in a strict household). Some of us will find them, most of us are fucked though.

Not really. It's a cultural problem related with late-stage capitalism pushing a cultural standarization (see Disney/Marvel). Hiring more female directors for their gender is a gimmick and resolve nothing in the long term as long as everything remain the same behind the reflectors

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>implying i dont research women to filter roasties
>implying im not a chad traditionalist who btfo modernist whores
>implying i diamond a missing hymen
Stop projecting. You are essentially a sexual nihilist. More to the point if you arent set on having a virgin waifu, then getting a girl who has only been in 2-3 long term relationships is good, and in such a case you still want her to not put out quickly because its a sign of a low status female. Settling for whores is just validating this hypergamy nonsense.

That's why I bang trannies now

Delusional, most church girls at least do anal. They're on Chad's dick as fast as the average whore

>one in a million
Do you not have instagram?

>falling for obvious karma bait
lmao you're all retarded

for studies like that no one is shouting causation vs correlation, but when its about race or something they dont like REEEEEEEE

most church girls these days are former thots trying to 'revirginize' too

They are all examples of delayed gratification, are you an actual retard?
>I want to get my dick wet but I know that if I pursue girls who will help me achieve this goal easily I will be risking disease and hurt my chances of securing my genetic continuation. Better seek high status females.
This is cucked according to you
>I want to buy the new gaming console/see new movies, but money is tight I should save up instead and get it at discount
Not cucked according to you

>male incels/volcels exist
>female version doesnt
A-all women are whores says /r9k/

>normalfags actually believe this

Females can have sex any time they want, they can have friends any time they want. Women are NEVER lonely. Women do not require godlike genetics to be considered as a potential partner. Women can never be incels/volcels, because it's impossible for them to be so.

How have you known thousands of women?