Outside of the racism and homophobia do they hold up?
Raimi Spider-Man
Their racism and homophobia hold up really well
spiderman ignoring 9/11 was a little gratuitous
the racism and homophobia are precisely why they still hold up
>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it 'The White Man's Burden.' Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."
There wasn't any racism or homophobia.
They looks really good together
Wait so Raimi was bluepilled?
we watch the movies every time we hang out with my buddies the day after to get the headache away, they hold up like nothing else
Fucking drink bleach faggot. There is no racism or homophobia.
They're legitimately awesome. Even the third one makes for some enjoyable shlock.
>no homophobia
ummm sweetie, aren't you forgetting the awful scene where Peter verbally harasses Bonesaw with homophobic remarks?
>ginger character is played by a white redhead
Honestly can't believe Hollywood allowed this
so this is how raimi posting dies
is that a subtle way of saying he had a big d?
Racism and Homophobia? Fuck off with this low quality bait.
I wanna get up in Daphne's ass and take a good, long sniff when she bends over like that holy fuck
Oh yes, Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, what a fine kino.
>he didn't watch the 4 hour director's cut version
Oh no no no
>and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong
every time
Are you guys memeing, or the current left actually thinks the Toby spiderman movies were racist? And why would they be?
I'm still fucking baffled Raimi got away with this
Pretty sure its just raimiposting, which is where we pretend sam raimi was a virulent racist and misogynist who lets it out in his direction. However I do think that lefties think spiderman 1 was homophobic for the wrester husband quip.
>Uncle Ben: All the things you've been thinking about Peter, make me sad.
>Peter: Can’t you understand? I’m racially tolerant.
>Uncle Ben': Peter all the times we talked about white pride, cultural marxism, racial purity...all those times I counted on you to have the courage to take a stand against liberal brainwashing...
>Peter: I can’t live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.
>Uncle Ben: You’ve been given a gift, Peter. With white skin comes white power. Raise your hand to the Iron Eagle, son.
>Peter: No Uncle Ben. I’m just Peter Parker. I’m White Supremacy Man no more. No more.
Not a dry eye in the house folks.
Why was Peter so mean to imaginary Ben?
I love the bit where ben is talking about how he fried so many hills that they named a brand of rice after him, I never thought raimi's movies could be so informative.
>Peter, the Japanese are a degenerate and perverted race, but they sure as do make damn good cartoons
>Ugh...peter, don't hide those.
>Really pete, japanese cartoons? What the fuck is the matter with you?
>Peter, we dropped two nuclear warheads on Japan over the course of August 6 to august 9, 1945.
>220,000 nips erased... Gosh, I bet my grandfather was pleased. He lost his right nut in a Tokyo Tea House the day of the Pearl Harbour attacks. You should see him drink, Pete. He calls it a 'coordinated attack'.
>No, give them back. I'm keeping these for you. So if you slip up, I can show Uncle 'Just cram that jigaboo den into the oVEN' Ben or Mary Jane just how much of a scumbag otaku pedophile jackass you are.
>Peter, the japs have warped minds. They're trying to warp yours with this deranged shit. Don't fall off the wagon, pal!
He'd been brainwashed by jewish television.
I miss white America
I liked the deleted scenes the best
Turbo kek
delete this video of me
It was a different time
>200000 tops and mostly from typhus
hnnggh....thirteen percent....