JOKER final poster
JOKER final poster
>make cool psycho-study movie
ignores and flops
>make same thing but use comic book character
makes bank
I'm so tired of super heroes
This Marvel-tootin' starving-african child looking crying fat pussy is hopping on the DC train now that the Joker movie looks like it's ready take society by storm.
Bet he still hasn't seen Shazam, fucking judas.
Are we supposed to believe that this clown can take on Superman?
Holy crap this has set an awful precedent.
King of Comedy becomes the Joker. What next. Every film is going to now be both a remake/reboot of older classics but with capes!
What are you talking about faggot
shazam looks like garbage desu
Yes. It'll beat Man of Steel.
This movie looks like it’s gonna shite.
>"serious" capeshit
Why is it so cringy?
That's dumb. It's just taking certain characters from thier universe, away from the inherent juvenility and offer a different way to look at them. The Punisher did it and it was perfectly fine.
Find a cape in the film, just one
is batman going to be in it?
I hope this movie becomes a huge success and DC goes in a different, albeit smaller route than Marvel's capeshit blockbusters.
Joker is a decades-old iconic character.
I hope not. DC have better villains than Marvel. They should put them to use and completely ignore their weak superheroes.
They actually are. Todd said this, if successful, will launch a series of small, self-contained character study movies called DC Black
probably a cameo or mention, but nothing big
I agree. I don’t know shit about this movie but it looks somewhat different compared to Marvel capeshit. At least DC’s track record has been better since WW (ignoring Justice League)
>Batman v Superman
I can't fucking believe that we're going to have TWO (2) capekino's in the same decade.
Over a half century old.
The little kid in the trailer is young bruce wayne obviously.
>capeshit's bad because of silly quips, corny machismo, thin antagonists and lame explosions
>get rid of everything except the name and face paint
>uhh it's still bad cuz now it's puhreetentious
Have read the script, the word ‘Batman’ isn’t so much as said. Little Bruce is all the “cameo” you’ll get
I read the script. This film is going to fucking bomb and there's a 0% chance they let this play in China.
Why are you yelling so much user? Calm down, plenty of people agree with you.
Why, are there skeletons?
>there's a 0% chance they let this play in China.
Because it inspires rising up?
No, honey. It has a bad ending and such things are considered to be "against the public interest" and thus banned in governments that aren't run by wigged idiots.
Trailer is literally The Honkler from Prince of Rhodesia.
The plot looks like a ripoff of Taxi Driver and the King of Comedy, and Joaquin already played a role exactly like this several years ago.
Ok let me ask again, what "cool psycho study movie" are you referring too? Unless you're already talking about this movie and you're just a dumb sperg because of its association with DC?
The King of Comedy may have flopped but it is still remembered and talked about to this day. Joker will be forgotten within a year.
You better kill yourself real quick.
It's not capeshit though (as far as I can tell).
The character is named Joker™ because it's a recognized brand name that WB happens to own.
Yeah I doubt you know anything if you talk like this.
Do you just sit around waiting for somebody to make a movie for you? Shit film is shit film.
Is this from that same crystal ball Yea Forums used to forecast doom on many of this year's hits.
>Joker will be forgotten within a year.
You forget the power of the edgy fanboys.
It'll be a mess lad.
>Shit film is shit film
it didn't even come out yet
But he saw two trailers and read the script even though there are many improv'd scenes and dialogue doesn't always come out 1:1 to the written material. Trust, it will be shit
Joker finally meets Veronica.
oh now I see the funny side
oh hohohoh uhhuhuhu ahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA
Why does this movie trigger liberals so bad lmao
It seems to trigger everyone. Just look at this thread.
Whenever Capekino shows up, the normies seethe.
It'll be a cool movie as its own different standalone interpretation of the Joker. But this isn't the Joker. It's Joaquin Phoenix doing a movie.
It’s just the same with comics. Writers write whatever they want using existing characters. So in one book Batman could be in space flying around fighting some alien overlord, then in another book Batman is in some psychological thriller story about child abuse
>But this isn't the Joker. It's Joaquin Phoenix doing a movie.
Implying Joaquin Phoenix isn't an amazing actor with more than enough range to convincingly play a character that calls himself the Joker.
this shows the state of society
This flick is a prime example of a movie custom tailored to fit a market of consumers, as opposed to a film that actually has a vision and should exist.
If you think this movie was "made for you", you're right. It was.
Good, I'm tired of shit films I don't enjoy.
Hello good sirs, I read your post and thouroughly respect it and my judge of character seems you to be of refined taste. I have a request to make that may help someone of similar character being myself, would you be willing to help me find said script or towards a path which may lead me to it.
Based consumer.
Consume THIS. *grabs dick*
This movie WAS made for me, just like my knife WAS made for YOU
*stabs you*
I see the blood is flowing out of you quite quickly now. HAHAHAHAHA
The script was nuked from the site, only way you can find it now if by getting someone to post it one page at a time
Why were all the women in the trailer black?
It begins
Inner city.
very kino
*gobbles cock*
*looks at you*
Shit film is shit film.
Why are the tasteless so hyped for this leftoid propaganda?
I spend a lot of time on r/movies lately and it's interesting how invested with Yea Forums posters that sub is. Top comment on a thread the other day used the word "kino" and it took me a while to realize how weird it was to see that word on Reddit.
So you can feel his frustration. He seems to be an old-school boomer, now surrounded by blacks to increase the frustration. Do you remember "Gran Torino" with Eastwood? It's frustration related to the fall of civilization as you knew it.
>capeshitter intelligence
"kino" was propagated by reddit tourists that got upset when they came here and saw the film vs movies ideals we were posting about years ago
That's fucking fantastic.
This has been one of the Joker's "multiple choice" origins for years.
Nice concession
Schumer's Trainwreck and dark knight had shootings. Any movie could be a shooting that says to me
The black kid?
>A movie about white fragility and male entitlement
Thanks but no thanks. If i want to see entitled white males, i can just turn the tv on and watch the news
wait until it's out before calling it propaganda
Sounds based, maybe if people wrote more interesting characters in the first place their creations wouldnt get oushined by comic books for kids
Youre right, white men need to stop being fragile. Its time to put the colored "people" back in chains and put the women between the fist and the stove
His dad has major role.
i'm writing a song about this movie. what shall i call it?
>chincels look to their god
"Joke on This"
eat shit fucking liberals
bottom text
then stop watching them.
he's saying the only way to make interesting films that are profitable is to dress them up in capeshit clothing.
>You were never really here: psychological thriller with Joaquin Phoenix - 3 millions views
>Joker: capeshit psychological thriller with Joaquin Phoenix - 57 millions views
this is our reality now
please stop coming here and stay on reddit you low IQ faggot
Based emilio-poster.
Based Emilio-poster
imagine being hyped for that taseless and pretentious scorsese ripoff without any depth. However what did you expect from Hangover director without any originality and basic abilities to write a script that doesnt look like fanfiction made by 13 years old
Here's the thing: comics have been doing in-depth character studies for better than thirty years now. Just because you got used to seeing braindead Disney shit, don't blame someone for delving into them and think you come off sounding like you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
Truly we are all clowns.
I think the most appealing thing about this film is that (from the trailer) he isn't just going to become a criminal and commit some 'psycho' crimes at the end, it appears that he starts some sort of political movement from the protest scenes which is atleast a different take to the other films with The Joker in it
Checked but that movie was boring. The director was a woman so it was to be expected.
yeah its literal gangweed gamers rize up clown world cia psyop
Glow niggers are going to false flag this shit.
Witness me.
This is the first movie i want to see in the theatre in like.. 3 years? but I'm worried I'm going to burst out laughing the entire movie
blue check marks on twitter are already seething about this movie it’s going to cause a lot of meltdowns when it ends up overshadowing every other films during awards season.
Because you’re a retard
t. Marvel cocksucker
He dies at the end, in an officer involved shooting
You have to outsmart him
not a superhero
he's a megavillain
How many shootings do you think will happen bros? I'm thinking 4 in the US
Unironically too scared to go watch this in theater
80 next year
>everyone expecting this to be about Batman's Joker
You're in for disappointment.
>b-but Wayne, Gotham!
Not a copyrighted name and used to trick you.
Batman will not be mentioned once.
Joker is almost public domain too.
Batman will not be mentioned once because this is before Batman, you absolute troglodyte
now I'm always smiling
>He's a paranoid schizophrenic
>The kind of mind the Joker attracts.
>What do you expect to learn from him?
>He's a paranoid schizophrenic
>The kind of mind the Joker attracts.
>What do you expect to learn from him?
>He's a paranoid schizophrenic
>The kind of mind the Joker attracts.
>What do you expect to learn from him?
So is the joker a fucking grandpa by the time batman is batman? Thats so fucking stupid
>No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
>Now they're starting to notice
>Joker is almost public domain too.
Mickey Mouse would be public doomain much sooner so don't worry about that
holy shit. they're not going to hang this up in public are they? it's gonna give people nightmares.
He kills 3 Wallstreet guys in the subway after they pick on him. Edgelords in Gotham mistook that as him standing up against the rich.
Sometimes i delete old tweets when a realize what a cringe lord i was, probably still am on some level
What a gay fucking picture
>sweetieposting without posting sweetie
i probably blocked you or we’re mutuals desu
Ah sweety, it's about a poor mentally ill and poverty stricken man being bullied by society.
Don't let your racism blind you.
This movie is just a copy of Legion.
awesome I like the shot wheres hes driving his tiny car down the street
have you read the script? its the leftists that are the psychos that 'follow' the joker. the movie ends with batman being created from leftists killing the rich
the movie is actually pretty redpilled, im not sure how the live action version will come across.
i got a big dick
I read the script and im honestly impressed at how miserable and pathetic (in a good way) the character is.
Its not anything new per say, but usually movies like Taxi Driver are cult classics because nobody watches them when they come out. but imagining 12 yearolds who dragged their parents to the theatre to watch this movie about really a stalker incel who gets caught in way over his head is just hilarious. the movie entirely lacks joy, and the climax of the film is senseless murder. Even if you think its trash i think its safe to say people will be talking about this movie for reasons they didnt expect when it comes out
post pics
Your brain after a few quip overdose, everybody
What's race got to do with it? You people make me fucking sick, hiding behind all your contrived labels and signalling virtue as if you had any notion of what virtue really is. I pray the downtrodden classes of all colors come to your door bearing the hatred they've harbored for so long. You will be butchered like a hog in a back alley. You puerile cunt.
Joker is already certified kino
What's race got to do with it? You people make me fucking sick, hiding behind all your contrived labels and signalling virtue as if you had any notion of what virtue really is. I pray the downtrodden classes of all colors come to your door bearing the hatred they've harbored for so long. You will be butchered like a hog in a back alley. You puerile cunt.
>The King of Comedy
> still remembered and talked about to this day
ahaha, funny. no one really cared about this film untill today, its not a taxi driver. Majority of people didnt even know that its exists
Its definitely not batman, but we ARE going to see Bruce's parents die. Again. You even see them in the damn trailer
>not a copyrighted name
technically it is, especially if you make him a clown and give him psychotic tendencies, you probably should learn how copyright laws work before you spout bullshit. you could make a character exactly like him and name him something else and claim parody, but as soon as you tag him as "Joker" you're reaching infringing territory
>released by WB
>who own DC
>implying they would bother wasting the name if it wasn't for their character
What a faggot. I hope he does get shot.
the only people who use the term incels are either incels or cucks
This movie has probably the best looking version of Joker from anything ever, the colors and hair make me think of something like cesar romero and ledger combined but Joacquin is a better basis for the joker makeup and suit than either of those
Maybe the real joke are the friends we make along the way
Is this a personal attack or something?
Please let it have nothing to do with batman. Please don't have it mention anything to do with DC or any other superhero crap. Let it just be "Joker" by name alone and have an actual stand alone, isolated story. I would prefer if they didn't even use the name "Gotham".
>A Bloo Bloo Society Bad: The Movie
Joker has been in kinos since 1966, zoomer.
Stay mad about "capeshit", though.
Here's a "redpill" for you brain dead faggots: capeshit SAVED cinema.
It's not a god damn charity, it's a business.
And businesses need money to stay alive.
Capeshit makes money. Other movies do not make money. Put 1+1 together.
It's a pretty good movie desu
Movies that only gamers will understand
>reddit joke
you have to go back
Joker actually injects himself with youth serum, it's the reason for his pale skin.
That’s what intrigues me too.
Motherfucker, are they going to pull a Batman 1989 and have Joker be the one to do it again? I'm tired of them casualizing Batman for normies.
Sounds like you'd probably also like Logan.
doubtful he's going to do it directly, it'll probably just happen in the chaos
Logan was shit while also being the most comic book like of all movies
too many comic book movies aren't gory or curse enough, and dead pool just does it wrong
But Logan is full of gore and swearing, even Professor Xavier swears.
why he cry?
You're missing the fucking point user, the script is essentially just a character study about a guy and then they superimpose the Joker character and title over it just to get normies to watch it. It's like if they made Raging bull but made it about Captain America lmao
What's with the sheer amount of people who have read the script for this movie? I have never seen any other movie where half the thread is full of people who were like "Yeah I already read the script, didn't even bother waiting for the movie to come out, I just sat down and read an entire script for some comic book movie."
>Top comment on a thread the other day used the word "kino"
they are gonna take everything from us, piece by piece
Here's the thread if you're interested.
>well hello beautiful
All comics movies do that kind of thing, I've been hearing the actors advertise their movie as "x genre but with superheroes" for years now. The thing about the Joker is this may be the first one to do it truly well.
I have a feeling he’ll be indirectly responsible. What if they make the Joker like Manson - a guy who inspires violence and crimes but never actually commits them himself? Imagine how maddening that would be for a guy like the Batman - knowing that this motherfucker is basically the pulsing sickness at the heart of everything, but he never actually commits any crimes, and the roster the system is ever going to do to him is toss him back in Arkham. That’s some good shit right there.
That is a straight up lie to claim that Manson didn't commit any crimes.
Fair enough, but the one he’s infamous for he had almost nothing to do with. It’s not hard to imagine a guy like that, and that may be what they’re doing here.
Yeah, I get what you mean, I just didn't want to let it go implied that Manson was actually innocent and harmless or something.
Yes and thus set a new precedent. If you can't count on hollywood doing one thing it's milking the everloving shit out of a concept.
I can't wait for MCU themed rom-coms.
right, that's why it's most like comic book of all movies
but the script and story was shit, not unlike Wolverine The End
And you’re missing the fact this has been an aspect of the Joker’s character for better than 30 years.
>this movie about really a stalker incel
>using the term incel unironically
>in todays society... we are all clowns
what did he mean by this?
But wasn't it based on Old Man Logan? And not even that closely.
>mogged by a chad like DeNiro
what 4d chess is this
t. incel
as seen again and again, most memes spawn from Yea Forums, then end up on reddit after being misinterpreted, like the chad virgin meme
And then return to Yea Forums in a worse form thanks to redditors who come to Yea Forums to try and fit in by incorrectly using the memes here.
if you don't understand how to use green text, you probably should go back before you embarrass yourself more
Why does he always make that stupid surprised look face
>t. raging incel
Wear a shirt that says Sneed on it so the shooter knows you're based and leaves you alone.
butt plug
He's surprised he's still able to get work.
>a-a-am I doing it right guys?
>Want to be a mass shooter
>vowed never to go to over priced cinema again
The duality of a shitposter.
There will be a live action recreation of this scene.
He's not a superhero, you fucking RETARD. He's /ourguy/.
this won an emmy
>mogged by a a chad like deniro
I'm kinda sick of seeing the Jokahh. Batman has more villains than this overused clown
Yeah but none of them are anywhere near as good.
batman has the shittiest rogue gallery
Yeah but which one of them is a virgin incel?
The og Joker is a player though. Isn't he banging Harley Quinn?
Mirin Pacino's hair.
By the end, most of them are incells
After he stop givings fucks and start killing people and is literally to smart to get caught females like harley are only responding to him acting like an alpha that gives no fucks, is the joker stayed an incel virgin halery quinn wouldn't even look at him twice
Penguin - made fun of because of his looks, smells like fish, def virgin
Hush - incel who blames batman's dad for saving his insolent mother's life and he wants all women to suffer
Bat-Mite - this one speaks for itself
Deathstroke - pretty sure he's a pedo the way he lusts after Terra, Raven, and Batgirl
Mad Hatter - pretty sure he's also a pedo, obsessed with finding an Alice
Scarecrow - most psychologists come to the realization that women are the problem with society
Any of them if the director wants them to be
you know nothing of their relationship, he doesn't give 2 fucks about her and that's what attracted him to her
he treats her like shit constantly, don't let Suicide Squad more change canon
What does
>the chad virgin meme
does he have no eyelashes?
It's the meme that rips of doge with a picture of a "virgin" on one side and a "chad" on the other side with way too much text describing each of them. For how much memers complain about bad memes having too much text that is one of the worst offenders.
un poquito de por favor
How the fuck is virgin vs. chad ripping off doge? It literally just started because of a greentext that happened to include the phrase virgin walk in it, then someone drew a picture of it and at some point a comical chad was drawn to emphasize the difference. It has nothing to do with doge.
It's the exact same meme format as doge because the person who created the image is unoriginal and couldn't come up with his own unique format. It's a lazy meme.
No it isn't. Unless you call something as basic as having text snippets around the image the "doge format", which is fucking retarded if you do. They have fucking nothing in common.
It's the only meme out there that copies that format. Think about it. There is no other meme that does that besides doge, and its ripoff, virgin vs. chad.
this is your brain on reddit
>too much text
>for how much memers complain
sometimes the liberals are too thick to understand the difference
>bad guys and criminal mob call the elite fascist
how is this pro antifa again?
Those so-called "bad guys" are actually the good guys.