How di they man this many Star Destroyers?

Attached: tros_8.jpg (768x319, 22K)

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How big are those again? Wouldn't that be miles of ships? I don't think it would work that way.

Attached: foxmccloud.jpg (480x360, 15K)

they're fucking flying cities

Attached: Capital_size_chart.png (640x480, 235K)

They went back to Kamino and ordered a full batch of Nu-Star Destroyer clones.

wasnt there a EU story about a "dark fleet" that could be manned by a skeleton crew?




Why are they in this formation? They are in space. Why not create more of a wall formation so all of them can fire at the same time, assuming their target is in the direction their front is pointing.

They're helmed by cloned Sith Troopers, who've been in stasis for 30 years.

Imperial class Star Destroyers are just about one mile long. The ships in the trailer look to be Victory class which are about half that size. You can tell due to the overall length / width.

The Katana fleet. A flotilla of Rendili Stardrive Dreadnoughts slaved to a master flagship computer so that a crew was redundant. Something went wrong with the computer on the fleet's maiden voyage and it hyperspace-jumped every ship into the Unknown Regions, where they weren't found again until after the fall of the Empire.

This is a vision scene.

lets see if they really dig into this type of lore this time

Anakin Skywalker clones in red Stormtrooper gear.

time portal

Where do they keep getting the money?

They're all manned by droids, and they're all going to hyperspace ram all the planets who resist them.

Ah yes, the SDSD Freudian Nightmare.

How did Malak when he got the Star Forge in KOTOR?

The only explanation is that they are just looking good for like a parade or something. If they're supposed to be in combat there is no explanation.

I was going to say that maybe they are moving in formation, but then there is no reason for them to be at the same height, that's just asking for accidents.

What money? Keep building ships and we won't blow up your planet, there's your payment, slave.

you just answered your own question

But what's the first order's tax policy?

I really doubt the First Order has a star forge


The First Order economy was tightly controlled, partly due to treaty restrictions that prevented major galactic corporations from selling arms to the First Order. Nevertheless, they had dealings with theAratech-Loratus Corporation,Rebaxan Columni,Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems,Kuat-Entralla EngineeringandSonn-Blas Corporation—a subsidiary of the First Order military's major arms manufacturers,Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.andBlasTech Industries. The First Order plundered the worlds within its domain in order to fill its coffers with various currencies, particularly coins minted from precious metals such asaurei,peggatsandzemids, all of which had universal value as they could be melted down.[7]Thecreditwas also a recognized currency in the First Order economy,[8]although by then coinage made from valuable metals was considered preferable to electronic currencies, especially in an era of instability.[7]

but what about Senator Palpatine's surgical reconstruction center?

If episode 8 is any indicator, you only need one pilot to operate an ship, no matter the size. The lack of a full crew makes them perfect for all the kamikaze hyperspeed ramming they are going to do with them.

The Infinite Fleet of the Fallen Empire from the last Old Republic expansion would drop out of hyperspace in this kind of stacked formation.

Attached: 1554960785324.jpg (1024x576, 103K)

skeleton crews

as in sheev reanimated a bunch of skeletons

that looks idiotic not to mention its a liability to have city-sized ships right next to each other, but i guess the retard director wants to make it look like a nazi troops marching in line.


Attached: KuatDriveYards_EGTW.jpg (1200x772, 336K)

Why bother? I don't believe he would have any personal qualms about just ordering his troopers to do things that potentially got them killed.


Stop being such a mysoginist OP

>OK Admiral, remember where we parked

ok, how do they woman this many ships?



the perspective sucks. unless tahts a teeeeeeeny tiny planet.

Through the magic of shitty writing

How? Why? Those are the questions you need to answer yoursel : ^ )

Attached: 1 DQqlHJoqHCVZJRQdsNNc_w.png (700x394, 256K)

those are the ones that got killed

The upper cruiser is a frigate, who's the X-winglet that made the pic

My guess is that they're in storage in some kind of Star Destroyer parking lot.

>hyperrams ur fleet
Heh nothin personnel kiddo

Empire's main forces are in another Galaxy. The one in the movies is actually an invasion and occupying force.

Essentially the Empire is expanding.

Fewer targets in a 3D space; most likely strongest defences are in the top and bottom of the ships.

>he thinks ships have to point at what they're firing at

After they beat the First Order, the remnant comes back out of hiding even stronger. They'll have a Death Quasar that can shoot a gazillion beams at the entire galaxy and destroy millions of planets, and a massive fleet out of nowhere. It has worked before - why change a winning formula?

The name of that remnant?

The Prime Directive.


Are they in space though? It looks like they'res an atmosphere

It's cool

>stumble upon a parking lot filled with hundreds of ships multiple kilometers long each
>all powered down with noone on board
>dock at one of them and get inside
>walk through long, dark corridors with the only light being from your suit's torch and absolute silence
>reach the bridge
>fire up the reactor
>the ambient noise of thousands of systems that had been dormant for years coming back alive
>the lights come on
>the realisation that you have a fully functioning capital ship under your control and there are thousands more out there
Spooky stuff that will be completely ignored in favour of "LOOK AT ALL THOSE STAR DESTROYERS HOLY SHIT RED STORMTROOPERS"

Looks familiar

Attached: 695446d07f678bb13f9ef17f0ecb88fc.jpg (800x450, 43K)

Orbital rings are an old concept


Did you miss the Last Jedi part about greedy businessmen? How do you think the US gets so many aircraft and tanks produced? Because there are people who profit from this, and there are taxes to leech off.

Show of force + they are obviously in atmosphere

Your're right. A ring around an actual planet wouldn't even show curvature from that perspective.

>ok, how do they woman this many ships?
Ships are already female, dummy.

At this point the internet has more creative talent then JJ or Rian. The fake leaks for TLJ had far more interesting narratives then Lucas character assassination to prop up Rey.

a US aircraft carrier has a crew of about 5000
a star destroyer has a crew of 37000

Attached: here's the entire us navy.jpg (1406x932, 190K)

>You can tell due to the overall length / width.
compared to what reference point?


Attached: buttefly nebula hubble.jpg (1024x768, 220K)

The galaxy has lots of unemployed shlubs ripe for stormtrooper duty

Sci-fi authors have no sense of scale.

Each one is 1.6 km in length and houses ~45,000 people. That's pretty big compared to anything that has ever been built on Earth.

But that doesn't even get close to the crazy-stupid levels Star Wars gets to.

Attached: Star Wars Freudian Nightmare.png (2240x1178, 156K)

its a parking lot. this is the nu-wars version of the katana fleet

>being this stupid
You realize images of nebula are not comprised of visible light, only cameras interpreting different gases as color?

Caiman here. No problems.

Attached: 4F182F1F-B6A3-42DD-909D-E2ACF959A801.jpg (480x360, 12K)

you realize its a science fiction fantasy movie where you can go lightspeed, use magic and have laser swords? i dont think the special effects guys care that nebulas dont have visible light

>he said while discussing a space wizard movie

You realize you're completely wrong? Many nebula are visible to the naked eye, because the gas clouds that form them are ionized, and throw off visible waves of light.
Take an astronomy course before responding about actual astronomy again.

There were only 30 of these things in the Battle of Endor, where the fuck did the first order get this many ships? isn't this meant to be a remnant? And they just lost a fleet and their planet base!
This is so retarded

its probably some force vision of the future if rey fails, user.

If they were stacked then the rebels could just turn their ships 90 degrees and drop bombs on the entire formation.

the infinite fleet also sucked ass

The scene right after this is Finn and a diversity hire starting up at it from another ship though.

There is no wiki page for that. It is completely made up. Stop posting it.

Pretty sure Pic Related is the largest ship that isn't a space colony. 70km

Attached: Eltreum_and_Fleet.jpg (1016x519, 407K)

And compare the population sizes too.


The Supremacy is made up? The ship that is prominently featured at the beginning of TLJ?

Attached: Area 6.webm (640x480, 2.82M)

They're all slaved to a single capital ship and when they blow up nuDeath Star the whole fleet also explodes

Bunch of Arduinos with LoRa shields


Still better than anything we’ve gotten so far from Disney


why don't they just get like eight bricks and hyperspace ram them

>le greedy businessmen means infinite resources without the constraint of production time


Why did they build so many after the hyperspace ram incident?

who gives a shit?

>people are actually excited for this movie



they're actually a force projection from Palpatine.

There's your mistake.

With the billions of past/future spacefaring white people who were race aware and hated spaceniggers.

Yeah, in WW2 the US wasn't producing that much, right?

They're like, so big breh

Rey clones. They're manned by Rey clones. Rey herself was a clone but got kidnapped by junk traders, mindwiped hoping she would use the force to get them rich but when it became apparent that she wouldn't they dumped her on Jakku.

What? How? Shit like Warhammer 40k is based perfectly with scale. When trillions of humans live on Earth alone, with millions of planets inhabited by humans and space stations and shit everywhere, a ship with 100,000 people on or whatever isn't beyond reason.

Same applies with EVE's ships.

>how did an interstellar empire governing hundreds of billions crew a few hundred star destroyers

it looks like they're in "storage". just parked.

Imagine the bureaucracy. No wonder the empire is so cranky. What type of tax plan do they have.

so stupid

He meant The Freudian Nightmare, which is a meme in and of itself.

Because it isn't real.

How is the Halo ship one of the biggest?

Add it to the list of questions about the logistics and manpower that the First Order wields.

Not only did they somehow get countless millions of people to man their army, they also somehow were able to carve out a huge swath of the galaxy, build likely thousands of shipyards, mine the resources from thousands of planets, have architects, engineers and scientists design and man many thousands of new capital class ships and smaller frigates and fighters / attack craft / transport craft, have millions of people farming resources to feed their army, have millions of people slaving away mining whatever resources they can get to build their fleet, forge and engineer all the parts for those massive kilometer long ships, etc.

But it gets better, not only did they do ALL of this starting with essentially nothing, but they also constructed a PLANET SIZE superweapon that was orders of magnitude larger than the Death Star II, one of the largest structures ever built, taking decades to complete with a much larger Empire's vast resources from the core worlds, along with trillions of sentient beings, people and alien alike to support that empire.

Oh, and it's all destroyed by like 3 people who somehow can just fly a ship down to this planet and know exactly where the weak point is because one guy was a janitor that just happened to be assigned to the specific region of this planet sized superweapon and knew of its weakness.

Oh, but there's more! They also managed to build the largest spaceship in the canon universe, a ship that dwarfs the previous mega-city sized Executioner-class super star destroyers that were the pride of the Empire.

Yep, this all makes complete sense and is completely consistent with the in-universe logic laid out in the previous films, just turn off your brain moron!

You fucking kike

Supremacy worked because it was more than a ship, it was supposed to be a mobile HQ: Coruscant in ship form, for a pirate Empire that always has to be on the move because they can't afford to be discovered. But no one at Disney knows what they're doing and the FO is actually huge enough to conquer the galaxy, and there's sometimes only a few ships, other times they're thousands...whatever, anything goes.

See, that's the issue with these new movies. They don't ever want to do any world building at all, which is why everything just doesn't make any sense. Maybe if we got more than just a glimpse of how the New Republic was functioning, and maybe if they made the Star Killer's destruction of those planets actually make fucking sense (all 5 planets literally right next to each other, closer than the Earth is to the moon, the "dark energy" weapon splitting at its destination, travelling across tens of thousands of light years of space, etc.), and actually put effort into building up the Resistance, helping us understand more of the new world that these movies were set in instead of spending most of the movie with just Rey and these other shitty characters and their "journey," maybe the movie would have at least had some positive aspects. TLJ just furthered this even more, it was an even more inclusive story with the only world building existing on the pointless casino planet subplot. We learn nothing new or substantial about the state of the galaxy in TLJ, or how things are functioning without the New Republic around anymore.

I guarantee we will see the same thing happen in the new movie. There will be no world building, the story will completely focus on Rey and these other shitty characters and their pointless adventure, and the universe will remain boring as fuck.

Also, what in the fuck is going on with the posting right now? Literally can't post shit.

Gentle reminder that it becomes very easy to conquer a system with minimal force when the opposition has nothing with which to face you. There was no Republic navy, and most worlds either couldn't afford or didn't want to have to afford their own fleets, provided they were even legally allowed to possess system defense forces of their own (I'm sure some did, like Mandalore, Kuat, the big ship producer worlds and such). One Star Destroyer showing up in orbit was probably enough to make entire worlds come to terms with the First Order so as to continue their way of life with minimal disruption or destruction. Given how easily Mon Mothma cast away the Republic's military power, it seems likely to me every member system took that as 'you're on your own, do what you have to do' and selling out is cheaper than repairing cities reduced by orbital bombardment, because fuck the Republic.

Was Mon Mothma always that retarded in the EU?

Signing that demilitarization act?

She kind of got pushed into it by the Senator of her homeworld Chandrila, which had been hugely pacifist even during the Clone Wars. Basically, they said (after the Battle of Jakku) that there was no need for a Republic military if there was no enemy to wield it against, and if the Republic kept a military under those circumstances then it would be no different than the Empire was under Palpatine. Leia made strong arguments against the demobilization, and Mon Mothma basically agreed with her, but then Leia got outed as Vader's daughter and was disgraced, which sank her platform real good, and Mon Mothma bowed under the pressure.

I'm surprised Kuat wasn't just nuked into oblivion.

>EU shit they came up with after to try and make the state of the galaxy in TFA make sense

I mean, it only took a decade and a half for Google to take over the world on our planet.

Maybe the First Order is just a galactic version of Google.

>Katana fleet
Makes me wonder if there is any creativity at all on the sw team.

meh just hit em with a couple hyperjump bombs, and they will be useless.

They're clearly the default Star Destroyers with minor tweaks (red paint, laser cannons), why the fuck would they use some obscure EU shit?

What would stop the Empire from turning to face them?
When I say moving in formation I mean out of combat, like moving around a system maybe. As I said, there is no scenario where the formation in the trailer is useful in combat.

Every depiction of Victory-class has silly bulges on the flanks that ruin the default's aesthetic, those are clearly the original ones.

>which is a meme in and of itself.
The best part is that its part of a really old fan-wank design called the Imperium-class Ultra Star Destroyer and was 100% serious.

>Katana fleet
Does this mean Japan and Japanese language exist in the SW lore?

>Katana fleet
Does this mean Japan and Japanese language exist in the SW lore?

Do they know they can be hyperspace rammed and destroyed by one (1) ship?


>Trillions of humans living on Earth
I don't think you realize how many people is 1 Trillion.

Its a forgotten army so that the nurebels can have enough weapons to overthrow the nupire in one movie

Star Forge. JewJew is straight up ripping off KoToR

T. Disney apologist. Planetary shields and planet-based space weapons are canon since the OT and even a ragtag rebel insurgency had enough resources to build powerful enough versions to prevent orbital bombardment from strongest ships in the imperial navy.

A planetary government should be able to defend itself for longer against a more spread out opponent.

I think it would be neat if Sheev had kept a secret army of Trade Federation droids in reserve out there

That was Star Trek into Darkness

Wait, disney wars actually did this? They straight-up ripped off the fucking katana fleet from the Thrawn Trilogy.

No different from the idea of English and Greek existing. Alpha/delta etc.

>How di they man this many Star Destroyers?

It really makes you wonder about the taxation under Kylo Ren.
It seems unlikely that he could have implemented reforms that stimulated the economy throughout the galaxy, and used the additional tax income to build his fleet - simply because the timeframe is to short, so the reforms couldn't have yielded a meaningful return.

More likely, he tax the shit out of the citizens in his empire, thereby inhibiting economic growth and enterprises.

Tbh, it looks like the final starwars movie will have an actual villain, not just these "villain in name only" like Palpatine.

>More likely, he tax the shit out of the citizens in his empire, thereby inhibiting economic growth and enterprises.
It's well established throughout the prequels and original trilogies that the Empire had a centralized economy and taxed the shit out of everyone, that's why smuggling goods from outside the Empire was so commonplace. Just like it was common to find smugglers selling Western goods that were scarce or unavailable in the Soviet Union.
Before the Empire though, it seems like the economy was more open and pro-market as shown by the fact systems outside the republic were poorer. When the main characters land in Tatooine for example they are shocked to see how poor it is and how they still have slavery there.

The biggest hurdle to a ecumenopolis is waste heat not space, you could have more than a trillion people on earth if your food/energy production was efficient enough and you had literal continent cities with higher population densities than beijing, pretty sure in warhammer the oceans are even paved over on earth by that time


>we need a name for the species that look like sea creatures from the moon, George

>....Mon Calmari

>we need a name for the species that look like sea creatures from the moon, George

>....Mon Calmari

Its only 1 ship
The nebula is made of mirrors

you do realize
most of that army
was halluc?

>strap a couple of hyperdrives on asteroids
>put them near the fleet
I mean you could even get creative and put up some sort of minefield since hyperdrives are dirt cheap

>no death stars
>no starkiller
>no supremacy

>First Order used gold and crypto


>Pretend to be a deeplore fan
>Victory class has shit extending off the original shape of the star destroyer and it's got a whole different bridge and array of weapons

>Pretend to be a EU fan
>Victory class has shit extending off the original shape of the star destroyer and it's got a whole different bridge and array of weapons

space is flat you brainlet

*bruce lee noises intensify*

Kek idra btfo

we truly have an auteur among us

>inb4 literal Starforge
They've been raping KOTOR's corpse for so long already, so why the hell not ?


>no death stars
>no starkiller
>no supremacy

Well just like your fucking country, burger, they get free space money printed out of thin air through space FED.