Why does he trigger OTards so much?

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Boba Fett was Jango's son, no his clone

nigga he was literally a clone

Jango requested one clone that would age normally

Un modified, not just normal age

Because it was clear fanservice

Boba fett appeared for like 2 scenes, had maybe one line and died in a fucking looney tunes scene
Remind me why he's so jerked off again?

It makes sense. It’s unnecessary and ruins the mystic of the character but it makes sense in universe

Great character isn’t he?

cool armour

He looks kewl

>Sequel Bashing on the rise again
Quick, Quick ermmm, ohhh dis scene in prequels was bad amirite

he look cool

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I fucking love the TF droids

>Boba Fett'"character"

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.

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> looks cool
> seems competent
> confident enough to talk to Vader as an equal
> introduced in the best movie

Too bad RotJ almost ruined him

No, it doesn't. It's just more construed bullshit in a franchise that began cannibalizing itself....equally retarded as Yoda knowing fucking Jewbacca.
There were a million subjects more viable as the blueprints of a clone army than some bounty hunter guy.

Coolest thing Lucas did with the prequel. Maybe because I'm not a SW fan, but his lore on Boba and Jango is great.

This, he’s hardly even a character. People literally only like him because of his design and fuck-all else.

It only "ruins" his character in as much as it demystifies him. It's like giving the man with no name a backstory. The fact that he's just a mysterious cool guy who shows up out of nowhere is part of the allure. Then again, he already looked like an idiot when he fell into the Sarlaac.

You are partly right. But I think what was shown in the prequels and extended universe was particulary bad. Know we have a whole planet of fucking Boba Fetts and Boba Fett senior is actually the blueprint of the clones in the clone wars, which was just a throwaway line in the original movies.
Typical flaws of the extended universe and the prequels: Every support character is a perfect ambassador of his whole species and has to be tied to incredible important story elements of the past as if the whole galaxy was one big village.

Though the fact that he's probably the last surviving clone is pretty cool.

Who the fuck is the Boba Fett of the sequels? Is it Phasma? That new bounty huntress? The black girl with an afro?

As someone who's annoyed by Boba Fett's fanbase and thinks that AotC is still the worst movie in the franchise, I don't have too much of a problem with Jango. I liked the actor that played him, he had the best action scene in the movie when fighting Obi Wan, and Boba being his clone-son is kinda retarded but far from the worst of the movie's problems. My two main problems with Fett are this
1) He should have been the one directly attempting to kill Padme, sending another assassin to do the job was retarded and pointless.
2) Having Mace Windu kill him felt anti-climactic. They could have fixed this either by having Obi Wan kill him, or have Mace be the one on Kamino instead of Obi Wan. Either way is building something up and ending with some sort of satisfying conclusion instead of the out of left field death he ended up getting.

What's great about it?

It was supposed to be Phasma, but Phasma completely misses the point by:
1. Being a member of the First Order, and not an interest outside element
2. Losing and looking like an idiot in every movie

>Losing and looking like an idiot in every movie
Well Boba and Jango did the same thing.

Boba only lost in RoTJ. People like him because he established himself as a cold hard motherfucker in Empire.

The best fight scene in star wars

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I hate anything Star Wars that isn't the original trilogy but Jango had a fun video game. Wish it would have made it to the original Xbox instead of that bullshit Obi Wan game.
Also I miss bullshit PS2 era third person shooter games in general. This, The Punisher, From Russia With Love, etc.
I don't care if you tell me to gb2 Yea Forums, these games are more interesting and enjoyable than the fucking prequels.

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Ok, that's fair enough, I wasn't thinking about Empire.
>he established himself as a cold hard motherfucker
All he did was stand there. I get that there is an air of mystery to the silent bounty hunter, but the one time he tries to do something he gets killed by a blind man. Really deflated any cool mystique he may have had.

The last shot is him flying away with Han Solo in captivity. That leaves an impact.

Boba Fett is just an example of how just Ralph Mquarries design sold the films with out him putting shape to lucases words it would have looked very different. Also Boba Fett went through alot of changes considering he was mostly an EU charecter so different artists could give different spins on him, my favorite was the topp art were he looked like a mean elf .

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Uhm.. no sweaty

>All he did was stand there
And tell off Darth Motherfucking Vader when he specifically got called out for disintegrating people.

The cable around his wrist makes me wince. Mega wrist strength must me a Jedi power.

Never impressed me much. Vader and the empire are the ones that captured and sealed Han in carbonite, Boba just carried him off like a glorified Fedex delivery man.

boba fett was popular BECAUSE we didn't see much of him, and his design was fucking badass.
you gotta appreciate the audacity of george though, he had to know that people were wondering what boba fett really looked like and he decided to give the most unsatisfying, anticlimactic reveal ever, like "yeah lol he's just some samoan dude"

>Was Canonically Dooku's Apprentice before AoTC

Why was she at the Geonosis Arena?
Why didnt Dooku send her to kill Padme, instead of Jango? Assassination is one of her skills

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Dammit, why WASNT she at the geonosis arena?

>marketing tries to hype up Phasma
>people are more interested in the no-name one-line stormtrooper that beats the shit out of Finn

Wasn't Grievous there in the catacombs?

because that character did not exist when they were making attack of the clones

Was that a deleted scene? Always annoyed me that they introduced Grievous in 3 in the fucking text crawl. The leader of the droid army should have been built up before that George you fucking hack.

that game was tight as shit, also some pretty sexual cutscenes that came out of nowhere. I recall the final level having an absurd difficulty spike though.

Technically she did as she was the original concept for Count Dooku

>Was Canonically Dooku's Apprentice before AoTC
What? Dooku didn't exist until AoTC

>Why was she at the Geonosis Arena?
She wasn't

>he literally cannot read the next post down of the user correcting himself from "was" to "wasnt"


I know Obi-Wan made a statement to Luke about "the clone wars" in the original Star Wars, so the concept of cloning was in this universe from the beginning, (even though I feel it was a throwaway line just to give some backstory) but imo clones don't fit the themes and nature of Star Wars. Especially considering the ethics and the nature of the Republic in Star Wars, clones would be unethical and like a violation of mores of people who believe in the Force.

it would have been a good opportunity to introduce some kind of conflict, like movies sometimes have? Maybe the divide between the jedi and the republic is motivated by the jedi's opposition to the formation of a clone army which makes the decision to later turn on the jedi have a bit more motivation behind it other than the chancellor just telling everyone the jedi are evil and 100% of the senate unquestioningly believing it.

They created him for the Clone Wars cartoon, and George liked the design.

I would be fine with just being a clone of some bounty hunter but Boba Fett is a clone of a guy who was cloned into a whole galactic army


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I remember TR8R posting when TFA was just a dumb one-off movie and we all had some hope that after going with the safe cookie cutter rehash of IV that they would at least make something interesting next
A more innocent time for all of us

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Cool designed chad>maxpersonilized incel

They should’ve made Boba and Jango one character, as in have adult Boba in the prequels be the template for all clones, and by the OT he’s even more grizzled, which explains why Darth Vader puts up with his shit.

Could have worked.

He was such a bad ass his bad assness came through in just a few scenes with almost no dialogue.

He has an entire army of super soldiers for his superior genes and fighting abilities. His face was the face of the war,

With the Bando Gora? I remember the shit get pretty tough but they were really fun to burn to death with the flamethrower if you ever got surrounded. Loved this game but I wish they hadn't dropped the ball on the bounty hunting mechanics.

Atleast tell him you're not the person that originally he was talking to. Me. And I wasn't even going to dignify him with an answer, because, why? Why give me opinion to someone that will just hate it regardless because we're online? Dumbass.

If you have legit reasons for liking something you can share it. No reason to be afraid.

That was pretty kino
The moment he used his backpack missile was the most satisfying moment of the PT for any kid who had a Boba Fett figure growing up

>cloning technology exists
>they dont use it to build a jedi army

I mean how would you stop an ENTIRE army of clone Yoda's?

Probably deemed too risky. The EU delved into the idea of clone Jedi, and they tended to come out mentally unstable.

uh clones dont have souls so they cant use the force

this but unironically but in nu-canon thats probably not true since everyone can feel the force

I like how OTards are the reason why we have the Sequels. OT Purists are literal faggots.

You mean Luuuke?

>I like how OTards are the reason why we have the Sequels.
citation needed

Yeah, making it so that there is a genetic condition that determines whether or not you can be a jedi pretty much fucked up the lore permanently.

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Or bigger Luke?

You dont read books do you?

Luuke didn't go nuts. Joruus C'baoth did.

You mean the shitty EU books that only have like two worthwhile stories in them?

Game was fantastic. Being able to fire your blasters as fast as you could press the button used to really fuck up my thumb lol.

>> introduced in the best movie
BASED. Finally someone who can appreciate this masterpiece.

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It could have been saved
>Master Yoda, the Midiclorins were off the chart for Anakin
>Bullshit, it is. Way to explain unexplainable it be.
Etc. Have the Midiclorin counter just randomise a number and have it attached to a person. Or something. That could have been fun. X thinks they're more powerful than Vader was and it is actually just a made up number and is irrelevant to ability.

he's peak operator

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>I could kill every single one of you if I wanted

Yeah, they could have saved it with something like that. Like how in DBZ power levels don't actually matter because muh fighting spirit or whatever.

>Boba was Ned Flanders
That actually makes him cooler, somehow.

Also 100% required to beat the game. It gets pretty fucking hard later on if you aren't DPS racing like your life depended on it.

Because he was a cool guy on an armor, captured Han Solo and was one of the few characters who were indifferent in front of Vader.

fucking loved this game

>he reads franchise books
Abhorrently low IQ post

Who cares about Fett?

When do we get more Cad Bane?


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Lol no


fuck off EUtard

Thats the exact reason Lucas made the clones a big secret that Kenobi discovers at the last moment, it was too late for the Jedi to have any moral objections when the republic had no standing army to bsck up their rescue of the chosen one and a senator

You do realize it's always been genetic, right? "The force is strong in my family, my Father has it, I have.... my sister has it." Or whatever Luke says in RoTJ

Boba was the one that tracked him down and gave the empire the tip though

based EUchad

This is the game I've replayed and beaten the most. Every 2 years it's like I get this wave of excitement to play it again

He low jacked the Falcon, sassed Vader, and had Han Solo as a goddamn wall ornament.

Why was Boba Fett so calm in front of Vader? Couldn’t Vader kill him at any moment like everyone else

it did? i never heard that. jango fett is arguably the best piece of lore of the entire prequels. the only thing i dont like about jango fett is the fact that every mandolorian is now just a fett knock off complete with jetpacks.

i wouldnt mind if they shared similar armor to his (even though he and boba should still be distinct) but the jet pack should be a fett only thing with the exception of clone jet troopers and dark troopers.

it doesnt help that mandolorians already had a cooler alternative to a jet pack to begin with (their battle droids). its just really lazy rehashing of something that went right in the prequels.

Not just calm, but was able to force his will a bit and say shit like "He's no good to me dead" to a certified lunatic who chokes people with his mind.

Because he's a natural assassin. It's the little things user.

Holy shit, Jango Fett is the Star Wars equivalent of Big Boss. Just realized this.

>He's noodly-no good to me diddily ding dong dead!

I don't remember shit about jango fett and it's a retarded backstory they made up for fett anyway, I liked it when he was just a guy, speculated to be an ex trooper, only wearing a modified mandalorian armor because it was something he thought would serve his purposes in utility
not because he's a mandalorian

what an absolute chad

what i wouldnt do to have that twilek suck my cock

>let's clone a guy with male pattern baldness

>nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask


Lmao. Based Flanders poster.

I don't remember this scene being so fucking retarded. Is this some kind of extended scene bullshit ?

>he's just a regular guy and not some macho handsome chad
>he could easily blend in anywhere if he takes his armor off
I actually like that.

I don't remember shit about jango fett and it's a retarded backstory they made up for fett anyway, I liked it when he was just a guy, speculated to be an ex trooper, only wearing a modified mandalorian armor because it was something he thought would serve his purposes in utility
not because he's a mandalorian

>that slight glance he gives towards Luke as he passes by
It's the little things that make Boba so goddamn badass.

Good game, but the first half is significantly better than the second half

Roz's station: Kino
Coruscant: Kino
Oovo IV: Kino
Malastare: Great
Tatooine: Good
Bando Gora moon: eh...

>Remind me why he's so jerked off again?

In the movie where Vader was choking everyone to death and everyone, even other space magic users like Luke, was visibly terrified of him, Boba Fett gave absolutely no fucks right to his face

>Darth Motherfucking Vader
Vader was a neatly designed 2nd lieutenant that got shit done inside the organization that he was part of, but that was it. Everyone sassed him in the originals.

Tell me about Cad Bane! Why does he wear the cheek mask?

>Assassins and soldiers need hair for the enemy to hold on to

>Losing and looking like an idiot in every movie
Like every villain in the sequels. Not one can be taken seriously. They always lose, never demonstrate competency and are comic relief. Compare Vader's brooding presence to Kylo Ren. Everyone acts like he is some dangerous dude but there a simply no reason. Same with Phasma or that blonde Nazi-looking dude.

>Darth Motherfucking Vader
Vader was a neatly designed 2nd lieutenant that got shit done inside the organization that he was part of, but that was it. Everyone sassed him in the originals.

>Losing and looking like an idiot in every movie
Like every villain in the sequels. Not one can be taken seriously. They always lose, never demonstrate competency and are comic relief. Compare Vader's brooding presence to Kylo Ren. Everyone acts like he is some dangerous dude but there a simply no reason. Same with Phasma or that blonde Nazi-looking dude.

EU books was the result of his popularity, not the reason behind it.

I own this game three times
For the GC
For the PS3
And as a download from PS Now for the PS4

I never got past a certain level tho, if I remember correctly there is one where enemies spawn rockets, correct?

>No disintegrations
>Okily Dokily

I don't remember shit about jango fett and it's a retarded backstory they made up for fett anyway, I liked it when he was just a guy, speculated to be an ex trooper, only wearing a modified mandalorian armor because it was something he thought would serve his purposes in utility
not because he's a mandalorian

a legendary bounty hunter who's exploits are getting someone else to kill his target for him, running away from obi wan and then getting decapitated

My backpack's got jets. Well I'm Boba the Fett. Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt to finance my 'Vette.

They are retards, Boba in the movies was a nobody. Tge only good stuff about him were video game appearances.
Jango was Lucas himself doing that character right.
>lil' Boba holding his father's decapitated head

enjoy washing your long thick locks when you're 80 follicleman. I will just scrub shampoo on my shaved sides and get out and radiate more testosterone into the general area

>The moment he used his backpack missile was the most satisfying moment of the PT for any kid who had a Boba Fett figure growing up
This is the most correct post on Yea Forums right now