Who's your favorite derry girl Yea Forums?

Who's your favorite derry girl Yea Forums?

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This show is an exact copy of inbetweeners, but I still enjoyed it

I want to watch this because people say its funny, but I dont talk to or know any girls irl so watching it would make me feel bad.

No wonder Irish people drink so much. I couldn't fuck those uggos sober.

is this a show a typical Yea Forums user would enjoy?

based erin for sure

yeah we have shit women


It's a female version of the inbetweeners set in 90s Ireland so you can decide from that

The guy.

orla is best girl because she doesn't fall for the roasty memes that constantly end up fucking the other girls

I like that most of them are unattractive. It's at least believable that they're normal teenagers

the slutty one

Wait, Londonderry is not in Ireland.

Good work defending your Irish borders, dumb drunk faggots

This show is so unfunny and so fucking boring.
Why watch it when you can watch the inbetweeners?

Yes it is.

Northern Ireland. Different country.

Northern IRELAND is Ireland

Ooookay, Gerry Adams...

Northern Ireland accent is best Ireland accent.

Are you sure, my friend?

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Yes. Finish this sentence, Northern _______

I'm half Irish (half Anglo) and basically the male copy of the girl on the far right

All of them. Better than the inbetweeners because Will was a prick.

post boipucci

Anyone seen This Country?

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Top right is obviously Michelle but there's something about Orla too.

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I work in a hotel in Derry and the cast were staying for several nights. Trying to strike up a conversation with them was terrible, they're entirely uppity posh cunts who look down on anyone who doesnt make more than 2 grand per month.

Ironically acting Derry-like on camera only to be far from it in person. Disgusting pieces of shit imo

Top ride I mean

Didn't only one of them actually grow up in Londonderry?

2 did, other 2 are from Dublin or something

>casting non-Derry people as Derry people

It's enough to drive a man back onto the vodka

>17 year old girl, born in Derry and get casted in a show about Derry
>Have to spend a couple nights in a hotel filled with old drunks
>The gross guy working the front desk keeps flirting with us and wont piss off, not taking a hint that we're all wickedly tired
>End up reading a fake post about me and the cast on some Chinese basket weaving forum

really makes you think

Claire is best girl but I can't explain why

Is she the one that's like 32 in real life?

The chubby one is kinda cute. Something about them eyes of hers.

Good stuff. The courtroom drawing scene is one of the funniest things I've ever watched.

We'll see about that you proddie cunt


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Why do they all look like they're older than 28?
That's a bad starting point.

Erin or Clare

found the Br*t

this is dumb even for tv

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I'd good friday her agreement, if you know what I mean.

orla is the hottest

juicy cunt

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She looks like my mate Dave

fuck you Getto

The fat dyke.

what's going on in here

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Based and roundheadedpilled.

How are their Derry airs?

gonna have to watch it then

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I live where it's meant to be set and it hits far too close to home for me to enjoy.

>look! one of them "chantards" sent me a dick pic. Would ya look at the size of it. its a tiny wee thing, so it is.

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>still thinking there's some kind of sectarian conflict between ethnic whites
London's mayor and Ireland's PM would like to have a word with you

It's much better than I expected.

>he isn't a working class agrarian high church high tory
when will these cringe puritans learn

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>working class high tory

nothing you could stop

Dave is a fat-titted slut.

*90s Northern Ireland
It's literally a different country

the upper class adopted neoliberalism, the working class are the new vanguard of traditional value

see: Burgess, Eliot and Scruton

I'd show her a bloody sunday if you know what I mean (not in a violent way)

"working class" is a marxist concept

In the same way West and East Germany were different countries. It's all the same now.


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I'd car-bomb her shopping-centre if you know what I mean.

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No in the same way Canada and the US are different countries

Everyone knows the one with the black hair is being set up for a career. The rest are background chars. Every promo, she's up front or the one talking, or the one with a romantic interest. Obvious push lmao.

No because Canada and the US were never 1 country and will never be 1 country. Ireland was and will be.

Is one of them a tsun-derry?

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Wait, so she isn't blonde after all? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Bet she goes like the absolute clappers.

I'd put something incendiary in her device, if you know what I mean

Hello fellow Cotswolds nigger from North Wilts. Another show that hits too close to home is Glue.

>Fight alongside literal communists to not have your lives be controlled by imperialist racists.
>Proceed to not be that racist.

How did this happen! My internet frog wouldn't approve of this!


>border laws don't apply to people of certain skin colours
Uhm sweetie, that's racist

Orla seems like the most fun to be woth.

Wife and i like the name and would name our kid that but it sounds to much like oral. School will be an absolute hell with a name like that

Why are they cosplaying Harry Potter?

Michelle. She has perfect tits.

Michelle for sure. Her tits are perfect.

I want to smog Michelle but Orla is best girl.
I also want to spank Sister Michael.

*fug Michelle

*fug Michelle

why do they all look like inbred bongs.

Finally a good show on Yea Forums

Ulster was just swampland inhabited by nothing but bandits and bogeymen until the Scots were sent to settle it. As a country it's unrelated to Ireland.