It's finally here, lads.
It's finally here, lads.
Wasn't this supposed to be out in September?
blurays come out early most of the time
why is she so *almost* fuckable, bros?
how much did this tank at the box office and how awful is it?
Is there a Quicksilver scene in this? Are the Magneto/Charles parts good?
im not racist but british people look so fucking plain
She is British
Magneto is always good but sadly he doesn't really do much in this one.
Quicksilver gets taken out in a very meme way because he is too OP for the movie. Most of the movie is very cliche and about as bad as this event. I really dig the new X Men movies and this one is the weakest in the series.
Fuck off we’re beautiful. Best women, best men, best twinks. A look at the genes of all Hollywood’s history proves it.
what is this body type called?
americans are part german, italian and french tho
if anything those other ethnicities fixed the basal bong genes
i knew the jonas brothers were gay all along.
no one cares you bender
No and No
one of the main reasons why this movie is so fucking bad
i'd love her to pin me down in a wrestling match and force me to kiss her feet
>literal seethe posting
>how awful is it?
About as good as Apocalypse.
Less Italian and French. Mostly Anglo and German and genetically the two are quite similar. It also depends on what part of america you're in.
There is much less interbreeding than people think.
its a good thing these movies are over
so i dont have to see anymore of her shitty acting
Dios mio...
This has to be shopped
thx for the heads up mein negro, I shall have a laugh tonight
awkward penguin
I guess she...covered her belly.
She's indian, It doesn't count
assless salsa
brah those shoulders are HUGE
isn't she 1/3 pajeet?
>I really dig the new X Men movies
show bob and vagene
That's just for affirmative action
No thanks, I'm straight.
i think the problem with british people is that they lack eyebrows and have huge heads, they look like big fucking babies
Based. Even at Emilia's "worst", fuck nitpickers, she moggs Sophie
oh dios my oh
>this is a 10 in bongland
Pic related was from last week or so
>use high resolution photo for emilia
>use zoomed in shitty cell phone picture for sophie with jpegs everywhere
How would that even work? Two white people fucking and an Indian guy spits on the guys cock?
use fucking spoiler tags idiot
well americans have bowling pin bodies
except giant bowling pins
she should just take testosterone at this point
imagine the sex, she would literally dominate you and pick you up and throw you around
Shouldn't not seeing every line make Sophie look better? Is this to your satisfaction?
That's why it's in quotes. Fuck boredatworkroastie. Emilia is always cute
Doesn't really matter, does It?
Maisie is a CUTE there
>app doesn't even recognize the goblin
>has glasses blocking her face
yeah but she'd look like a dude. not good
>excuses excuses
Lmao. See your waifu a shit
I dont know about twinks but your women are disgusting
Based AI
her face looks too yellow and her cheeks to pink
she messed up
One good Quicksilver scene, then he's injured
Charles seems out of character in this flick. Magneto is kino as always
maisie looks somewhat cute in that picture
Objectively false.
Dark Phoenix is certainly not the best in the series, but also certainly not the worst.
Personally I thought it was fine. Much better than Apocalypse/Last Stand. I liked the more personal story, rather than big epic stuff, the action scenes were smaller scale but as a result, in my opinion, better directed and choreographed while also supported with a thrilling soundtrack.
Weak parts: too short, Dark Phoenix needed one big awe moment, which it kinda does vs her adversary, but it needed something a bit more psychotic and destructive than what we got somewhere around the halfway mark.
Treatment of Prof X was a bit too harsh. Raven/Mystique had maybe one good scene, most of her other scenes were poor. Her death was good though.
It was MET gala, weird makeup is a rule
This is MET gala event, people is supposed to wear creepy clothes there
Check Ezra
ezra looks like a 10/10, would totally smash his boipussy if i were gay
angloid post-wall female
i unironically wish i had her hip to shoulder ratio and an ass like that. it would look fucking chad on a guy
>mannish shoulders
So help me figure this out guys. Why do hey keep doing it? Why do they take a perfectly fine story and then make a horribly bad story out of it? They didn't even go down the SJW road this time. How can you fuck something like the dark pheonix ark up that much for absolutely no apparent reason? This looks like it has been written by a class of 5th graders, it's completely nonsensical. It must have cost them many many millions to produce this. Why not just take the existing story for free and even save on writers. It can't be that hard. Even a comic is basically a story board already and this time they could have even used the 90s series plot.
>when someone starts talking during the movie
oi, me mum's prime years mate
>The women are always saving the men around here
>You might want to think about changing the name to X-Women
imagine saying something like that without having Rouge in your universe. Biggest mistake they ever did is not including best x-women. Why did they do it?
when Chole Moretz has a more womanly body than you, there’s a big fucking problem
I had to turn it off after about the first half of the movie. The x-men adaptions have never been all that great, but they seemingly gotten worse over time. Is this a direct to dvd release? I can't remember them airing this at the cinemas.
I'm very reluctant on saying this, but I just hope that Disney will kinda save the x-men, even if it will be the nigger, faggot and tranny x-men. It really is my favorite super hero franchise and I just hope that one day they will tell the real stories in a movie. It's beyond me why they keep making shit up that has nothing to do with x-men and then randomly dress some faggots up in costumes that kinda look like them.
Removing JLaw's fucking lazyass washedup C grade trash of an acting career from the franchise was the single one redeemable quality of this shitty movie. The writing, the acting and the CGI was so unbelievably bad. I mean fuck, how do you fuck up simple green screen shot of them standing outside?
JLaw was shit my man
"You should call us the X-Women"
Fuck off and die oh wait she did
I dont even care about any of that. The shitty makeup is whats infuriating. Fuck sake, what were they thinking.
Jesus, low end cosplay tier makeup there
why are they making her so unattractive what the fuck
it's like someone hated that she was casted and decided to use the worse hair style possible for her
trash movie like 1/10 tier, not even fassbender could save it
Damn shame.
Maario Naharis
Just watched it.
I honestly thought Apocalypse was okay.
This was near unwatchable.
High-School Wide Receiver
he's irish
lmaoing always at these torrent announcement threads
pirate bros are pretty based
If she's a Pajeet where does she shit in the street?
he cute
wtf she doesn't look that bad without makeup
Yeah I'm going to go ahead and be skeptical of Yea Forums's taste in twinks since every single one this site likes is ugly as shit.
september is in two days, user
I honestly and unironically think she looks good
same but I'm pretty desperate
I thought Apocalypse was much worse.
She's Polish
that AI is shit if this is not shopped. She looks like a 4000 year old gargoyle.
I have a theory...
They do it deliberately because if the actual comic book story is adapted for the big screen and it can't be topped, then what would they do next? So it's better to milk 'retellings' for as long as possible since you'll probably still get profit from fans and others who will go and see it and purchase other merchandise tied to it.
Or maybe it's just all money laundering and I'm overthinking things.
One of the reasons is jews. Jews can't allow an actual god to be portrayed in a comic movie because they're literally insane. And no, Thor doesn't count. Look how Thor is portrayed vs Loki. Thor literally forgets he's a god and downplays it and so does everyone else except in action scenes. They do their very best to basically just explain that his people are "sufficiently advanced aliens". Loki, on the other hand, VERBALLY reminds everyone he is a god all the time and immediately gets smacked down just about every time it happens.
Death never appears with Thanos.
The Phoenix Force can NEVER be named, only alluded to. And NEVER fully depicted as a sentient entity.
It's because of jews.
her [spoilers]dying[/spoiler]was the funniest thing in the movie, next to Beast looking at her photo at the end.
This is what a 63 year old woman can look like
He shoulda rubbed it.
Speaking of Fox News, Laura Ingraham is in her 50's, still looks nice
stay off the drugs women & booze women, makes you age like shit
Well said. The british slag is a strange creature.
It was yass queen slay shit. Thr only decent part was when magneto and Xavier talked at the end
Not to you Gohan, but to a warrior it matters greatly
Dont be silly. Apocalypse is oscar-tier compared to DP.
Apocalypse is campy garbage. I prefer DP, even though I didn't particularly like it that much.
English women only. Scottish Celt women are gorgeous. Pale skin, freckles, red hair and blue eye combo
That bitch in black on the left does not look 28
Man Fassbender must have a shit agent or be blacklisted or something. He always give kino performences but always stars in trash besides his 3 Ridley Scott films and some other indies.
This post reminds me, I was expecting an Assassin's Creed sequel.
didnt this movie flop fucking hard?
someone post an open directory or high quality streaming
Is there going to be a 3D version because I need that one? Probs means I'll have to wait 2 to 3 weeks.
Nah, this is a 10 in Bongistan.
Waiting for based yify.
based yifi is out lad
literally 10/10
What ever happened to that yify guy?
He got caught a while back, turns out it was some New Zealand kid who'd been compressing and uploading movies since he was 16.
Hope he's not getting ass raped by a fat maori in prison.
idk what he's doing but the yify rips today aren't the same. They've have been (((compromised))).
>ass raped by a fat maori in prison.
Maoris rape other guys in prison? That's fucking disappointing.
She was such a cute girl. Now look at that.
Just watched this an everyone who called it terrible or the worst X-Men movie ever was a fucking memester or bullshitting for clickbait purposes
This was about the level of your average MCU solo movie for better and worse. Not without it's flaws but an okay, merely average watch. Anyone who thinks it's worse than X3 or Origins needs their fucking heads checked.
So weird to me that the last movie they were ever going to make ends with the equivalent of a status quo I really liked from the comics too.
Slagopithecus angloicus
everyone shat on it because it was fox and now fox is destroyed. Disney put the bad word out abut this movie
>Yea Forums is still unaware that a large chunk of "female" celebrities are MtF abominations
If you'd told me at the time that the bad reception was Disney putting a hit on it I'd have probably called you a tin foil hat wearing dumbass, but it's pretty hard to deny having seen it
Fox has never made a non-shit X-Men movie. They're all low production trash. And Disney will never make ANY X-Men movies because it will implode before it gets there.
Thanks for the input, faglord.
shut the fuck up disneymom
you're retarded
never post again
I wonder if Ryan Gosling is an interesting conversationalist.
Don't you fucking address me with that fucking d-word bullshit.
Disneycuck has arrived
Die, you piece of shit. You're the one defending Disney properties.
t. retard coping with the worst written, cast, acted and directed movie of the year and the whole franchise
I'm not racist but I hope UK gets nuked
What is fucking wrong with this guy?
he's a gay jew
I saw it in theaters and people started laughing when she said that
I dunno I don't think they were too harsh on Charles in this movie and I actually think a lot of it makes sense. He did shit he shouldn't have for years to keep the x men going and at some point shit just wasn't working anymore. It was one of the more interesting plot lines imo
Right in my chest, mate. Right in my chest.
drugged whore
Wouldn't even watch this garbage for free.
I don't care, her ass is cute and beautiful, I want to eat her ass
it was awful. like holy shit it was bad
shut the fuck up disneygger
literally just finished watching...started out ok? then kinda went bad...like her wig in the movie
>that shoulder to hip ratio
No way she's a girl
He’s not Jewish, his mother is German and Christian
any shots of sophie's feet (soles)?
God, it almost looks malformed and activated my gag reflex.
>shoulders wider than hips
it's a guy
lanklet femoids kek
Opposite energy
imagine they lick each others bits
>comparing a Goddess to a slag
There's only one girl for Sophie
She doesn't roll that way
she could for sophie just once
God bless slags in my opinion
did they make her look more thicc? i don't remember those
Is rather see it with nathalie
those are called a padded bra
fuck you I liked it.
Haven't you ever heard of the founder effect? You're Anglo, mate.
Sophie is trash but so is your stumpy ass waifu, kys
>stumpy ass waifu
was that supposed to be bad?
>short like a woman should be
>thicc like a woman should be
>wide hips like a woman should have
>clear skin
>nice back
>very nice ass
>perky breasts
>and impossibly cute
I'm not seeing the negative