This is the film that Drive can only dream of being

This is the film that Drive can only dream of being

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Attached: the driver.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Based,watched this few days ago and its far superior also its ridiculous how much drive tries to copy it,refn truly is a hack.

Attached: alain-delon.jpg (398x420, 44K)

and Drive was his only decent film as well

JFL if you think this shit is better than Le samourai

Drive is better because it didn't have an annoying bird that was probably stinky too

fuck that bird

Attached: bird.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

bird thread?


Holy shit ths

>Le Samourai
The kino trinity of introverted criminals

drive did have an annoying bird that was probably sticky though

Attached: drive-christina-hendricks.jpg (680x478, 57K)

What would be the trinity of extroverted criminals?
>Day of the Jackal

ogf > drive

scarface (1983) has to be one

I think it's so common for characters to be extroverted (as this way they will interact with other characters more often and create more dialogue) that it is far less noticable than those which are introverted.

This desu
I caught it a few days ago and it's like Drive without the effervescent, mystifying angst, and it was fantastic. It's also incredibly well shot and colorful for being kind of dour

I was thinking on the lines of a character working alone but still being social and charismatic. Like the Jackal who can improvise on the spot by seducing a woman etc.

Times you acted like Le Samurai
>Go up to a bar, bartender asks what I want
>Answer "Beer."
>He says "What kind?"
>Tip him a $5 bill and leave

>get back from work
>walk up to my door and find the right key
>20 minutes later im inside, time to feed my bird


Fedoralord shit movie



I've also seen Drive, Collateral and Nightcrawler paired together as well.

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This movie, an homage to the bygone era of noir, came out 50+ years ago. It's not the movies fault when incels try to emulate the hitman's style. Alain Delon can pull it off.

>Le Samourai

The Wolf of Wall Street

Do you love the films of Refn, per chance?

yes le samourai is sooooo reddit guys instead lets have more The Boys and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood threads those are Yea Forums af and not reddit at all

Fellas, he joked about the word "Le".

I have a hard time believing that anyone who has watched this film thinks Drive is a good movie

lets put it this way, le samourai to drive is what alain delon is to the goose (superior in every aspect)


Le Samourai > Drive = The Driver

>le samourai
Upboated! xD

Dog Day Afternoon fits more than Day of the Jackal.

>it's older so it's better

Le Samourai is The Long Goodbye but without the American's total lack of subtlety. Maybe you somehow missed how Delan's character isn't supposed to be the cool noir guy of the 30's.

Based and analysispilled

Any other films that have the same style of Le Samourai? (and I don't just mean Noir)

Why did he suicide by cop? He already had the money

reddit is amazing bro thanks for le reddit gold kind stranger!