When is this kino coming back?

When is this kino coming back?

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>I'm so lonely with all my friends and gf waaah
fuck off

September..? I think?

This sshit went downhill after season 3

Fair enough, but still is a good show

>It went downhill after season 3
>Not explaining why he thinks that


unironically the best show running

hope diane dies next season but she probably won't


>the harvey weinstein episode
such a good show but why did it have to go preachy for that episode? such a change of pace I thought I was watching something else

Damn. Reddit have good taste!

It's not bad, it's just like nothing more to say and tell.

The worst characters are those who are bad but the writers don't think they are bad. This means they never get their comeuppance. Diane is one of those.

Why is Diane a major focus of the show? Who gives a fuck about her honestly?

S1 and S2 was great. S3 went full reddit

Fuck bowjack mememan. When is Rick and Morty coming back?

Don't (You) me, you know you love it.

Reminds me of brian from family guy. Character originally intended to be voice of reason turns into a giant cunt when they run out of ideas

WUBA LUBBA DUB DUB!!!! Time to get schwifty in here!!!

Diane going to Vietnam and realising she had no connection to it and didn't belong there was good development for her.

Dianne is a complete loser in the last season what the fuck are you on about? Pretty much the entire point of that season is that all the characters have flaws and are forced to face them

is it just me, or are the characters completely unrelatable?

You mean Hank after dark? Was it really that bad?

i relate to bojack cuz im le depressed

I like the show even though normies and zoomers love it.

Imagine being depressed despite having a job friends and a relationship
just how fucking burned out would your dopamine receptors have to be to get there?

It's definitely not just you, the whole show is boardroom execs telling the writers to make everyone worse.

But that's never what she was user

they have to so they can keep the "yo dude this show is depressing haha no happy endings lmao" rep

>Dopamine receptors blown out.

I feel like mine aren't blown but they're shot. Daily porn and fapping. Junk food and soda every day.

These things don't make me happy or give me pleasure anymore, they just keep me at a medium level of contentment.

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Yeah, but they could also just write the show's events in an organic way instead of just shoving more shit onto each page until the characters die.

Like last season we'll get like a weeks notice

>the eulogy episode
Pure kino

It actually predated Weinstein. I think that was mostly meant to be a reference to Cosby.

you need to stop for a while
it'll be miserable for a few months but you will start to notice normal everyday things making you happy again

if you thing that you will get happy if you get things thats not gonna happen
if you are sad now and think oh if i get a gf i would not be sad or whatever you want to not be sad you will still be sad its just how it works
true self love and happiness comes from trying your best to overcome everything that life trows at you not thinking you will be fixed if you find a gf or friends
those things help for sure but they are just temporary

the only good episode in that shit season

Well I'm about to start taking Zoloft again so I think I'll also quit soda and do nofap too.

I just need to get back on Adderall and I'll be back to my old lower level Chad self.

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>if you are sad now and think oh if i get a gf i would not be sad or whatever you want to not be sad you will still be sad its just how it works
my fucking brain lights up when women even message me back on snapchat and it makes the rest of my day better
I guarantee you having a gf would make me happier
that is how deprived of female attention I am

fuck zoloft stay away from ssri poisin
it will make you numb which blocks the pain but it also blocks out joy

When did depressed become the new cool?

Getting attention from grillz is a lot different from being in a relationship with one, senpai.

Stay single and keep flirting with thots, fuck them if you can. Once you let one tie you down it loses it's allure.

I like Diane idk is it just 4channel contrarianism to hate her.

When the testosterone levels dropped

the 90s

I really want to find a grill I'm compatible with, smashing thots doesn't really appeal to me
If I want to nut I'll just jerk off, I want to cuddle and do other things

I met a QT 21 year old who I wanted to watch kino with, cuddle, kiss and just be close to.

The bitch has legitimate autism and doesn't like to be touched outside of sex.

She did bring me pizza a few times though.

i'm probably projecting, but you've formed an ideal of a woman you expect a special woman to fall into. meanwhile women are more realistic, they'll let themselves get caught by a man who can bring her stability. a sensitive man who wants to show his affection is less desirable to a woman than a masculine man who just wants sex (at the beginning).



It will make you into a robot, man. Not sad, not happy, not even contempt. It's like killing your whole humanity.
Also it fucks you up physically. My dick stopped working and I got pimples on my back and face. Alcohol fucks you up exponentially, so one beer is like two, two are like four and before you know it, you're fucked into oblivion and can't remember a thing.
The side effects vary from person to person, but ironically feeling nothing is way worse than feeling sad for me.
Just try to build discipline and appreciate the little things.
Or go ahead with it, it's your choice, but I would have wanted to hear this from someone before starting it myself. It just angers me that they prescribe it to everyone at the drop of a hat.

>a sensitive man who wants to show his affection is less desirable to a woman than a masculine man who just wants sex (at the beginning).
ideally a man is both at once, sexually aggressive but still sensative

BJHM is a good show, all you contrarians cunts hate anything that is liked by the masses. Hating popular stuff doesn’t make you better. If you think the show is bad @me and tell me why you fucking faggots. We all know you watch it on Netflix and shit all over it online

>I'm movie star vance waggoner, and I hate Jews!


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