How did we go from this

How did we go from this...

Attached: famke.jpg (300x350, 27K)

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to this?

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How canon are X 1-3?

They got time traveled out in DOFP

How did we go from this...

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So why did the Phoenix come to Earth sooner?

>Mystique just shows up in Xavier's home as a kid and they become besties
First Class had such lazy shit writing

>First Class had such lazy shit writing
so much this

Square manface.

Round babyface.

Literal. Stunt casting.

Nice zipper

If a naked loli broke into your house wouldn’t you do the same thing?

So when is New Mutants coming out? Never?


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Famke Janssen. HNNG!

to this

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Nevar forget.

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Because Jean was recruited sooner


Jesus christ how do these women get convinced to do this to themselves? How do they think it looks good?

I'd rather fuck some plastic looking chick like that in her 50's or 60's than some completely all natural woman covered in wrinkles who's in her 50's or 60's.

>to do this to themselves?
to grow old?

fucking retard

in these movies the phoenix is just "a part of Jean" the Shi'ar and the phoenix force went out the window when they decided it was too much work to actually tell the story. so they just said "fuck it, make it the crazy part of her brain"

Botox is fucking garbage you pathetic virgins

She had minor crows feet before the botox and thats all. This ruined ruined her attractive facial features entirely

The first I ever saw of her was playing a tranny in Nip-Tuck. I have never been able to unsee her as a tranny in anything since.

botox and fillers you naive fools

The real question is, how did she go from this at the end of X2...

Attached: xjean1.jpg (400x600, 33K)

would you date a tranny if it looked like her? this at the beginning in The Last Stand? I mean, look at that hair! How much time has passed between the two movies? It takes at least a couple of years to get that look, and in the movie it feels like it's only been a couple of months.

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You are not supposed to fuck women that old.

kinda attractive to ripped face? Not that hard

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You didn't watch Goldeneye when it came out?!

You have no problem accepting that she just reappeared from seeming death in a lake out of nowhere but the length of her hair bothers you? That might be autism.

You just KNOW its hairy.

and that's a GOOD thing

I still don't get how anyone can call her attractive with a straight face. Even accounting for different tastes, she's got that British inbred potato face.

We're given explanation for her reappearance, but not for her hair.

Definitely autism


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>dark pheonix is as bad as X3
how they didnt learn from their mistakes?

still would

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Right is fucking disgusting
Left is beautiful lady

>double chin

do another count m8

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she was so hot in that tng episode. Picard should've taken her.

The wall isn't a meme, she wouldn't look any better without the procedures, that's probably the best she can look.

Why does everything look so flat and boring in the bottom? Why is everything so shit now?

Damn. That's just sad.

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I blame the MCU. Those movies made more money than fucking anything ever and the color grading is flat garbage across the board.

chad vs virgin shitpost is old af

Famke J. is one of the hottest women I've ever seen. She's just pure sex in Deep Rising. She's even a smoking milf witch in that god awful Hansel & Gretel movie.

If a naked loli broke inside my home she's probably a 300 yo vampire who will dice me in little pieces, so I would run to my get a cross and some garlic

>vampires breaking in
not without an invitation, breh

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>doesn't want to become a vampire loli's servant

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She absolutely would look better even with a few minor wrinkles. There are some women capable of aging well without taking the bog pill. Halle Berry, Marissa Tomei, Susan Surrandon.. Famke had goddess tier genetics and she bogged her shit up because she was insecure about some minor crows feet around the eyes.. Her eyes were one of her best features and now theyre a puffy mess along with the rest of her face. Ironically, the procedures made her look older and more haggard.

Seriously though why is she so ugly
It should be a requirement for Jean to not be ugly
How did they fuck this up so bad


she's said in interviews that because she doesn't have to be fit for the X-movies (that is to say, Jean doesn't do stunts) so she just eats like a mfer

Soul vs Soulless

I miss WCW.

Welcome to digital cinema and the old guard filmmakers retiring. (Like the cinematographers and lighters)

35mm is not a meme.

she was like 40 in this pic, it’s crazy that she looks so much better than Turner who’s fucking 23

I'm conflicted because the bottom looks like a good "impish trickster" kind of Nightcrawler where as X2 was a great anti-hero spookster version. The only thing dating the X2 version is the very telling 2000's hair gelling.

But what about her overall health? Does she not care about being a lardass?

She parties a lot. Gets high a lot. And smokes non-stop. I don't think she cares.

Man she was perfect. Does she have kids? Gotta pass on those perfect genes

Man she was perfect. Does she have kids? Gotta pass on those perfect genes

You clearly haven't watched Dark Phoenix

She's a mutant.

>cast as the follow up of one of the most attractive women in the world some ugly skinny fat brit bong with double chin


>ywn have Onatop wrap her thighs around your face and suffocate you with her pusy

>poop eyes
>man face
suck some cock, bet you like it.

what a way to go

this. the average 50+ yo woman look like shit, especially with no make up.
people only notice bad plastic surgery, but there's also the good one that goes unnoticed.
do you think that Sarandon looks like that at 72 and she's completely natural?


more like fAt

>when he starts quoting the bible after Jean's death

Sounds like you have a lot of experience in that regard.