In the LOTR universe there are 5 kinds of people: No powers, Hero powers, Magic powers, Overpowered and Hilariously Godly Overpowered.
And then there's tom bombadil, who could have just walked(danced) into mordor, punch sauron in the face(eye), kick melkor in the nuts, set everything right, and be back before lunch time all while wearing the ring as a piercing on his dick.
If only he gave a fuck.
In the LOTR universe there are 5 kinds of people: No powers, Hero powers, Magic powers...
more importantly, what was feanors problem?
Thanks for the repost Charlie
He rules a small portion of his land and his powers dont work elsewhere
God what a fag
Probably not her.
based lotro copy pasta
He was master of his realm and nothing else
How could he kick himself in the nuts?
his powers stem from not giving a fuck.
he doesn't give a fuck about the ring so he would lose it.
but if you somehow convinced him to give a fuck about the ring, he'd no longer be immune to it.
how would you go about convincing him to give a fuck ?
Yeah but everyone else dosnt give a fuck about him the moment he steps out of his land, he would be some drunk retard and everyone would simply ignore him.
>bombabil would simply own mordor epic style XD
Tom has complete dominion over his home because he knows every single thing about it down to the very last atom. He is able to command it through sheer will because he understands it beyond anything else. If he went to Mordor hed know fuck all about it and probably drown in quicksand.
He utilized the same sort of power as Sauron in creating the rings when he created the Simarils. Just as Sauron poured himself into the ring, Feanor poured himself into the gems. It was the first evidence of that sort of magical craftsmanship making everyone go crazy.
Sauron and his armies would take it eventually. It would be the last safe place after Rivendell fell, but it would be destroyed.
this sounds really fucking dumb. tolkein is a hack
>It is a natural pacifist view, which always arises in the mind when there is a war. But the view of Rivendell seems to be that it is an excellent thing to have represented, but that there are in fact things with which it cannot cope; and upon which its existence nonetheless depends. Ultimately only the victory of the West will allow Bombadil to continue, or even to survive. Nothing would be left for him in the world of Sauron.
Sauron could burn his home rape his waifu and Bombadil still wouldnt do shit, hes the ultimate cuck and middle finger to pacifists from Tolkien.
>stupid nerd theorycrafting about the most useless character from the most useless chapters of a book ever created
Tom Bombadil is every fat fuck nerd's desperate power fantasy because fat fucks need to believe they're godlike too.
>Mother died because she simply didnt want to live anymore
>Father killed on his doorstop by the first act of murder in the universe
>Greatest creation ever made, filled with the light of the trees, the greatest natural feature stolen
>Trees, ie a symbol of the elvish people destroyed
He wasnt wrong. The ainur were reluctant to act, so he did
I like how the two blue wizards said fuck this shit and left Gandalf, Sauruman and Rhadaghast to do all the hard work
Reminder that Eru Iluvatar is literally the biblical God
>Some people have criticised the Ring as lacking religion. Tolkien denies this: “Of course God is in The Lord of the Rings. The period was pre-Christian, but it was a monotheistic world.”
>Monotheistic? Then who was the One God of Middle-earth?
>Tolkien was taken aback: “The one, of course! The book is about the world that God created – the actual world of this planet.”
yeah, who else would it be, if in tolkien's mind middle-earth is an ancient history/myth of our world.
Based. how will /r/atheists ever recover?
I'm of the opinion that Tom is a Maia. Only a few are ever named or involved in the Silmarillion, but it is implied that they are very numerous. His wife, Goldberry, certainly seems to be. She is a river spirit, so most likely some Maia associated or no longer associated with Ulmo.
I don't think the fact he doesn't care about the ring is a statement of his power or his ability to impose his will on other Ainur like Sauron. It only shows he's a selfless being, having long lost interest in these kinds of politics. Maybe he's associated with Yavanna or Orome, who knows.
When he says he was present before even the Dark Lord came from the outside, it is unclear who he is refering to. If he's refering to Melkor, then this is indeed strange, but I'm not sure it is ever clearly stated that the Valar were the first to enter Arda. Valar is merely a title given to some of the most potent Ainur, it doesn't indicate some inherent difference in their nature. If some Maiar entered Arda first (why not), then he might have been one of them.
If he means Sauron, then it isn't an impressive statement. Sauron is a Maia as well, maybe he entered before him, who cares.
He saw the elves go westward, so he must have been hanging out in Eriador for a very long time, having left the affairs of Ainur society behind. So maybe he's just highlighting how Sauron (who was involved in Valinor first, and then followed Melkor in Beleriand) came in the east of the Blue Mountains after him, but probably not.
So is he that powerful? I don't think so. He is mysterious though. But it is easy to imagine an equivalent situation that could have occured. Melian, a Maia, used to hang out in the Middle-Earth too, before she fell in love with Elwë. Since when was she there? Had she not met Elwë, would she have stayed? Why not. In that case it's easier to imagine her as a Bombadil-like oddity that doesn't fit anywhere.
Better than everyone else (and aware of it), and very ambitious and combative, rightly at first. But as a result, he was unable to let go of his own interests for the greater good, when it was the right time to do so.
He's similar to Melkor in that way. Melkor was indeed the best of them all, and was supposed to be king, but in wanting everything to go his own way, he neglected the greater good, what could have been if he collaborated, which would be even better than what he can do on his own.
This idea sorta happens with Aule too. When creating the dwarves, he kept to himself, aware of his great skills, and indirectly, knowing that the skills of his peers were lower. However, a better job could have probably been done if he had been open and collaborative from the start. It didn't end badly for him, though.
Damn if Aulë had gone rogue too, imagine that world.
He is Eru's avatar
I'm doing a weekly chapter by chapter series if anyone is interested.
I wonder, is it looked down by some christians to create a fictional mythology like this and have the bible God in it, without the rest?
Sounds like the kind of stuff muslims would get pissed over, allah fanfictions.
Tolkien himself shot that theory down.
Or a natural force of the Ëa like Ungoliath?
Galadriel rejected him so he made some stones prettier than her.
he couldn't have done shit outside of his forest. I think he couldn't even leave it or exist outside of it, but that's my headcanon.
He was basically an incarnation of Eru.
it's fiction, no-one gives a fuck. Tolkien saw it as subcreation of the God's ultimate perfect Creation. This theme appears in the stories too, like Melkor being unable to create, only corrupt by pouring his own power into something, leaving him diminished each time.
Just a reminder Tolkien let CS Lewis rape his own son.“When I was a boy I was constantly surrounded by my father and colleagues of my father. Almost without exception, his colleagues were academics and, you know, some of them were pretty strange fellows …. Often, people would stay the night at our house …. I often awoke in the morning to find someone sharing my bed. More often than not, it would be … well, I don’t intend to name names, just to say that this particular person who I loved dearly, not in a sexual way, you understand, this person would be fast asleep, huddled up next to me when I woke in the morning. Well, let’s say things had gone on in the night. I knew this. If you wake up with your pyjamas off and they were on when you went to sleep you would wonder, wouldn’t you?” -John Francis Reuel Tolkien
More like Sneed Bombadil
it was a gay old time so its ok
All boys should be fuck ed by men like ancient greece
Even if I served in the Somme with you, I would kill you if you ever diddled my kid but I guess that's just how the times change. I guess back in the 1900 you just lent your kids out to all your pedo friends.
As retarded an idea that is, I’m curious as to your reasoning behind it
I like how loreletts think Tom bombadil is the most powerful being ever in lotr
he isn't. he was created by another more powerful than him
Bombadil? The only thing which interests me is, to who he paied taxes.
Dont you ever tell me what i can and cant do, dont make me diddle your kid to prove a point you fagget
He's Melkor Elf. Better than everyone but amounts to nothing because of how mucha of a duche he is.
likely, but tolkien himself intentionaly didn't explain his origins, because he felt mythologies like this always do have unexplained things or mysteries in them, or legends within legends that built up and get embellished over generations of storytelling. like bombadil could have just been a hobbit myth about the old forrest, that gradually became a part of the story after several retellings.
Is it a fact that he came to Arda before Melkor himself? If I remember Melkor was the first Valar to enter Arda
there are no facts around bombadil, tolkien never elaborated on his origins when asked, everything is speculation and fan theories.
Some fatcs like when the elves first came from westward tom was already there. I dont think he is a maia either because the one ring had no effect on him.
I disagree with this interpretation of Tom Bombadil
these allegations were made when Tolkien's son himself was under accusations of child abuse, he did not indicate that his father knew, and he did not in any way indicate that it was CS Lewis
I agree, post more related pics
This is false though. Read the books. Tom Bombadil is the master of his own woods, but he said himself that he wasn't outside of them.
>‘He knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.’
Melkor arrived to Earth from outside in three different times:
>together with or before the other Valar, during Earth’s original shaping, when it was young and engulfed in flames
>when he first descended upon Arda ‘ a mountain that wades in the sea and has its head above the clouds and is clad in ice crowned with smoke and fire...’
>after Tulkas chased him out, when he brought his army of Maiar over the walls of the world and arrived into the north of Middle Earth
Eru = El = Elohim = God
Iluvatar = Allfather
i bet she has panties that says BBC only
he was an incel, an autist and a kinslayer. ALso some one post the greentext
he needed to get his rocks off but everyone refused to help
>had the most children in recorded elven history
>implying they were his
maybe if he weren't fapping to his stones so much he wouldn't be a cuck
What happened to the dwarves? Are they the ancestors of jews? Are they still living hidden below Scandinavia? Were they the Neanderthal mens?
autistic workaholics who lose sight of what's important, focusing their toil? probably an analogy for city folk, idk.
They eventually went extinct.
>The Dwarves' numbers, although they sometimes flourished, often faced periods of decline, especially in periods of war. The slow increase of their population was due to the rarity of Dwarf-women, who made up only about a third of the total population. Dwarves seldom wedded before the age of ninety or more, and rarely had so many as four children. They took only one husband or wife in their lifetime, and were jealous, as in all matters of their rights. The number of Dwarf-men that married was actually less than a third, for not all the Dwarf-women took husbands; some desired none, some wanted one they could not have and would have no other. Many Dwarf-men did not desire marriage because they were absorbed in their work.
Based incels
Incels af
thread theme
Who would win in a fight between Tom Bombadil and Eru?
That game looks kino af, is it as popular as wow ?
How would Bombadil fare against a band of marauding orcs? His only feats are scaring a spoopy ghost away and giving a timeout to a meanie tree.
it was great when it first came out. one of the comfiest games ever imo, with best soundtrack.
then they made it free to play and ruined the pvp system and i stopped playing, years ago
i guess people are still playing it though.
Elohim is plural
>Many Dwarf-men did not desire marriage because they were absorbed in their work
retards thats a volcel
Anons, help me out here. I've read several variants of what Tolkien's universe was supposed to be:
>A completely mythical world.
>Our Earth in some pre-ancient period.
>Something akin to a "sister world" or a parallel world.
Did Tolkien change his idea about it? What was his ultimate decision. And for God's sake, source me if you can.
It’s a mix of the first two.
our world, pre-ancient history.
Why do people who haven't read the books like to talk about things in them so much?
tolkien never "made up his mind" about anything really. thats one of the things that makes him so good. its all so open yet so definitive
Tom was like a force of nature. A river or a tornado are powerful too but they can’t be directed or guided they just do what they do.
Based tombomb
He was a giga autist. Rather than die, he reee'd so hard he spontaneously combusted.
pretty sure its dead
i've heard the lore and worldbuilding honors Tolkien's legacy though
>If only he gave a fuck
You mean if Tolkien was a complete fucking retard like you.
Tolkien's 'legacy' was a meandering, shitty children's tale for autistic kids, participating in a senseless war and killing honest young german men, and producing a faggot son
I'll agree with you if you post the sauce
>participating in a senseless war and killing honest young german men
unironically kys
tolkien has stated that the whole thing just "felt real" to him even though it never happened
>which interests me is, to who he paied taxes.
learn some English before you post more comments please
Hmm that sounds familiar... But why? Is there another historical event that totally happened surrounded with statements like this? Surely not.
Did elves have pointy ears in Tolkiens world or is that just shit the movies added
Official artwork had them depicted that way decades earlier.
Aule is kinda an inverse of Melkor. His creation of the Dwarves was out of a jealousy and awe of Eru. The Dwarves are something he made in imitation, and it’s kinda like a kid finding a stray dog in the olden days. He put effort into trying to make something of it.
Why did he steal Glaucon's story without crediting him? Fucking hack.
>If he's refering to Melkor
yes he is referring to melkor and melkors first descent into arda
>He knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless – before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
only melkor came out from the void and into arda
>Tom was here before the river and the trees; Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn.
>Tom was here already, before the seas were bent.
this implies he was already there before the valar set to work on arda which imo solidifies the theory that he is literally the spirit of arda itself
>If he's refering to Melkor
yes he is referring to melkor and melkors first descent into arda
>He knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless – before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
only melkor came out from the void and into arda
>Tom was here before the river and the trees; Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn.
>Tom was here already, before the seas were bent.
this implies he was already there before the valar set to work on arda which imo solidifies the theory that he is literally the spirit of arda itself
It's never directly stated, but there's a letter where Tolkien spergs out about minute details in a certain depiction and doesn't mention the elf ears
Where does this myth about bombadil being overuberpowered comes from ?
In the book he's just immune to the ring and somewhat dark "magic" and influence.
He's got his little dominion but no more than Elrond or Galadriel, and even Gandalf said that i'll fall to Sauron eventually
"So this is the trinket that's giving you so much trouble?" Bombadil said, with a smug smile.
Quick as a flash, he flipped the ring in the air, and before Frodo's horrified eyes, swallowed it down like a performing seal.
"Don't worry, Frodo," Gandalf said quickly. "Such frivolousness is merely Tom's way. I expect he'll produce the One Ring from behind your ear momentarily..."
Tom belched noisomely, then rose from the table. Loosening his belt, he dropped his trousers to the ground and bent over. "STAND ASIDE," he roared.
Sensing a great danger, the hobbits scurried for cover. Then, with one humongous fart, the ring came rocketing out of Bombadil's backside. It flew through the air, a smear of gold, before shattering into pieces against the the wall.
The hobbits stared at the pathetic fragments of the One Ring, already melting on the flagstone floor. "And so, it seems, our quest is at an end," reflected Gandalf, sounding both astonished and appalled.
"Now get the fuck out of my cabin," Bombadil demanded, collapsing into his fireside chair without bothering to pull up his trousers. "And send Goldberry in on your way out."
More importantly why did Gandalf have a long conversation with Tom after the war of the ring?
They certainly inherited his autism
WOOOOW no shit, Sherlock. why don't you just read the Silmarillion
good post
it's not a bad addition in any case, because elves are supposed to be significantly more beautiful than men. a movie adaptation can't really realistically emulate that at all unless you make all humans ugly, which would be retarded, so you need distinctive features.
just people who haven't even read most of Tolkien's work falling for memes and epic internet "theories". there's literally nothing to it.
>only melkor came out from the void and into arda
they all came from Outside.
>this implies he was already there before the valar set to work on arda
no, it doesn't, at all, and I'm sorry, but there is not a single "theory" about Bombadil that is solid in the slightest
who knows
>they all came from Outside
true but it was only melkor who came from the void and started twisting and corrupting arda hence the line "he knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless" it wasn't until melkor descended when everything started to go to shit and when sauron revealed himself to be allied to melkor the world was already pretty fucked
True. Melkor was looking for the flame imperishable to give true life for his creation. Its pretty sad desu
Melkor didn't descend at some later point and fuck everything up, he had a hand in creation from the very beginning, he was fucking with everything they built as they built it. Unless it's referring to much much later, when he came back again after having been imprisoned.
Her apartment is a fucking atrocity.
>clothes strewn everywhere
>mattress laying on floor
>boots laying on carpet floor and not in rack (its probably fucking winter too the fucking whore)
>disgusting mottled stains and spots all across floor (probably chad's copious ejaculations)
>mirror lazily resting against wall instead of being properly affixed
>spare parts and instructions from bullshit budget IKEA furniture just laying on the floor
>smears of cum all over mirror
>no paintings or any kind of decorations to speak of
>semen-coloured walls
0/10 would not bang. I am vomit x10000000, and yes, I am beyond fucking mad bearing witness to this holocaust of good housekeeping. Sage, reported, hidden, called the cops, called the NSA, called Zucc, etc.
based homo autist
He was fucking things up since the Ainulindalë. Melkor is OG
why is his hand so tiny?
You're both defective. user is right, she's bad breeding material. If anything, you're the homos for not picking up on that. Where's your instinct?
For me it's Ungoliant.
cumbrain meme is real
that's tom, not feanor
>why aren't you evaluating a pic of a random girl on the internet for her breeding potential
This. I'm reading LOTR at the moment and Gandalf literally says, aside from Bombadil being a terrible keeper for the Ring due to not caring for such things, that eventually his power would fail compared to Sauron's.
Elven complex
Best thing they could have cut from the movies. adds nothing to the plot of lotr.