Do you like the way the film industry is heading?

Do you like the way the film industry is heading?

Attached: 1566828141360.jpg (1024x768, 70K)

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i don't really give a shit
in the near future the police state will be kicking down doors and we'll all be shuffling in lines wearing gray jumpsuits
a few decades after that the world will be a wasteland with a few humans clinging to life

This image is about Apple. Doesn't have anything to do with film or the movie industry you cuck.

isn't apple producing now

The NWO is coming

>Spend a century undermining Christianity and removing it from culture.
>Replace it with the gods of Star Wars and Marvel and all that crap.
>Can't help themsslves and start blaspheming those too.

I just went out and bought my wife and her son two more tickets to see Endgame we can smash Avatar guys, please match me!

>t.dumbass who think that only because somebody is standing up doing a presentation then it mean that it's Apple
No this is not from Apple but from a random company that work for Disney

Have you not seen all the MCU fan shit? It's worse than a religion

this is the where the ad industry arrived in the early 20th century. you think Coke is successful because people are prone to acting rationally?

Attached: 79-Slowpoke.png (300x243, 30K)

Which church do you attend? How often?


Attached: hamburglar meets freedumb.webm (718x404, 789K)

cinema is fucking dead

what's going on here???

The McSS got a call about an incel being hidden under the floorboards of that house.


That truly is impressive you can go from the Apple 1984 commercial to this in two generations.

Attached: Apple-BigBrother-1984-780x445.jpg (780x445, 91K)


What is this from

It's not Apple it's SAP

What's the context for that image?

Nope. Fuck capeshit and political correctness.

This is why we need socialism. Please Lenin, come back and liberate us.