Lots of people name their swords

lots of people name their swords

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imagine that thing pipin down on your brown cock, haha

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>Naming your sword Faggot

nothing funnier than retarded incels on Yea Forums pretending they're too good for a rich and famous actress

calm down maisie

i literally wouldnt fuck that bitch even if she paid me

This is now Maisie thread.

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shouldnt you be heading to auditions maisie

you've never had sex and you know it

females marry men for being rich and famous. men typically dont look for those qualities in women, get that through your skull roastie.

i know id rather never have sex than have sex with quasimodo lmao

She's clearly an expert on the topic, so I wonder what subtle detail in Dany's behavior gave it away. Me? I never killed anyone so I wouldn't know.
This is a tough one. What do you think? Eye twitch maybe?

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tits or gtfo

lmao look at this retard. Don't shoot up your school, incel

>Phwooaaar Bazza yer loookin' sexeh as bloodeh fuck...
>love yer in that wig, mate...
>Never fort ya 'ad this side to ya Bazza, reet fit....
>ya smell good bazza... is that a steak bake on yer breath? yer turnin' me on.... fookin 'ell
>can yer feel me sosig roll Bazza? iter'll onleh sting for a second..
>nah course i wont tell Shazza....

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the way you post couldnt be anymore feminine

yeah, cos' Yea Forums is known for only alpha chads posting.


dont forget raging legbeards such as yourself

Not the one you’re replying to, but howso?

haha you are literally so pathetic that you're only claim to masculinity is posting on a fucking anime board.

>first comment is that maisie would be irresistable to fuck because of wealth and fame, two straights that get women attract to men but not ones men tend to look for.
>rest of her comments are all appearence and sex based insults
>in general raging because she sees herself in maise and this thread is confirming to her that no matter how hard she works and how much money she makes it wont increase her status as at the end of the day shes an ugly goblin like maise and men arent going to throw themselves at her and her bank account like she would do for an ugly but rich man
i think that sums it up well

yeah i'm sure you go for the homeless women, right? what kind of retard wouldn't prefer their partner have money and talent? like holy shit you're such an obvious incel it's painful.

>yeah i'm sure you go for the homeless women, right?
if shes hot, yeah sure. no amount of money will make you attractive, we dont care about money.


jesus christ, just admit you've never actually had sex or a relationship


lots of incels in this thread

I wouldnt even fuck her with somebody else's dick

start making gains in your personality femcel you come across as very insecure and no man wants a neurotic bitch who lashes out at those around her. youre here because youre triggered that men consider an actress who is ugly, well ugly so try and remove that chip off your shoulder and youll find men will be more responsive to you.

>i'm so alpha that I spend all day posting on Yea Forums and trying to lure homeless women into my house
fucking kek

I'm a guy you fucking retard. You've clearly never been in a relationship if you don't think money is a factor whatsoever. You clearly still have your mom paying for everything as well.

fucking attractive homeless women is extremely alpha because the dramatic disparity in both social and economic standing just further asserts dominance and power over them.

yeah, all the alpha chads are out there picking up the homeless

I'm not an incel, and she's an ugly cunt, now fuck off resetra tranie.

lmao i never said that money isnt a factor but being rich and famous isnt. nice strawman though seething roastie

you ever notice how pretty women are never homeless? thats because they are attractive enough to shack up with guys instead of going homeless.

yeah it's totally not because being homeless does a fucking number to you or anything.

>im a guy
>white knighting for an ugly feminist icon whilst getting triggered over the comments in this thread
no youre not

I wasn't interested in horror mutant movie of hers but such a long time has gone that I'm dying to see it.

>laughing means you're triggered
yeah I guess I'm ttotally triggered cos I am lmaoing at your lives.

>I'm a guy
you'll never pass trannie.

and you'll never have sex, no matter how many homeless women you try to lure into your moms basement.

I miss loli maisie

your genuine anger that is manifesting itself in lashing out on everyone in this thread proves otherwise legbeard

bitch, there are literally millions of idiotic women who have absolutely no redeeming qualities, be they material or in their personalities, OTHER than being attractive. those women aren't homeless, they are living with men who fuck them.

hell, a lot of them actually end up making money just by being attractive. dont believe me? check out instagram or twitch, etc.

men dont really care about money at all when it comes to women.

I fucked my girlfriend this morning, trannie.

whatever you have to tell yourself, just don't shoot up your school, incel


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this level of butthurt at not being able to have sex is genuinely hilarious.

more proof that we got a roastie on our hands: complete lack of creativity or thought thats shows in her utter lack of banter that consists of regurgitating the latest flavour of the week insults without a single original twist to it.

have sex, you ugly cunt.

your proof is alex jones tier. Wait, that makes sense considering you're completely fucking braindead.

im not being malicious, im just trying to get the point across to you that we literally dont care. you should work on not being a piece of shit, instead of getting money.
>s-so what that im an ugly feminist cunt that nobody likes who lashes out at everybody, i-im the manager of starbucks! im talented! i make money!
yeah ok whatever, enjoy getting eaten by your cats when you die alone.

have sex

keep on deluding yourself that a man is going to swoon at your bank account.

the proof is how hard youre raging no man is going to get offended because someone called an objectively ugly actress ugly.

I'd name mine "Cunt" and would never use it

honest question, why do you come here, why did you come to this thread, if it was going to upset you, is the goblin your waifu or something.


>this thread
We have fallen so far, god please save us.

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Stop it roastie, you're making us look worse than we already are.

>moving the goalpost to homelessness

Wew Sally, we're talking about women that are not societal dropouts. I've had so many average to below average girls like me on Tinder who were pharmacists or in real estate or even day trading and I never once gave a shit. I can support myself financially no problem, I just want a pretty face and tits waiting for me at home when I come back from work. Ass too.


Roastie got toastie

And you are no killer!

I own a katana and I've name it "god killing monster sword" in japanese
no, I'm not memeing
yes, I am a virgin

Post pic

Other than that, a better effort at writing Cockney speak than most


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sorry, no amount of money will make me want to fuck her

>god killing monster sword
how does one say this in moonrunes? I only know god is kami