Over ninety-percent on rotten tomatoes

>over ninety-percent on rotten tomatoes

Attached: awful.webm (640x536, 2.71M)

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What is so bad about this scene, exactly?

Um...I don't know. Maybe the vanishing weapon in a 200 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE?

Why does he act like he only has one arm? Fucking punch her in the head
Why are they locked arm in arm?

LOL just noticed that

She could have dropped it and her body could have occluded the weapon falling to the ground.

shut the fuck up faggot you can see it isn't on the ground

why is mary sue holding the light saber so close to the flame?

You can still see a translucent outline of it in his hand despite it disappearing. He didn't drop the prop. You can't see anything when the camera moves either to indicate it had fallen. How would he even drop it in that situation anyway?
Even if he did drop it, why the fuck isn't he doing anything?

>(((rotten tomatoes)))

>Blocks vibroblade
>Second one casually slides past her abdomen, ignoring the weak point
>Disney later realizes they fucked up and the guard not stabbing her in the back breaks immersion
>The blades were CGI anyway, just make it disappear haha

she is grabbing the laser part as well

>You can still see a translucent outline of it in his hand despite it disappearing.
Then that means they failed to edit it out. Shows how incompetent the VFX artists working on this dogshit are, just like how Kylo Ren's cape is missing from his reflection in D23 TRoS trailer.

Both bodies, in turn, occlude a probable trajectory of the falling weapon. A probable final resting place is occluded both by their legs and the cropping of the camera image.

Her lower torso should be gushing gore..? Did she phase through the blade or something? Blind idiot kys

Absolute horseshit.

>getting that angry while defending why this scene is bad
Just admit that you are a paid shill of whatever company wants to damage Disney.

They don't occlude a probably trajectory at all. Some hint of the weapon SHOULD be visible. Beyond that, you should really show that sort of thing on screen in the first place. It's obvious someone fucked up along the lines and didn't render this scene properly.

What would have made him drop it in the first place?

>a company entirely owned by a film making company, is possibly manipulating/cherrypicking reviews
If you ever gave that sight legitimacy, then YOU are the problem here

Attached: 11.jpg (361x275, 98K)

TLJ is the only SW movie with decent thematic resonance. Everything else is either a prequel or "HURR DURR GOOB GUYS FITE BAD GUYS BIG HERO GOOD DERP DERP DERP"

Or its a really shitty fix attempt. If they did render the 2nd weapon, you'd be left wondering why he didn't stab her in the back with the 2nd weapon, while she was occupied with the first.

No, it fucking disappeared you Mouseketeer.

I think it still leaves people asking 'why isn't his hand doing anything anyway'. Arguably he could be choking her or punching her or altering his grapple or something. Instead his free hand just floats around awkwardly.

>Disney later realizes they fucked up and the guard not stabbing her in the back breaks immersion
she clearly missed some moves in the fight sequence. the guy just kind of gives up at the end because he doesn't have any idea what she's going to do.

Not to defend her in the slightest but in several sword grips you have your first bee as close to the guard as you can in your primary hand
It looks a little silly and dangerous on a lightsaber, though

"Your fist be
Fucking hell how do people phone post

More like rotten jews

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Now post the video where the guys flail and spin in circles and jam their lightsabers into the ground so they don't make contact with the main characters.

My favorite part of the fight is when the one bad guy stands there waiting for the main characters to finish fighting someone else so he won't accidentally hit them with his sword.

>you have your first bee as close to the guard as you can

While the rest of your bees block out the sun.

Attached: BeeYourself.gif (914x1091, 90K)

TLJ was so lame I didn't even want to buy any action figures. I did buy a few Force Awakens figures, which I partially regret.

>that chintzy plastic suit

What I don't get is why that whole fight was so shitty in the first place? Was that fight an improv scene and Johnson kept yelling "keep rollin'! keep rollin'!"? Any stunt choreographer worth his salt should have been able to come up with something that isn't people flailing about with awkward spins and grapples to avoid exploiting obvious openings in the defense.

She is reacting like she was stabbed in the back, why did they change it?


>She is reacting like she was stabbed in the back, why did they change it?
That scene was going to happen at the end of the movie so Rian could POTTERY the scene where Luke loses his hand at the end of ESB.

But then they moved the scene to the beginning, and realized that Rey getting injured was problematic and misogynistic, so they just sort of handwaved the knife to her belly away.

>I did buy a few Force Awakens figures

fuck ofd kathleen your movie is shit

>Rey gives herself to a genocidal enemy
>Rey, a humble and pure scavenger, has no problem slicing a guy's neck open
This is why I stick to my chinese drawings that actually give a fuck even when the premises are silly.

Attached: Eren.png (413x602, 173K)

Attached: the phantom stabber.webm (460x804, 927K)

I think the absolute worst, most unforgivable part of this scene is that it looks like they're performing it on a high school play stage. The background looks like a fucking curtain. It's clearly not solidly attached to the floor, and the whole thing looks like a greenscreen stage that somebody forgot to add CG props into.

Other hand was giving her bum a squeezy. UwU

Yeah honestly I always thought it just looked lazy and bad.

With perception as bad as yours, how have you not been hit by a car yet?

Disney is doing as fine job of self damaging, they don't need help you fucking mong.

>uppercuts her 6 inches in front of her head

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>thematic resonance
It has all the thematic resonance of a shitpile.
Themes are stated, but at no point are they earned or developed, and fans of this mess scramble to complete it for Disney looking for messages where there's nothing but sheer incompetence. Fuck off.

>everyone's an incompetent loser who makes unquestioned bad decisions and get their comrades killed
VERY high iq shit here

well, it was kino, incellular, so... you're point being is?

nothing.... unless you, perchance, despise kino?

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Everytime I see this it makes even less sense than before. I can't make heads or tails of what the fuck they are doing with their arms.

nigger the weapon passed through her stomach she's dead.

>200 million dollar movie cost
>no good action scenes.

One thing you don't do, loosen your fucking grip on a weapon

>dual wielding
>manage to trap her lightsaber with his other weapon
>drop your other weapon instead of stabbing her in the back

There was so much shit going on in this scene, it's not the type of thing you can always pick up on during your first viewing.

When will you brainlets learn rotten tomatoes has a terrible system. A film that is universally agreed on as a 6/10 will score 100%. A film that sparks debate and has an even number of people loving it and hating it will have a 50%. You'll have a better time watching controversial movies than good enough avengers capeshit unless you're a mouthbreathing mutt retard.



the worst part was at the beginning of the fight scene in this room where the guard mis-times the choreography and the dude goes for a ridiculous spinning attack but then aims high so she has time to adjust and "duck" underneath

It is a curtain, it burns up later on when a sword hits it.

i didn't believe your claim and checked it myself
lmfao nigga mfw it's real
how much did that 91% cost the mouse?
and was that dollar amount worth whatever remaining credibility movie critics had left?

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Pointless action scene with sloppy editing and choreography, and that exists solely to provide trailer shots and sell red imperial guard toys

>we made bots spam negative votes to discredit professional movie critics
Wow, that sure makes those professionals look really silly now...

>the whole thing looks like a greenscreen stage that somebody forgot to add CG props into.
well put. this was exactly what i thought watching it. broke immersion and made me wonder how it is possible that a whole team of professional film makers thought this was good set design.

>Audience 44%
Fucking kek

So even if he dropped it why didn't he just punch her head

>>we made bots spam negative votes
i've never heard this claim, but it could very well be true. idk. what i do know is that literally no one i have met irl thought rian did a good job. i've also never seen a post or youtube video or whatever have a positive view of TLJ. The 44% may or may not be bullshit, but the 91% most definitely is.

>Star Warsâ„¢: The Last Jediâ„¢ honors the saga's rich legacy

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How lonely are you?


I agree but it also helped to glimpse Rey and Kylo Ren as a couple fighting from the same side. Still better than Episode VII Rey vs Kylo tho.

Movieblob, disneymum#708 and pink haired e-thot aren't professional movie critics.


>the last Jedi is almost 2 years old

Rent free

>posting the link to a reaction video instead of the actual video

>you can't have fun laughing at bad movies
Don't forget to dilate!

There's another shot where you can see the guy throwing his vibroblade outside of the frame before getting ready to get hit by Rey's (or Kylo's) lightsaber.

The actual score is around 20%.
The algorithm used by RottenTomatoes (and Metacritic) ignores the reviews that have less than 1 star.

These people aren't having fun

>occlude a probable trajectory
jesus christ

Attached: 135.png (680x680, 124K)

The inconsistency of the themes is up there with the comedy of error. Plot, tone, choreography and characters are not even touched and it's already a pile of shit.

gotta fight off those pesky force ghosts


he could've killed or wounded her at 0:01 both her arms were holding her weapon to block his right hand weapon, her belly is exposed...
ok that settles it, i am officially questioning this franchises validity

>These people aren't having fun
Maybe not, but I'm having a ball. Every time I see a SW thread I jump in headfirst because I know I'll be laughing within a few moments. It's been two years and I still can't watch TLJ because it's so awful, but these webms are a delight.

I am so happy this movie exists and that I watched it. I've probably gotten at least 30 hours of entertainment from reading reviews and watching videos that shit on this movie. What a time to be alive

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Well, seen from THAT angle, i have to agree with you.
I am 3D artist, and through these hours of criticism and people dissecting everything on a very high level, i have actually learned so much about how NOT to do things, so it was actually a big learning experience.
I've learned a ton of stuff about film-making.

Question for you, do you use Blender? I've been seeing a lot of good stuff about Blender and it's pretty cool that software like that is free

>I've probably gotten at least 30 hours of entertainment from reading reviews and watching videos that shit on this movie.
Same, but I haven't seen the movie. A couple weeks ago I watched a THREE HOUR youtube about how awful it was, and that was infinitely more tolerable than TLJ itself.

I use Blender, Maya and Houdini.
Yeah, Blender is awesome. Best free software (after Linux).

Kek his blade passes right by her torso, like he's avoiding cutting her. Fucking hell

There was no stunt choreographer. A 200M+ movie couldn't be assed to hire one. Not even shitting you.

How did she film two whole movies without anyone telling her she's holding the lightsaber retardedly close to a Liquid hot magma tier blade?

There definitely was a stunt choreographer. Look at the Guards, they all have their movements down, these are the professionals. Its Daisy and Adam who fuck up the rhythm and these guys have to improvise on the fly, that's what creates all these weird stabbing the air and twirling around senselessly.
The real problem is that Ryan Fuckhead did not force them to shot the scene again UNTIL its perfect.
The thing about scenes like this is you have to repeat it until it works.
Jackie Chan for example did some scenes 50 to 80 times.
Disney is cheap and Ryan Blobhead is a fucking incompetent airhead, who doesn't care .

Watching the movie really set me up to enjoy content hating on it to the max. At this point it's definitely not worth watching for you but I'm glad I did, just to have all the things I was thinking during the movie expressed better than I ever could
I'm happy that Blender is a viable option in the industry. I'm just a hobbyist with no artistic talent but it's cool to know that the same software I use is also useful to those doing bigger things

The NetFlix reviews were pretty much right in line with RT's audience score, and those were impossible to fake. If anything, those proved that the 44% might be inflated. Pic-related is a tally of the NetFlix reviews, generously giving 3/5 reviews a positive whereas they'd count as negatives on RT.

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Have sex

You're right. The guys performing it "choreographed" it, but that's just their own individual moves, not the principal actors'. That's why it looks like such a discombobulated clusterfuck. There was no one there with any expertise in blocking, timing, or integrating it all into a coherent whole.

>At this point it's definitely not worth watching for you
I gathered that. Once in a while I think "maybe today is the day I have the constitution to sit through the whole thing", but then I remember the clips I've seen and decide that literally anything else is a better use of my time.

I tried rewatching it once before starting a Youtube series on why it's so bad, did not get more than 20 minutes in.

Based WB shills

Yeah, i am puzzled myself...did they have a coherent whole planned but the actors botched it in execution? ... i am not sure. The continuity errors imply that they had planned something differently but had to fix it in edit, which is never a good thing. Good choreographer involve the cinematography and the editing, as you said the blocking and timing here is all over the place.
It seems to me that:
The actors couldn't follow the choreography.
The cinematographer didn't really know what to do/ wasn't part of the whole.
The director didn't gave a fuck and they spent to little time on the fight.
I feel sorry for the stunt-guys, they look incompetent but they are actually the only ones who did ok considering the whole.

>I tried rewatching it once before starting a Youtube series on why it's so bad, did not get more than 20 minutes in.
I think you got farther than me. I made it through the yo mamma battle, but then when they got to the scene where Finn woke up and fell out of bed spraying catheter juice everywhere, I reflexively closed the player.


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It truly is a wonderful thing that a movie with this budget and franchise popularity was actually released to the public while being so bad that it's difficult to watch even when (I'm assuming) you didn't even pay for it. Like I said, what a time to be alive

You're a complete faggot, dude.

>a continuity error

Attached: 1414312293943.png (300x300, 233K)

honestly in all likelyhood she was supposed to get cut here and they either got told they couldn't put it in as pg-13, or they changed it and didn't bother re-shooting the scene

honestly in all likelyhood she was supposed to get cut here and they either got told they couldn't put it in as pg-13, or they changed it and didn't bother re-shooting the scene

prove it

how would she not be dead for one and for two that angle wouldnt really show the stab very well

>Leia slaps Poe across the face for questioning suicidal/illogical orders
>audience laughs
>SJW-Hair tells Poe to shut up and do as he is told for, again, questioning an order
>turns out all their plans ended up getting most people killed and caused their reinforcements to bail on them
I'm still not sure whose side the audience was meant to be on, because all the editing and writing points to us siding with the abusive women in power...
Imagine a war film which praises Patton for slapping a soldier having a panic attack from shellshock when even in the 40s this was shocking and considered inhumane.

sjws pozzed

Doesn't matter, theres a literal shot of the blade on her stomach and it doesn't do anything to her.

What do you guys think the worst part of this scene is?

>the shit choreography
>the disappearing weapon
>the ugly costumes
>half of Rey's hand grabbing the lightsaber blade

It's baffling why they didn't just reshoot it or cut it all together.

> i know who my REEEEAAAAALLL enemy is *winks at camera*

Do people seriously still have hopes for this dead fucking franchise?

>edit out the other weapon
>still makes no sense cause he just doesnt use his other arm for some reason

this was seriously the best take?

>multi billion dollar corporation didn't hire reviewers and bots to spam their movie with positive reviews

Yup, bad bad female hating trolls.

>better carefully move my blade past her torso without touching her while she wrestles with my arm for no reason oh no i dropped my blade and now she has the upper hand

member when mouse thought was good end a duel with the ground breaking? i member

member when mouse thought was a good idea end a duel with the ground breaking?
the movie was liked by shills and ot retards

I didn't need this scene pointed out to me to know the new Star Wars sucks. TLJ felt like a high budget Disney channel movie from the start. I actually preferred the atmosphere and writing of the prequels more.

It's been nearly TWO YEARS since the movie's release. They STILL act like whichever issue they're attempting to pass off as small is the FIRST one they've ever seen pointed out, and not one of literally dozens they are definitely aware of by now.

Seems like the script originally had her sliced across the belly then stabbed in the lower back only to be saved by the evil guy... but 'somebody' didn't want a MAN saving the Hero and also didn't want to redo the scene... so we ended up with this

>mfw i share a board with this kind of pleb
jesus christ

And you aren't having sex.

Go away