one kino moment after another in that movie
Luv is best girl and you can't prove me wrong.
What the FUCK was her problem?
Luv wanted to be special just like K, but her only way of becoming special is by being "the best one" to Wallace, which is the tragic existence of her character.
She's like a 12 year old girl trapped in a killing machine body desperately wanting to prove herself while being unaware of the moral severity of her actions.
but also she's the distillation of the "career woman" in contrast to joi's pure loving femininity
Goose wouldn't give her the D.
Also, why are the replicants so crazy strong? They're not fucking machines, they basically just cloned humans. Made of flesh and bone like regular people, but this fuckers can smash through walls for some reason.
>they basically just cloned humans.
Augmented for specific tasks faggot
Sci-Fi magic
Just watched recently, love the (original) book. Although, I am not crazy about films that continue a story outta thin air; i absolutely loved the film and especially Luv, incredible 'female' villain done right.
>basically just cloned humans
Nope. bio engineered human beings.
Which means you can "bio engineer" the strongest possible bone/muscle/skin onto the replicant, you don't have to worry about him drinking enough milk while "growing up" to do so.
Why are chimpanzees stronger than humans when they're smaller?
Chimpanzee musculature. Those things will fuck you up dude.
>You must be special
Her reaction was kino.
She sounded so cute when she got high pitched for a second
Go to your favorite porn site, type fox smoulder. You're welcome.
hey buddy, nice waif, cleft chins abest. i wish she would carees my tenderbits with her angelic touch
>She's like a 12 year old girl trapped in a killing machine body desperately wanting to prove herself while being unaware of the moral severity of her actions.
This. She wants to be "Daddy's girl" really bad.
Same reason blacks are good at sports.
They just skipped the selective breeding part.
What did Google mean by this
>special just like K
What was special about him? Wasn’t the big twist that he wasn’t special at all?
>they’re not fucking machines
Funny because prostitution is what a huge portion of them get relegated to.
Luv wanted to be special just like K wanted to be special. They have the same wants.
Ohhh okay “luv wanted to be special like K wanted to be special” not “love wanted to be special *like K is*”
I get it now.
If they're not machines then why does Batty literally freeze when he dies, and why does his goth gf die going all haywire
I'm not faceblind, can't cum to this while thinking of Luv
Jaime pull up that vid of Sapper and K fighting. Jesus, those things would tear you to shreds.
Why doesn't she get more roles, she was great in this and is pretty cute desu
Muscle fiber density.
The death scene of pris was pretty fucked.
She only has 35k followers on social media too. Had no clue she was from the Netherlands, didn't hear that in the movie.
shows her pusy in a movie too
Imagine if there were as many chimps as humans on this planet man it would be a bloodbath, those guys would fuck you up. Hey Jaime pull up that video of a bear getting electrocuted.
K was special because he had no destiny. If he'd been born as a Chosen One, him freeing the replicants or whatever would just be him following orders, no different to any slave replicant. But he was born a complete nobody and brouht the system down regardless.
K really was special, just not for the reason he thought.
Which one?
He didn't bring down the system. He was given three paths:
>Be a good cop, kill the child, maintain status quo
>Bring the child to Wallace to create his Nick Land replicant utopia
>Bring the child to the replicant revolutionaries and hope it causes the system to collapse
He made himself special by rejecting all of these and taking agency for himself. He chose to reunite the family and get them to safety, refusing to serve anyone, while still being selfless.
It's a very well-written movie. I like it a lot and K is an incredibly tragic character.
>He was given three paths:
Did you miss the part where nu-replicants weren't able to make choices
They were dumbed down to be more machine like than they were in BR1
Well, and desu, dangerous mining operations, combat missions, etc. They're the perfect expendi
able human being.
>K is an incredibly tragic character
Same applies to Luv if not moreso. K was able to be a real human bean and choose his path, Luv did not
I really need to rewatch the movie, probably my favorite of the 2010s
What if I told you Rutger Hauer was Dutch as well
K is a fracking toaster
They weren't SUPPOSED to be able to. The scene op posted is literally about how they aren't quite as easily-programmed and trustworthy as the real humans think they are ("We can lie"), and K exemplifies that. You see him coming off as still partially constrained and struggling with it to the point that the small bit of agency he squeezes out seems hard-earned, and it's a lovely way to write the character.