Fucking white males

Fucking white males. celebitchy.com/632884/the_final_joker_trailer_is_basically_the_origin_story_for_every_white_terrorist/

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Didnt they read the leaked script? Its 100% leftist propaganda which is why even tranny and furfags are hyped for it

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What, all 2 of them?

using that quote in twitter
cringe, underage and brownpilled

was it, dare i say, soiker?

Comic book fans (straight males) is not looking forward to this flick. Hence, no hype for it. It's just SJW propaganda while using the Batman Mythos as a vehicle to promote their filth. It's another high jacking brought to you the alphabet tribe.

>going on twitter unironically

Shame the thought to not to bully "outsiders" or even just be kind to people struggling with life will never occur to these people...

>"I terrorized some retard until he snapped! Gun control now!"

>Days after the El Paso and Dayton mass murders, I read this interesting sociological piece about how white men in America are becoming radicalized into becoming domestic terrorists or white supremacist terrorists
Obfuscates the fact that Dayton guy was a hardcore leftist.

Don't just throw accusations around without evidence. That's what women do.

Dayton never happen user is was a hoax created by the conspiracy theorist propaganda machine called FOX News

I wish they would stop bullying joaquin

Did you not read the leaks? Do you not see how it's just queers and socialist in training that is hyped for this propaganda? Get a clue

>why cant all of these white outcasts internalize their trauma lmfao?

>nooo black shooters are victims of the system! You can't hold them accountable! They are products of their environment!
>noooo refugee rapists are victims of their war-torn culture! The imperialist west is to blame! We have to hide race from rape statistics so people wont be racist!!

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hi pajeet

It’s literally anti-capitalist propaganda
>waaahhhh, it’s the ebil rich man keeping me down!!!!

Based, i hope some socialist faggots unironically rise up, I've been waiting for the second American Civil War.

Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?


Eat shit, pawn

Incels spotted

If there was one, it'll be quick. Lefties are a bunch of pussies that rely too much on the system to protect them. It'll be a massacre.

>nooo black shooters are victims of the system! You can't hold them accountable! They are products of their environment!
implying they even acknowledge the shooter once it comes out that it was a darkie. the stories ALWAYS vanish as soon as that happens

>he dooesn't know

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Its Birth of a Nation for a current state of society. If this movie causes faggots and trannies to start a civil war, I will applaud it.

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I didn’t see any CIA in the trailer.

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Your anus will be expanded.

>Comic book fans (incels) are not looking forward to this flick.

Griffith was an anti-white j*w?

This, if this movie is a propaganda piece designed to make leftists rise up, i don't see what the big deal is. Anything to accelerate to Civil War.

>Cultural Marxist trainees are looking forward to this movie.
Cope with reality better, fool

I prefer instagram and reddit over twitter and 4 chan myself

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>/x/ tier conspiracy

They are right.
>Why doesn't life hand me everything on a silver platter just because I'm white REEEEEE I'm going to shoot minorities and women

But the Joker IS a terrorist. Hell, like 90% of Batman badguys are also terrorists.

Breivik just played wow all day
joker didnt even write a manifesto
jesus christ even when lying they cant make sense

The only states that want to break away are California. Every other state is moderate to conservative. How long do you think they will be able to survive in their own? Cities will have to be taken out of course. That's were those parasites congregate. It'll be an easy victory. Long overdue

Why are you reading a page called "Celebitchy"?

You just described niggers, now go back

it only a movie

>only factual if CNN spoon feeds it
>Havent read the leaks
> won't acknowledge the responses on Social Media for the trailer.
Being this allergic to facts.

>#1 trending on the biggest l*ftist sites like reddit, youtube, twitter

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well...he IS a terrorist. And a mass murderer.
Also he hit Harley Quinn once which is even worse.

I don't know, I think Illinois and Massachusetts would join them.

>The only states that want to break away are California
You do know that all the leftist parasites are moving down to Texas now right?

Chicago is Illinois problem. It's like burning a Cancer cell from the body. Get rid of Chicago then the State will fall in line.

Just the cities like Austin and Dallas. Once they are eliminated the rest of the state will fall in line.

>reddit, YouTube, Twitter
Three of the five biggest online platforms used today

literally nobody:
liberal journalists: INCELS ARE FUCKING SCARY

What was the source of that "send in the clown" song at the end of the trailer"?

I always laugh at how they happily acknowledge that western governments are responsible for the current situation in the Middle-East, yet ignore the high probability that many of these people coming over wouldn't have fond opinions of the countries they're trying to escape to (it's hard enough to get a benign immigrant to completely integrate, imagine getting an angry Afghani to do it). There's also this general lack of recognition that people from a wartorn country probably host a wartorn mindset.

On the white thing, what's interesting is that these types do offer white men a sympathetic solution, but it's a solution that asks them to sacrifice their beliefs, identity and self-respect and expects regular self-loathing in the process. It's a psychopathic, feudal ideology where genuinely vindictive people rule at the top, and expect servile, quiet attitudes from those the ideology deems to be at the bottom (whilst claiming you're the one who's truly at the top).

I'm not really a Nietzscheian, but this is like his concept of "slave morality" eating itself.

Will it be possible to see this movie in the United States without getting shot by an incel?

>talking to my sister the other day
>she asks if I've thought about trying online dating
>say I don't really want a gf
>she goes into a long speech about how I could totally get a gf if I tried to and why I should have a "complex" about it

I guess if you're a 20-something weird white guy you're basically viewed the same way a 20-something Muslim guy would have been on 9/12/01

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I got you bro

Can anyone who'd read the script elaborate?
Is it really leftist propaganda? If so, how?

You're trolling needs much work, pleb

Sometimes I feel sorry for wh*Teoids(males), how they're being slowly ostracized and brainwashed into hating themselves, how they've been propped up as the big bad villian standing in the way of peace, how their own women are turning on them by rejecting traditional values and giving into degeneracy, how they'll probably be gone in a few decades, but then I realize these are the same monsters that brought the world to its knees and committed unspeakable atrocities in the name of wealth and power, and you know what, it fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling, knowing for a fact that Karma exists and these violent meglomaniacs are only reaping what they sown over the last few centuries. Pride cometh before the fall, look to your own sins and realize that the world is only bestowing unto you what you bestowed upon countless helpless innocents in the past.

So that's why the voice sounded so familiar

>Children act 'different' in school
>Instead of some male teacher giving him a good smack and telling him to straighten up and fly right he's 'evaluated' by some school nurse who declares he doesn't fit into society
>His parents are told he must take psychotropic drugs for the rest of his life or he will be expelled
>For some reason this happens to white kids all the time but almost never to minorities. Maybe schools are afraid of or don't care about antisocial behavior of minority students - or maybe their parent(s) don't care
>Some young adult stops taking his meds and shoots up a theater
>Why is it only whites mass shooting?!?!

Look, I know a lot of retards criticize capitalism unfairly and have no idea what the fuck they're talking about but criticizing capitalism isn't always an indicator that you're some radical communist. I am fine with capitalism at its core but there are series problems facing society stemming from bankers and executives cutting themselves paychecks so large that hundreds of people could live off them. Some corporations have more power than governments. There are wealthy elite that the system cannot touch because they're too rich and can bribe anyone to avoid getting fucked over.

Yeah since it's not an incel movie
you may have to be careful if you're a straight white male though as it's an antifa kino

He's not a racist who screams 'I'M GONNA SAY THE N WORD" like Yea Forumspol/ retards memed themselves into believing.
That automatically makes it "leftist propaganda" in their mentally ill heads.

Whites are the pillars upon which this world stands Tyrone, once we're gone you'll tear yourselves to pieces before the years out. Fuck off with you bullshit kike propaganda.

>wh*tey makes system that props him on top, keeps everyone else done
>system inevitably falls apart
they had it coming

Dropped, good luck getting people to read your ramblings dumbfuck.

Push whites to the edge and see what happens. Right wing nationalism is on the rise no matter what the media kikes and shills tell you, and if you think whites are just going to peacefully phase out of existence, you got another thing coming
