Unpopular positive opinion challenge:

Unpopular positive opinion challenge:
Name a movie that...
(1) you genuinely like (not "so bad it's good")
(2) came out in your adult life post-2000, and
(3) is rated below 50% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Remember that you can also find the RT score listed on Google, Wikipedia, or whatever else you prefer if you refuse to use the RT site.

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Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor. It has its flaws but I thought it was an alright movie.

not only do i genuinely like it, i believe it's one of the best movies of the decade

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Isn't this written by Corncob "Tortillas" Yecarthy? I'm not surprised it's secretly good, that guy is an excellent writer.

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Man on Fire and Die Another Day

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I guess those came out when I was a kid, I just watched the Bruce willis remake of Death Wish and that was decent, not as bad as what many were saying

Chicken Little, I just thought it was a fun movie

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Kung Pow


>Man on Fire

Why the fuck didn't critics like that one?

For me, it's pic related.

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I don't know, honestly was surprised it was rated so low since I thought it was considered one of Scott/Denzels best movies together
I did enjoy day after tomorrow but even when I was younger there was a lot of dumb stuff like the tornadoes forming together, but was still a pretty fun movie

>The Mummy - 52%
>Hidalgo - 46%
>National Treasure - 46%
why do critics hate adventure films so much

>National Treasure - 46%

What the fuck is wrong with critics. That's one of the most genuinely enjoyable adventure movies.

the mummy and national treasure are fun but i remember thinking hidalgo was pretty mediocre. that mcconaughey flick sahara came out around that time too and it was bad. also i don't remember the flight of the phoenix remake being as bad as rt says. anyway yeah it seems like critics weren't having any of it.

>spectacular visuals
Ironic that the thing they praise it for is the thing it failed at.

Cat in the hat has some good moments

Good pick!

I remember the infomercial bit being pretty funny

The latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie was fun

Denzel is too masculine for soi reviewers

>Man on Fire
You are my nigga

>Critics Consensus
>Man on Fire starts out well, but goes over the top in the violent second half.

Ah, it was that time when violence was bad and not race/gender issues.

>bright, +80%,
>chatrapati, +80%
I suppose I do like Die Another Day
Not a lot, but when I've been n the bond for bondburger I've put it on. After the other 3 though.

>Man on Fire
>less than 50%
What the actual fuck?


Sahara is fun and would have been a success if not for its budget being unnecessarily enormous but either way it's boring to name movies that the audience still liked, what's more interesting is when you find a movie that both the critics AND the audience hated and you still love it.

For me it's naked Bae Doona

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Freddy Got Fingered.


I wasn't an adult when it came out, but I didn't know about it until I was, so I decided to check it out. A really wholesome movie

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BvS. Without hesitation.

Speed Racer. Cgi only looks aged for 1 or 2 shots, the rest fits in with the dr seuss aesthetic.

Dracula dead and loving it

>came out in your adult life post-2000
Some people here are not children,you pussy.


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This post doesn't do a very good job of supporting that claim.

I absolutely love this movie. Have watched it five or six times since buying the blu ray.

I agree,it was alright.
I'm glad I saw it.
Pls enjoy this cat pic,fren.

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to this board's credit, it seems to be more appreciated here than not.

Well now I have to find a way to see thjs movie.

Epic fail.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Too kino for the corporate dystopia that's overtaken the medium (and the masses). Thank God there's Armond White still telling the truth out there.

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one of the worst movies i've ever seen please never post again

Why would the Superman haters and the Superman fans be standing right next to each other without beating each other up? Snyder is a hack.

The Cell is 45% and it’s one of the best movies made in the last 20 years.

Fucking dumbass critics.

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It honestly was not that good, I have no idea how okay crap like this can get 80% audience score and pure kino like National Treasure only 76%.

i had fun with it. it was also a lot closer in quality to upgrade than anyone wanted to admit.

A genuinely hilarious film, and a very rare good American comedy film

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Godzilla: KotM
Man of Steel
Batman v Superman
The Last Jedi

Sneed Racer

I have a few.
>Has Fallen trilogy - 49% / 26% / 39%
>Atlantis The Lost Empire - 49%
>Bright - 26%
>Pandorum - 28%
>The Boondock Saints - 22%
To be honest, most of my guilty pleasures are from before the 2000s.

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>what's more interesting is when you find a movie that both the critics AND the audience hated and you still love it.
OK, so ones with double green?

Prince of Persia - both rotten scores
Sahara - same case
Da Vinci Code/Inferno/Angels and Demons - cool adventure films set in closer area, not an exotic journey, just something closer and down to earth
Clash/Wraith of Titans and Gods of Egypt - capeshit with ancient mythology
Exodus gods and kings - more realistic take on story from the bible
The Mummy - solid and unique adventure flick panned for "muh universe" - fuck off, marvel does the same in post-credit
As Above So Below - best "Tomb Raider" movie we ever got
Van Helsing - pre-MCU monster avengers

they are all solid adventure films, not "so bad so good" kind of thing. they have high production quality, acceptable special effects, spectacular stunts(plane stunt in the mummy is one of best plane crash scenes ever!) and really cool sets or locations - moving pyramid from gods of egypt or labyrinth in clash of titans are very cool

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I'm surprised As Above, So Below made so much money because what the fuck does that title mean? And then all the poster has is an upside down Eiffel Tower.