Sauron is like the archetypal evil overlord. He's got massive armies of monsters...

Sauron is like the archetypal evil overlord. He's got massive armies of monsters. He has a headquarters made of volcanoes. And, he did... you know, he did all of those... things. And... And what exactly? Do tell me, because throughout the entire 2000-hour run of the Jackson trilogy, I couldn't find a single reason why everyone demonized Sauron like he was a Obama at a Tea Party rally

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wanted to take over middle earth

>has massive armies of monsters trying to overrun the land
>I don't get it he dindu nuffin

doesn't deserve a (You)

read the books lol

He bred a race of subhumans with impaired thinking that is easily dominated.

And that’s bad because?

That was Morgoth. Sauron was the guy who tricked the Numenorians into trying to kill the gods and basically took over his megalomaniacal ambitions after he got imprisoned.

His army of orcs would rape and murder everyone.

>Sauron is like the archetypal evil overlord
He is literally archetypal evil, that's the whole point. He is the personification of the corruption and darkness that is in the heart of every man.

Like what the jews are doing to white people?

He was a dictator

He just wants to take over your land and turn your family into his slaves, he a gud boi dindu nuffin

And rape and murder is bad because?

So are you, like, downs syndrome or something that you didnt get all the orcs and evil wizards and people doing bad things were doing it for Sauron?

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The left says so

Wow, I've never encountered this kind of deconstructive analysis. The DEPTH of philosophical reasoning this man has reached. I commend you, sir

Nothing is "bad" but when you try to rape and murder people don't act surprised if they fight back.

kalergi plan

He envisioned a perfectly structured and orderly world that was free of chaos or confusion, eventually he came to see the people he had initially wanted to help as an obstacle in the way of his ideal world and so sought to dominate them.

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he was actually the good guy.