And actually start to regress?
At what point did CG stop being impressiveAt what point did CG stop being impressive?
Other urls found in this thread:
Avatar (2009)
CGI hasn't "regressed" per se. If a studio doesn't put effort into making the CGI look good, it's going to look shitty, even in 2019. The same goes for practical effects. Some movies today put a lot of effort into good CGI and using it effectively (e.g. new Planet of the Apes films, Fincher films, Blomkamp films, etc) and some don't.
lmao this is real?
Why does she look so bloated?
>just make a new outfit in post to sell toys
They faked her blonde hair?
because she has an ugly fat head
That picture sums up nicely why superhero movies are so expensive these days despite CGI is often barely adequate in them. The studios keep saving money in the wrong places.
I think the issue with post avatar CG is that it’s used as a visual crutch rather than as a way to expand on something that just isn’t feasible with practical affects. I liked my Marvelsoi but they CG so much shit to the point that you start to wonder what’s the point of it all.
stop brining chink animation companies to make the cgi it always looks like shit
I'd point to the Planet of the Apes films, which are post-Avatar.
>as a visual crutch
I'd argue that Fincher uses it as a "crutch", but he knows how to do it effectively.
>only has one costume, creates 2 others in post production
what's even the point? Just make her wear a mocap suit then
Why not just put a wig on her? Or do the execs at the studio need to focus group her hairstyle too?
>the only thing real in the image is her face, and even that is retouched
We are pretty much watching 3D animation movies nowadays.
floating hair effects
I'd argue Fincher doesn't use it as a crutch. He uses it to realize his obsession to gain as perfect control over the scenes as humanly possible and it rarely looks lazy or rushed.
Because they are firm believers in the old chant "you can fix it in post". There was a good joke about in BoJack Horseman, when he went missing from the shoots and the studio just CGI'd the rest of the movie turning it into his best movie.
So they can make her tits look bigger like in that pic
How long until they just scan their heads and make photorealistic CGI people? I don't mean like in Tarkin in Rogue One, I mean like in Blade Runner 2049 where the CGI woman didn't hit uncanny valley--when will that become the norm?
God, she's so ugly...
it probably stopped being impressive when the number of CG shots in a single film went from double digits to triple digits
if a film has 9 CG shots, like the Matrix, they probably look pretty good. When a film has 200 CG shots you've got Attack of the Clones.
and her flat ass
how long until they just proceedurally generate photorealistic people with proceedurally generated reaction matrices?
then how long till I have that on my computer and I can start churning out all the porn I've ever wanted to see and/or torture seemingly sentient photo-realistic simulacra of whomever I want?
I wonder if government will step in and consider movie people as real people then.
I guess training a cat is more troublesome than having a CGI one, but this is fucking atrocious.
WHY? Seriously. Fucking WHY?
If a bored 20 something with a gaming computer and 1000 movie faces can do this in 2 weeks, a 200 man studio should do better in a couple months.
How would they be able to? I'd be able to make videos of every government official saying literally whatever I wanted.
fun times ahead
>I mean like in Blade Runner 2049 where the CGI woman didn't hit uncanny valley
Are you serious?
I'm always surprised with how people still ask this even after it's been explained multiple times, like every thread the pic comes up someone asks about it and another user has to explain.
Marvel movies are animated movies. They give the actors props to assist in their voice acting, but for the most part everything about a scene is being decided on by a focus group, then animated.
insider here: they've been using stock footage and a CGI model of RDJ since 2014. He did do the voiceovers until Spider-Man: Homecoming though. He was performed by Alan Tudyk in Infinity War & Endgame.
they're not the same thing and this is shit anyway, tom cruise's face is much higher quality and stands out
It's so good you haven't answered then.
to appease the test audiences if the gun was too gunlike
Sean Young was CGI, they recreated her face from the original movie but her 3D model face was superimposed to a sort of similar looking woman. The only time she hit uncanny valley was when she was shot in the head.
just because there's a stupid reason for something to look stupid, doesn't mean it stops looking stupid
The question still stands. How is animating a CGI gun more cost efficient (or better in any other way) than making an actual prop?
>Sean Young was CGI
No shit. I was asking if you were serious because of how fucking obvious it was.
Oh boy. It's one of those guys.
nah CG nowadays is just used to fill in the gaps of lazy production
Yea, I hate people who can see too.
I just re-watched this a while back. It has some very short bits in it which look 100% photo real. Very short bits, which are broken by a wonky piece of animation every time.
Or have him sit in a real room?
Sure thing, buddy. Go on along now.
It isn't cost efficient. It is a sign how little pre-production is done with these movies. It also explains why the movies are so expensive.
Here's your answer
I can't even imagine being this retarded. How do you pull it off?
A location requires a specific set, lots of props, possibly transport, it's harder to get a good lighting etc. Being lazy here is logical to some degree. Troubling a CGI artist to animate a gun that a skilled craftsman could make in a day (if he already had some materials) is insane.
its just to keep control of the shot isn't it?
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>doesn't know what goes into making films or why certain decisions are made
>can't even do a google search either
Yea Forums belongs in a garbage can
So what's the answer?
because they're probably anons who only seen one or two marvel movies or none and are those type of posters who really don't give a shit and just shitpost so explaining it to them goes over their heads
>t. seething mousecuck
>explaining it to them goes over their heads
we'll know once someone tries, I guess.
I know hawkeye is a meme and all but one arrow to anyones face will kill them (from him). Just letting him shoot like that is a poor tactical decision
>Schlomo: "okay, so in this scene, spiderman bumps into a few trash bins and knocks them to the ground"
>Silverberg: "so how are we gonna do this, knock over a few trash cans and digitally remove the wires or some shit?"
>Schlomo: "of course not! we have a 150 million dollar budget and a guaranteed 1+ billion dollar box office return. just do the whole thing in CGI, it's far quicker, and they'll never notice!"
They haven't planned out the story in terms of where it takes place. They just change things as they see fit after focus groups.
Yea Forums is cunny board for a reason.
>only hyper-intelligent marvel fans like me could possibly understand
So they CGI'd her hair while she was floating in space. This is news.
Homecoming didn't gross $1B at the box office
Sure, this is quite obvious when it comes to the areas, but I have no fucking clue why would the test audience care for the shape of Sam Jackson's gun one way or another.
>At what point did (x)
You have access to a library of information, one so vast that it escaped even in the wildest imaginings of many respected ancient world philosophers. Yet you, seemingly lack basic brain power to plug your daft and repetitive bait questions into a search engine.
wtf is wrong with you Yea Forums troglodytes.
What I want to know is, why does he run to melee range to shoot them?
CGI-Artists had to work overtime just to make Brie Larson look somewhat acceptable lmao
disney shill seething
Because Larson don't look good in a thigh suit in that time
Brie doesn't look good in anything
These movies are souless products where the decisions, even the small ones, are made by a chair of executives, and the directors are nothing more than henchman, not putting their actual vision into stuff.
Why is everything CGI? Because when the suits decide that something needs to change, they can just whip the back of the chinks in the CGI companies to change it, instead of trying to fit a place in the agendas of busy actors for reshoots.
>what color will the cat be? We need to decide a good cat color with a focus group research
>what gun will Nick hold? A regular one? Wouldn't that increase PG or be too threatening? Or a fictitious one? If it is fictitious, we should contact Hasbro to see a model that is cheaper looking to sell merchandise
>about the room, should it be well lighted, or dark? We need to wait on the heads so they can decide how Nick will be portrayed in a threatening moment
MCU movies are as much troubled as everyone else with infighting over small details, but since everything is CGI, they have no reshoot costs, since CGI companies work on contract for the whole movie, instead of "worked days".
Probably the third or fourth time I saw a CGI city being destroyed.
Knowing Ang’s autism this’ll probably look based as hell in the high frame rate 3d. As it’s like plastic surgery, where they should’ve gone 50% with it
>Yea Forums seriously wants me to believe they don't want to lick this face and sniff this hair
so how do you use the internet as a blind person?
>Just make her wear a mocap suit then
This certainly isn't the reason, but it's almost always better to have a physical prop on set for reference than it is to have to try to guesstimate how a real object would look under the same conditions for the sake of photorealism. The fact that they had a real and comparable suit to compare against for *every* frame would have made the 3D artist's/compositors job so much easier than if they had to try to create it from scratch using only the relevant calibration data. This is doubly true given that they may not have needed to replace everything on the suit - some parts look like they may have simply needed masking and color changing, while other parts might be from the original suit (maybe parts of the star?). An actor in a comparable suit with some tracking markers is probably going to be the preferred choice for the artists.
That said, Spidey and Warmachine (and others?) were just in the mocap PJs ... their situations are a little different given that their suits are full metal and not as easily made "real" for the sort of mobility the characters need ... but still. While we know they can do full photorealistic outfits from scratch, it's always better to have good reference, even if only to make the job easier.
>they made her tits bigger in post
Ugh patriarchy still exist
Hi Joe
bruce lee
So they didn't know if Sam Jackson was going to be sitting in a room or on the launch platform of the space shuttle when the filed that?
Movies are literally an actor pretending in front of a green screen and talking to himself. Yikes.
When you use photoshopped pics, of course she won't.
meh, i like it how Yea Forums can't collectivelly stop thinking about her.
Any Brie thread is a good thread and every seething NPC a Briechad in the making. They will see the light eventually and transcend their mortal selves
The dog is the only non CGI object in that entire webm, not a single leave is real.
This is no longer a regular movie, it is a 3D animation.
for me she's pretty
but she is a superstar now
she can't have a average body anymore
Stop thinking about practical effects. Stop thinking there is a set. The movie is a computer. Thats it.
Twenty years from now they won't even need actors. And the script will be made up by an AI.
It's true. I am become Brie, the destroyer of worlds.
thanks for the informed post, user
basado e repillo
Not asian.
Not interested.
>cgi hair
>cgi makeup
>cgi cloths
And people still think that CGI smile on the trailer was just an incel hallucination. Really, even Leia's face in TFA has noticeable CGI.
>he's a christcuck
I want to fuck spiclitta!
Why the fuck is everything cgi
Nah, I'm good
Christian gang always wins baby.
>Why yes, i'm a christian who has copious amounts of HAVE SEX, how could you tell?
She was actually cute and likeable at some point. See :
The moment she decided to act as a frigid cunt, she lost all of her appeal.
based and secondplacepilled
That's not me. I would never bully my fellow anons like this (even though they objectively deserve it).
Capeshit will NEVER be film. I don't care that Trump won and elitists and intellectuals are the class enemy now.
That's a surprise. Thought she was an ashkenazi jew, like everyone hollywood shills beyond reasonable belief.
in capeshit after BvS it CGI started to suck ,
in general, after avatar, but u have few execeptions like some transformers movies,
She's one of the few non-jews and not a member of Weinstein's gang either. She literally just got lucky.
this but unironically
Please strip for us user, you're already halfway there.
There's always time to repent.
Brie says "have mercy on those who doubt" for when doubt is answered faith grows stronger.
We all know that was just two people resetting their routers/proxies/whatever the fuck. Not fair. (but it made tv seethe which is a good thing)
Lmao no
The flying horse was CGI? Fucking Hollywood, you can't believe anything they show you any more.
$1 trillion profits for shlomo
Why is she still talking about Stan Yea Forumsros?
John Connor?!
It's probably the best deepfake work I have seen so far, it's unsettling how well Tom Cruise fits with the character and mannerisms Bale created, based on Cruise originally.
You can talk shit at it, but if you show this to the average viewer, there's a high chance of them not even noticing anything is wrong. Remember, there were a lot of people who didn't realise something was off with Cavill's face in Justice League.
Why can’t Briefags meme?
Is their mental illness co-morbid with autism?
I dont understand, is this an animated movie
Hamtaro is kino of the highest order.
Not surprised to be quite honest.
Here's your meme bruh
What part of ANY OF THAT SHIT did you not get
>And the script will be made up by an AI
Can AI finally give us a good DC movie?
The worst is when they use CGI for plain animals now.
Like what the fuck can they not even afford an Elephant anymore?
>And the script will be made up by an AI.
at least there will be intelligence involved
>doesn't know what goes into making films or why certain decisions are made
>can't even do a google search either
you belong in a garbage can
post body pls
Only if you admit how superior Brie is to your own waifu. Double points if Alita.
There is good use for CGI and there is bad. Creating suits for actors is not the best way to use CGI, flying horse on the other hand is.
Lol even her hair is CGI, what a fucking lady of shit lake
>We all know that was just two people resetting their routers/proxies/whatever the fuck. Not fair.
lel what a cope, you think the lizzy fanboys (who started the poll) weren't doing it too?
brie is superior to my own waifu and cute
I was in the thread, I watched the votes grow exponentially. Even our goddess Brie can't pull those kind of numbers on her own.
Enjoy it man, tell me what you think
Not him, but I think you're a
a) fag
b) your waifu a shit
its because when everthing is fake and nothing is grounded in reality you cant relate to it at all. Id say matrix reloaded is when they jumped the shark on cgi.
How could you disrespect Brianne like that? Look at her.
Me on the right
i feel like you're a manlet but otherwise good job
5ft9 give or take. That's not my biggest issue tho, hairline is cucked to the max. It happens.
She posted a new cover bros
you just know any potential album she releases will get shat on immediately
all the people getting mad at this shit are fucking stupid. I won't say why, but i know it's true
All memeing aside, Unicorn Store wasn't as bad as the review bombers made it out to be. For a first feature at least.
Consider porn. Filmmakers and studios spend tens, hundreds of millions of dollars struggling to get people to watch, and it's hit or miss, yet some spazz with a shitty camera can be so undisciplined that he isn't even filming the girl and people are captivated. Andy Warhol said that his ideal picture was just one of a famous person and in focus. Porn proves that what's being filmed is what really matters. If that's interesting enough, it's impossible to film it in any way that it becomes boring.
CGI turns people off because it's a lie. The promise of film is that it shows us things. Early films were like early sound recordings: unsophisticated. The microphone is plunked down like an audience member, and the point of the recording is to let people hear roughly what they would have heard if they'd been in the room. Recordings got more sophisticated, guitars went electric, overdubs, and the recording became less of a natural, as if you were there, thing and more of a new creation, but still an honest one. Bands really sounded like that. Beach Boys perhaps never sounded as clean and as filled out as they did on the track, but it's basically still them. Likewise, films had a bunch of innovative editing and special effects, were more artificially contrived than naturalistic, but it's still a look into the room where and when it was filmed.
With computers, that connection has been severed. Audio recordings are cobbled together from some real, mostly imaginary instruments. If you wanted to perform a Kanye West or Taylor Swift song as it is in the recording, it can't be done. You'd need 10 Taylors and so many instruments being run through so many machines to get close, and it's still a ways off. Likewise, the rise of CGI has made movies more like cartoons than live action. Totally artificial, these things never existed in any room. Old animation still feels like a human achievement - you know that somebody drew The Aristocats - but with CGI, the awe is gone.
is it just me or is she actually getting better? Maybe it's just a good song for her but that was kino
What the fuck bro why are you lusting over an average bitch when you can plow pussy on the regular?
You really think I'd come on Yea Forums if I was some normie "pussy plower"? I'm literally a mess IRL, no that much better than your regular incel really. Don't assume shit.
There's tons of untapped potential there, unironically. Same goes for acting. I wanna see her get nuts while she's still in her cognitive prime. She should be doing more demanding roles while she's still relatively young. After 30 it's pretty much over.
Elizabeth Debicki lost 60 points from seething manlets.
>After 30 it's pretty much over.
Tell that to Toni Collette
You have a point, but there's certain roles that require a lot of physical and mental prep like the one in Room, which is difficult to pull off successfully after a certain point. What I meant was that if she'll be doing more demanding things, she might as well go for it while she's still fresh.
I wanna see her do an unhinged character.
>I'm literally a mess IRL
>is a massive Briefag
Checks out lol
>it's yet another "fat pseud nerd doesn't use 'per se' correctly" episode.
We're all clowns in the end
Gonna need an isolate webm of BP running with the caption "HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!!" plz
When Disney changed the way VFX studios started budding over shots so that they could way, way more work done for way less money, resulting in overworked artists who no longer gave a shit
He used it correctly, though.
what are best examples of fincher cgi?
Literally pick any scene. His autism has probably touched up something.
Is that cameraman using a fucking tablet?
When Marvel showed that audiences don't care about bad CGI
>how long until they just proceedurally generate photorealistic people with proceedurally generated reaction matrices?
Nvidia is demonstrating this right now. These people don't exist in real life.
Intermixing live action and animation (That's what CG is, accept it) hasn't been impressive since it was perfected in Mary Poppins. It's a mundane tool that can be used well, or poorly.
I prefer the miley cover desu
This is some Life with Louie shit
why the fucking christ just not get a real cat? I knew this thing was cgi from the first frame I saw it and holy fuck that pulled me out of the movie hard
I stopped caring about special effects by LOTR and it all sort of looked the same by then
DISNEY not having access to something as bog rock fucking basic as a pistol prop?
Most likely a cost saving measure. Using animal actors costs a lot of money with additional handlers and reviews for animal safety. The CGI created by an animation intern was dirt cheap by comparison.
They did use a real cat for some shots. But the most obvious use of the CGI, aside from the tentacles, is when they're floating in zero gravity in the ship. They also CGI'd her hair there.
His fucking finger clipping through the trigger guard
There was a real cat
>mfw a fucking cat has a bigger paycheck than me
You can just buy a pistol for like $300 in freedomland, the cost of cgi is greater than just buying one, and selling it as
>Gun used by Nick fury in captain marvel.
Idris elba’s mouth on the poo kinda gives away they’re just mix-n-matching eyes/nose/mouth and head shapes.
cruise has a better jaw
Nah it’s so they can decide where to insert the scene if they wanna change it instead of reshooting.
>Not pennypinching on a cheaper scene just by using trash cans
CGI is more expensive than a pair of trash cans right?
the dog is clearly cgi
>an actor acting as an actor acting as a charecter as that actor would act
thats fucking incredible
ESL retard detected. Go start a fight with a refugee and take a face full of acid you useless shit brain.
I miss actors just committing to the role and doing their own stunts/transformations. I'll never forget James Earl Jones turning into a snake in Conan.
>try to do CGI in the 80s and 90s
>fugg we have to do our very best to make it remotely passable
>do CGI in the 2010s
>lol morons actually like it better when we do cartoonish CGI bullshit so why bother doing anything better it's cheaper that way
>ai director
it'll make Raimi movies look like Veggietales
Having a curtain of hair concealing the sides of your face is a common fat girl technique to give them impressive of a thinner visage
Based Cruise mogging the shit out of Bale
Here's a break down how Fincher uses CGI. He also loves those "impossible camera moves".
Either you haven't read through the thread's title or you don't know how search engines work
You are all brainlets. You know why they do this? So actors can be dond filming insanely fast. For example lets say there is a car passing by in a shot that car is recorded post production and set in.
If u look at tarantino he took 3 days for each scene. Because everything is done without cgi.
So.y.people need theyr 10 marvel. Movies every year so shekelberg came up with a solution. Is it needed? No. Does that make actors more free to do more capeshit and rape children? Yes
Personally i cant watch marvel everything looks so fake and empty.
Are you a brainlet?
I heard he actually had to pledge servitude to about five different demons to get the power to do that scene, which is about two more demons than your average Hollywood celebrity serves
But the more money they spend, the bigger the write-offs and tax incentives (read: evasion) they can get
>shittily copy-pasted features of celebrities with shitty artifacts = le persons who don't exist
you can almost tell whose pics they're based on
>idk beyonce david beckham
>some nig taylor swift bruce jenner
Pretty impressive desu.
At first I was mad at you for your shitty grammar and excusing laziness, but I can't possibly talk shit to the man who said "Does that make actors more free to do more capeshit and rape children? Yes"
Foreigners really are the most kino posters on the board.
Marvel literally killed Hollywood.
Movies are not about a vision of craftmanship anymore.
Its just a soulless product to appeal the mass-audience as much as possible.
It could be worse. She had some acne when she was younger.
she looks like some kinda jew mutt so no she isnt white
That movie was absolute ass.
Why the hell are people pushing this shit so hard?
>that lean in on 3:12
I would've kissed her right there and then desu
she's french canadian, not a jew
cgi becae bad when they started becoming more industrialized , compare it to fast food vs restaurant, also production times schedules and reshoots dont help
lol they touched up her face
>Debicki last
Wtf I thought you were cool Yea Forums
while you're not wrong, i'd put money on the real reason being they hadn't finalised her endgame suit yet. it's what they did with the white time travel suits, evans for example was wearing his blue suit and they just replaced it.
Based Kiernan probably posts on Yea Forums
I wasn't being ironic fren
She's alpinid which is as white as it gets, oh and based christian.
I remember watching a behind the scenes feature for Iron Man on how they designed and built the armor for the movie, there was a scene where Robert Downey Jr had to shave his chest and sit in a chair for like four hours so they could make a mold of his chest to have the suit fit him properly, it's kind of mindblowing to think that they went from near entirely practical sets and props to near entirely CGI sets and props in a decade, like RDJ went from having to spend a day getting molds of his body done for the suit to being able to do all the camera work for the movie in his bedroom against a green screen.
This and Pirates of the Caribbean
The """"Irony"""" of it all is that the first Iron Man had better CGI than Civil War.
they need the good CGI for the fake all women mission to mars, so they need to make current CGI look like shit so we think that shit is real
Because she's a retarded cunt
Probably more true than we realize. Once CG gets too good it becomes a national security issue.
How lonely are you?
Could be worse
You are actually stupider than all the people you think are dumber than you.
You only have to look at The Wolfman 2010 to see how filmmaking turned to shit.
They had Rick Baker who did the awesome FX for The Howling and American Wherewolf. But instead of doing his transformation they went the fake CGI route because it was cheaper
There was also a bear in the movie. Instead of getting a trained bear, again the studio went the cheap route and you got the fakest looking CGI bear
>that nigger pander run
Not anymore.
Especially when they keep shafting vfx studios.
Why do you think in spite of awards being given at the oscars for that type of thing, no massive vfx studios ever last?
The art didn't regress
It's Because there's too much of it now
Studios don't give their cgi teams enough time or money and are constantly trying to pump out more cgi and changing plans at the last second and forcing their teams to rush and redo the cgi to fit the new plans and deadline
If cgi teams had enough money and were paid enough to take pride in their work CGI would look a lot better
Example war for the planet of the apes
Amazing cgi. The monkeys looked really real
The Thing (2011) is a way better example.
>comicbooks are nerdy
I hate this so much. Real nerds were reading books. Capeshit is not nerd culture. I wasn't reading fucking Spiderman when I was a kid. Fuck that noise.
>I'm the real nerd
Defining yourself by cliques is the real cancer of society. Grow up and take as many others as you can with you.
>I know how capeshit is made
Congratulations. Have you ever watched a movie made before 2000?
so these are the "actors" who get paid millions of dollars per movie....
His Jim Carey as Jack Torrance is phenomenal. I would love for this guy to do a full fan edit of the film with Nicholson deepfaked over
Economy of scale. If you do everything in CG you eventually get an archive of CG props that are premade and ready to go. Do it enough and you don't even need a real life prop guy anymore.
Want a prop gun? You have to pay a prop guy to make it, and then pay to store it somewhere in between movies.
Meanwhile the CG artist with a pretty low-paying hourly wage would just get another job to do during his shift, and he's paid in peanuts because they don't have a union making sure they get good working conditions, like the prop guy does.
The day Jurassic Park left theatres in 1993
and thats is an ass