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it's funny because chinks got that GENGHIS dick in a slightly different sense


Being 5% Neanderthal is a good, not a bad thing. I don't see how Indoeuropean is an insult either.

Okay ghosties is pretty funny.

Jesus Christ. Just start lifting, it’s okay Ching Chong.

But Asians have the highest percentage of neanderthal DNA....

how did so many asian men become SJW cucks? doesn't make sense

I am native American and got a shit load of Neanderthal genes according to my genetic reports

The fuck? No, they don't.

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Ghosts = white people?
this is actually kinda cute, not insulting.

Is your ancestor chieftain Cucked-By-Paleface?

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shut up casper


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Everyone except sub-saharans and remote pacific island tribes and abos has neanderthal ancestors.
So basically everyone whose ancestors managed to build a somewhat civilised society at some point.

do asians not realize that they have a higher % mixture with neanderthals, and especially denisovan sub-species than europeans?

Yea, they do.

>Asian """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Attached: gay-cunts.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

LOL. Did they never hear the "act retarded and people will believe you are retarded" proverb? I though chengs were into this stuff.

>SerpentZA and his mate

Just get really bad vibes off that guy and the way he acts. It's like he is trying really hard to project that he's this alpha white guy in a land of worker-drones. Definitely shot someone in South Africa and had to leave or something. Not comfy viewing. I don't think I could sit in the pub with him.

I do find the Asian types like and "hapa" groups that hate him even worse though.

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what the shit

>fetus deletus all the girls
>raise a nation of millions of incels
china is fucked

>white men

Attached: beatrix kiddo ™ - i’ll never get over the way he ate her ass up-1166352865436282884.webm (720x1280, 2.96M)

>White men

Attached: 1556576279189.webm (406x718, 2.88M)

I still don't know what the asterisk is supposed to signify. Is he afraid to type out "subhuman" or does he think it makes his insult more effective?

We ghosties cuz we give dem da spooks


What a chad.

America should be nuked.

Sibhuman, aka people from Siberia

Any of my fellow ghosties wanna spook some spics

Chink """banter"""

They shouldn't compare me to something cool like ghosts if they want to insult me.

But I love blacked porn. Sounds like they're a tad insecure.

Nigga on the left go to China to marry a literal monkey. How can I take him seriously?

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All these shitty banters and still blame the white men for not getting laid

That would be jews, up to 12%.

I wouldn't take advice from two /rk9/ neets who had to fly to a 3rd world country to get laid

>Asians have the highest levels of Neanderthal DNA
why is r/aznretardation so fucking stupid