women are dogshit
prove me wrong
you can't
Women are dogshit
women have pusy
Your mommy hasn't kicked you out yet because she loves you. Checkmate.
I can prove you haven’t had sex lmoa
Men started two world wars. Most people are dogshit
Post face
all women are dogshit except your mom this is the ultimate redpill in life
They're worse
>women are dogshit prove me wrong you cant
False, it's because of denial that her son won't ever turn out to be what she wanted.
my mom is a fucking loser
no, I am dogshit and my standards are too high
You dumb anons care more about people being straight and gender conforming, than about people being good people.
>Men started two world wars.
Yeah... Jewish men.
Television and film
t. Basedcuck normie
And because she doesnt want to see you homeless and the denial is because she believes that you will one day turn your life around. That's called love, asperchu
Women aren't dogshit, the atoms that make humans came from other animals' shit not just from dogs.
Part of being a good person is not lying, especially about yourself. Just be straight lol
>Television and film
> gays being good people
why was Hitler gay then?
I fuck you're mom
cope harder
She probably doesn't accept the fact that she is.
bruh it's a fact like
nah she's an alcoholic
/pol/ finally admits Hitler is a jew.
>i love my son as long as he is exactly the way I want
Nope, it's not love.
Anyone else just feel entirely hopeless when it comes to dating? Like you have no idea where to even begin
Tinder women only fuck chad, online dating in general is a cesspool....i just have no idea where i could get a gf even i was willing to try
and you care more about being gay and being "non-conformist" than being a good person
you rape kids, but it's okay because you're not straight, you're "unique"
Unironically, the church.
She's not lying. Not knowing if you are gay or straight is not uncommon now and she's honest about it.
com hear fren
> going to church to get pucci
this a bigger cope than gymceling
yeah but I don't want some prude who won't have sex before marriage
Maybe go to a church and see for yourself? Don't just sit at your computer.
You literally raped a baby yourself and also jerked off in public so you are in no position to judge.
>i just have no idea where i could get a gf even i was willing to try
Online is 90% for chads because obviously people judge by looks first. 10% goes to people who actually read the profile.
If you aren't good looking or a chad, develop a personality or get rich. Pick girls IRL. The more you try, the more you hone that skill.
What is a good person ?
Why would you have sex before marriage?
I’m gonna need actual sauce for that block of text, user.
I can get pussy without going to church. What the fuck would jesus even think of you you faggot?
>rape kids
when will liberals admit that though
>dad died when he was 13
>mother died at 15
Stopped reading there
Same here lad. I could try doing a hobby that makes me leave my house to maybe meet someone but I'm terrified of contacting any clubs. Nothing will change until we try but my brain is standing in my way.
Then leave her house you cuckold faggot
>i want the perfect woman only
This is why you are an incel
because I'm a human with basic desires?
>I can get pussy without going to church.
Why ask for advice then?
>What the fuck would jesus even think of you you faggot?
That I'm looking for a good and faithfull spouse?
because im not an incel or a faggot
>looking for hookups
>hookups don´t work for me
based pusy poster
I'm not him. I was offended at your advice where you imply that church girls are easy pussy
what are you 12? WOMYN HAVE COOTIES!!
Just do it. Don't overthink it. Don't immediately think that you're gonna fail, and even if you fail, try again anyway.
Don't sperg out, but don't be a doormat.
excessively based
You can do that with your wife?
better to marry a woman who won't have sex before marriage than one who won't have sex after.
How's this television and film related holy shit man there is a /soc/ board ya know also fuck off from here
Someone who respects others, doesn't think of themself as being better or more right, someone who goes out of their way to help people in need, someone who listens without judging, someone who doesn't wish bad on others
i can also do it with a random whore tho
if they say they don't have sex before marriage they just say that to you because you fucked up.
No, that'd be giving you an ultimatum. I don't see why'd you be complaining anyway if your mom lets you live for as long as you want and not pay rent
I apologize if I offended you. Thought the user wanted a good woman and not a whore.
>Tinder women only fuck chad,
I am no Chad, but have had 3 women invite me over to their place on Tinder. I never went, obviously, because I´m a man of God. Still, it is nice to know that I could have.
Hitler didn't start WW2.
>dont overthink
If only I knew how. Rarely I have a moment of clarity where I manage to just act but that's once in a blue moon. When will they make a pill that gives me social skills?
Calm down tranny
>Anyone else just feel entirely hopeless when it comes to dating?
Wouldn't it be more difficult?
If a girl is in church, she's with family or a boyfriend. The chances of her going alone to church is smaller, but even then, the last thing she would probably want is to get hit on by a stranger in church. I'd understand if it were some religious meeting of similar individuals so you could get to know her there though.
I didn't ask to be born. Parents should at least apologise.
Saying stuff like this doesn't endear you towards anyone but other freaks. It's easy to make some of the incels here maybe think that your average normie cares deeply about this stuff, but the majority of them really don't. They're apolitical and actually find people who say shit like this slightly irritating, preferring to avoid them.
imagine asking someone out in fucking church
But the whore won't give you children?
People go to church to meet a bf or gf, it's very common.
t. Ex Catholic
>they make good servants
>they sexually please
>they carry our children
>they are mothers/sisters/daughters
Don’t be bitter at women because of a few that have burned you, learn to be a better judge of character.
i dont want kids at 22 tho
>When will they make a pill that gives me social skills?
To me, that's alcohol.. but I don't want to go back to binge drinking. Much less drinking during the day.
>>they make good servants
>>they sexually please
>>they carry our children
they don't do any of that
Then why have sex?
It is impossible to be a queer and good. All homosexuals are psychopaths and you know it. Just kill yourself you soulless cunt
Does Yea Forums always suffer from these off-topic threads? It's my first time visiting here, I was expecting to see anons talking about television and films, but instead you have retards making shitty baits, frogposts and arguing about /pol/-tier trash.
You guys are hopeless
Whats a man of god like you doing on tinder?
How to be a doormat, no one does this.
Western women don't.
to have kids at 17
It's over for sub-8 men, as all women want Chad and reject their looks-match. Shit like Tinder has made it easier than ever for hypergamous whores.
Who are apolitical? Normies or anons/incels? Sorry Im dumb.
And either way I don't think trying to be someone else just so people don't call you a sjw or a faggot is important. Again I think being yourself and helping others is important. Presenting yourself as gender whatever is a separate thing that people should not use to judge if you are a good person. It seems that people prefer a straight jerk than a gay good guy or girl.
Yea Forums talks about pop culture in general. We discuss the themes found in movies and tv shows and more often than not those themes are gay
Agreed & Sneed
You watch incest chink cartoons bro