Fuck it.. bros forever!

Fuck it.. bros forever!

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Brads only smiling because the Asian guy has a 4.2 inch penis.

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Well, according to pics Brad ain’t ThunderCock himself...

4 inches flaccid by the look of it, which is average Asian size erect.

I'm actually half asian and have 15cm. Good enough for you?

"hey let's smile for the cameras little guy"

Sure thing. Please don’t shoot up a garlic festival.

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>”Smile or I’ll break it off Naruto.”
You just know Bruce has that gook in an armlock.

>tfw 5.5 inches Brazilian
I wish I was Chinese

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bruuuuh.. I feel bad for you amerimutts

>US only 5.1"
God that's pathetic lmao, barely above pakis. I should visit sometime, do American grills like uncircumcised cocks because they are "exotic" or are they already too programmed to dislike them?

Explains why asian women want white men I guess

Attached: PREASSE.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

I can only assume there are a lot of chinks in America throwing off the average

>half asian
I so sowwy, pal

Hey Brad good to see yo-...

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I'm a mutt and it's the other way around

>I-it's the chinks
Sure thing amerimutt

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Lmfao! Asian """males""""

>tfw Balkan Europoor
>tfw curved dick that’s anywhere from 5 to 6.5 inches hard (bonepressing)
>tfw still looks “small”
>tfw compare it to household objects and sure, the numbers are right but it feels “less than average” in my hands
>tfw all those humongous dicks in /gif/ make mine look like a literal micro
Fucking Horsecocks!

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Imagine being a child to gook rice farmers then get adopted by the 00th centrys most famous couple

Imagine being so cucked you are willing to adopt chink children just so you can get dried up pussy despite literally being able to get any girl you want

Bug people cant understand true love, all your relationships are arranged

thats just mean lmao

wtf he doesn't have the shape of bruce's head anymore

>tfw American born but with a Lebanese dick

Attached: Annalise-Basso-cleavages-hot.jpg (960x1200, 111K)

>smallest penis
>biggest population

Attached: 1564442468553.jpg (175x175, 8K)

>Spain orange but Mexico yellow

>be 187cm tall white dude
>have 12cm dick


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>You just know

Attached: once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood-film-premiere-arrivals-tcl-chinese-theatre-los-angeles-usa-shutterstoc (1500x999, 226K)

>Bug people
You wish amerimutt
Btw wtf are you talking about, true love lmao, they didn't even make 6 years.
Now Leonardo diChadrio, he fucking gets it

Forgot pic related

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Don’t worry user we will have stem cell penis enhancement and Crispr in 10-15 years technology will bridge the gaps of genes in our lifetime.

That's not how crispr works retard
You can't just make someone taller or have a bigger dick by modifying genes in an adult stage

I'm pretty sure they're gonna come out with a way to reopen growth plates sometime in the future.

Kek no wonder they're obsessed with building 600 ft statues

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>the chink's face when approaching

They are literally doing trials on editing human adults.

>tfw Indian with 7" benis
maybe being born in the United Status had something to do with it

Jesus, how did his biological son get all of Jolie’s features?

How do you make something so massive seem so small and defeated looking? Who the fuck even is this tired old man?

there has already been successful penile transplants so maybe someday a guy with a big dick can die when I can afford it

is a daughter not a son

Sure you can edit adult genes to make them immune against something, not make them grow 5 inches when their growth plates have already fused retard
Now that sounds more realistic
Feels good to have a 7" dick, uncircumcised too
I fucking love my parents, got all the good genes like height and blonde hair too

It’s so bizarre that hapa women are top tier but hapa men are literal bottom of the barrel.

Has she been saved from Jolie's psychosis yet? Or she still on the path to trannydom?

fucking French

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I'd rather be a hapa than a pajeet to be honest. I could at least scoop up some weeb chicks.

>Hungary 6.5 inches

>every single dick measurement map I've seen is different
One map has Meds at 5" and Slavs at 7", then another changes it completely. Some have the self-reported Congo thing, others don't. What is even the point?

>tfw Spaniard
>tfw Congo size
am I a nigger?

Attached: 1563250282240.jpg (482x471, 72K)

You are for not understanding averages

who else here /8 (7.9)/?

>Puerto Rico 6.3
Why was I not blessed with this?

I’d rather be white than anything

Apparently they accept self-reported numbers from a lot of these countries. There's no way in hell Colombians are packing 6.7" ON AVERAGE.

yeah the 3rd world countries numbers are all bullshit, the spics just lied like they always do about everything, and the niggers are too retarded to count properly.

Same. Puerto Rican here and im 5 and a half. Fucking. Bullshit

>7 inches
>Still a virgin
Meter 5.5 é melhor que não meter brother :(

Bruh this nigga deadass posted cp

>Dude jawlines are sooo important! faggots


Because it's self reported. Spics are notorious blowhard idiots. They all think they're the toughest, strongest, smartest, best looking etc, and many will literally cry when you easily beat them at things.

>go to india
>become indian chad

It's from national geographic.

tell it to the feds, niggerloving pedo creep.

Pitt is like 5'11". Just how short is that dude?

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that's Rapesh Shitstreetnoloo. I cant remember what he did exactly. something about sanitation reform

good thing there are a lot of blackies to pump that number up

hes a towering 5'3, one of asians tallest men.

The black myth.

He's like 5'8 according to Google. So either it's the camera angle or someone has been asking Google to lie for him.

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did brad fucked his boipuccy and called him maddox?
(to marry angelina you have to be as sick as angelina)


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No and to reinforce the trannydom Angie got her Millie Bobby Brown

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It should be legal to kill a woman for this

this is a map of how likely people are to lie even when anonymous
surprise surprise, niggers are most likely

for what? waving to her boyfriend in public?


Angery little yellow hands typed this

I'm not Asian but this was pretty messed up.


Haha no, this cannot be true. And this is an average, so there's plenty of pajeet's packing even less than that lol

Wow Canadians have significantly larger penises than americans

Not sure why men are bullying other men over penis size. Leave that to the roasties, fellas, we're all brothers in the struggle.

Even normies were shitting on this video in the comments.

BCC isn't just a meme, friend

>tfw Romanian
>tfw 2 inch higher than the average

Attached: chad.jpg (700x700, 166K)


Dicklet cope

the r/asianfeminity cucks deserve all the shit they are getting. theyve been spamming us good innocent people of 4channel with bracked threads for years, totally unprovoked. they deserve to be castrated like the animals they are.

>tfw bigger than most of the world but only average at home
it's a macaco life

>mutilating your dick to pleasure roasties
What is happening to men?

>make a thread about bros
>turns into a literal dick measuring contest
>Yea Forums is obsessed about cuckolding, dicks, and traps
never change you fucking faggots. Youve all watched too much porn.

wtf now i want a ntehrlands GF to make hude dicked children

meça direito parça

And you are putting that thing to use, right, user?

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this whole image. Someone has literally just made this up.

>Korea (N), 3.8"

Attached: kek.jpg (599x449, 68K)

>tfw from Iran and never actually measured my peepee
>tfw my fiance says my cock is gigantic

Attached: vegeta laugh 2.gif (500x300, 352K)

Sorry thought I was replying to

>wow it’s even bigger than daddy’s

5’9” and 6.75” American dong here. I made it to the green.

This is from a self reporting poll which shows that latins are pretty good about lying about dick size

Welcome to the dongoloid family, son.

The average penis size of white males in the US is actually around 7 inches but all the asians and Indians in the US lower the country's total.

véi, como? na moral, já deixei de comer mais de dez garotas porque sou extremamente inseguro com o tamanho da minha pindola. Se eu tivesse uma rola de 17.5 cm, com certeza não estaria aqui agora

Oh hell yeah!
Girls love it.

sorry for the bants asian bros
it was all in good fun
like you guys a lot more than i do niggers

>8 inches
But also
>specs aren't solid
>receding hairline
Can't win em all, boys.

That woman is like 1/10. HOnestly zoom in on her face. That nerdy Asian is a lucky guy.

According to your own numbers on the census, there are not enough Asians and Indians to bring it down to 5.3. not to mention you're not even factoring in blacks and Mexicans (who are similarly packing). Why must you gringos always inflate yourselves to the point of delusion?

>checking in at 6" from Jamaica

Women here don't care much about dick size they just want to get head; eating pussy is VERY taboo here and niggas have to hide the fact that they do it

i think i'd trade my yuropoor average cock for a smaller japanese cock if i got to wife women like her

Attached: tfw no qt neighbor 1.webm (754x424, 2.93M)

incels are so cute when they fire up lmao

Attached: kiss8.webm (640x800, 2.6M)

Cus its an asian dude. If the small guy was white and big guy non white they would say
>lol haha look at this white male getting what he deserves, he probably thought he was entitled to that girl
Tl dr :stop feeling sorry for non whites cus they will never feel sorry for you

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With a car, you can go anywhere you want.

Why are whites so empathetic despite being under siege?

idk but it sickens me. its because we are superior to them, so we pity them. i even almost felt a tinge of sympathy for the retarded fish head in that webm... almost, it is a serious problem that must be corrected.

That is classic jealously over a younger female in the family.


this but unironically

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I wish I was a thot wrangler. Damn my shyness. But at least I got lucky with looks so women approach me instead.

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Why are the seething jannies deleting the penis charts? Are they that upset about having FOUR POINT TWO (4.2). INCH PENISES.

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>sanitation reform
So basically he's the biggest fuckup in the world?


Out of curiosity, how do they report these stats?
Do they use the data from the condoms sold? If so , how do they have stats in India, those fuckers don't know what a condom is.
Did they study dead men, or the characteristics of every nationality and did this chart?

If it's green and yellow, you can be sure it's self-reported.
Not like it matters really. Who wants to be known as a dicklet?

>Tl dr :stop feeling sorry for non whites cus they will never feel sorry for you
This. I bet that chink manlet was posting on r/asianmasculinity later that day about how white men are terrible and all white women should belong to them.

Not all of us are small, though. I feel sorry for Eurocucks that can't into "averages".

It has to be self reported. Why is Hungary so high, considering they're a mix of Huns and slavs?
I also wonder how do they measure it. Do they sleep with a ruler next to their head and when the morning wood comes, they take the ruler and place it next to their chungs as fast as possible as to not kill the boner?
Or when a girl comes over, is she doing the measurements?

>But at least I got lucky with looks so women approach me instead.
post face and hottest girl youve fucked

>Posting personal pics on Yea Forums.

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how thick? I have a very long dick but is really thin, 18 cm long but it's almost as wide as 2 fingers


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