People like the prequels now. Go on YT and search for a prequel vid. You'll find comments like these a dime a dozen.
Star Wars
That’s a lot of retards
The Prequels were always underrated masterpieces. RLM are responsible for shitting on them and creating the cultural zeitgeist hate bandwagon. They're also the reason why the Sequel Trilogy is garbage.
And here's another retard
Go back to the forums from 1999-2005 you mongoloid.
The ST is so abysmal that it's making the PT look tame by comparison. It's also because of Gen-Xers and Zoomers who grew up with the PT having more nostalgia for it.
Episode 3 is one of the best in the series, 1 and 2 can fuck off though.
>The Prequels were always underrated masterpieces.
Underratedly yes. And compared to today’s shitshows they’re Shakespearean.
Based post.
This. Disney just managed to lower people's standards, nothing else.
That's nothing new. Zoomers and millennials have always liked the prequels.
They just happen to dominate social media now, whereas back in 1999 - 2005 it was boomer critics that dictated public opinion.
>RLM are responsible for shitting on them
what's RLM?
zoomers have nostalgia for playing jedi academy and fighting their friends in the yard plastic lightsabers. they aren't good movies except for people who were under 12 when they came out
I just received a notification from google to my phone that there is a new D23 trailer for Star Wars. I'm not subscribed to anything, never got anything like that for any other movies. Google is now literally shilling for Disney to get more views for this. What the fuck.
Good. Films are underrated.
The real reason is because the kids who grew up watching them are now adults but either way. The sad thing is that this will probably happen (to a lesser extent) with the new films cause kids are idiots
They were alwayas liked, it was always just a few plebbit autists that couldn't stop screeching over them.
To be fair McGregor was pretty good Obi-Wan.
>Nostalgia is fine as long as its for the things I like
2 is great, fuck you
Phantom menace is by far the best star wars film in the series faggot
The prequels have tons of problems and some pretty dog shit direction in several parts, but they are Ingmar Bergman films compared to the sequels.
I've always maintained that RoTS is great from the day it first came out. AoTC grew on me as well as it's less a typical Star Wars and more a detective movie starring Obi Wan. I think more and more are appreciating them now because of how god awful Disney Wars is which could have been Lucas' plan all along.
I hate nostalgia for shit like cod and the prequels. It's a clear indication that the average user is getting dumber and dumber, younger and more normalfaggy. Even Yea Forums isn't safe from this, what with the constant barrage of teenage redditors on the site whining about "boomers".
>The sad thing is that this will probably happen (to a lesser extent) with the new films cause kids are idiots
Dunno about that. The current Western cultural zeitgeist seems to have far more of an attachment to the MCU pre-Phase 4 than the Sequel Trilogy. Star Wars is actively dying, so today's kids will probably have very vague memories of the current saga when they reach adulthood and will, instead, probably opt more for what came before it, including even the Prequels. At some point, due to the amount of damage Disney caused to the franchise, Gen Z will believe that Star Wars was always "niche" or something.
the hate was there since day one zoomer. People used to bully little ani actor all the time because of it.
Tell that to RazorFist, still believing Mike and Jay to be the progenitors for hating the Prequels.
Wow... Ur cool
>RLM are responsible for shitting on them and creating the cultural zeitgeist hate bandwagon. They're also the reason why the Sequel Trilogy is garbage.
True although all the criticism is still valid.
RLM's take on them had good and bad. Good is that they really did show how the prequels were objectively bad. Bad in that the meanspirited pile-on it brought forth.
>RLM is the reason why star wars is shit now
Dude same here. I was a pleb sophomore in high school but I thought the lightsaber duels were awesome and that it was cool how everything went to shit. The only cringey part for me was how darth Vader said no at the end.
No, the hate comes from Jar-Jar, and the poor aesthetics compared to the OT. CGI instead of practical effects and models.
I get stuff like that all the time to. I think its related to your search history. Pretty cool feayure
Some JewTube faggots worshipped on Yea Forums. They give opinions to retards too stupid to think of their own.
People have loved the prequels ever since they came out but their opinion was drown by the fatass "film critics" and boomers who thought they were worse than Hitler
Show him this then
CGI is necessary to create truly interesting worlds, otherwise you end up with shit like the ST where every location is a different type of forest or plain because Disney wants to pander to OTfags and is afraid of doing anything interesting with the current, much more advanced CGI.
Lucas' mistake was relying on a technology that wasn't developed enough to pull out what he wanted to do.
Jar jar you dumb FUCK!
well, yeah. keep coping that you have nostalgia for clone wars or whatever early 00s trash you like. the real nostalgia kino is stuff made in 88-95
Sequels are so bad, they retroactively made the prequels good.
t. boomer
The prequels were always kino, Yea Forums is just full of contrarian geeks
>People like the prequels now
Yeah people who grew up with PT are now 30, so of course they like it. Why wouldn't they
if people didn't already dislike the prequels, a youtube review wouldn't cause them to.
>117 mph car chase
was he saying "now this is pod racing" the entire time?
You underestimate how much people love to parrot e-celeb's opinions.
>CGI is necessary to create truly interesting worlds
the alien franchise kinda shits all over this idea. also everything jim henson.
people only become e-celebs because they say things people already agree with, in a manner that feels novel.
Type this in your favorite search engine:
star wars merchandise
Just prequel shit... Right? Right?
The worlds in the Alien franchise are boring as shit, which is why most of it was spent inside ships.
>you need CGI to make interesting worlds
>what about these interesting worlds made with practical effects?
>ya well i didn't like those
Literally who
I'm saying they are not interesting, which is pretty much the same thing I said in my first post, retard.
>Literally who
>yea I didn't like them which is what I said, retard
>zoomers unironically believe this
>Literally who
A JewTuber who is mostly right leaning and has good discussions and opinions on things, but also comes off as a massive contrarian with shit taste in certain vidya and metal music.
Episode 2 is one of the best in the series though
oh, so no one anyone cares exists
>thinking that cut-rate internet celebs are responsible for the entire world hating three movies, even when their first video on the subject didn't come out until 2012
Retard. People hated the prequels long before 2012. Of course, now I realize that everyone blaming RLM for the prequel hate is probably an underage zoomer who has very little recollection before 2012, anyway.
>the meanspirited pile-on it brought forth
>"Waaahhhh, d-don't make fun of billionaire Jews in Hollywood!"
Fuck you.
>Gen-Xers and Zoomers who grew up with the PT having more nostalgia for it
This, basically. Most of the people who defend the prequel trilogy are very young. The only time you see older fans defending the prequels is when they're hoplessly indoctrinated Lucas fanboys who will unliaterally claim that everything related to Star Wars is a masterpiece.
SEETHING Prequel apologist.