Would this make a good movie?

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fuck yes


cringe and kys

Then everything is cringe, and everyone should kill themselves.

I wanna cum inside Revy

it didn't even make a good anime

The first story arc would be a fine movie really . Nothing about the anime makes it hard to translate
Only problem the main character is Asian and the female is too attractive

so help me god if they cast an ugly bitch with no muscles as revy, there will be no hope for this movie.

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here is your Tomb Raider, bro!

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it better have some good cigarette kino

Revy: Lena Headey
Benny: Simon Pegg
Rock: Andrew Garfield
Dutch: Kevin Michael Richardson

Who would be a good actress for Revy?
I can't even think of one good fit

>lena heady
>casting that old ass, sticc hag as revy

JeeJa Yanin if she was 10 years younger.

Attached: jeeja_yanin_featured_image.jpg (770x472, 68K)

it's not adaptable.
Revy is Chinese and Rock Japanese. Change their nationalities and the story falls apart. If you change the setting from south-asia to some other place it falls apart.
Japs can't act for shit and there is not a single female Chinese/Japanese/Korean in the world that comes even close to Revy in terms of looks and charisma.
Plus asians can't act for shit even if their lives depended on it. Dutch, Benny, Balalaika, etc. are no problem to cast but Revy and Rock are impossible.

too cute
it needs to be a butch lesbo in the vein of michelle rodriguez

rebby is a chinkmerican and rock could easily be some australian/european wagie sent to SEA

I want to protect revy

It's already based on Hollywood movies.

Nigga watch Dredd. She'd kill it.

I know you want your fantasy 16 year old with tiny feet to wear the jorts and the tank top, but Revy is a woman, not a little girl.

>Lena Headey
Too old
Can you imagine Lena using Revy's jean shorts and tight tank top? She would look like a crack addict old stick

how about give me olivia thirlby as revy and cast a better woman next time.

Attached: Dredd_Anderson.jpg (922x816, 100K)

>I know you want your fantasy 16 year old with tiny feet to wear the jorts and the tank top, but Revy is a woman, not a little girl.
nice projection faggot

Jeeja is too cute even in mommy mode
She stuck out in Triple Threat as being too likable even in the bad guy merc group

The opening was cool
Here it is for nostalgia feels

Fuck no. She might pass as Balalaika, but she would suck as Revy. Can you seriously imagine her doing anything remotely athletic?

Would this make a good movie?

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This is garbage. I'll show you a real OP.


Eva Green as Balalaika. No doubt about it.

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based and 69pilled

*tips fedora*

better mommy balalaika coming through

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Gina Carano and Michelle Rodriguez if it was filmed 10 years ago.

Ruby Rose.

Hana Mae Lee, she's Asian and can easily pull off playing a psycho.

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>not Cate Blanchett

>Hana Mae Lee
I'm okay with this :)

even better balalaika coming to you

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Looks to young and doesn't have nearly enough authority.

>Height: 67,5km
Hell yeah

are you kidding me? Balalaika's clearly in her late 30's early 40's. Casting a late 20's woman wouldn't make sense.

Whatever happened with Debicki posting?
It was a thing months ago

Maershala Ali as Dutch

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idris elba

we grew up

Revy: Idris Elba
Rock: Zendaya
Dutch: Michael Cera
Balalaika: Brie Larson

Not like her apparently *badum tss*

if they remove the weebshit like battle nun and vampire lolis

This was the ultimate choice for Lara and Hollywood blew it.

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battle nun was based and could work, vampire lolis not so much

>removing weird vampire lolis that are like a billion anime tropes crammed together
Yeah okay
>remove the maid
Fuck off, the storyline and action were kino af

Eda is cute, fuck you. Also vampire lolis were so creepy and demented, they'd be kino villains.

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there's already a shitload of movies like this. the author even abandoned it because he ran out of movies to rip off

The nuns were great faggot. And while the vampire twins were kinda dumb I still like the idea of serial killers going after Hotel Moscow for shits and giggles and getting bodied.

So we all agree her story arc was the worst one right? The only good thing to come out of it was the samurai guy and more Balalaika scenes

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yes, what a shitty way to end the anime. there was also some nice revy scenes in that arc though.

They should save Roberta for the sequel if it happens, and there should be a fist fight scene between her and Revy.

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no. no anime will make a good movie. no comic will make a good movie. no book will make a good movie. it is 2019. movies are not good. shows are not good.

There's still Roberta's Bloodtrail after it, although it's not canon. But since it doesn't seem like the series will ever continue it might as well be.

>no anime will make a good movie

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Finally someone gets it

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Aren't they already making a Lord of the Flies with all girls?

No because no woman could casted to be half as hot as revvy

Revy: Chrysti ane

>everything is anime
Typical weebshitter.

10-15 years ago sigourney weaver wouldve been a perfect balalaika

It would be an okay action movie but nothing more. The bar is pretty low with animu.

I think it would be more than just an okay action movie. I think you could really explore the characters on a deeper level. Take this scene for instance. youtube.com/watch?v=gey4MNgteK4

Also the relationship between Rock and Revy is similar to a zookeeper taming a lion. Revy is a wild animal whereas Rock has to keep her in check or she'll go apeshit and either cause a bloodbath or end up brutally killed or both.

I would rather have a jormungand movie

It's not that deep.

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>I'm so DAMAGED dude

Too old and not athletic at all. She admits herself that she is lazy and that's her "vibe" when it comes to physicality. That's one reason why she fit the role of a pampered princess that enjoyed a luxorious life. She can show poise, grace etc., anything "static". Or in contrast to that, short, decisive outbursts, temper tantrums and the like. But you'd never expect her to be someone who is very physical, naturally athletic, has the urge to move and exert themselves, constantly in motion, very in touch with their body. She seems like someone who feels deep emotions and is sensual, but in an introverted, emotional, rather than physical way.

Revy seems very physical, with a blunt, stereotypically masculine emotionality. Unemotional and superficial for a woman. Also not deeply moved, sensitive and dwelling, but matter of fact, straight to the point, ADHD, quickly aroused but with the reaction being over just as quickly before she directs her attention elsewhere. Also not mystical at all, but materialistic.

Whats your IQ? Everything has a deeper level. Only high IQ can see deeper meaning in things that normal people see as trivial or shallow.

i'm a brainlet and meant the latino maid when i said 'nun'; i liked the actual gun-runner nuns too


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the show was pretty mediocre, and it only caught on because mature, graphic animation was still relatively novel back then. i remember the arc with the maid being particularly stupid, where she is portayed as being some kind of superhuman terminator who survives an explosion, then at the end revy just takes her on in a fist fight. the same thing happens with the vampire arc, where they build up these superpowered villains then they just beat them like its nothing at the end. the writer just comes up with these characters and scenes that are "cool" on a surface level but doesnt know how to make it exciting or have a satisfying climax. really, its the epitome of style over substance.

>live action adaptation made by wypipo and jews

Pick one and one only.

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The perfect revy would need to be in her twenties with nice breasts, toned muscles, john wick levels of sharpshooting, tough attitude, not afraid to talk shit to minorities, and do her own fight scenes.

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>misspelled "What"
Not even gonna bother with the rest. What a shitty image

It could work because it's clearly very stylized action like prime HK kino or high budget Hollywood.
The problem comes in with the story. There's really only 2 arcs that you can choose. Them being nazi sub and japan. They're the only ones that have true character growth for the mains Rock and Revy.

the OVA would be a better movie, and it would literally be a movie women will never understand despite the star being a woman. Also cast her

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you've gotta be kidding, i think it was better than the anime

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what about the first arc? Not only is it an introduction to the characters but it's more about Rock's character arc. We the audience don't know the Lagoon company on a personal level, so Rock is our introduction to the characters and the movie, just like Tyler Durden is our introduction to Tyler Durden in Fight Club. And at the end of the first arc, we see a different Rock, he's no longer Rokuro Okajima because he's now dead, there is only Rock. So by the end of the movie we see a new man and a new member of the Lagoon Company and that leaves the movie open for sequels and arcs to expand the story.

Also pic related needs to be the climax of the movie.

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For me its Drifters

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>tfw no S2
Hellsing was kino too

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Comedy was hit or miss but everything else was great


This would be a beautiful scene to film, you'd have to be braindead retarded to somehow fuck this up.

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And weeaboos attribute a deeper lever to things from their beloved Nippon.

>if they remove the weebshit like battle nun
>Removing the best character

theres this anime called Now and Then, Here and There. You should download it, watch it without reading the synopsis, and THEN tell me that anime cant have a deeper level of meaning.

Some Japanese animes (lol) are inspired by philosophical ideas, and ideas of beauty that are very thoughtful. Is there anything wrong with expressing those things through animation? Even if the medium isnt "special", what inspired them can be.

I don't disagree there. I will give it a shot.

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what is that? some kind of chibi mad max shit?

if you're going to watch it, marathon it then come back lol its only 12 episodes. Im sure the thread will still be up

essentially yes. Its one anime though that you just gotta dive right into.

this better not be like that Eva shit

lolol not even close. It came out before anime turned to garbage.

how would they do the loli who pulls a BAR out her pusy?

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I don't think they'd even show it, they'd keep it ambiguous because the vampire twins themselves are mysterious and creepy as fuck.

>black lagoon came out before eva

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could only be worse if a main cast member was a ginger

just like hellsing

No. I was referring to the anime Now and Then Here and There.
user thinks anime cant have a deeper meaning than whats on the surface. Im trying to prove him wrong.

First good opinion in this thread

oh im retarded, sowwy

I laughed but also kys

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I wish there was a qt ginger character in the manga or anime.

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my fantasy

>live action adaption of anime
fuck off shill

imagine them all bullying you at the same time.
>never had this boner before

The problem for a Black Lagoon adaptation is similar to the one for Evangelion.
We don't fucking want to see an Asian cast, the problem are the fucking names.

>black person cast as asian
thats not possible
>remember the casting of live action cowboy bebop
>Jet black is actually going to be black

Live action is a joke and hollywood is a joke. I wouldnt doubt that if black lagoon ever happened it would be a shitshow.
>you could never see that one episode with the neo nazis in live action
gotta be PeeCee

Hollywood always picks the worst people to play certain characters, if somehow a live action Eva ever gets off the ground, I guarantee they'll never pick a decent redhead to play Asuka, they'll choose some black nobody over her and call people racist for not supporting their decision.

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It bothers me how seemingly only Japs are patrician enough to appreciate daisy dukes anymore
Where did Americans go so wrong?

What does Revy smell like?
inb4 stale cum and pussy juice

stale cum and pussy juice

I'm actually more afraid if they make Kaji black than Asuka, in fact black people on a live action Evangelion should be American soldiers on some fleet in the pacific ocean, not the main characters.

Though the Japanese atmosphere of Eva is too good to make it taking place in the US or some shit like that.

I wanna run my fingers on balalaika's scars. is it just me?

No. Have you seen a single live action adaptation of an anime? They're all fucking terrible.

like an ash tray

Salty milk and coins.

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Had a GF who had burn scars just below her breasts (she had really big ones). Made the skin stretched and tough, and in turn, her tits were impossibly perky - she looked like a freaking hentai character. I miss her.

I want Revy to cum inside me

Sweat and fag smoke.

this is most accurate. an ashtray and gun oil.

mmm sweaty revy

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would cosplayers make the perfect revy?

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Isabela Moner.

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I was thinking more like Milla Jovovich as Balalaika

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not a bad choice either


Nah, Moner is too much of a slut

I seriously want Revy to peg me

just fuck off you faggot brie gaylords

no, Isabela should be playing Casca.

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For me it's the ED. It fits so well with the darker parts of the show.

The character progression is nice, this scene was a good follow up to the scene you posted. youtube.com/watch?v=aGTgQ7T2abs
Also, the dubs are great in this show they really fit the characters. I almost never prefer dubs except here and Hellsing. Any other shows where the dub is better than the sub?

it would be ok but you'd have to tone revy down a lot cause she's fucking pants on head retarded. completely omit the pedo shit with the twins cause thats just weird. Directed by John Woo.

battle nuns/priests are never not pure kino


Panty and stocking with garter belt

Fuck you OP for making me remember.

>be me 3 years ago
>start of the last year of university
>living at the same house with gf for more than a year
>gf dumps me and leave the house
>started drinking every day from sunrise to till I fall asleep.
>decided to watch a series for making mind busy
>started watched Black Lagoon
>several ep later a nun shows up
>her name is Eda
>ex gf's name is Eda
>it's a Turkish name and what is the possibility of a anime character having a Turkish name
>lose my shit and punch my toaster's screen

Fuck you OP.

>Revy: Ronda Rousey
>Benny: Sean Patrick Flannery
>Rock: Ben Foster
>Dutch: Terry Crews

Why is she so fucking hot in this movie but looks totally pedestrian otherwise?

>netflix original
dead and shit
>hollywood flick
another scarjo flop

based turkroach fucker

dear god we cannot allow either to touch this with their jewy hands

>netflix original
dead and shit
>hollywood flick
another scarjo flop

I always thought it would make a cool john wick style action movie,

also for the love of god I hope the female actress who plays revy has visible abs hahhah

>Revy: Ronda Rousey
I keked

Garbage opinion fit for the hollywood exec that would squander and defile any adaption that crossed its path.

Who would be perfect to play as Sawyer The Cleaner?

Reminder that Revy getting raped is anime only and non-canon. Fuck the anime

Black Lagoon was a DAMN good anime.

Isn't Revy Chinese?

>Look who's come out of his cave! We were just about to watch a movie! Any suggestions?

>Look who's come out of his cave! We were just about to watch a movie. Any suggestions?

>Look who's come out of his cave! We were just about to watch a movie. Any suggestions?

Jessica Biel was born to play Revy

Would be perfect without Garfield

God bless Azasuke Wind for all the hentai

Ah I see, you took a popular opinion and then said the opposite. Very based and redpilled have an upvote.

Revy is Chinese American you dumb nigger.

blonde wig/dye job tricking you

>tfw Revy and rock never kissed / had sex

>tfw Revy and rock never kissed / had sex

>mfw anime thread on Yea Forums and it's not about absolute gash like Attack on Titan or Dragonball


unless you count the cigarette pass as their "kiss" and it's more symbolic than just a normal kiss. also their sex scene is long overdue.

All anime is gay and you are fucking gay.

Sounds like projection to me bro. My diagnosis is that you are a closet fag.

If the John Wick series were "good" movies it's safe to assume any anime could be just as "good".

Nah, I'm not into anime. Only gays are into anime.

but user we watched junjo romantica together
then you went down on me


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it's heavily implied they were fucking.

I'd like to see Imogen Poots play revy but I don't think she can would be able/want to play the role.

He did more for the anime than even the studio

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>when Keanu Reeves appears in a Cyberpunk trailer


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there was no implication that they were fucking. All they had was a cigarette kiss.

>Anime is the most tranny media in existence, there is a reason why every single one of those fucks uses anime avatars.

>t. tranny anime avatar

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Trannies are drawn to it but there are very few trannies in anime.
>inb4 traps
They almost never identify as women, they're just crossdressers. Of course trannies and idiots like you don't understand that concept because everything has to be about trannies to you.

>I know 10% of a certain population, but I will assume this 10% represent the entire population
American education, people

Obsessed with tranny and blacked porn lmao.

He is STILL making new stuff to this day
Check his twitter @aza_wind

>implying trannies represent 10% of western anime fans
Maybe if they jumped on 10 years ago, but anime is becoming so mainstream that they're less than 1% like always.

Fuck yeah, but they'd probably make it less straight action and more an action-comedy.

But, I'd also be down to see Dutch played by Jaime Foxx.

>Jaime Foxx
Fuck no, you need someone bigger and with a deeper voice.

True, but even when Tarantino movies were played for laughs, they knew when to be serious.

they had an overly intimate relationship compared to any other characters on the show. people can have casual sex user.

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My only real gripe with the anime is it seems to have some kind of fetish for 'Hard upbringing = total bad ass'.

>people can have casual sex user

Just cut out the shit ending that ruins an otherwise kino series.

Balalaika didn't really have a harsh upbringing, just a harsh adulthood. Same with Mr. Chang as well IIRC.

>revy isn't a bottom bitch whore with issues
proves my point really

Who the fuck is this creature and what the fuck is it watching?
Or am I better off not knowing?

Jamie Foxx is better suited for playing Garter desu.

Why would it? The anime sucks too.

pic unrelated I presume?

What about Ving Rhames who Dutch was actually based on IRL

Netflix would also update the setting to (((current year))) and make Rock a black guy from SF.

>Look who's come out of his cave! We were just about to watch a movie. Any suggestions?

who are they? names?

They'd hire a full Jap actress and ignore the red hair bit.
Kaji would be black
Fuyutsuki would be played by Ving Rhames.
Shinji would probably be replaced with some bland white kid Gendo adopted (ala Fantastic 4 2015)
All directed by Adam Wingard and with his style of dutch angles and 80s music.

Cigarette smoke, booze, sweat and dry cum.

Good anime to live-action adaption doesn't exi...

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Unironically Terry Crews would be a kino Dutch.



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To think they would even bother with a live action Taimanin Asagi ... It's like they don't understand what was so amazing about the anime which were those extreme, likely deadly insertions and the AMAZING voice acting.

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i-is that JAv?

Yes. Jurassic Park 3

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Fuckin A

It'd probably turn out like the first Suicide Squad movie. But Hollywood Revy is sluttier than ever.

Sometimes, your movie's climax has gotta be Revy going apeshit and murdering some niggas left and right.

i wish i had a gf like revy

No way, Suicide Squad is part of the DC brand and they're always kid-friendly like Marvel. Black Lagoon isn't really part of a brand so anything goes, even if it could possibly suck.

True, but do you do it in the first movie or save it for the sequel?

anyone can

Both, just leave the massacring to her and enjoy the show...unless they insert some dumb song into the brutality montage.

Only if it manages to get the MPAA to slap the hardest rating they've got on it.

He's not a big enough guy

if they do, it'd have to be a fucking good song like anything from Rob Zombie or White Zombie, the thing about Revy is she's like a juggernaut and probably doesn't know her limits or when to stop, so even though she's slaying everyone there should be someone who could possibly put her down for good (i.e. Roberta)