According to imdb, these are the top rated films of the decade (2010-2019)

According to imdb, these are the top rated films of the decade (2010-2019)

1. Inception (2010)
2. Interstellar (2014)
3. Whiplash (2014)
4. Django Unchained (2012)
5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
6. Coco (I) (2017)
7. Your Name. (2016)
8. Toy Story 3 (2010)
9. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
10. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

Was it, dare I say, a kino decade?

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She has great milkers but VERY retarded face

she has a nice face you take that back

bravo Nolan

Antiscientific slag
Didn't watch
Lol "nigger"
Anime is for gays

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>multiple cartoons

Wtf is this thing???

>watching movies

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What did she mean by those tits?

Three Billboards was complete shit. The only decent thing in it was Sam Rockwell, but the movie absolutely sucked. Django was also pretty mediocre, if not funny as fuck. This list has some obvious SJW choices that fuck it all up. Way to go, liberals.

Where is all the capeshit at?

Kawaii, desu ne?

3 Billboards
Wolf of Wall Street

Are the only good movies on the list, in that order.

>3 Billboards

Where is the rest of his face and eyes? Thats sum lovecraftian shit..

That nigga lives underground
He doesn't need eyes that much

>wolf of wall street

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capeshit doesn't count

That's actually the patrician's choice.

I agree user don't listen to those meanies

Dude I'm really disturbed.. His hands look human and he has no eyes. Some things god made just ain't right

Think she does anal?

>1. Inception (2010)
Deserves to be there

>2. Interstellar (2014)
Deserves to be there

>3. Whiplash (2014)
Deserves to be there

>4. Django Unchained (2012)

>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Gets a nod for the trilogy

>6. Coco (I) (2017)

>7. Your Name. (2016)
Haven't seen it

>8. Toy Story 3 (2010)
2 was better. There's been better animated films in the decade.

>9. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
I expected more after the hype

>10. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Haven't seen it

>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
This is unironically the only one I've seen of those.

I should probably watch Toy Story 3 and Whiplash at some point.

whiplash is fucking gay

its pretty good yeah

He cute

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>1. Inception (2010)
Ripped off a Don Rosa comic.
>2. Interstellar (2014)
Unscientific "love is literally magic" garbage.
>3. Whiplash (2014)
Genuinely good, deserves to be there.
>4. Django Unchained (2012)
Entertaining but poorly paced.
>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
>6. Coco (I) (2017)
Didn't see it, heard good things.
>7. Your Name. (2016)
Didn't see it, heard good things.
>8. Toy Story 3 (2010)
Literally a remake of Toy Story 2. Dreamworks has made 4 better movies this decade.
>9. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Pretty good.
>10. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Didn't see.

Overall it's just normalfags with shit taste as usual.

>eyeless and soulless

Nah she has a beautiful face

is there no one who can stop this man?

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>His hands look human
Fuckin mutts at it again

>1. Inception (2010)
>2. Interstellar (2014)
Pretty good
>3. Whiplash (2014)
Overrated but decent
>4. Django Unchained (2012)
>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Very shit
>6. Coco (I) (2017)
>7. Your Name. (2016)
Pretty good for a chinaman cartoon
>8. Toy Story 3 (2010)
Very, VERY shit
>9. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
>10. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

Three Billboards was actually kino
Interstellar and Whiplash were fun to watch
the rest is not worth watching

>1. Inception (2010)
>Ripped off a Don Rosa comic.
Is this the most puerile take imaginable?

It's obvious if you've actually read the comic in question.

She has a great face but VERY retarded milkers

>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

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I read Grant Morrison too but I don’t autistically harp on that when someone correctly states that the Matrix is a great film. You have to know how childish you come off, right?

Dunkirk was literally the best Nolan movie

Does this retarded Chloe Sevigny with huge tits have any nudes? Inquiring minds want to know.

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>give valid criticism
>waaah you're a child stop hating things I like

>Was it, dare I say, a kino decade?
I think it is the weakest decade in movies since the 20s.

She looks like Hannah Hays.

>Tarantino crap
>"top rated"

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Saying the movie had similarities to a Scrooge McDuck cartoon isn't a criticism unless you state if the cartoon is good or bad.


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It's kino user why don't you like it?

Had a gf that had a face like her but had small tits.

Unoriginal = bad.

Whiplash and the wolf of wall street are definitely worth checking out

Stop all this movie nonsense talk and answer the important question about tits!

Making a big budget sci-fi movie based on the antics of Scrooge McDuck sounds pretty original to me you brainlet.

Inception is okay but very overrated. Interstellar is much better.

>Antiscientific slag
>Implying this is bad
>implying Bravo Nolab can make a bad film
Oh yeah, it's a hot head thread

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Literally all overrated.

Inception and Wolf I enjoyed. Interstellar is OK. Haven't seen the rest.

i'm surprised i'm not seeing shit like The Revenant, Sicario or Moonlight

horribly shit taste

newfags fucking lurk more

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You will die a terrible, terrible death.

10 movies were listed and you only expressed 9 opinions. Which movie did you omit? Was it Three BIllboards?

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interstellar is the only good movie there

was she not wearing her shoe?


whiplash is the only good movie on this list

>those looks of disgust
call Yea Forums(nel) misogynist all you want, but nobody hates women more than other women


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>1. Inception (2010)
Overrated but alright.
>2. Interstellar (2014)
My personal favorite sci fi movie this decade but still overrated
>3. Whiplash (2014)
I'd rank it in the lower half of the top 10 but still ok.
>4. Django Unchained (2012)
Absolutely no
>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
>6. Coco (I) (2017)
Haven't seen it
>7. Your Name. (2016)
Shinkai's worst movie.
>8. Toy Story 3 (2010)
Worst Toy Story movie before 4 happened.
>9. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Silence is a way better Scorsese kino.
>10. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
SJW trash



>that body

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That fucking seething Chinese woman gets me every time. You can feel the hatred like fire.

. Inception (2010)
>more like misconception of a films value
. Interstellar (2014)
>more like less than steller
. Whiplash (2014)
>more like whip me up a better movie
. Django Unchained (2012)
>make like django and make a better movie
. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
. Coco (I) (2017)
>more like ca-crap
. Your Name. (2016)
>more like no name
. Toy Story 3 (2010)
>more like toy story pee
. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
>more like wolf on balls street
. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
>more like sneed billboards outside plebbing, misery

her face is kino

what a horrible decade, ot a single one of those is even worth a damn.

>that bitch who walks up

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>More Irrelevantshit

fuck that’s an attractive woman


She looks like she's had a stroke or something. No one just holds their face in that sort of sneer lol.

Kinda overlooked flyingrodentman
It's ok

titlets should just kill themselves they aren’t even real women

I wonder if I'll ever get to suck on a big set of boobies like that.

Asian women seething.

>more like sneed billboards outside plebbing, misery


Moonlight was awful, though. This isn’t Rotten Tomatoes where they shill anything made by a minority just to virtue signal, this is IMDb

Found the Virgin^ Lmao

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Probably the worst decade in the history of movies.

DuckTales ripoff
JK Simmons stars as shouty man
DKR - Greatest kino of all time
Mexican pandering
Weeb shit
Disney beats TS to death... Before resurrecting it once more
Leo shouts because he doesn't know how to convey emotion any other way
You lying if you say you don't want Frances to fuck you in the amazon position

>DuckTales ripoff
No not DuckTales ripoff, a Donald Duck Comics ripoff

interesting thread, here's my thoughts on it

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You have to be 18 to post on 4channel, user. Come back in 3 years

It's hard to disagree user. Well put.

Classic case of BLACKED face. Many such cases

you should know, i honestly can't even imagine watching blacked unironically even now. Shit's boring as fuck...must be a mental illness i guess. Study JAV you plebs

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I have never talked about or referenced any of those.

Django is the only 1 I have seen a 2nd time and will ever watch again.

it didn't age so good

No one I know watched any of this shit.


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Just hope they release her video soon


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blassed posts

Literally built for BBC

People who think about tits/porn/sex/their dick as much as everyone in this thread should ironically be round up and shot like animals, just to be put out of their own misery. Don't even look them in the eye, although it's doubtful they could maintain eye contact even if they tried. Cumbrains are worse than niggers, like obese retards flapping their tongues and smacking their lips during a fast-food commercial or to pictures of spicy chicken tendies. Actually kill yourself; you lack the capacity to escape your self-imposed prison.


who gives a shit they're genetic dead ends anyway

I agree with this user

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>5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
How is that possible?,the movie is bad and only good thing about it was the plane scene.


Here's my input.

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Weeeeew my little pee pee can’t take it

Someone talk me who this slut is. She looks exactly like someone I went to high school with. I been stalking her on Instagram on my fake chad profile. Anyway I got drunk and decided to chad up and commented on a photo she posted 12hrs ago. I said the classic
>I would crawl through a mile of broken glass to hear you fart through a walkie talkie
Anyway 5 minutes later she blocked me. What the fuck cunt it was 4am on a Friday morning hear. Why was she up?
Pic related

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Doesn’t really look like her besides the big tits

Yes and now I don't have access to those tits unless someone gives me a source or I make a new sock instagram

Besides a few from the list, this is a solid normie list.

Oi cunt, follow the thread. Topic has changed

>I would crawl through a mile of broken glass to hear you fart through a walkie talkie
you blew your cover - just make another sock account.

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Thanks for the source. You're right, I was drunk and wanted to test the limits. Sucks because my sock is so good now I have to make another with a similar network to get her to accept me again. Have her on Facebook but she doesn't post lewd content on there.

lala land was one of the best movies this decade
don't @me

as if that were a bad thing