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I doubt most people on this board have actually seen Passion desu.

Why do whites worship an arab jew?

>The guy who was in Babel

I'm saving it for after I finish reading the new testament

Because Arabic men are better looking and more masculine even white women prefer Arabic men over white men just look at Europe.

Because he was redpilled about the Jews and their ways.

It literally is. That's not even incendiary. That's just simply what the fuck it is.

Did people think brad Pitt wasn’t a liberal faggot? 99% of hollywood actors are. Reminder, this guy was a cuck that let Jolie walk all over him, feminize his kid, and adopted brown kids instead of having their own biological white ones

Because they believe he's the son of god who was sent to die for them. Why would his race matter to anyone but a moron?

All the zoomers here just watched the new Tarantino movie and can’t separate the actor from the character. Similar to how boomers remember him as Tyler Durden.

>Sneeder's List is propaganda
>Passion is propaganda
>Good goy

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>Papist nonsense like Veronica
>Not incendiary
I do remember it pissed of the Jews tho so it must have been based.
None of the other Jesus Films hit that level of Kino, even the one where Ming the Merciless was Christ for some reason.


The absolute damage control of these gooks


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>Asian incels are the jewposters

well well well.

Nobody thinks he's not liberal, retards, it's just making fun of Bruce Lee worshippers

>feminize his kid
His son also became a tranny, not just his daughter?

Poor quality bait

>Jewish religious garbage isn't propaganda
Of course it is.

He was more likely to be Greek given the territory, his IQ, his rejection of Semitic superstition, and the style of the New Testament

And yet the meme is “NO PREASE BRADU PITTU” and not Cliff Booth.


This. It’s a tragedy nevertheless, if this was the 1960’s he’d want Jolie committing to an asylum.

see the gook playing lee?
He has his own dojo, choreographed the fight and helped brad pitt along the way.

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just because the NT was in greek doesn't mean jesus was greek you retard lmao

based chad pitt dabbing on jews AND gooks

>likes Apocalypto
sounds based to me

>The film provoked much controversy due to its extreme violence and allegations of anti-semitism, and people are still responding to the film, including actor Brad Pitt.
Yeah, you show those jews Brad!

It is propaganda you retards.
It was written by Christians to chastise Jews in the middle fucking ages.

Have sex

Nobody pays to see Cliff's name on the marquee kid, ya wanna draw the (You)s then ya gotta go with what the people know

If user is a Christian, it's seen. Hell, it was required viewing at home.

This. Passion of the Christ is garbage. Apocalypto is Mel’s actual masterpiece.

J*sus was dirty semite/shitskin. Chr*stianity isn't European.

>deifies a filthy kike
pick 1, retard. chad brad dabbing on dumb kike shit. based.

its the religion of the roman empire

Anything to stop you from worshipping someone who isn’t white hey?

romans worshipped jupiter though

>a name given to jews by christians because of their dislike of Jesus
>Durr Jesus must be a kike!

Jesus dies in the end, there saved you the trouble.

>propaganda for me but not for thee!

Yeah but most “Christians” on Yea Forums just claim to be Christian for shitposting purposes. I have a really hard time imagining anyone on this board leaving their house early on a Sunday morning to do something as social and normie as church.

>Durr Jesus must be a kike!
>the king of the jews who is a jew and said goyim should be enslaved to jews, is a jew.
yeah and?

Just kidding, I love jews and I love getting fucked by burly black men


is the Passion based for christians?

>Jesus dies in the end

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>he didn’t stick around for the after credits scene

Romans fed christians to the lions

The king of the "jews" is Saturn, not Jesus you retard.

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That’s not me!?

Greatest trick the kikes ever pulled was making us think that Jesus was one of them.

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Technically, it is "propaganda". Gibson didn't make this movie from a neutral standpoint, and I'm OK with that.

You can't accuse him of antisemitism, though. The entire film is made for the glory of a Jewish man/God.

>trying to make me look like a newfag too

Antisemitism now-a-days means anti-rabbinic judaism.

Shut the fuck up retard and stop trying to be me

Romans fed everyone to the lions, they just wanted an excuse to see lions eat people. Constantine the Great made Christianity the official religion of the roman empire

>the king of the jews is saturn
oh, is that why christians celebrate saturnalia every year as their biggest holiday december 25th?

Can you please stop stealing my name?
Anyways I also wanted to tell you guys that I am coming out as a transgender, my pronouns are she/her

>*Cuckstantine the Greek Jewish Fag

Hey guys real deus volt here god I love cock and I love onions products and btw I’m a lil white boy who’s skinny and likes to get butt fucked ;)

Sorry your not me but I will respect your wish I love you do you still have your huge clit and can you peg me

Christianity has been infiltrated deeply by evil, there is no denying that. You can't say that Jesus's teachings led to a holiday of materialism, the very thing he was against. It's probably for this reason that his birthday isn't explicitly stated.

oh man kys

Sure thing
Can you also take a fat shit in my mouth?
Praise jebus

Shut the fuck up faggot god just shut the fuck up fucking retard

>n-nevermind that we worship saturn j-just like the jews do... my flavor of christianity has never been tried before!
huh, all you commie niggers always sing the same tune.

You really have issues. I talk about Jesus for a bit and you go completely bananas. Really makes one wonder..

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all these zeitgeist idiots.. good lord

Just got back from reading the bibble and sure can do cutie but I require you to get your bf to let me taste his cheese cock

Jesus was brown :/

Yeah, following the teachings of Jesus is a version of christianity that I came up with yesterday. Real innovating stuff.

Hey, can you let taste your cheese cock?

I find it cringe that the fact someone would call themselves “deus volt” like this dude gotta be underage and was probably an atheist before the deus vult meme was big and then hopped back on believing god and such like how to tell someone is not faithful to the lord lmao

sounds like some filthy heretic shit, clearly you should be publicly immolated and your beliefs should start a european civil war in which the majority of white people die needlessly in an argument over a fictitious jew.

thanks for yur opinion

now that's a chad stride