why can't protestants make religious kino?
Why can't protestants make religious kino?
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Because boredom is the basis of their religion.
Protestants are anti-art and expression.
>t. child molesting money loving kikes trying to materialize christianity
Im not religeous but this was a suprisingly good movie if a bit boring
I can't decide if adding the Jesus lines was good or not. The movie was great though, the long hair kijichiro guy was based.
What was the moral of this movie? His faith got a bunch of people killed, then he gives in and assists in persecuting Christians .
>Im not religeous
So you're an NPC brainlet, thanks for letting us know.
This movie was a massive pleb filter
Good movie, watched it with my gf and she fell asleep half-way through
Because there’s no challenge in Protestantism. Catholics believe in moral reckoning, whereas most Protestants think that reading the Bible and then simply accepting that God exists is enough to be saved.
This makes for better stories. A movie like Silence could NEVER come out of, for example, the Calvinist tradition.
stomping on jesus just to save few pesants is literally the most anti-christ thing to do. denying the afterlife in heaven for few more years on earth.
Jesus would have stepped on the stone.
That it's arrogant to get people killed out of your own pride in your faith when nobody can truly force you to stop believing silently
This, literally muslim behaviour.
educate yourself spastic
You first
>muslims only pretend to like jesus
read the quran you fucking retard
>read the quran
No thanks, the point is muslims pretend anything you want to hear. (which is the question in this movie)
That a man should be seeding when he thinks he should be feeding
Only satanists are capable of making great works of art, hence why so many Catholics are great filmmakers.
they were catholics, so their entire brand of Christianity is built entirely around the idea that publicly renouncing god is the highest possible sin. catholicism is also extremely idolatrous by nature, so stepping on a jesus idol would also be the highest sin. silent belief is antithetical to a branch that is built entirely upon constant interaction with the church.
>jay cocks
>read a book that has more jew hatred than meinkamp and Yea Forums combined
You think I'm some nazi scum? Fuck you, you evil pedo worshiper.
>pope has scary thing behind chair
>this justifies the time we burned hundreds of churches and works created to celebrate God for sure
Have fun with your peasants' revolts bro.
>christcuckery is also extremely idolatrous by nature
fixed that for you
Hollywood allowed it to be made so the message couldn't possibly be a positive one.
You are ignorant of the concept of martyrdom. If they truly believed, it would be an honor to be killed for their faith.
The missionary, a messenger from God in their eyes, giving up on the faith, for whatever reason, would be the most disgraceful outcome of their sacrifices and a sign God had forsaken them.
>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
the japs weren't killing kirishitans, they were killing completely random people. they knew the kirishitans wanted to die, so they killed other people.
>thou shalt worship a roman torture implement
Based retard
Watch the movie though, he does not give up on his faith at any point
yes, catholics pick and choose what parts of the bible they do and do not follow.
I'm sorry you needed this to be explicitly stated.
Have fun with your front for a moloch worshipping cult
he gives up on catholicism. which is all that really matters in the context. the shot of the little jesus in his corpse's hands is entirely OC to the movie and nothing in the journals hints at it.
Protestants are queasy when expressing themselves in general, but when doing anything related to religion they completely shut down, constantly scared of God descending from the heavens and punishing them.
Have fun with your Salafist ignorance movement.
Taqiyya is a shiia philosophy they did it to survive in sunny majority khalifates also get fucked nigger I am not supposed to be teaching you shit you could have googled dumb fuck
>this thing that's in all versions of the quran (because there's only one version) is exclusive to some sect of islam
>hey guys maybe supporting the church that condones and protects pedophilic sodomite preists isn't the best idea
Don't talk out of your ass now you green texting it doesn't make things fact where is it in the quran BTW
Daily reminder
only brainlets reinforce sectarian divides between Christians
>catholics pick and choose what parts of the bible they do and do not follow
"on this rock shall I build my church"
>forged letter stealing descriptions of the appearance of Buddha
>he thinks adorning gods house with gold leaf is bad but building a church out of a walmart or a trailer or series of trailers is good
Shoo shoo snake shaker
>protestants can’t make good mov-
>Quran (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts"
So who's not googling now?
Yeah dude they used whale oil for lamps too back then Joseph Smith said native Americans were jews during those days anyone could have made up shit during revolutionary times. Where I'd the facts you don't have any.
Bergman nigga
>catholics pick and choose
My favorite post in this thread
Remember that time when jesus told peter to LITERALLY BUILD HIM A CHURCH. then he died , came back. AND TOLD HIM TO BUILD IT AGAIN
And then he did. And it was the catholic church. Then a few trillion years later some guy named luther said "FUCK THAT" and then came protestantism?
Your entire sect is a joke and nonhistoric. You are no different than mormons
You said multiple places quoted me one that I need to verify hahaha fuck off faggot
>a roman had never seen a norseman before
obviously fake
its always funny when people descend into total incoherence after getting blow the fuck out
Faith is the basis and faith is immaterial
Go rape some kids José
I'm an atheist. No sect of Christianity follows the bible to the letter. But catholics are one of the most egregious offenders.
>"And it was the catholic church"
[citation needed]
In reality your "church" was founded by a bunch of hedonistic Roman degenerates
Shut up, protestant faggot
you're not wrong :^)
The Catholic church hasn't made any doctrinal movements in favor of homosexuals. Several protestant denominations have.
Pathetic cope.
Bullshit, The Bible itself says otherwise.
For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, And like a root out of parched ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
I was told this was a Scorsese Samurai flick.
I drove down to the theatre at 1am to watch it after hours with my friend that worked there.
I am unable to say whether it was good or bad.
All I could feel was disappointment.
hot take: pilate was a moron who likely crucified someone completely random
not that guy, but how does that constitute taqiyya in any form
>I got tricked into watching a cinematic masterwork because someone told me it would have more swords
>dude where are the samurai
>why aren't they using their swords
>why are the chinks not torturing the christians?
its a line that explicitly states you can say whatever you want, all that matters is whats in your heart.
Absolutely no protestant church hides and protects pedophiles as brazenly as the catholic church
it's about oaths you dumbass
you need a soul to make kino
>stomping on jesus just to save few pesants is literally the most anti-christ thing to do
You wat
theres a word for what you are doing, which also explains why you hate that passage so much
Then it is even worse
what is it
bergman was not a christian
Hollywood doesn't like making films about anything relating to Martin Luther because he hated jews with a passion.
>Leap of Faith
>The Apostle
>Hacksaw Ridge
Literally 30 seconds thought.
The real hero was Adam Divers character. A priest is supposed to die with his flock
probably the real reason
although jesus wasn't exactly a fan of jews either
>muh magic man in the sky
Christ was anti-idolatry. He absolutely would have stepped on the stone, and he’d have crafted a parable on the spot that made the people who made him do it look like absolute plebs.
pretty sure mel isn't a protestant
There's no reason to be religious. The existence of a god is unlikely.
sorry not crishtan
Doesn’t really matter. The character in the movie is, and it’s his convictions on display. Real dude, btw.
>pointing out what something means is hatred
... what?
>moloch worshipping cult
Oh we're in a evangelical thread?
>be this a natural or man-made shape, it's meaning is the same in the eyes of the Lord.
>Steps on stone
>”Verily, have I tread this stone a thousand thousand times, as thou hast likewise done, as it is the stone of this world that the Lord hath made, and shapest it as thou wouldst, it remaineth aught but that which His hand hath wrought.”
I said "moloch worshipping" not "jew worshipping"
fuck off king james
I say thee nay. High speech carries a power that is not to be denied.
not even shakespeare spoke in shakespearean english ya fagit
>What is sanctification?
>What is missing the gates of heaven by 18 inches?
Bet you havent read Luther or Calvin.
So are you saying that the Catholic church has been compromised, or that it's always been satanic? Because I was under the impression that Jesus was the founder of the Catholic church. But some people claim Orthodox Christianity is the true way, so was that a return to form of sorts, or is that one old too? If the latter, how does it stack up to Catholocism? Also with Protestants, wouldn't the acceptance as Jesus as the one true savior unite them in the end? Or was the secession from the original church deemed a grave sin? I was under the impression that "faith in Jesus as king + reading the bible + trying to be the best you possible and inspire those around you = good Christian" was the overall theme despite denomination, and that's what mattered the most. I didn't have a religious upbringing, so I'm curious about how it all ties together.
>Bullshit, The Bible itself says otherwise.
The bible isn't an historical source user.
Why can’t Catholics make first world countries?
No one wants to live in Mexico or Brazil. Meanwhile, Netherlands and Norway are the envy of the world.
peter said jesus told him to build a church, and jesus was dead, so its not like jesus could vouch for himself
>epic forged letter
They could have at least tried. It's written from the perspective of a monotheist.
Exactly. But he wrote his plays in it. Ever stop to consider why?
>To kms or not, that’s the question
>Whether it’s more noble to put up with everyone’s crap and my shitty luck
>Or to pick up a blade and end it all
Truly, a passage to endure through the ages.
he wrote it to sound all faggy/fancy and shit so royalty would be afraid to dismiss it as gibberish
so yes, I have considered why.