Take a shower, hit the weights, kill vietnam fucking shits, get a clue

Take a shower, hit the weights, kill vietnam fucking shits, get a clue

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He prays for half a hour?

>prayer time

>90 mins show
>30 mins round of golf

>12 hours executive time

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This schedule is so comical, it must be what he wants his braindead audience to emulated. There's no way this guy wastes 30 minutes a day praying and 1 hour in a cryo chamber. Get the fuck out of here.

5' 8" manlet no wonder he works out so much

Found the coping vietshit.

We lost vietnam because our military didnt follow this exact schedule

when does he cook or clean

When does he work?

between 11am and 1pm I think

actually it was because the vietcongs always attacked at 8pm


Personally, I follow Hunter S Thompson's daily routine

1:30 hour snack

Attached: Jontron close and personal.jpg (334x313, 19K)

>cryo chamber recovery
what a pussy

does he live on a golf course?

>30 minutes for golf
>90 minutes for a snack

What the fuck lol

6:50am Wake Up
7:00am Get Ready For Work
7:30am Drive to Work
8:00am Work
5:00pm Drive Back Home
5:30pm Play Videogames
10:00pm Fap
10:15pm Bed Time

Attached: 18f13e9816bc77d42fc7aa6d02c3f50f.jpg (844x776, 62K)

>half hour for golf

Does he do one fucking hole? Or is he one of those fags who just drives into a fucking projector screen. Or god forbid he just puts into cups on his carpet.

>7:30 get a text-message from Shekelstein warning me to not board a plane that is going to be flown into a skyscraper
