Directors and TV manufacturers unite to create "filmmaker mode" for retards who don't calibrate

You calibrate your TV, right Yea Forums?

Only retards don't do that.

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required viewing

Uhm, like I don't have a tv?

wow are you poor?

why the fuck is some literal who nig up there next to scorsese and nolan?

Every modern tv already has pre-calibrated modes for films, games, ect. This is just a dumb gimmick to sell more TV's.


maybe he stole a tv?


He made a capeshit movie and a rocky reboot

Coogler directed Creed, and that was the best Rocky movie since the first Rocky movie.

it will be shit
the only way this will actually work is it every TV is factury calibrated, which they won't do(right)

umm sweaty he """directed""" black panther which makes him an artist

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t. brainlet. those are not calibrated. every panel is different in the same tv model even, so they can't put the same profile on every tv.

I have a Panasonic 4K oled, it has THX calibration Preset

See but they're looking for some company to pay them for their names on the TVs.

Marty's getting old

This explains nothing

I calibrate but not with equipment or a test image

those "filmmakers" also want to blow out my eardrums with their retardedly loud explosions and inaubible dialogie, so fuck those cunts.
i'll use my own settings

presets are never good, go hire a professional clibrator if you're going to use an expensive tv

That’s why thx calibration is good, it is done by professionals

clit vibrator?

>Pay someone hundreds of dollars to fiddle around with the color and brightness settings
would you like to buy a bridge?

I bought a calibration disc to set up my tv (Disney World of Wonder, its very noob friendly, perfect for a noob like me) because the preset calibrations are usually shit, have sharpness out the ass etc. I think having an appropriate calibration is pretty important if you want to get the most out of seeing a movie, I have to ask however what the fuck is this exactly? Is this like and app? A subscription? How do they plan to accommodate all the different TV models that are out there (because every tvs calibrations are different)? What are they proposing to do that a I didnt already do with a calibration disc? This seems like a scam. I dont want JJ Abrams or Rian Johnson calibrating my fucking tv.

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i would agree ONLY if he hadnt cast mbj. i still maintain that having an established star kills the movie. they shouldve gotten a fresh actor or even someone who never acted before. it doesnt feel right for someone to continue rocky if they didnt begin like him and everyone already knows who you are

That's Ryan Niggler. He's a diversity hire coon who makes shitty movies loved by bugmen and gayboys.

In this video you can see him speak ebonics while the other directors speak English.

Why does Judd Apatow care? All his movies look like shot-for-television anyway

>Patty Jenkins, Ryan Coogle, Rian Johnson

And why should we listen to these hacks?

>go hire a professional clibrator
imagine being this much of a useless manchild

the preset is an average, for the entire tv line.
every panel is different, so you need calibration on your specific panel.

Yeeeeeeah I’m not as autistic as an audiophile, so you think OP’s article is pointless?

>Rian Johnson

If they succeed, they should also implement an Inverse Telecine deinterlacer for NTSC airings and a PAL-to-Film slowdown for the Yuros.

How well does that game emulate? What PCSX2 settings?

Wonder if they'll find time to rediscover how to do audible audio.

What the FUCK? Rian is 45? I though he was in his 50s.

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Rian Johnson mode adds even MORE interpolation. hahaha JOHNSONED

I'd punch you in the back of the head if I heard you say this irl. Faggot.

Yes audiophiles are more autistic than videophiles, unless you’re into crt’s

Except motion smoothing by default will be turned on even on cinema mode.

You need to consider also room brightness and distance from tv, presets are never good


When I was a teenager in the early 2010s My family got a widescreen tv and we spoke for 3 months about how something was extremely off with the cropping and visuals . After looking online we found the problem and fixed it. Most families would’ve conformed to this , but not us

Not their fault you have pussy ears.

MBJ did Fruitvale Station, a direct to dvd DC animated movie, and Fantastic 4 by that point. He wasn’t a home stay name by then. I just knew him as Black Johnny Storm by then

>pussy ears
Not him, but that's called good hearing, cunt.
If you've never experienced at least severe discomfort from the audio in a cinema, you have shit hearing. A lot of people do these days, if not most. What you faggots need to understand is that not everyone has ruined insensitive ears.

>he watches everything ON A COMPUTER totally ALONE

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You do realize that the majority of directors don’t get a say in the sound design/scape of their movies. I’ll give you Nolan and JJ but the rest are frontmen for the producers

>Filmmaker Mode is the ONLY way to watch my movie
>Your current TV doesn't have Filmmaker Mode, go buy a new TV goy

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>pt anderson

holy shit

>Filmmaker Mode adds lens flares to Casablanca

>You calibrate your TV, right Yea Forums?
I don't have a TV. Only retards have a TV.

Who gives a flying fuck? If they don't get it, it's because they don't want it. Nolan, JJ, great examples there, who gives a shit about them

David Lynch is the first example of a director who's an absolute master of sound design

I was on your side, duncehat. I mean, have you seen a Nolan movie? The sound design he used became the precident for every action movie afterwards. Even though it’s just guitar, percussion, and bwoom brass

on my tv, Movie mode looks best for YouTube, standard for blu rays, and natural for 4k blu rays, for whatever reason.
Motion blur shit has always been off except for the occasional big screen Mike Adriano hd jack fest

Yeah they always turn the voice volume down while turning up the effects volume. Every movie does that. If I watch a Youtube video I have to set the volume of my speakers to 1-5 or so. In movies I have to put it to 15-20.

I don't exactly get your point. Nolan made movies loud? Or the particular imbalance of dialogue and loud shit?

>Christopher "Pissfilter" Nolan launches a TV setting mode
I just cannot wait!

W-What is “calibration”?! I just turn on my tv...

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Both. It’s the Star Wars effect of the 70s sci-fi genre. Star Wars was a hit, and many imitators came in aping the style, without substance. Nolan’s work with Hans Zimmer was a hit, so many movies aped his style with even less substance

It's making your screen actually show what the filmmaker intended, instead of some fucking visual diarrhea.

Nolan should try making good movies instead


>Christopher "My films look like shit because you haven't calibrated your TV, dummy" Nolan
Sure Chris, whatever you say.

you’re not wrong but explosions being mixed way too loud for home release has been a problem since before Nolan.


But is that a director problem then? Or a studio problem?

Imagine being a kinoman and watching movies on tv like plebs

Uh, in English Doc. Is it changing the Aspect Ratio or whatever?

What do you watch it on then

I keep all settings neutral and made sure the aspect ratio is correct for the screen and there's no overscan. I never have to adjust it now.

I wish I had the kind of effortless self-confidence Chris Nolan has in himself

my guess is studios tend to mix home movies for people who have full, expensive systems which interprets the sound differently than a normie setup. They’ve gotten a little bit better at it over the years, My 4k blu rays don’t require as much of the volume mini game

Same, when I want to see a film I usually just go to the BFI IMAX on its opening weekend.

Imagine being this assblasted that a BLACK is better than you at everything in life.

on kinoscreen

A true kinosseur will disable all that cinemotion/trumotion, motion smoothing crap

>tfw normies can't even tell the difference between having this shit on or off

>tfw he's going to die in your life time.

i fiddle with the contrast/colour a bit so things don't look btfo but don't get autistic about it.

>Ryan Coogler
>James Cameron
Yeah this is just a scam

>Ryan Niggler

>Rian comes to calibrate your Yea Forums
>he breaks it and starts laughing like a retard while he leave your house

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Literal dicknose holy shit

Niggle me this batman..

>Ryan Niggler
>Not Ryan Coongler
Lowercase racists really do dominate Yea Forums

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Why do they do that shit?

I simply don't watch anything that doesn't have competent sound equalization

Shut the fuck up and die racist.

>watching Nolan movie at home
>make sure to turn on Filmmaker Mode
>[inaudible dialog]

Just like at the theater!

>explosions being mixed way too loud for home release has been a problem since before Nolan.
only for poor people with TV speakers

I really can't tell if you're serious or not, but the colors, retardo. The colors are all wrong on an uncalibrated screen, to the extent that makes anyone who's really into movies vomit with disgust



a filmmaker preset will only be a placebo since other presets already exist - the point is presets are averages and are not actual calibration that depends on your setup, light, specific screen, etc

as for brainlets complaining about sound your putting 5+1 channels into your shitty 2.0 tv speakers, of course it's gonna sound like shit

>You calibrate your TV, right Yea Forums?
Yup, I spent way more time than I thought I would calibrating the HDR modes (60&24Hz) this week, what with the displays own peak brightness and any tone mapping piled on top of that. Those can be some tricky interactions to bring into alignment.

nobody fucking knows this is the biggest mystery in the world

>expectation status: subverted

Choke on a cock faggot

This is the stupidest gimmick to combat audience's stupidity
>most consumers never change their tv settings, leaving interlacing and high contrast on
>how do we solve this problem? teach consumers basic quality settings? don't make the default settings absolute garbage?
>nah, let's market a new picture style and pretend it's something new
For fuck's sake.

they used to deal with this problem by re-mixing the audio for DVD to keep a balance between music, dialogue, and SFX at a lower level. No one does this anymore. Disney compromises and literally just lowers all the volume, but that just means that everything is quieter, not that the dialogue and explosions are balanced between each other.

Especially crime and collecting welfare checks

>putting Nolan on the same level as Scorsese, PTA and Cameron

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>paying extra to have your tv pre calibrated
>not doing it yourself


Stop watching YIFY rips you actual fucking retards

Cameron isn't even an artist.


pretty sure he is richer and not a pedo criminal like you user ;)

Im not even talkin about home viewing, im talking about theatres. I have to wear earplugs.

James Cameron's place looks so comfy.

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literally the same quality as Netflix

Much explosions. Many themes.

>calibrate sound for one movie
>another movie plays
>have to calibrate AGAIN for different movie
no, you can fuck right off

So you're a pleb and a brainlet, good to know. Use a tripcode too so I can filter you

I'm all for this
Motion smoothing is a bane


if you buy 20 modern tv's you get 20 different film modes you dipshit

The roasties and niggers and kike Apatow don't belong there

>You calibrate your TV, right Yea Forums?
>Only retards don't do that.
If you don't calibrate your TV you genuinely don't deserve your TV. Period.

Based, nothing kills my sould more than going to a pal's house to watch kino and they have interpolation activated.

I would usualy change it to proper settings but at some point i gave up since they would just change it back at some point. Hoping they would obey their tv instead of trusting a friend.

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I know right, i was fucking floored to learn that he shots in actual fucking film instead of digital.

How the fuck does he make them look so plain and insipid? Truly a feat from this poser hack.

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>hire a professional clibrator

I shouldn't have to calibrate my fucking TV. Maybe make a better movie next time....

Aww man, based Mawthy is looking tired.

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>t. "Vibrant" color preset, Motion Smoothing on max

>Still hindering your kino experience with fucking televisions


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These are the niggas that advocate for you to watch the film at 1x speed instead of something like 1.5x or 2x. I just want to watch a film, not spend half my day preparing for it

>He doesn't use a custom profile that he himself autisticaly fucked around to the point of perfection.

I thought this was a real movie forum.

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What the fuck are you talking about. Just watch a youtube video from some cunto and do it yourself you'll save a big ammount of money and dignity.

It's just an image profile that will come pre-installed in new televisions. Guess it'll be default in one of the HDMI slots to make it extra easy on plebs.

double dubs of kek

Why in the FUCK was his shirt blurred? if they were making such a pretentious motherfucking cuck shit video talking about " muh film maker prestige" you would think the COCKSUCKER would make the effort to wear something goddamn appropiate so they super duper mega faggoto that has to slap it together after the fact doesn't have to incorporate such a motherfuckingly distracting censorship digital cocksuckery.


The same sort of people who will tell you what the author says doesn't matter and that blue doesn't mean blue or white doesn't mean white will tell you that you should buy a director vision calibrated TV...

You know that story of a woman so evil that the only good thing she has ever done is give an onion to a poor person? And how she's being pulled up by that onion into heaven, her one chance at redemption?
This might be Rian Johnson's onion.

anyone else set all the video settings to max to get the best experience possible by using the most of everything.

>Rian Johnson
That's a no from me

tee... vee?

don't forget the gamma


Well the internet has spoken on this matter

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Because film is not some 'instant kino maker' and digital isn't flawed. You just have confirmation bias like a filthy hipster who has no fucking clue what they're talking about

why are they like this?

Lmao had to have a black dude in there

Congenital mental illness.

I just don't care
I don't use presets either
because I don't care

I know that you cunt, what i'm saying is why make the investment if they are going to look like fuckign shit anyway.

This. Proper calibration is a must. Just pay an expert with a colorimeter or spectrophotometer and be done with it. There's no way around this. Needless to say, same goes for monitors too.

This should be fun

>i just spent 3 hours trying to eyeball the perfect white balance for my tv
get on my level plebs


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That might be the most pretentious shit ever.

>tfw bothers me to no end when I see motion smoothing on someone's tv
>never say anything about it because I know they won't give a shit or think it looks better somehow

>film maker mode
good to know they will make a mode to hide their cheap cgi

he was testing their digi cinematic storytelling abilities and they failed

based samsung doesn't care

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Jesus Christ Nolan, brush your teeth

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shit tier

may as well get tcl or hisense

>waaaaaaaah why is this whisper not as loud as an on-screen explosion I will make my mom angry in the other room waaaaaaaaaaah
commit suicide

based oral hygiene poster
was distracting as fuck

Shut the fuck up americans, we on real first world countries don't worry about shit as assinine and irrelevant as "dental care" we are actually busy doing fruitful and trascendental stuff.

Why are you weirdos so angry?

what are you on about? i still have my 1080i LCD samsung from 2008 and it is still one of the nicer looking hdtv's i've found for playing ps4 and ps3 games.

>You do realize
stop, r*ddit

Who the fuck watched a film at 1.5x or even 2x? That’s some unchecked autism right there.

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disgusting brown teeth

I watch kinos on streaming sites on my 15" laptop with a couple blue light filters, and Nolan is a hack

>he doesn't marathon his kino in half the time so he can watch more per hour

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well Nolan is a retard and his dialogue is trash anyway so that explains it in his case

based poorfag pajeet

Yeah, like paying for a TV license and getting stabbed to death by muslims

240% speed gang here, matches perfectly with my tv's framerate of 60 :ok_hand:

it's irony, retard

they work for the mercenary... the semite man

so what does it do?

i hate this in combination of actors whispering instead of talking for dramatic effect

like synecdoche new york where 90% of the dialogue is 2 people whispering even though nobody is around

I've never watched a film at a faster speed but it's all I do on youtube anymore.
Speeding past all the unnecessary silences, the "umms ahhhs hurr durrrs" etc., allows me to cram more videos into a given window of time.
If you do habitually watch shit on youtube, try it.
Depending on the presenter, and whether or not it's a review of some product or a tutorial for something or whatever, you can speed up all the way to the x2 max speed.
Once you start zooming the zoomer tv (yt) you'll never go back to slow retard speed that makes everyone sound like they have down syndrome.

I know that there are fags that speedwatch their animus so that they can be extra weeb in less time.

How is this supposed to work with OLEDS? They have severe stutter inherent to the technology. Turning on slight motion blur is the only way to make them tolerable.

is this true? Sounds like a total and complete dealbreaker

>being this blind
I turned off motion interpolation on my tv and then watched it for about a week. It irked me and it kept irking me. So I googled around and realized the "off" setting in the quick menu is actually a fucking lie and that to truly turn off interpolation you have to open up the hidden full service calibration menu.
How people don't see this shit blows my mind. I couldn't make it a week.

So that means for Nolan, who loves the contact printing process and considers his color-times interpositives to be the master and not the negative, that means the brightness will be half of what it is in theater mode and the effective resolution will be halved with non-square pixels because the horizontal axis is significantly higher than vertical per screen height like with interpositive contact printing. Also more grain and dirt

It's pretty bad. That's why you never see OLED tvs with 24p content and motion blur off in stores. Go ask a guy at Best Buy if you can mess around with the settings and you will see. But from what I'm told, a lot of people just learn to live with a small amount of motion blur.

Not watching sped up versions of movies is pretentious? Have you actually tried watching something on a normie tv without changing the settings? It looks horrible.

Ideally it should be a new standard so content could include an embeded specific image profile, which your tv would then read and automatically calibrate itself. Different movies, with different profiles, and the tv simply switches as you watch it. But, this doesn't seem to be the case, it sounds like it's just a 'turn off shitty settings by default' profile preloaded on some tvs.

why does technology suck so much?

I watch movies on a 190" screen projected. I haven't been to the cinema in years. TV's are shit.

I mean PTA is involved, he's not a con man

The "epic" background music makes the video so silly.

>user cropped out the pillar boxes

if you don't understand dynamic range, literally kill yourself you retarded soundlet

There are only 5 directors in all of Hollywood and they all suck ass.

Well I tried for 5 minutes.
But these user interfaces are retarded so I gave up.

Blue filter in full effect.

That was done a long time ago already. My decade old panasonic plasma has this shit under a different name. Most manufacturers have an accurate colour mode.

I can't understand the nigger, someone please translate.

>such a beta fucking faggot that his tough guy threat is a surprise attack

I can't hear your post over the gunshots.

>muh tv licence
>muh Muslims
Literally not an argument, mutt

Anybody who already cares about this stuff already knows to turn off all that post-processing and fake enhancement bullshit, and they've been doing it since those features were introduced. The default will always still be diarrhea mode, and the vast majority of people will leave it as that and not even know the difference.

why dont you jump off a bridge instead

>All those hacks
>No Fincher

That's gonna be a "fuck no" from me, pham

imagine being such a pedantic nerd you care about this shit when watching tv at home lmao
when will virgins understand tv is just a tool used to get women horny so you can fuck them?

Actually it's sarcasm, you turbo-mong

Actually it's sarcasm, you turbo-mong

and nigs