Movies with this dynamic?

Movies with this dynamic?

Attached: C70exZT.webm (406x720, 2.26M)

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Imagine being an attractive Korean woman and having to be surrounded by a bunch of ‘men’ with 3.8 inch penises.

No wonder they all want white guys.

Attached: A9A9F320-F5E4-49D1-A554-31FADF755915.jpg (600x794, 56K)

You might want to try manga.

Attached: aggressive-mei.jpg (584x444, 58K)

My fucking heart

the left girl looks like my gf

How do you even recover if something like that happens to you IRL?

Attached: JokerEh.jpg (377x396, 73K)

they look like they both fuck white guys exclusively

>sad neckbeard spamming this shitty congo meme

>the bigger the penis the more subhuman you get

maybe the greeks were right lads?

tall one is a tranny right?

Sorry your 4 inch penis upsets you so much Naruto

There is no such thing as a masculine Asian. They’re all women. The ones with tiny cocks are just failed women.


Attached: 42df34df20a6782873844a030615f8b2317f8abe772cb2d31b6cce9e00a915e8.jpg (493x386, 33K)

I live in Detroit silly incel, you're a fucking shame for real American men

8.5 x 6.5

The insects think they are people

tall one is one of those chinese female bodyguards

Lots of movies have an attractive dork and a hard ass.

They look like gay dykes

did she suck her cock after

Asian men look like dat!

I like the one on the left.

wtf, was this the first time girls have been cool?

Am I missing something ? Both of them are average and prob look even wose without make-up. I guess most of this site are chinks after-all

i want to suck her cock

I like the one on the left, she's cute and really petite. must be ur gayness.

>the Chad Stacy

bitch was loving it, she's obviously a sub

>Lots of movies have an attractive dork and a hard ass.
Name several.

Lethal weapon

They're lesbians, btw.

>They're lesbians, btw.

***each other

You play with them in the moment.
When the first one "shoots" at you, you either pretend to get hit or you "shoot" back.
When the tall one tries to look cool, you hold her glance and then you check out her body, moving your eyes from bottom to top and look her straight in the eyes again.